Love Under Two Financiers

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Love Under Two Financiers Page 8

by Cara Covington


  Leesa knew she’d missed out on some things in life, which wasn’t unusual for anyone. People walked the paths they walked and knew what they knew from the doing.

  There were some things she never would do or see personally. But Leesa had a hunger to know what it would be like to really make love. That hunger was likely deeper and wider as a result of what she’d been considering, since she’d come to Lusty, to be her sham of a marriage.

  She had the opportunity to know what it was to spend time with two men—men who really saw her and who already considered her wants and needs more than her ex-husband ever had.

  She tilted her head to the side. She needed to pull her head out of the past and live in the moment. “You’ve certainly got a good selection here, even musicals.” She stopped searching when she found a copy of the motion picture production of Les Misérables, starring Hugh Jackman. “I have wanted to see this since it came out!”

  Jason looked at the DVD cover. “That’s a great choice. I’ve seen it, but it’s such a rich production seeing it once really isn’t enough.”

  “Yeah, what J. Coop said.” Phillip held out his hand, and she gave him the disc.

  Jason took her right hand and led her over to the sofa. She couldn’t hold back her sigh as she sank into the soft material. Phillip inserted the disc and used the controller to get it started. Then he turned the lights down very low before he came over and sat down on her left.

  The two men had her between them, and she sighed again. Everything about this moment felt right and good. Temporary didn’t really matter. She’d married a man with the automatic assumption that it would be forever, and that sure hadn’t netted her anything but disappointment—and a black eye.

  So she’d say yes to anything and everything these two men offered her and to hell with the consequences.

  As the opening played, Leesa looked from Jason to Phillip.

  “I haven’t seen many recent musicals, but Mom loves these kinds of movies, and growing up I would watch them with her. We both know the scores of so many of the classics.”

  “So does my mom,” Phillip said. “What are your favorites?”

  Leesa chuckled. “Where to start? Oklahoma!, Funny Girl, Singing in the Rain come to mind. And, of course, the annual Christmas Eve tradition of White Christmas with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye.”

  “That’s one of Aunt April’s Christmas Eve traditions, too,” Jason said. He’d nodded to Phillip, but Leesa had already learned that Phillip’s mother’s name was April.

  Leesa soon became lost in the story and in the subtle attention of the men who bracketed her. Her hands were held and kissed, and gentle caresses coursed down her arms and, yes, down her thighs. Her ear was kissed and nibbled on, as was her neck. Tiny, barely-there kisses graced her mouth, and Leesa licked her lips after each one so she could take their flavor in.

  She struggled to keep her focus on the story that played out, and at the same time, she wanted to cherish every single moment of Jason’s and Phillip’s attention.

  Each moment feels like more than I’ve ever known. This wasn’t even heavy petting. What would it be like after the movie?

  “Are we distracting you?” Jason’s question tickled her ear.

  “Yes. You both really are.”

  “Good. Fires lit,” Phillip said. “We’ll just snuggle you close so they stay that way.”

  They did just that, and once more, Leesa fell into the story of a time made immortal by the pen of Victor Hugo, in a tale written more than a hundred and fifty years before.

  When her tears escaped, Jason handed her a couple of tissues. The plot played out, and her emotions became the slave of the story. And yet, those fires, now firm embers, kept her warm and grounded.

  As the finale built to a crescendo, as once more the beloved characters, spirits now, sang of their hope for a new tomorrow, Leesa felt drained of emotion but strangely at peace.

  “It was that final moment that got to me the first time I watched it,” Jason said quietly. Phillip had turned off the television but hadn’t gotten up from beside her.

  “It is a moment,” she said. “I feel like I need to sit for a bit, just to sort it all out, and that’s not like me at all. Or rather, not how I’ve been for the last many years. Not since I enlisted and began my career.” But it had been her when she’d been a teen on the verge of womanhood.

  Jason took her left hand in his right and brought it to his lips. Then he let go of her hand but put his arm around her and held her close.

