Choosing Eternity (The New Era Saga Book 3)

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Choosing Eternity (The New Era Saga Book 3) Page 1

by KT Webb

  Other Titles:

  The New Era Saga (Young Adult Superhero)

  The Evolved (book one)

  Growing Hope (book two)

  Chicago Love Stories (Adult Contemporary Novellas)

  Hard Habit to Break

  Coming Soon:

  Chicago Love Stories (Adult Contemporary Novellas)

  Stay the Night

  YA Romance

  Hanging by a Moment

  Cover Design & Branding by:

  Emily Wittig of Emily Wittig Designs & Photography

  Copyright – 2016 by Kathleen Webb

  Editors: Debbie Richardson, Jennifer Sell

  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, folklore, mythology, people, or places are used fictitiously. All other names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, and any similarities to actual events, locations, or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.

  All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any way without the express written consent of the author.

  ISBN-13: 978-1517496579

  ISBN-10: 1517496578

  BISAC: Fiction / Fantasy / Paranormal


  This book is dedicated to my amazing mother. She has been with me from the first time I met these characters and has supported me the whole way through. I couldn’t have done this without you. I love you mom!

  Thank You:

  To the fan-freaking-tastic writers I’ve met, you guys challenge and encourage me in a way few others could. I am so thankful to you all.

  To my husband for letting me pursue my dream with very little grumbling. You know how much I love you!


  The screams ripped from his body as he felt each of his cells burn to nothing. The pain was almost unbearable. Almost.

  Strangely, as his flesh and bones burned away, he felt triumphant. The body that had held him was gone, just as he’d planned. He didn’t know how long he burned, but it felt like forever. The pain became less and less until it dissipated completely.

  When he opened his eyes, he found himself staring up at the inside of a glowing cavern. He lifted his arm, momentarily surprised by the liquid fire that dripped from his red-orange skin. He hadn’t known how he would be physically changed when he was stripped of his old shell, but he wasn’t disappointed.

  He stood slowly, relishing the feeling of hot lava flowing down his body. His naked form no longer looked human in nature, and his skin seemed to change appearance as he moved like it was made of the same magma that surrounded him. He felt his face and head then rested his hands on a set of thick, curved horns.

  “Ha!” He chuckled to himself as he realized he had become what he had been classified as for centuries: the devil.

  Absalom had planned on this transformation since the day he released the Maladies. When he was hit by their energy, his eyes were opened. For the first time in his existence, he saw who he could be and how he would accomplish the change.

  The Creator was stupid to think that the Maladies were still angels. The moment they gave in to their dark desires and embraced the hatred they felt for mankind, their transformation began. When the Creator locked them away in that pit, he gave them the perfect opportunity to change; but not in the way he’d hoped.

  Left alone in that pit, they absorbed the darkness they had sown into the hearts of man. They whispered in the ears of every person they encountered; some shunned them, but others embraced them. Those whispers had left an imprint on mankind and darkened their souls, so that when they died they did not join the Creator in Eternity, but were absorbed by the Maladies.

  When he awoke, he knew instinctively that the Maladies had been subdued. They had been put into comas. They didn’t know who they were; he needed to make them remember. From his place inside the Earth, Absalom willed the Maladies to wake. He succeeded in waking them, so now it was time for him to rejoin them.

  The time had come for him to break free.

  Gathering his strength, he felt the energy build around him as the lava whirled and rose. The pressure increased, and he slowly ascended with the liquid fire. He gained momentum as he got closer to the surface; soon, he burst through the layers of crust holding him in. The volcano erupted, bringing a renewed Absalom with it.

  The Evolved and the Old Immortals had no idea what they were dealing with.

  Chapter One:

  Thatcher: 2017

  “You promised you would do this,” Nora said firmly.

  “I know. I will. I just feel like I should be here. You’re going to need me when the action starts,” Thatcher replied.

  He watched Nora patiently as she thought over what he said. He knew she would see the logic in what he was proposing. Keira would be safe in Eternity with Malcolm, so she didn’t need Thatcher to stay too.

  “Okay, you better get her there and make sure Malcolm is alright with keeping her indefinitely,” Nora said.

  Thatcher nodded and left Nora to the dishes as he made his way toward the stairs to grab Keira and her bag. He paused when he heard Dorian talking to Kerr and Romulus in the library.

  “So you’re telling me it just erupted? Out of nowhere?” Kerr asked slowly.

  “Yes. Yellowstone is no longer a geyser, it is an active volcano,” Dorian replied in disbelief.

  Thatcher struggled to process what he was hearing. In a world that had grown colder every day, there was suddenly a newly active volcano? He pushed the door open and walked into the library. Kerr gestured for him to come over to the computer. Thatcher joined them as they huddled around the screen watching news footage broadcasted from Yellowstone National Park. The scene was terrible. Tourists had been visiting the park when the lava burst from the ground. There were no warning signs, no changes in seismic activity. The sudden explosion from the geyser had killed families on vacation, their vehicles now stuck in the molten lava and their bodies long gone.

