Choosing Eternity (The New Era Saga Book 3)

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Choosing Eternity (The New Era Saga Book 3) Page 5

by KT Webb

  Kerr opened his eyes to find Joe and Whitley staring between the three of them. He had never had a vision that put him inside someone’s mind, and of all the minds to be inside, Absalom’s was not high on his list.

  “What just happened?” Joe asked.

  “I think we each had a piece of that connection inside of us. We had to view it together,” Whitley offered.

  Kerr didn’t know what had happened, but this vision had confirmed the worst; Absalom had indeed returned.

  Chapter Ten:


  “No. No way. I don’t believe it at all,” Thatcher said. “There is no way Absalom is back.”

  He listened patiently as Joe shared his story and Whitley shared her theory. It made sense, but he did not want to believe it. If Absalom was back and stronger than before, what did that mean for them? He beat him when he was an Old Immortal, but as a jinn he didn’t even know where to begin.

  “So what are we supposed to do with this information?” Hadley asked.

  “Now we research. And we keep our eyes open for more ‘demon’ sightings. We don’t know for sure that this is Absalom, but from the sounds of it . . .” Dorian let his sentence drop off.

  “It’s him,” Thatcher said. “That’s what you’re saying, right? Well, excuse me if I don’t want to stick my nose in a book for some research right now. I want to get out there and kick his ass like I did last time.”

  He was met with blank stares after his outburst. Thatcher stood up and walked out. He wasn’t going to wait around for the rest of the gang to catch up to him. He was ready for a fight. He made it to the garage before anyone caught up to him.

  “Look, Hadley, I understand that you want to stop me, but I’m not . . . ” He was cut short when he found himself facing Joe.

  “Thatcher, I’m not here to stop you. I want to go with you. I can’t hide from them forever. If you’re ready to fight, I want in.”

  “Huh. Not what I expected. Alright. You get the shot gun.”

  Thatcher and Joe hopped into his car and were pulling out of the driveway when Hadley and Whitley burst out of the garage. He saw the twins waving their hands in the air in an attempt to stop them from leaving. Thatcher knew his wife and her sister would be upset, but they’d get over it. He waved out the window and hit the gas.

  They breezed through Benton and made their way west. The pair drove for hours without stopping. Thatcher couldn’t explain how he knew he was heading in the right direction, and Joe didn’t ask him to explain. By the time they made it to Wall Drug, they were ready for a pit stop.

  “You hungry?” Thatcher asked.


  They made their way into the Wall Drug Store Café and took a seat. After staring at the menu, they decided to get a variety of food items and share the feast. Joe went to find a bathroom, while Thatcher got in line behind an elderly couple and waited while the wife counted out her change to pay for their food.

  “Welcome to Wall Drug, what can I get you?”

  Thatcher looked up with a smile that quickly faded. He found himself staring at a pierced face and a shock of pink hair. She looked back at him with terror in her eyes and took a step back.

  “Excuse me,” the waitress said as she turned to leave.


  She turned to look at him again but quickly diverted her eyes to the ground. Thatcher had to think quickly. He could not believe they just happened to find Chaos waiting on tourists at Wall Drug.

  “Let me take my break so we can talk,” she pleaded.

  Thatcher eyed her suspiciously but watched as she spoke with her supervisor and made her way around the counter. He led her around the corner to the booth he knew Joe was waiting in. She stopped short at the sight of Joe, and he let his mouth drop open when he noticed her.

  “Sit,” Thatcher instructed.

  “Why is she here? Is she alone?” Joe’s eyes darted around in fear.

  “Relax, dude, I’ve been flyin’ under the radar here in this tourist trap for months. No one knows I’m here. Except you punks, so I’ll be leaving as soon as we’re done here.”

  “Wait, you’re hiding from them?” Joe said.

  “Uh, yeah. Catch up, genius. I don’t really enjoy the whole pain and torment thing. I’d rather do my own thing.”

