Love Under Two Financiers

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Love Under Two Financiers Page 18

by Cara Covington

  She was theirs. Forever theirs.

  Rapture bubbled, rising so fast, so full that her heart galloped toward the pinnacle of pleasure. Their lips parted as the explosion leveled them, and only the moment was real. Leesa writhed as the waves of Eros rocked her. And each wave, each soul-deep convulsion brought heat as Jason’s seed bathed her womb.

  Another image formed, this one of a life growing within her, and Leesa’s orgasm surged anew. She closed her eyes, clinging to the lover she laid upon, the lover who moved in closer, shielding her, cradling her as she floated, ever so slowly, back to earth.

  “Kiss me.”

  Jason’s demand opened her eyes and moved her. She raised herself gently to reach his mouth and whimpered when his cock slid from her.

  Phillip moved, too, and tented her. She felt the graze of latex on her skin and understood that, this time, her plea didn’t need to be voiced.

  “Don’t let me hurt you.” A soft kiss sealed his words against her shoulder.

  His heat withdrew, replaced by the sensation of his fingers spreading lube over her anus. Back and forth, the silky glide, the intermittent pressure reawakened hungers. Where arousal had been exhausted, it sparked afresh, rising, rejoicing. Leesa pressed against those fingers and moaned in pleasure when they pushed back, when they entered, and when they moved in and out and around and around, making her ready for Phillip’s cock.

  “Don’t let me hurt you.” Phillip repeated his plea.

  “You won’t.”

  She jolted at the sound of the slap, at the slight sting on her right ass cheek. “I could. Don’t let me.”

  Leesa raised her focus above the pleasure and heard the fear in Phillip’s voice. “I won’t, love. I’ll tell you if it’s too much.”

  “Thank you.”

  Her next words were stolen because the breath was sucked from her as Phillip moved in, placed his cock on her anus, and began to lean into her, his push slow but steady, as was the burn that grew and transformed into a hypnotic, erotic pain.

  She hissed through her teeth and then moaned deep in her throat when Phillip breached her sphincter and slid, ever so slowly, all the way into her.

  “Leesa?” She felt the worry in his question and in the stiffness of his body as he held still, held back, and waited.

  “Fuck me.” It was all she wanted, everything she needed, and despite the pleasure she’d already drunk down, the desperation of earlier came roaring back. “Oh, God, Phillip! I need you. Fuck me now!”

  His low growl and the trembling in his body thrilled her. She cried out as he did just that, as he moved. His thrusts, slow and deep, steady and strong, robbed her of thought, of voice, peeling away the civilized and the civil until all that remained was the feral and the free, the raw and the savage, and God, wasn’t it beyond bliss?

  She moved against him, countering his thrusts, and the pain—the nips and the bites of it—just made it all so much more. More addictive, more thrilling, and finally, finally, more orgasmic than anything should possibly have been able to be. Phillip’s sharp cry, the pulsing of his cock in her ass told her that he was there with her, not just spiritually but in reality.

  Leesa came, her long low yowl of completion announcing her victory. She came and came, and with each wave, she soared. So rich was her pleasure, so potent the pain of it, the joy of it, she felt certain she must have defied gravity.

  Arms surrounded her even as her lover withdrew. Then the heat of a dampened cloth soothed her, the sanctuary of the bed, her lovers, enveloped her, and her sigh, soul deep, released all her barriers, leaving herself the willing prey only of sleep.

  Still she fought the urge to surrender to it. “More.”

  “Rest now,” Jason said. “Sleep. We’re not going anywhere. We’re never going anywhere. Swear to God.”

  Promise accepted, Leesa surrendered, cradled not only in the arms of Morpheus but within the arms and flush against the flesh of her husbands.

  Chapter Twenty

  Leesa awakened to the sensation of being carried. The sound of the shower, growing louder, told her where she was headed.

  “I’m going to forget how to walk.”

  Beneath her ear, Phillip’s chuckle drew her smile. “I can’t see the problem with that, at least not here, in our very own private oasis.”

  The last of his words echoed against the walls of the bathroom. He set her on her feet, cupped her face, and kissed her as water rained down on them both.

  “I have to hand it to our family,” Jason said. “They sure know how to build a master suite.”

  From behind her, he eased her back into his arms. He set his chin on her shoulder and watched as Phillip began to wash her front.

  “What time is it?”

  “Just barely dawn,” Phillip said.

  “We have a bit more private time, sweetheart.” Jason stroked up and down her hips. She felt the heat and the hardness of his cock against the small of her back. Feeling him, then looking down and seeing Phillip’s wonderful erection, filled her with hunger.

