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Dual Body Cultivation

Page 19

by A P Gore

  Maybe in the next life. He sighed.

  Slowly breathing in and out, he guided the essence through his meridians to attack the second gate. The essence slammed up against the black marrow and burned a fraction of it away.

  The sun moved across the sky as Jei's natural essence filled up. He felt like a new man, ready to attack the movement skill again. He was also at 30% progress toward opening the Gate of Limit. Once he reached 50%, he would gain some benefits from Gate of Limit.

  Two days passed, and except for eating and spending some time with Xue'er, Jei continued repeating the same process. But by Saturday morning, Jei still hadn’t achieved success in the Angle of the Skill. The only positive thing was that he successfully cleared 40% of his Gate of Limit’s black marrow.

  "Kid, I think you should just stop and go to the hunting ground. It doesn't matter if you can't capture two-colored bees today. We'll still get some experience out of this trip."

  Jei sighed. "You’re right, Josh. This is too tough." With a heavy heart, he dashed toward the front yard.

  Though he didn't realize it, there was a certain ease in his movement, like he had touched upon the Angle of the Skill a little.

  Chapter 46

  The golden sun beat down on Cloud Dragon town. Under the blazing rays, hundreds of youths queued outside a ticket window. A youth with sword shaped brows and a green robe stood at the back of the queue waiting for his turn.

  Jei swept his gaze across the slow-moving queue. Most of the youths were standing in groups, chattering amongst themselves about strategy. A couple of youths even tried to invite him into their group, but he declined politely. He was just here to observe how the bee hunting happened and planned to return the next week. Without his movement skill reaching success, there was no point in trying to hunt the bees.

  A sudden sound from behind attracted his attention. Two youths had joined the line behind him.

  "Brother Feng, why there are so many people here today? Is money raining down these days?" A burly youth asked the other as they settled behind Jei.

  "Brother Sang, today is the yearly two-colored bee celebration day. Every year, the Chu patriarch opens the restricted area of the hunting ground for participants. You're allowed to kill bees to your heart’s content," Feng replied.

  "The whole ground." Sang's eyes shone with greed. "I never heard about this in Cloud Tiger city. This is good."

  Jei's brows furrowed. The two guys’ conversation piqued his interest. "Brothers, what are you talking about? Is there normally a limit for hunting bees?"

  Feng patted his chest. "Brother, you don't seem to be from around here. Are you from Cloud Tiger city?"

  Cloud Dragon town occupied a small part of White Dragon country's south side and shared a boarder with the Kin Fu empire. Cloud Tiger was the nearest city from Cloud Dragon town. Though Cloud Dragon town was part of the White Dragon country, its main trading partner was Cloud Tiger city of the Kin Fu empire, which was twice the size of Cloud Dragon town. White Dragon country and Kin Fu empires had an amicable relationship; both countries got along nicely, and there was no strict restriction on border crossing.

  Jei nodded his head in ambiguous manner.

  "You look sincere, so I, Gi Feng, will tell you everything about the hunting ground. I've studied it for the last three months and have all the secret information." He patted his chest ferociously. "This hunting ground is opened every Saturday, and everyone has to pay two hundred silver to enter. Do you know how many people enter the hunting ground every Saturday?"

  When Jei shook his head, Feng continued. "Twenty to twenty-five. If you add up the silver, Chu clan earns almost five thousand silver every week, but they only release two or three bees in the outer region to gain the most profit from the hunting ground."

  "Really?" Jei's pupils shrank, and his eyebrows knitted together. He never would have thought Chu clan would employ such tactics to earn money.

  This is bad. If I come next week, I'll be wasting money by competing with people for just 2-3 bees.

  This is going to be troublesome.

  "It's bit obvious, isn't it? A two-colored bee core sells for six hundred silver, and its meat sells for six hundred silver. So, if they let twenty-five people walk out with twenty-five bees that would be huge loss. This way, they control the profit and loss."

  "Makes sense," Jei replied. "But then why does he open it for yearly hunting?"

  Sang shot Jei an “are you dumb” look. He opened his mouth to reply, but his companion beat him to it.