  “Me too. But I don’t just want to hide. I want to bring them down,” Joe said firmly.

  “Oh yeah? You and what army?”

  “He’s with us now. You could be too if you want to help. We can protect you,” Thatcher said.

  “What are you calling yourself now?” Joe asked.

  “Just call me Callie.”

  “Not Calliope?”

  “It’s not exactly a common name these days, is it, Josiah?”

  “It’s Joe.”

  “Oh. Not Josiah?”

  “No. I don’t deserve that name anymore.”

  An awkward silence followed as Callie and Joe exchanged a pained look. Thatcher didn’t know if taking Callie in was a good idea, but it felt right. This snarky little pixie of a girl could help them. Every person who joined their team brought them closer to victory.

  “Well, I think we were led here for this reason. I think we were supposed to find you. What do you say, Callie? Do you want to join us?” Thatcher asked quietly.

  Callie thought for a few moments before nodding her head. “What else do I have to do? I just need to quit my job first.”

  Thatcher and Joe browsed in the many shops within Wall Drug while they waited for Callie. The bell above the door rang every few minutes as visitors came and went. Thatcher was trying on a cowboy hat when someone grabbed him from behind. He instantly heated his skin, and the assailant let go with a hiss. Thatcher turned to see who had been on the receiving end of his abilities, only to find Joe blowing on his hands.

  “What the hell, dude? Never sneak up and grab a guy from behind.”

  “Shut up. Look over there. We need to get out of here, now.”

  Thatcher casually glanced in the direction Joe had indicated. The Maladies filed in through the front door. The only two who weren’t with them were Joe and Callie. A chill went through his body as he caught sight of Rage. Thatcher remembered his time under his influence very clearly. He had been so overcome with anger and hate that he actually killed Hadley. He shook his head to clear the thoughts away; it was years ago, and it wouldn’t help anything to dwell on it now.

  “Well crap,” Callie whispered behind him.

  “The gang’s all here,” said Thatcher.

  “Yeah, well, luckily this place has about a million different entrances and exits. Let’s book it before anyone else joins them.”

  Thatcher gave Callie a questioning look but let it go for the time being. There would be time for questions once they were away from the Maladies. Callie turned and led them between the shelves and back into the café. Once they made it to the other end of the café, they took another door that led them into a long hallway. Joe kept looking over his shoulder, despite the fact that Thatcher was behind him.

  “I’ve got your back, Joe,” Thatcher reassured him with a hand on the shoulder.

  “Keep up,” Callie hissed in front of Joe.

  They funneled out into a larger hallway with a number of shops on either side. They had almost made it to the door when they heard Avarice.

  “Ugh, this place reeks of tourists who’ve been in the car too long. Can we go now?”

  “No. Chaos is here. We need to find her. Iblis wants us to find her and Disease. Don’t be such a stuck up bit—“ Malice was cut off by Vanity.

  “O-M-G can you believe how cute these moccasins are?”

  “Ugh. Seriously? Put that down, you nitwit. We’re not here to shop.”

  Callie motioned for them to follow her into a crowded shop. They arrived at the back and tucked into an employees only section.

  “Why don’t I just throw a fireball or two at them?” Thatcher suggested as Callie shut the door be
hind them.

  “Don’t be stupid. There are too many humans. Didn’t you see the families and the little old people? You can’t just go throwing fire around. Honestly, you call yourself a hero?”

  Joe bit his lip. “Did you hear them say Absalom wants to find us?”

  Thatcher nodded. “So it’s true. He’s back.”

  “I’m sorry, what?” Callie backed into the wall, her face blanching. “No. That’s not possible.”

  Joe gave her a sympathetic look before pulling off the proverbial Bandaid. “He’s back, but he’s different. He’s become more.”

  “But, they said Iblis. So . . . you’re telling me he did it? He managed to become the most feared being in this and every world.”

  They only had a moment for this to sink in before they had to get going again. For now, they were in a safe zone, but it would only be a matter of time before the Maladies started causing trouble to find them.