  “How does this happen? The rest of the world is freezing and a volcano erupts.” Thatcher was getting frustrated.

  “We don’t know. Obviously the temperature doesn’t have any impact on a volcanic eruption, but it is strange,” Kerr replied.

  “How many people?” Romulus asked.

  “Twenty-seven,” Dorian told them.

  Thatcher shook his head. Crazy things were happening in the world, and it couldn’t be a coincidence that it was corresponding with the awakening of the Maladies. He exchanged a look with Kerr that told him everything he needed to know; it was time to get Keira out of there.

  Thatcher left the library and rounded the corner to the foyer. He found Nora sitting on the stairs with Keira. Thatcher smiled at them both and reached for Keira’s hand. Kerr rushed up to his daughter and held her close. Thatcher felt a lump form in his throat as he watched Nora wrap her arms around her husband and little girl. This would not be an easy separation for his family.

  “Alright, honey, you’re going to go stay with Uncle Malcolm for a while. He will watch over you until it’s safe to return,” Nora told her daughter.

  Keira nodded her head solemnly. Thatcher hid his grin; she was much more mature than her six years. She kissed each of her parents on the cheek then placed her hand in Thatcher’s.

  Keira waved her hand in front of them. “Alright, Uncle Thatcher. It’s time to go!”

  Thatcher watched her as she bravely stepped forward into the doorway she had created. No time like the present, he followed her cue and found himself standing at the base of the mountain in Eternity.

  “C’mon, Uncle Thatcher!” Keira said as she took off running toward the mouth of
the cave.

  When they reached the cavern at the base, they were surprised to find Malcolm waiting for them.

  “What are you doing down here?” Thatcher asked.

  The first level of Eternity held the young souls that were lost. Children and infants that weren’t able to live their full life. This was where he had proposed to Hadley. Now, the room held none of the dancing lights above his head. Thatcher was concerned about that and Malcolm’s presence in this area of Eternity.

  “I’m preparing the Underworld,” Malcolm said simply.

  “You’re what?” Thatcher asked in shock.

  “I’ve been asked to be the new guardian. Soon, the occupancy level of Eternity is going to increase significantly. The Creator has asked that I prepare the Underworld for the arrival of the Maladies and those who choose to follow them,” Malcolm said.

  Thatcher looked at him blankly for a few moments. “Well, that sounds . . . fun.”

  “Right. I’m having a blast,” Malcolm said with a deadpan expression.

  “Uncle Malcolm, where are the babies?” Keira asked.

  “We’ve moved them temporarily. They now occupy the rotunda on the next level where the Old Immortals live. It’s bright and beautiful up there. Eventually, we will probably move them back down here. But do you have any idea how difficult it is to herd a bunch of rowdy baby souls from one location to another? It’s not easy,” he replied with a wink.

  Thatcher looked around at how the cavern had changed. He didn’t know what he expected to find, but the room hadn’t changed much. There was now an enormous desk in the center. The desk reminded Thatcher of a large reception area in a hotel lobby. It was circular and had three chairs behind it, as though multiple people would be present to greet the new souls. An opening at the opposite side of the room had been fitted with a set of gates. Upon further investigation, the gates appeared to glow of their own accord. They were not fashioned from any metal; , instead, they appeared to be pearlescent—the pearly gates. Thatcher wondered how he had missed this area on his first visit to Eternity.

  “It wasn’t there before,” Malcolm told him as though reading his mind.

  “Why is it there now?” Thatcher asked.

  “This is going to sound really cold, but with the extreme influx of souls we are going to encounter, we needed to find a way to mainstream the process. Not everyone will be able to enter through those gates. Some people will have to go over there.” Malcolm pointed to the right of the reception desk.

  Thatcher walked toward it to see a large body of water that had not been there before. There was a dock nearby with multiple boats moored to it.

  “This is the River Styx,” Malcolm told him. “As souls enter, they will speak to the receptionists. The receptionists have the books that will tell them where each person should be directed. On the other side of the river is the Underworld.”

  Thatcher was struggling to wrap his head around what he had just been told. This area was basically limbo. People would die, arrive here, and wait to find out where they would spend eternity.

  “So, you said you’ve been appointed the guardian? What exactly are you guarding?” Thatcher asked.

  “All of this. But, most importantly, I need to make sure the people who end up in the”—he gestured toward the Underworld—“stay there.”

  “You mean ‘cause the Maladies got out?” Keira asked.

  “Exactly,” Malcolm replied. “Now, what brings you guys here to visit?”

  Thatcher shifted uncomfortably for a moment. It’s not like he could have called ahead to find out if Malcolm would be up for babysitting.

  “Well, Nora asked that I bring Keira here when the Maladies began finding each other. Last month, Rage and Avarice met up for a blind date. Now, they’re trying to get the band back together. They found Panic yesterday,” Thatcher said.

  “You want me to babysit?” Malcolm asked in shock.

  “Well, I can’t exactly stay here with her. I need to be there to help them. The Evolved have to work together. But, most importantly, we need to protect the spirit of hope. We need to protect Keira,” Thatcher told him patiently.

  Malcolm seemed to consider this for a moment before nodding his head. “It’s a solid plan. She’ll be safe here.”

  “Uncle Malcolm, will you show me how to play video games?” Keira asked.

  “You bet, kiddo,” Malcolm said with a smile.

  “Well, I better head back. How long have I been gone?” Thatcher asked.

  “A week,” Malcolm said.

  Thatcher leaned over to speak to Keira. “You’ll be alright with Malcolm. Just don’t get in his hair.”

  Keira giggled and hugged Thatcher tightly. After she released him, she waved her hand in front of her and indicated that he should step through.

  “Before I go, I have to tell you that your mom said not to come back until the battle is over. You cannot come back until the Maladies are back in the Underworld where they belong,” Thatcher told her.

  Keira nodded. “I know what mommy said. Keep them safe, Thatcher.”

  Thatcher smiled kindly and nodded in response. “You bet, kid.”

  Then he stepped back through the portal.

  Chapter Two:


  Whitley was stocking the shelves at the newly rebuilt Benton Book Nook. She was so excited when Kerr insisted that she take an active role in the reopening. Now, she ran the store with Kerr and had recently moved into the upstairs apartment.

  The bell rang up front to alert her of a visitor. She made her way through the large bookshelves to reach the front of the store, and when she got there she found herself standing face to face with a tall man.

  There was something oddly familiar about him, but she couldn’t quite determine why. He smiled at her in a way that told her he didn’t smile much. He had faint scars on his face and neck; they looked like they had been gnarly wounds at one point.. His eyes were sad, the kind of eyes that have seen terrible things. He wasn’t unattractive, but there was something off-putting about him. She shook off her discomfort and greeted him as she would any other customer.

  “Hi there! Welcome to the Benton Book Nook! I’m Whitley. Can I help you find something?”

  “You don’t . . . never mind. I’m here to look at books,” he said.

  “Well, you’ve come to the right place. Feel free to look around. If you need anything, I’ll be in the travel section.” Whitley smiled and turned to walk away.

  “Wait,” he begged abruptly.

  Whitley turned to find him standing very close to her. She looked up at him and her breath caught. Clearing her throat, she stepped backward to put some distance between herself and the strange man.

  “I’ve come looking for someone. I was hoping you could help me,” he said.

  “Who are you looking for?” Whitley asked.

  The man hesitated and ran his fingers through his thick golden hair. He cleared his throat and looked desperately at the door, as though he wanted to escape. He was clearly nervous.

  “I’m looking for someone I knew a long time ago. We didn’t exactly part on good terms the last time we were together,” he said.

  A voice called to her in the back of her head, telling her there was something dangerous about this man. In an instant, she realized she was hearing the voices of the Old Immortals warning her away him.

  She took another step back and slowly rounded the front counter to put something solid between them. The alarm bells were going off in her mind as the man watched her curiously. He didn’t seem dangerous, but she had to trust the Old Immortals.

  She silently called out for Nora to come to her aid. She was the only one of the Evolved without any abilities; the only thing she could do was communicate with the Old Immortals that everyone had thought dead. Whitley called out again to Nora without speaking and waited for her to appear.

  “Do you have a name? Maybe I can help find your friend,” Whitley said.

  “My name
is Joe, but I haven’t always gone by that. And I never said I was looking for a friend,” he replied.

  Just then, Nora came out from the back room. Right on cue. She looked at Whitley with concern drawn all over her face, then her gaze shifted to the man on the other side of the counter. The man took a small step back and held his hands in front of him in apparent surrender.

  “It’s not what you think,” he said carefully.

  “What are you doing here?” Nora demanded through gritted teeth.

  Whitley wasn’t sure what was going on, but it was clear that Nora recognized their visitor. The man kept his hands in front of his chest, palms facing out. Whitley looked between the two of them, unsure about what was transpiring.

  “Someone want to clue me in?” Whitley asked.

  “This is Disease,” Nora spat.

  Whitley grasped Nora’s arm and squeezed. What was this guy doing here? Was he here to infect her with something? She looked at Joe again and recalled the sadness she’d seen in his eyes. The surprise he had shown when she didn’t recognize him. What had he expected? He wasn’t exactly covered in pus and ooze anymore.

  “I go by Joe now,” he said quietly. “I need to speak with Elpis.”

  “Elpis is not available,” Nora said.

  Joe looked troubled. Whitley actually found herself feeling bad for him.

  “What do you want to talk to her for?” Whitley asked.

  Joe looked up at Whitley and peered straight into her eyes. She wasn’t sure what it was that he was thinking, but it was clear that he had not expected her to ask that question. He was expecting to be treated like dirt; he expected a reaction like Nora’s.

  “I need help,” he said as he ran his hand through his hair again. “They’re going to find me soon, and I don’t want them to.”

  Whitley saw the skepticism in Nora’s expression, but she felt the truth in the man’s words. Joe didn’t want the Maladies to find him. She wasn’t sure what that truly meant, but she felt that he was afraid. Before Nora could say anything, Whitley asked another question.


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