  “I’m going to get us something to sip on. Do you like wine, Leesa?” Phillip asked.

  “Yes, if it’s not a dry wine.”

  Phillip leaned over and kissed her cheek then headed over to the small bar area in the corner.

  Leesa snuggled into Jason, grateful he sensed she needed to be held close. As her emotions settled, his heat and aroma began to permeate her senses.

  Phillip returned to them, a small tray holding three glasses, each with a measure of a deep red liquid.

  “It’s a nice port,” Phillip said. “We don’t much care for dry wines, either.”

  Leesa sat up slowly. She couldn’t resist kissing Jason, a small thank-you for his cuddling. Then she turned to Phillip and kissed him, too.

  Don’t keep score. That was one more piece of advice both Rachel and Carrie had given her. She did feel a need to ensure she treated each man the same and give each equal attention. Hopefully they’ll be true to their promise to lead this dance—and I can be true to my desire to let them.

  She took a sip of the port and decided it was just the perfect touch to round out the evening. She sipped slowly, savoring not only the rich flavor but the kick as well. The potency of the drink was more than she was used to. Then she took in a deep, cleansing breath and let it out as everything within her settled.

  “Better?” Phillip asked.

  “Yes, thank you.” She smiled at him and then directed her smile to Jason. Not because she wanted to be equal but because she needed to, in this moment, speak to them both. “Thank you both for letting me have that little bit of time to process.”

  “Your needs are our focus, Leesa.” Jason set his glass down. He brought her hand to his lips once more, and she felt herself melt.

  “Eventually, I’d love to explore the amorous possibilities of this sofa. But for this first time…why don’t we take this party upstairs, to that really big bedroom and extra-huge bed that made our eyes pop the day we moved in?”

  Leesa’s low, spontaneous chuckle made both men smile. “Yes. Why don’t we?”

  That tug in her belly sharpened from a sweet yearning to a deep, hungry need. As she climbed the stairs, her nerves settled. This was right. This…whatever this was, it was exactly what she wanted and, she suspected, exactly what she needed.

  She’d seen Rachel’s bedroom, so she had a pretty good idea what to expect.

  “When we looked in here the day we moved in?” Jason looked around the room and then met her gaze. “A few very nagging and possibly risqué questions were answered.”

  “You didn’t get a tour of your brothers’ house?” Leesa asked.

  “No. The first time I was there was the morning after the party. We were invited for breakfast, and it didn’t seem appropriate.”

  “I’ve seen Rachel’s master suite. It all really makes perfect sense, if you think about it.”

  “It does, and as J. Coop said, it answered our nagging questions.” Phillip met her gaze. “The day after we moved in, we couldn’t imagine needing this suite.”

  “And then the day after you brought your casserole to us, we were so very grateful to have it.” Jason’s voice had turned quiet.

  Leesa not only felt her own nerves she detected she wasn’t the only person in this room feeling them.

  Then Jason used her hand to draw her into his arms. “We’ve talked, Phillip and I, and we’ve planned. After consulting with some of our male cousins.”

�We decided to follow one particular family custom right from the get-go,” Phillip said. He stood so close behind her she could feel the press of his erection on the small of her back. The imprint of his hands on her shoulders felt warm and intimate. A trickle of arousal made its way from her shoulders to all her girl parts. Her nipples turned hard, and a slight dampness coated her labia. She contracted her inner muscles, and the performance of the single Kegel motion brought with it a wave of horniness.

  Then Phillip leaned in and licked the back of her right ear. “Jason is older than I am by a few months. I’m going to enjoy watching my best friend make love to you, Leesa, all the while anticipating being next.”

  Leesa shivered. Phillip stepped just slightly back, and Jason cupped the side of her face. When he lowered his face to hers, she was ready. His kiss captivated her. Her body recognized his flavor, and she drank deeply, sating the need that had been steadily growing within her with that first light kiss earlier in the evening.

  Two hands now cupped her face, and she opened wider, giving, surrendering to the man who would so soon be her lover. Another involuntary motion, her hips rolled, and even though they were both clothed, she could have sworn she felt the full effect of Jason’s naked cock on her pussy.

  A large male hand caressed her back and her bottom. My other lover. Fingers opened the button and then the zipper of her skirt.

  That garment slid down to pool around her ankles. Cool air kissed her calves. Even as her tongue slow danced with Jason’s, she felt Phillip slide her panties down and then lift first one foot and then the other. He not only freed her from her clothing but from her shoes as well.

  Then Jason ended their kiss. He held her gaze as he gathered the bottom of her shirt in his hands. As he began to raise it, she lifted her arms. Yes, surrender is the perfect word.

  Behind her, Phillip rose to his feet and unhooked her bra. Jason drew that garment from her. Nerves spiked. She was no model, neither tall nor svelte. Then she looked, really looked, at the way both men silently perused her body.

  They look like starving men ogling a prime rib roast.

  “My God, woman. You make my mouth water.” Jason’s words thrilled her feminine self and tickled her sense of humor at the same time. She hadn’t thought that would be possible.

  “Like prime rib?”

  Both men burst out laughing. Then Jason shook his head.

  “Sorry.” Her face heated. “I have an off-the-wall sense of humor.”

  “We like that about you,” Phillip said. He stepped away again, this time to yank down the bed coverings.

  Then he came to stand beside his cousin.

  “More than the tastiest beef,” Jason said.

  “And definitely more than that blissful pastry you served us that first night,” Phillip said.

  Jason nodded toward the bed. “Lie down on your back, sweetheart. Watch us.”

  Oh, hers certainly weren’t the only nerves playing games here. Both men trembled slightly as they worked to free themselves from their clothing. Maybe they weren’t Greek Gods. They weren’t, either of them, what could be considered buff. Jason’s blond hair and brown eyes captivated her as solidly as did Phillip’s brown and brown. They drew her for all that they were ordinary men. She’d seen enough of the rabid he-man type. The army was full of them, and they had their place. But she preferred these men. Their masculinity was solid and, yes, understated.

  But in her eyes, they were virile and sexy and real. Their cocks, hard and long and thick, definitely outclassed the only other lover she’d had. Most importantly, though, and in a way that she couldn’t yet explain, even to herself, these two Benedict men were hers.

  She’d never have thought herself a woman who could smooth talk a lover. She’d never before thought of herself as a real, red-blooded woman, period.

  But she was. Her body and her heart took over. She opened her arms. “Please. I’m so horny, and I need you both so very much. Please, make love to me.”

  Chapter Nine

  Leesa shivered and melted as Jason and Phillip stretched out on the bed on either side of her. The sensation of their naked flesh flush against hers made her wetter than she’d ever been. And the heat…ah, the heat simply consumed her, chasing away any lingering chills from every hurt, every insult she’d known in this most vulnerable of moments.

  She felt herself a slate wiped clean and ready. Ready for whatever came next.

  Jason, on her right, had turned onto his side. His left hand supported his head while his right caressed a path between her breasts and stopping just above her cunt. Then he frowned and moved his hand. One finger circled the scar on her shoulder, a scar that was still puckered but no longer an angry red. He met her gaze and raised one eyebrow.

  “Sniper attack at base. That was one of the things that more or less sealed the decision I’d been playing with to leave the army.”

  She saw his struggle for control, the way he held his expression frozen. Then he closed his eyes, exhaled, and opened them again.

  “That just put a horrid thought in my mind. What if…”

  Leesa raised a single finger and placed it over his lips. “‘What if’ is a path you need to avoid. It was just a shoulder wound and didn’t even damage anything inside. I was very lucky. Can we not think about this right now?”

  “Yes, we can, if you allow us a ritual.”

  She didn’t have a moment to ask what he meant. He leaned over and placed a sweet kiss on her scar. Then he eased back, and Phillip gained his knees, leaned over, and did the same thing.

  Then Phillip resumed his place, snug against her left side, and Jason laid his open palm on her chest and continued stroking up and down.

  “I find myself feeling nervous, nearly as nervous as my long-ago first time,” Jason said. “You’re so important to me. I don’t want to mess this up.” He leaned in and gave her a very sweet and far too short of a kiss, this one on her lips.

  “I feel the same way.” The emotional neediness sweeping through her tempered her voice and her response. “I think this is the most naked I’ve ever been, because I’m not only opening my body to you both. I feel as if I want, and need, to open my soul, as well.” It was far too soon for words of love, and she wasn’t even certain that they’d ever come. But she could give them some words, ones that were real and honest.

  “You’re both very important to me, too,” Leesa said. “Nothing about this moment, this place, for me, is casual.”

  “No,” Jason said. “This is absolutely not casual.”

  Did he just receive a shot of confidence, of—well, the only word that came to mind was dominance? Had he been hiding a strong dominant side this entire time?

  Oh, girl, be honest with yourself. You hoped he’d have at least some.

  “Stop thinking, Leesa. Just feel.”

  Jason moved, his body rising from the bed until, on his hands and knees, he was able to gaze down her body. He licked his lips, and then he covered her mouth with his own and began to woo her.

  His kiss, warm, wet, and wonderful, consumed her as if he consumed her, as if he would drink her down in great greedy gulps until nothing remained. Her tongue became a willing slave to his, dancing with his to music only they could hear, music hot, sultry, and sexy.

  Then his lips wandered, placing kisses, gathering the flavor of her as he caressed her cheeks, her eyelids, her chin. He nuzzled her neck, and she shivered. Unable to stop the motion, her hips rolled, a long, seductive roll begging for cock.

  Jason’s sounds of appreciation as he sampled her body sent those shivers into overdrive. When he licked and then suckled her right nipple, a sound emerged from her. As truly untutored in this dance as she was, she still recognized the sound of her deep, feminine need.

  “So tasty.” He released her nipple then moved once more. So fast, she thought, she barely kept track of his progress as he kissed his way down her body—until she felt him open her legs and settle down between them. His hot breath as he inhaled
her then slowly exhaled warm breath on her made her very conscious of just how wet she was and how much she needed him.

  “You’re so damn wet for us,” he said.

  “Is that good?”

  “Fuck, yeah. Nothing is better for a man than seeing the proof of his woman’s need for him.”

  And then she cried out as he settled his mouth on her cunt.

  Lips, tongue, teeth all worked together, feasting, drinking, sending her arousal into the stratosphere. She stretched her arm down, the fingers of her right hand just barely able to comb through, to grasp Jason’s hair.

  Unable to deny the instincts racing through her, she pushed her pussy into Jason’s face. Her throat worked, and her lover’s intimate kiss pulled sounds from her soul, sounds that fueled her desperate need.

  Phillip used a finger to gently turn her head toward him. Leesa needed to kiss him, and it was as if he’d read her mind. His mouth took hers, and his flavor, the heat of his possession, proved to be the missing piece when she hadn’t known there was one.

  He covered a breast with his hand and began to gently, firmly pinch and tug on her nipple.

  Then Leesa felt fingers stroke the lips of her pussy and gently ease in. They moved, those strong male digits, as if on a mission.

  Jason stroked, Phillip tugged, and Leesa felt it, the rolling fiery ball of electricity as it raced toward her.

  Jason’s fingers hit something inside her, and she jerked, a strangled mewl coming from her throat. Jason chuckled then sucked her clit into his mouth, and she burst into flames.

  She broke her kiss with Phillip, her inner scream needing to escape. Wave after wave of pleasure, of pure, sweet, sexy excitement washed through her, over her, drowning her in sensation. Her entire body shook with the force of it, and she wondered, absently, if she would die here and now…and immediately dismissed the worry. It would be worth it.

  Then the thrill of ecstasy overcame her ability to think, and Leesa let go, let the soaring sensations take her beyond herself, outside of her next breath.


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