  “We’ve got two options. We can either call for a quick transport, or we go out there and face them,” Thatcher said finally.

  “I think, for now, we need to get out of here,” Joe replied.

  “I’m down for whatever, but we don’t exactly have any fighting abilities. And there’s the people to think about,” Callie said softly.

  “Why don’t we just call Nora?” Joe suggested.

  “No. I’m not ready to go home yet.”

  “Wait, you guys are just out on a road trip? For what?”

  Thatcher looked at her uncomfortably. “When we found out that Absalom was back, I decided I wasn’t going to hang out and do the research thing. I came to find him. I killed him once, and I can do it again.”

  “Except you can’t kill him,” Callie said.

  “What do you mean I can’t kill him? If he’s alive, he can die.”

  “It’s not that simple, you moron. He’s not Absalom anymore. He’s Iblis. He’s a demon. He’s worse than a demon; he’s the thing that makes demons sleep with teddy bears and nightlights.”

  “So? I’m not afraid of him.”

  “That’s not the point! He can’t be killed. At least, not by us. There is only one being that can kill Iblis,” Callie huffed.

  “Is this like a ‘sword in the stone’ kind of thing? If it is, just call me King Arthur,” Thatcher’s voice rose slightly with confidence.

  “Not quite. You have no chance. Only the Creator can defeat him.”

  Thatcher felt like he’d taken a punch to the gut. The Creator wasn’t going to come back to the world until the new prophecies were fulfilled. Who could say how much damage Absalom would do before then?

  Chapter Eleven:


  “Hadley, for the millionth time, he isn’t going to answer your call. Just give him time.” Whitley tried to be patient.

  “But what is he doing out there? He’s been gone for hours.”

  “Yeah, he’s not alone. Joe went with him. I’m sure they’re just driving around trying to hash out a plan. Thatcher has never been the research guy; he’s been the action guy.”

  “I know. But he’s not a kid anymore. He’s got me.”

  “There it is. You’re just sore that he took off without consulting you first.”

  “Am not!”

  “Are too!”

  “Am not!”

  “Are too!”

  “Do you two ever stop fighting?” Tahlia’s voice broke through their argument.

  “Mom!” the twins yelled in unison.

  “What are you doing here?” Whitley asked as she gave her mom a squeeze.

  “I had to come after Dorian called to tell me what happened. I had him send Nora to get me. If I make a habit out of this my Secret Service detail is going to think I’m ill.”

  Whitley was relieved to see their mom. Maybe she could calm Hadley down since her sister wasn’t listening to her. Whitley was worried about both Thatcher and Joe, but they were big boys and could take care of themselves.

  “I need you guys to come downstairs. I have news to share with everyone that hasn’t become public knowledge yet. Come downstairs,” Tahlia instructed.

  When they arrived in the dining room, they found everyone gathered around the table awaiting their arrival. Whitley took a seat at the table next to her sister and waited for her mother to break the news.

  “Eric isn’t here because he’s in a meeting. A very important meeting with other world leaders. They are discussing the best course of action to announce to the world that we are entering another ice age. Scientists all over the world have been tracking the temperature drops and have determined that we’re on course for a deep freeze. Soon.”

  The room erupted with questions. Despite the noise, Whitley heard the faint whisper of the Council of Immortals in her head.

  “The enemy will awaken and reunite; hope will evaporate, leaving the world in a frozen state.”

  “Of course.” Whitley silenced the din. “The first prophecy has come to pass. The enemy will awaken and reunite; all the Maladies are awake. They’ve found each other, except for Joe, but he’s not our enemy anymore. Hope will evaporate from the world, and Keira is gone. She’s in Eternity. Without the spirit of hope, the world is losing faith; lack of faith leads to lack of warmth. It’s all falling into place.”

  An overwhelming silence filled the room.

  “So, if I hadn’t sent Keira away, this wouldn’t be happening?” Nora queried.

  “Prophecies are fickle. They’re never precise, and we already know they can be interpreted in many ways. Our actions can influence how the prophecies come about,” Dorian mused.

  Whitley realized that if this prophecy had come to pass, it would only be a matter of time before death and destruction would come. The next prophecy told them death will sweep through the world, leaving devastation and doubt. The reactions of mankind will determine their fate. Had the reincarnation of Absalom as Iblis set that in motion? Absalom had been cruel and murderous as an Old Immortal. Now he was the only thing that could defeat the Creator. She shuddered involuntarily as her mind wandered to the possible devastation he could cause.

  “So what are the world’s foremost leaders planning to do about this new ice age?” Kerr asked.

  Tahlia shrugged. “We really don’t know. Eric wanted me to come tell you guys because of everything we’re facing in the coming battle.”

  “I wish Thatcher were here.”

  “Here we go again.” Whitley sighed.

  “I’d better head back before my bathroom break raises any questions.” Tahlia nodded at Nora.

  After their mother left, Hadley wandered back to her room to try to call Thatcher again. Dorian and Romulus went to the library to continue researching. Whitley and Kerr were the only two left in the dining room as they waited for Nora to return.

  “What’s going on in that head of yours?” Kerr asked Whitley.

  “Mostly radio silence.” She laughed.

  “It’s frustrating, isn’t it?”

  “Yes. I wish they could just give me all the answers. But I honestly don’t think they have them.”

  “Yeah, it’s like when I know it would help if I’d get a vision, but I’ve got nothing. I wish I knew what Absalom was planning.”

  “You and me both.”

  Whitley closed her eyes and tried to hear the Council of Immortals in her head. The silence was giving her a headache as she tried to reach out to them. Her temples throbbed and she buried her head in her hands.

  “Don’t hurt yourself over there.” Kerr’s voice was concerned.

  Whitley laughed and shook her head slowly. “I just wish I could do more to help. I’m alright with not having any abilities, but I feel so useless. Thatcher and Joe are who knows where, Hadley is psycho dialing her husband, the world is freezing over, and I’m sitting over here wishing the voices in my head would speak up.”

  “You’re not useless. We’re all in this together. You need to give your head a rest. I’m going to wait up for Nora.”

bsp; “I’m sorry . . . did you just send me to bed?”

  “Kind of, yeah.”

  “Well, when you’re right you’re right.” Whitley chuckled as she stood and stretched. “I’m going to bed.”


  Whitley made her way up to her old room. As she passed the room her sister shared with Thatcher, she had to stop. Hadley was crying softly on the other side of the door. Whitley leaned her head against the cool wood and gently knocked.

  “Who is it?”

  “It’s me, Had. Can I come in?”

  “Ummm, just a minute.”

  “I heard you crying. I just want to see if you’re alright.”

  The door opened a crack. Whitley saw one of Hadley’s deep brown eyes peek through the small opening. It broke her heart to see the swollen red blotches around her bloodshot eye.

  “I’m fine.” Hadley sniffed.

  “Right. And I’m a unicorn.”

  Whitley gently pushed her way into the bedroom and made her way to the bed. She plopped down and motioned for Hadley to join her. She smiled as her twin heaved a sigh and closed the bedroom door. Hadley came over and climbed onto the bed.

  “He’s going to be fine.”

  “It’s not that. I know he can take care of himself. I’m really just upset that even though he’s got us, he still goes off on his own to deal with things.”

  Whitley nodded. “I get it. But you have to remember what this means to him. He killed Absalom. He literally burned him to death from the inside out. He witnessed the disgusting things Absalom did to the people in that town, saw the wounds from the torture he’d inflicted on Malcolm, and watched him murder his own son. When Rage infected him, he saw Absalom. He didn’t hesitate to kill that monster again when he thought he was seeing him.”

  Hadley reached up and touched her neck where Thatcher had choked the life out of her. Whitley knew she’d forgiven him the moment it happened, because he hadn’t been trying to kill her. He thought she was Absalom.


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