Love in the City, an erotic romance novel

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Love in the City, an erotic romance novel Page 8

by Hall, Heather

  Dinner came and Giorgio ordered a second bottle of wine.

  Anabelle was already feeling lightheaded and very amorous. A second bottle was going to be dangerous.

  “So, I have to admit something to you,” she said, as they started in on their salads and pasta.


  “My best friend, Sarah, and I Googled you,” she said, looking up at him to catch his reaction.

  “Hoo boy, here we go,” he said, placing his hand over his eyes.

  “Yup. Mr. Top 10 Eligible Bachelor,” she teased him.

  He shook his head, clearly embarrassed. “I will never live that down. I swear they’re still going to be making fun of me for that at my funeral.”

  “You must have gotten a lot of mileage out of that,” she pressed.

  He looked at her, scanning her expression. “I see where this is going.” He set his fork down and tilted his head. “What I got was hounded and teased mercilessly by friends and family and then pestered half to death by all kinds of crazy people. Nutty women just coming out of the woodwork for nearly a year after that. It was a curse. And I was talked into it by a journalist friend of my sister-in-law’s.”

  The waiter brought their second bottle of wine and topped up their glasses.

  They thanked him. “My friend Sarah is a journalist, too. She writes for the NY Indie Voice.”

  “Cool paper,” he said.

  “It is,” Anabelle nodded. She then turned the conversation back to topic at hand. “You must have had some good dates come out of it.”

  He hesitated to answer. He sat up and leaned against the wall. “I meant what I said when I called it a curse. I met my ex-fiancée, Erin, through that silly list.”

  “I read about that, too,” Anabelle admitted.

  He pursed his lips and looked down at his wine glass, fingering the stem. “I’m sure you did. It was in all the society pages. ‘New York’s wedding of the year’ they predicted. It was horrible. Not me at all. I prefer things more low-key and intimate. I’m a private guy.”

  “Who allows himself to be on the bachelor’s list,” she teased.

  He looked up and gave her a half-smile. “I know, one of the worst decisions of my life. I was pressured relentlessly for that. She said I’d be doing her friend a huge favor. I still can’t believe I agreed to it.” He shook his head. “I gave my brother, Nikolas, heck for that for months, even though it wasn’t actually his fault. He gamely took the blame for his wife.”

  “It’s okay,” Anabelle said, reaching out to touch his forearm. “Sarah and I thought it was pretty funny. It is flattering, too, you know. It means you’re a good catch,” she said, winking at him.

  He tilted his head down for a moment, then looked up at her shyly through those dark lashes of his. “Why, thank you, m’lady.” He sighed and stared into the candlelight for a moment.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  He shrugged his shoulders. “It’s just that I ended up being caught by the wrong person.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  He hesitated to answer. He took another bite of pasta. He had a serious expression on his face. “Do you want to hear about it?” he finally asked.

  “Sure,” she said, “I’d like to get to know you better. This is just part of it. I’m fine with that.”

  “Have you ever been engaged?” he asked, needing to switch the focus for a minute.

  She shook her head. “No, I never got to that point with anyone.” She felt her insecurities start to swell.

  “When was your last serious relationship?”

  She took a deep breath. She grabbed her wine glass and took a long sip. Might as well just get this over with, she thought. “In college. We were together for a couple of years.”

  “What was his name?”

  “Aaron,” Anabelle answered, staring at her plate. She pushed her remaining pasta around with her fork.

  He waited for her to continue. He’d let her share whatever she felt comfortable with.

  She lost her appetite and pushed her plate away. “He left me for a girl we both had met at college. She was in one of our classes. The whole thing really sucked. Since then, I’ve just dated a bit here and there, nothing serious.” She felt embarrassed telling such a sorry tale to one of New York City’s most eligible bachelors. The absurdity that things with Giorgio could ever go anywhere came surging forward in her mind.

  He read her expression. “I’m afraid he’s not a very smart fellow, then. To let such a beautiful and charming girl go.”

  She tried to muster a smile.

  He pushed his plate aside as well and reached out to hold her hand. “Some things stay with you, though, don’t they?”

  She nodded, averting her gaze. She didn’t want him to see how much that still affected her to this day. She’d been completely devastated when it happened.

  “I know,” he said.

  Just then the waiter came by to ask if they were finished. They said yes and each ordered double espressos. The waiter nodded and took their plates away.

  Anabelle was quiet.

  Giorgio folded his arms and leaned forward. “We all have romantic horror stories to tell, you know. Every one of us.”

  She gave him a rueful smile. “You’re right,” she replied. “Mine’s just a little more…embarrassing, I guess.” She decided to try and make it seem less painful than it was.

  He laughed kindly, his blue eyes sparkling.

  She looked up at him, surprised. “What’s so funny?” she asked.

  “You want to talk about embarrassing? How about being splashed all over the society pages for a 550-person wedding you’re not comfortable with, only to be un-ceremoniously replaced by someone older and richer two months after the engagement ends. Everyone in New York knew about it. Mortifying!” he exclaimed, waving his hand.

  She hadn’t thought of it like that. It actually made her feel a little better. “She sure moved on quick.”

  He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “Yeah, quick alright. I think…well, actually everyone thought…that there was something going on between them for awhile before that.”

  “I can’t imagine someone cheating on you,” Anabelle said. “You’re…um…well, gorgeous and successful and charming.” She figured there was no sense beating around the bush, it was true.

  The waiter came by with their espressos and handed them dessert menus.

  “Thanks,” Giorgio said to him, and waited until he walked away. He then reached out to touch Anabelle’s arm. His gaze drifted up her arm, to her shoulder, across her chest, then to her lips and then her hazel eyes, tastefully dusted with a sparkly pink powder. “Beautiful girl,” he whispered, “and kind, too.”

  She felt her heart leap. His magnetism was overwhelming to her.

  He licked his lips. “I’ll have to kiss you later for that compliment.”

  She raised her eyebrows. “In that case, I’ll keep them coming.” The words were out before she could stop them.

  He swallowed, and then nodded his head slowly. “So will I.”

  The temperature in the room seemed to spike.

  A couple of minutes later the waiter came back and took their dessert orders.

  Anabelle excused herself to use the ladies’ room.

  Giorgio stood as she got up. He watched her walk away, admiring her womanly shape from behind.

  She freshened up and came back shortly thereafter.

  Giorgio did the same.

  Anabelle checked him out, too, as he headed to the men’s room. She still could not believe how tall, fit, and gorgeous he was. Total masculine perfection. She shook her head. This all felt like a dream. He had to be way out of her league. Her head spun.

  He came back just as their desserts were being dropped off.

  She stole a glance at his tall frame as he sat down. He made her want to just throw him to the ground and jump him. Her feelings for Aaron or any other guy she had gone out with had never come cl
ose to this level of potency.

  They made small talk as they took their time enjoying their desserts and a second round of espressos.

  Anabelle paused. “You’re 36, right?” she asked, glancing up at him. “The article…” she shrugged.

  He nodded. “I am. And you?”

  “28,” she said.

  He smiled. “A pretty good fit, I’d say.”

  She blushed as a pleased grin flashed across her face.

  They finished their desserts and espressos and he stretched out a bit afterwards, his legs open, brushing unexpectedly against hers.

  She jumped.

  “Sorry,” he said, moving his legs away. “Long legs, they need to go somewhere.”

  “Yeah, I bet they do,” she replied, then her hand flew to her mouth as she realized what she said.

  His mouth opened and his eyes went wide. He laughed. “I’m not sure what to say to that.”

  Anabelle was mortified. Her face turned beet red. “That’s not what I meant…it was the wine, I just…”

  “Mmmhmm, I see where your mind is at, Ms. Parker,” he said, waving a finger. “Naughty girl.” He winked at her.

  Her face reddened even more. To hell with it, she thought, I can’t dig my way out of this one. “Guilty as charged, Mr. Tsarkopolis. What are you doing to do about it?” she challenged.

  Not missing a beat, he moved his legs back against hers, pressing them both in a little tighter. “Whatever you would like me to do, m’lady,” he challenged her in a low voice. He watched with playful amusement as she squirmed in her chair.

  Feeling the obvious strength in his legs with the suggestive move, she pursed her lips together as the heat she felt rose dangerously higher. The only responses that came to her mind were again X-rated. She tucked her hair behind her ear. She glanced over at him, her gaze falling to his chest and then down to where the table blocked her view. She looked back up, gazing at his lips that were curved into a mischievous smile, then into his eyes that sparkled with even more mischief.

  He took the moment a step further and provocatively rubbed his leg against hers, holding eye contact with her as the candlelight flickered between them.

  Between the potent wine and the desire he was generating in her, she let temptation guide her. She leaned forward, putting her cleavage daringly back on display and dropped her hand without thinking, touching his leg. She ran her hand lightly over it a couple of times. “I’ll take that and raise you one better,” she purred. She saw him inhale deeply as he stared at her chest, and then close his eyes for a moment as he caught the double meaning in her statement.

  He opened his eyes again, but only half-lidded this time as he regarded at her, his eyes dropping to her chest once more. “You got me,” he said. “I surrender.” He focused on the feeling of her hand against his leg for a moment as she continued to stroke it, then suddenly felt slightly conspicuous and realized he needed to slow things down before his body reacted too strongly. He looked around.

  They had talked so long and spent so much time lingering and flirting at the table that they had ended up closing the restaurant down without realizing it.

  “Uh oh,” he said. “We’re the last ones here.”

  Anabelle had hardly noticed anyone coming or going all evening, but he was right. “Oops!”

  “We’d better clear out before they kick us out,” Giorgio said.

  “And ask us to get a room,” she quipped.

  He laughed. She had again surprised him with her response. He smiled, then exhaled slowly. “I’d better not stay in public view much longer at this rate.”

  Anabelle giggled.

  He looked over and nodded to their waiter, who promptly brought the check by.

  Giorgio paid the bill, while Anabelle looked out the windows. “It’s dark,” she said. “Wow, I didn’t realize it was so late.”

  Giorgio smiled. “Me neither. Time flies when you’re having fun.”

  “It sure does,” she said. “But about that walk in Central Park…”

  “Yeah, I know, it’s a bit late for that.” He looked disappointed.

  “Thank you for a wonderful dinner, though. It was…delicious,” she said, giving him a sexy smile. Inside, she was wishing their evening didn’t have to end.

  “Oh, my pleasure, beautiful girl,” he said, “my pleasure indeed. I’m just glad you were willing to give me a chance and join me.” He took a moment, adjusted his pants, then got up and held out his hand to help her out of her chair.

  “Thanks,” she said, loving his chivalry.

  He again put his hand on her waist as they left the restaurant. He thanked the staff as they headed out into the warm New York evening.

  He put an arm around her as they walked to the car.

  Anabelle was still taken with his size compared to hers. She had never dated a man so tall and with such a strong physique. She felt protected. Aaron had only been a couple of inches taller than her with a much slimmer build.

  They got to the car and Giorgio opened the door for her.

  She was about to get in, when she abruptly turned around. She looked up his chest, then to his lips, to finally gaze into his eyes. He towered over her. “I just wanted to express my appreciation again,” she said, “for a magical evening.” Her hands went to either side of his waist and she leaned into him.

  He grinned and bent his head down. “As I said, my pleasure, m’lady,” he said as his lips pressed against hers in a soft searching kiss.

  She moaned softly and pressed her body against him, her hands gripping the sides of his belt.

  He took her cue and kissed her more passionately as his hands caressed her back and shoulders.

  Her heart pounded in her chest as his lips, slightly wet, felt incredibly sensual against hers. She was powerfully attracted to him. She fought the urge to move her hands elsewhere on his body, desiring to get closer to him. She pulled away, breathing heavy, staring into his chest.

  He wrapped his arms around her and just held her for a moment. “It was very nice to kiss you finally, beautiful girl,” he whispered in her ear.

  She hugged him back. “I’ve wanted to do that for awhile,” she admitted. After a few moments she let go. She smiled at him as she got into the car.

  He closed her door and got in the other side. He started the car, but then paused for a moment before driving away.

  She waited, not sure of what would happen next.

  “I’m not usually…I mean, I’ve had a great time tonight…” He was looking down at the steering wheel. “Really great…”

  “Me too,” she said.

  He glanced up at her with a shy smile. “I don’t want you to think…I…” he shook his head. “What I’m trying to say is that I’m sorry the evening is already almost over.”

  “So am I,” she answered softly.

  He touched her hand, reflecting on how she had been responding to him throughout the night. He desired her, he knew that much was obvious, but he wasn’t sure what she wanted from him right now. He needed to know. “If you didn’t want it to end yet, you could…come over to my place for a drink…if you wanted.” He looked over at her to gauge her reaction.

  Her heart jumped to her throat. Her body screamed yes, yes, yes, oh my God, yes! but at the same time she felt panicked. She wanted him. Badly. But she didn’t want this to be a one-night stand. She knew what guys thought of women like that. They lost interest fast. She liked him too much. She sighed and glanced down at his hand on hers, then at his strong-looking thighs. Oh, how she wanted to touch him, to be closer to him, but she was scared.

  “It’s okay,” he said, seeing her hesitation. “It was just a suggestion…” He went to pull his hand away.

  She held onto it. “No, wait…it’s not that I don’t want to,” she said as her heart pounded. She swallowed hard. “I do want to, but…” she paused, knowing what she said next would determine the course of a lot of things. “I’m just not sure if I’m ready for that step…in spi
te of our flirtations. I mean…I’m very attracted to you, but…”

  “You don’t have to explain,” he interjected. He touched her chin with his other hand, “we really could just have a drink.”

  She gave him a knowing smile and fanned herself. “The way I feel about you right now, I don’t know that I could just have a drink, if you know what I mean.”

  He brought her hand up to his lips. “I do,” he said, then kissed the top of it. “I’ll get you home.”

  Chapter 11

  After she gave him directions, Giorgio drove Anabelle back to Brooklyn to drop her off after their long dinner. Her head and heart were all over the place thanks to her body’s reactions to him. She didn’t want this night to end. She didn’t want to be away from him, but she knew she wasn’t ready to be invited into his bachelor pad. Her worst fear for this situation was that she would be his Monday night companion, while he had other women lined up to keep him company on the other nights of the week. She was lost in thought most of the way home.

  Giorgio could tell by how quiet she was that she was deep in thought. He figured it was because he scared her off by being so forward and inviting her to his place after their first date. It was a work night as well, not even a night where they could have slept in afterwards if she did stay the night. He wasn’t sure what to do, so they mostly just listened to music on the way to her place. Each wondering if the evening had been messed up and how they felt about one another after the intense connection of their first date.

  When they finally arrived at her building, Anabelle had gotten herself worked up into a state. She needed to let him know she meant what she said earlier, that she was attracted to him, but she didn’t want to get too far ahead of herself. She was taking his silence as a worrisome sign, even though she’d been equally quiet.

  He stopped the car, but kept it running.

  She looked over at him. “Thanks so much,” she said, “I know this was a long ways from Manhattan and it’s late.”

  “I was planning on giving you a ride home. I don’t mind at all.” He smiled warmly at her.

  She smiled back at him. She leaned over to give him a kiss goodnight.


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