  "Population control. These bees are vicious in their seven-day mating season. If not killed, they reproduce exponentially. So, the patriarch kills two birds with one man."

  "Brother Feng, it's two birds with one stone,” Sang said. “You and your sayings."

  Feng smiled sheepishly.

  Jei joined their laughter. Both of them seemed friendly.

  "Do you want to team up with us?" Feng asked.

  Jei paused. He hadn’t come to hunt bees today, but after hearing about the yearly event and the lack of bees on other days, he changed his mind. It made sense to team up with them and earn a profit. His plan was clear: capture at least 5 two-colored bees so he would earn 6000 silver—equal to 60 gold. If he could do this 10-12 times, he would earn enough money to buy a tendon healing pill which cost 1500 gold. If that pill worked, Xue would walk again. Giving her back her mobility was his biggest goal in life.

  Right now, it was still a distant dream. He had a long ways to go to earn enough money.

  No matter what, I'll capture ten bees today.

  "Brother, what shall I call you?" Fang asked when Jei didn't give an answer.

  "Li Jei."

  "Brother Li Jei, don't worry. We'll capture at least three bees so we can buy a qi breakthrough pill from the Purple Cloud sect and advance to level four quickly. If we capture more, we will divide the profit equally among ourselves. What do you say?" Feng beamed, showing white teeth.

  In Qi Cultivation art, a person needed to cross 3 levels to reach Houtian realm. However, it wasn't easy to cross that boundary. Though it looked like just a step away, in reality most people got stuck at level 3 and would never advance to level 4 on their own. According to Fatty Chang, two-colored bee cores would increase the chances of breakthrough.

  A person who managed to reach level 4, even if he didn’t advance any further, would still get lots of benefits. A Houtian realm expert could join the army or get a good job in any town or city. Or he could join the Purple Cloud sect as an outer disciple and enjoy the benefits that came with that. However, only 1 in 10 people managed to get that far.

  A qi breakthrough pill increased this chance to 30% which was a huge help. Unfortunately, only large sects like Purple Cloud sect sold these pills. They had set a huge price for them: 1000 gold or a two-colored bee core. For a wealthy family, 1000 gold wasn't a big thing, but for normal people it was a huge amount. So normal people chose to participate in these Saturday hunting events where they could try their luck and get a bee core for just 200 silver. Even if they wasted money on 10 hunts, losing 10 gold trumped losing 1000 gold anytime.

  "Kid, say no. We can't expose our grape honey technique to them." The senior's voice echoed in Jei's mind.

  Jei paused, torn. He wanted to join them, but he also agreed with the senior. If he exposed his techniques, it would bring him too much trouble. "Sorry brothers, but I can't join your team," Jei replied downheartedly.

  "Big brother, is that you?" A familiar voice echoed from behind and Jei. He turned to look at the owner.

  The Chu clan girl he’d met at the ghost house stood there, jade green eyes blinking at him in shock. The two guards behind her pointed their spears at him.


  Chapter 47

  The cheerful chatter around Jei went deathly silent when the green-eyed Chu clan girl stopped in front of him. Brothers Feng and Sang almost fell over when they saw the breathtaking beauty.

  Jei's heart skipped a be
at as his eyes darted to the sharp points of the spears. The two guards were well built and seemed to be at least Qi Condensation level 4. Beating both of them at once would be difficult.

  Jei shifted his gaze to the Chu girl who stared at him like a cat who had found her prey. Was she planning to arrest him—or kill him—for tying her up?

  Jei frowned. "What are you doing here?" His mind went into overdrive, making plans for escape.

  "Finally!" She bit her lip.

  "Look at that girl! She is Chu Xi, the most beautiful girl in Cloud Dragon town. I heard she is here to hunt bee cores," someone from the crowd whispered.

  "But why does she need a core? Her father owns this hunting ground. Can't he just gift her one?" Someone else asked.

  "Patriarch Tian is very strict. He doesn't like to give any advantages to his children, so he made her hunt by herself."

  "Oh. But why is she standing in front of that cheap-robed youth? Does she know that bastard?" One angry voice yelled.

  "No, why would she? That youth must have infuriated her. Wait and watch, he will soon be beaten to death by those two guards. I heard once, a boy from the Wei family touched her hand, and her father tore that boy's hand off. Ha ha, that arrogant bastard would get killed now! Look at the way he’s looking at her. I bet he will get his eyes plucked out too."

  The peerless beauty blushed as she heard those comments.

  "This little one apologies to big brother for making a commotion. I request you come with me to the small guest room inside the hunting ground, so we can talk in quiet." Chu Xi bowed slightly to Jei.

  "What? How is that possible? Chu Xi bowing in front of that arrogant bastard. What does he think of himself? He must be courting death. Wait and see, the guards will pierce his eyes with their spears." Another round of comments echoed through the crowd.

  Jei frown deepened. "Little sister, why are you causing trouble for me? Did I hurt you? I helped you with that painting. Please let me hunt in peace, and I'll be gone. If you don't want me to go into hunting ground, that's okay. I'll just go." Jei despised getting into trouble. He’d already had more than his share from the Ki brothers.

  Xi's eyes turned moist. "Big brother please don't leave. I'm deeply sorry for causing you any trouble." Her small mouth curled down, increasing her cuteness a thousand times.

  "Kid, what luck! You met that little chick again. If she’s calling you to her room, why don't you go there and do something?" The senior's mischievous voice echoed in his mind.

  "Josh, please." Jei's face turned red. By now he understood what the senior was implying with those words. The senior was far more mischievous than him.

  "Big brother, are you angry with me for tying you that day? If you want, you can punish me as much as you want, but you have to come with me to the guest room." Xi moved a bit closer to Jei, making his heartbeat increase rapidly.

  A girly fragrance invaded his nostrils, sending a wave of heat rushing toward his heart. This was the first time he’d ever stood so close to a girl—other than Xue—in public. More heat rushed to his cheeks.

  Following her to the guest room seemed to be a better option than standing there making a fool of himself.

  "Okay, little sister. Please lead the way." He stepped aside to give her room. Staying within a few inches’ radius of a girl turned out to be difficult.

  I must be wary of this girl. What does she want from me?

  A beautiful smile played upon Xi's thin lips. Putting her hands behind her back, she bounced toward the hunting ground gate. Seeing her moving like that, Jei's mind went into a foggy daze. What was she so happy about?

  After passing a long parade of jealous onlookers, Jei walked into a small, beautiful house painted green. Fatty Chang had told him that His Majesty used to stay in this house, so indeed it was fit for a king.

  As soon as he sat at the thick table, Chu Xi clapped her hands, and two women brought them tea in an exquisite tea set. Jei hadn't seen anything like it before.

  "Master—" She bit her lip. "I mean, big brother, why did you leave that day without telling me?"

  "Um." What should I say?

  "I know you must have important work. How naive I am to think that a Soul Searching Realm painter would stay and teach a foolish girl like me." She smacked her small white forehead.

  "What?" Was she kidding him? Jei just stared at her, dumbfounded.

  "Big brother, I want to ask you something, but before that please let this little one know, what do you want from the hunting ground? I know you're not here for the lowly bee cores."

  "Kid, did she hit her head when she was a child? Why is she talking such nonsense?"

  "Master—" She smacked her head once again. "Big brother, just order what you want, and I shall fulfill your wish. Father will be so proud of me when I tell him that I found a teacher." She then went on blabbering some more nonsense with worshipping eyes. Though nonsense, hearing it from her cherry red lips sounded better than anything else.

  Jei finally decided to stop her after few minutes.

  "Little sister. I'm here for bee cores and I just want to go hunt for them. Can you let me go please?"

  Her right brow shot toward the sky. "Bee cores? Big brother, are you joking?"

  Jei shrugged.

  "Ahh. Foolish me. You must need it for some special color palette creation. Are two hundred cores sufficient?"

  Jei's eyes budged from their sockets. "Two hundred?" That came to 120000 silver and 1200 gold. Yes, that would be sufficient. More than enough, actually.

  "Is that enough? If you want more, I need to ask the guards to hunt for bees. We don't keep more than two hundred in the warehouse."

  "N-no. Two hundred is fine, little sister. But..." How could he accept something from her like that? His proud heart wouldn't let him. "I can't repay you."

  She stared at him dumbfounded. "Big brother, why would I accept payment from you? The painting you made for me was so valuable, my father instructed me to fulfill all and any wishes you have."

  "It is?" Was it really that good? He hadn’t even painted the texture on it, yet. "Then I shall paint the texture on it, so I’ll feel good about this." Yes, this sounded like a better deal.

  "Will you?" Her knees wobbled, and she grabbed his hand to steady himself. Once again, her fragrance invaded his mind and sent all sort of signals to his hammering heart. "My father would be so proud of me. Big brother, but you must tell me your name first."

  "It's Li Jei."

  "Wow! What a unique name. Big brother, can you tell me what realm you’re in? Soul Searching Realm or Soul Stabilization Realm?"

  Oh no, she’d started her nonsense again. "Soul Stabilization Realm? What—"

  Xi clung to his hand, nearly falling over upon hearing those words.

  "Little sister, are you, all right?" Jei asked, alarmed.

  "Yes, yes. I just didn't... Anyway, please stay here, big brother master Jei. I'll be back in ten minutes with your cores." And then she left.

  "Kid, what in the hell was she talking about?"

  Jei had no answer.


  A woman in a dull black robe stepped through the hunter's ground gate. She had an overbearing demeanor that oppressed her subordinates. People called her exceptionally beautiful behind her back, but no one dared to say that to her face. They feared for their life. Afterall, she was Ki Yu, the ruthless beauty of Cloud Dragon town. At the age of eighteen, her ruthless reputation had superseded her beauty by a wide margin.

  After silencing the gathered youths with a single glare, she glanced at a guard leaning on his spear. A thread of hatred bored inside her mind.

  She hated anyone slacking off in their duty.

  The guard shivered and straightened beneath her gaze.

  "You,” she said, pointing at the guard. “Get out of here. You are suspended for six months. Ask your captain to guard this post instead of you. That's his punishment for recruiting you."

  The guard dropped to the ground, pleading
with her, but she walked away without a second glance. She wouldn't change her decision for a lowly guard. He would suffer for his negligence. Insolence.

  Today was the annual hunting competition, and the whole hunting ground was opened for the youths across nearby towns. More than 100 youths lined up outside for a chance to enter the hunting ground. This was the day when Cloud Dragon town displayed their discipline and military power to the nearby towns, and yet the guard dared to slack off? How could she be irresponsible and let the safety of those youths reside in the hands of that bastard? If not for the presence of the youths from other towns, she would have punished him with 50 lashes.

  "Elder sister Ki Yu. Greetings." A slick and beautiful girl came bouncing from the guest house. She was Chu Xi, the daughter of the Chu patriarch. She was known for her mischievous nature and slacking attitude in training.

  A frown spread across Yu's forehead. She didn't like Chu Xi. However, she was the daughter of the Chu patriarch, who also managed the whole town, so Yu had to show her respect. "Junior sister, Chu Xi. How can I help you? Are you joining in the hunt? I heard your father wants you to kill at least one beast today. If you don't go fast, people will kill all the easy targets."

  "That's fine, Sister Yu." Chi Xu smiled back innocently. She didn't seem to understand the hidden sarcasm behind Yu's words.

  Stupid girl.

  Chu Xi continued in her innocent tone. "Actually, Sister Yu, I need your help. There is an esteemed guest of my father in the guest room, waiting for me to fetch some beast cores from the warehouse. Can you please go and guard him?"

  Yu's forehead twitched. How could this slip of a girl, a mere Qi Condensation level 2 cultivator, dare to ask her to guard a person? She was the chief security officer of the whole town, not a lowly guard. Yu was set to rebuke her when she realized it was the patriarch’s guest, not Chu Xi’s. Though she disliked Xi, she wouldn't dare to infuriate Patriarch Tian. "Okay Sister Xi. But why are you going yourself? I'll ask someone to fetch the cores for you."


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