  Hunger for her men.

  “I wonder what we can do to pass this time?” She only asked so they could tell her what she hoped, very much, they would say.

  “We thought it was time. If you’re ready, if you want us. We thought we should pick this moment, this new dawn, for our first ménage.”

  “Yes. I need to feel you both inside me at the same time.”

  Rachel had told her of that growing, burning need. But Leesa hadn’t understood it until she’d begun to crave it herself. Now she appreciated that the need wasn’t just for the physical. There was more, much more to the craving than that.

  “We’ll be one. It will be like…like our promise made solid, real.”

  “One flesh?” Phillip’s gaze told her he knew her heart, her need, and that he appreciated it.

  “Yes.” She sighed and let them stroke her, their touch gentle, even reverent. “I feel as if this moment will be more sacred than any other.”

  “It will be,” Jason said. “We promise.”

  They rinsed her, and they dried her. Their attention felt exquisite, both comforting and arousing. Phillip wrapped her in a warmed towel and carried her into the bedroom. Jason had gone ahead, pulled the covers down, and spread a towel on the sheet.

  “On your tummy,” Jason said. “We’re going to give you a nice, soothing massage.”

  They used her favorite cream and soon had her feeling completely boneless. But beneath the utter relaxation, her fires began to burn. Their strokes became longer and sultrier. Leesa couldn’t stop her hips from undulating, nor could she stop the way her pelvic floor muscles contracted.

  They came together fluidly, and Leesa surrendered to the moment, to the movement, and to the mood. Jason turned her into his arms and covered her mouth with his own. Their tongues caressed, and she drank in his flavor even as she felt herself being gulped. Phillip’s heat at her back warmed her, excited her, and when he turned her to face him, she wrapped herself around him and opened her mouth, melding their lips.

  For just a heartbeat she tasted both men and knew, for her, the two combined were her mates. She didn’t know what quirk within her decreed she needed two men. She only knew she was so, so glad to have found them and this place where they could be.

  Phillip held her tight as he rolled so that she was on top of him. She needed no further urging. Raising herself, she reached down, caressed his bare cock, and brought it to her cunt. Despite the greedy inner voice screaming at her, she moved slowly, relishing this moment and the slow and steady insertion of his cock. Leesa shivered, closed her eyes and threw her head back.

  Phillip’s hands bracketed her waist. He flexed his fingers, his silent testament that he found the moment every bit as remarkable as she.

  Jason laid his hand on her back, and his subtle push galvanized her. Oh, she felt feminine and sexy as she used a soft and sultry movement to bring her chest flush with Phillip’s. The change in position pressed hi
s cock against her cervix, and she let out a low, hungry sound.

  She met Phillip’s gaze as he began to fuck her, as he moved within her. Their gazes held, his eyes sending messages to her heart she would ever cherish and never forget.

  Heat warmed her back, and Jason kissed her shoulder. Then he kissed his way down her body, ending with a couple of wet, languid licks of her ass. She couldn’t hold back the grin or her groan when he then began to spread lube between her cheeks. The caress of her anus excited her in a visceral way. She felt the gush. Phillip returned her grin and never let go of her gaze.

  Jason used his fingers to open her sphincter, and she pushed back against him. The burn was only slight, but his attention gave her a clear understanding of his desire to prepare her.

  Then Jason moved in, spread her cheeks, and pressed his cock on her rosebud. He pressed, he entered, and Leesa came.

  She shivered with each spasm, shocked at the speed of her orgasm, at the strength of it. She felt full to bursting, and her men… Her men held her, held still, as the climax had its way with her.

  As it began to ebb, Jason eased out then pushed in again. They began a rhythm, her lovers, a seesaw of penetration that had her shivering and quivering and rising like a cyclone, higher, ever higher.

  They moaned and groaned, swore and hissed, but no words sullied the moment. This was passion—the physical and the emotional—and they clung to her, as she clung to them and to the experience of having her men inside her at the same time.

  Wilder and hornier, faster and deeper, they moved. Leesa grabbed what she needed, down and back, forward and up, over and over until the air hummed with the sound of their primal mating.

  The explosion came, rocking them, giving them a shared rapture as their bodies celebrated the peak. Leesa’s low, keening wail and her men’s grunts and shouts melded together to create a crescendo more magnificent than the best symphony could create.

  We’re changed, all of us. The thought fled, and Leesa collapsed, bearing one lover’s weight as she used the other for her bed.

  She might have dozed for a moment. She mewed when Jason left her, but he returned in seeming seconds. And then they cradled her, holding her, as the aftershocks washed through her.

  “I love you both so much. Thank you for choosing me. For loving me.”

  “We didn’t choose you, baby, we found you, and thank God for it.” Jason kissed her head.

  “What he said.” Phillip spooned her, and Leesa knew that, for the rest of her life, this would be her very best happy place.

  “What time is Adam due?”

  “Doesn’t matter,” Jason said. “He can wait. Sleep for now, love. He’ll still be around when we wake up.”

  Leesa sighed and then did just that.

  * * * *

  Jason gave Leesa’s hand a squeeze. She’d just finished recounting the events of the night before. He was proud of himself. He kept his mouth shut when she got to the part where she tackled Bateman, when he’d had a loaded gun aimed at her.

  Though I should be honest. He had taken the aim off her and put it on Bryce after that man had kicked him.

  Leesa had made it clear that Bryce had saved the day by kicking that bastard, Bateman. One hard shot to his knees had begun his downfall—literally. Leesa confessed as she had to him and Phillip the night before that she hadn’t thought to tackle Bateman. It had been an automatic action.

  Now she tilted her head as she looked at Adam. “Do you know, I had completely forgotten about that envelope Jerry Levine had asked me to keep for him? Until last night, when Bateman asked me about it.”

  “Who was Jerry Levine, and what was in that envelope?” Adam asked.

  Jason and Phillip flanked Leesa while Adam and his brother-in-law and DEA agent Peter had questioned her. Adam was recording the interview. Jason was grateful that Adam had come here to the house instead of asking her to go down to the sheriff’s office. He was also very glad that he and Phillip had been allowed to sit in.

  Of course, Jason had known Adam and Peter were family and that they’d be kind to Leesa. He just felt better holding his woman’s right hand while Phillip held her left during the process.

  “Levine was just one of the guys on the base in Kabul,” Leesa said. “He was a friend of Bryce’s, as were a lot of the guys. That’s how I knew him. He was always polite to me, whenever we encountered each other, so I agreed. I never opened that envelope, so I don’t know for certain what was in it.

  “At the time, he told me it was a letter for his cousin, in case anything happened to him. He said I was the only one he thought he could trust to take care of it for him.” Leesa shrugged. “I had no good reason to say no. Over there, sometimes people would do that—write a new will or think of someone they had unfinished business with, someone they needed to make things right with. He could have left the letter in with the rest of his things. The army is very careful about a soldier’s personal effects. But people sometimes worry without any evidence that a letter or envelope might fall between the cracks.” Leesa shrugged.

  “People would rather trust comrades-in-arms than their superiors,” Peter said.

  “Exactly. Especially the NCOs and the privates.” Leesa grinned. “Anyway, in the aftermath of that attack where I was wounded, I decided to muster out. I sent a message that I wanted to see Jerry before they shipped me home. He came, and I gave him back his letter. He seemed surprised, as if he hadn’t even remembered that he’d given it to me. I just told him that I’d be somewhere in Texas enjoying civilian life and would never know if it needed to be sent to anyone, or not. He happily took that letter back, thanked me, and wished me well. He even was a part of the line of troops on the tarmac as I and a few other wounded got on the plane.

  “And that was that. As I said, I’d all but forgotten about the damn thing until last night, when Bateman asked me about it.”

  Jason was glad to see her smile, and to feel her relax beside him. He’d worried that her recounting of what had happened the night before might upset her, but he guessed he really should have known better. Leesa Jordan had spine. He counted it a true compliment to both him and Phillip that she felt secure enough with them to let them see her at her most vulnerable, as she had been for a time last night. He squeezed her hand, knowing the interview was nearly over.

  As if hearing the hope in Jason’s thoughts, Adam turned off the recorder.

  “How’s Bryce doing?” Jason asked. “And can you explain what the hell Bateman was after? Do we know what the significance of that letter was?”

  “Bryce is fine. According to Robert, the bullet just grazed him. Doc patched him up, gave him his tetanus shot, and drove him over to the B&B for the night. He’s asked me to relay an invitation to meet him for lunch today here at Lusty Appetites. You can let me know about that before I leave.”

  “Wait a minute!” Leesa turned to Adam. “You found out when Bateman first came here that Bryce had been one of the guys involved in trafficking drugs. Isn’t he going to be charged?”

  “That, along with Bateman’s attitude, was one of the things that tipped us that maybe Bateman wasn’t all he appeared to be,” Adam said. “But no. All we have is Bateman’s word that Bryce was involved in that business.”

  “And Bateman now is a disgraced federal agent,” Jason said.

  “Exactly. He was on the take when he was undercover, so none of the evidence he can give would make it past a competent defense attorney.” