by Amy Stewart
Photuris versicolor, 5–6
phthiriasis, 226, 227
Phylloxera vastatrix, 199–202
pill bug, 243
pill millipede, 157
plague, 183–86
Plasmodium, 164
Pliny the Elder, 23
Poe, Edgar Allan, 107
Polyclada flexuosa, 159
Pomo tribe, 160
pool feeders, 34
Popillia japonica, 98
pork tapeworm, 175–76
Portuguese millipede, 156
potato leafroll virus, 95
praying mantid, 6
praziquantel, 178
priapism, 58, 230, 231
Provincial Glossary, A (Grose), 107–8
Psalmopoeus cambridgei, 235
Pseudacteon, 244
Pthirus pubis, 227
pubic lice, 223–24, 227
puss caterpillar, 51
pyrethroid sprays, 29
quinine, 163, 165
Randall’s Island, 121–22
red harvester ants, 138
red imported fire ant (RIFA), 139–40
red wiggler, 173
red worm, 172, 173
redback spider, 45
redheaded centipede, 147–48
Reduvius personatus, 30
rice weevil, 211
Rickettsia prowazekii, 225
river blindness, 37
Rocky mountain locust, 205–8
roly-poly bug, 157
roundworm, 178–79
rove beetle, 191, 195
Rumina decollata, 96
saddleback caterpillar, 51
Sade, Marquis de, 229–30
San bushmen, 158–59
sand flies, 34, 215–17
Sarcoptes scabiei, 219–21
sarcoptic mange, 221
Say, Thomas, 91–92
scabies, 219–21
scabies mite, 219–22
scale, 100–101, 143
Schiødte, Jørgen Christian, 226
Schistosoma, 178
schistosomiasis, 178
Schmidt, Justin, 137
Schmidt Sting Pain Index, 137–38
scoleciphobia, 83
Scolopendra gigantea, 145–49
heros, 147–48
scorpions, 23, 60–63
screw-worm fly, 127–28
scrub typhus, 73–75
Scutigera coleoptrata, 30, 147
scuttle fly, 129
Septimius Severus, 23
silverfish, 113
simuliotoxicosis, 38
Simulium damnosum, 37–41
Sitophilus granarius, 211
oryzae, 211
six-eyed sand spider, 71
skin beetles, 112, 196
sleeping sickness, 237–40
slugs, 96
snail fever, 178
snails, 96
Solenopsis invicta, 139–40
southern pine beetle, 169
sow bugs, 157
Spanish fly, 229–31
spermalege, 3
spheksophobia, 83
sphinx moth, 99
Spinochordodes tellinii, 244
stable flies, 124
Stanley, Henry Morton, 239
Steere, Allen, 118
Stegobium paniceum, 109, 113
Stenaptinus insignis, 53–55
sterile insect technique, 239
stink bugs, 65–67
Stoddart, Charles, 22
sweat bee, 137
sweet itch, 34
syphilis, 165
Tachypodoiulus niger, 155–57
Taenia solium, 175–76
Takahashi, Naoko, 12
tangle-web spiders, 46
tapeworms, 174–81, 186
Tarantism, 235
tarantula hawk, 138
tarantulas, 233–35
Tarshis, I. Barry, 86
Tenodera aridifolia sinensis, 6
tent caterpillars, 101
Theraphosa blondi, 233–35
thread-legged bugs, 19
tick fever, 119
Tityus trinitatis, 63
tobacco hornworm, 99
tomato hornworm, 99
tongue-eating louse, 243
tracoma, 122–23
transovarial transmission, 74
traumatic insemination, 2–3
Triatoma infestans, 15–19
trichiasis, 122
Trinidad scorpions, 63
Trogium pulsatorium, 112
Trypanosoma, 238
cruzi, 17
trypanosomiasis, 238–39
tsetse fly, 237–40
tsutsugamushi fever, 74–75
tumbu fly, 128–29
Tunga penetrans, 77–79
tungiasis, 79
typhus, 223, 225
tyroglyphid mites, 196
UCLA, 85–86
U.S. Department of Agriculture, 98, 212
U.S. Department of Defense, 20
University of Massachusetts, 28–29
University of Minnesota, 171
University of Texas, 244
urogenital myiasis, 129
Uvarov, Boris, 207
vagabond disease, 225
Vespa crabro, 12
mandarinia japonica, 9–12
Vietnam War, 123
vinegarroon, 63
Wagner-Jauregg, Julius, 165
warfare, bugs in, 20–24
Washing Away of Wrongs, The, 192
Washington, George, 163
Washington, Martha, 163
wasps, 21–22, 96, 99, 101, 242, 243
weevils, 209–12
West Indian tarantula, 235
western corn rootworm, 103–5
“What the Depredation of Insects Costs Us,” 167
wheat weevil, 211
wheel bugs, 19
whip scorpion, 63
whitefly, 95–96
Wikar, Hendrik Jacob, 158
Wilson, E. O., 140
Winterbottom’s sign, 238
Witter, John, 80
World Health Organization, 240
World War I, 21, 92–93
World War II, 23–24, 73, 75, 93
Wuchereria bancrofti, 176–77
Xenophon, 22
Xenopsylla cheopis, 183–86
Xysticus cristatus, 7
Yavapai tribe, 160
yellow fever, 209
yellowjacket, 138
Yersinia pestis, 184
Zinsser, Hans, 225
zombies, 241–44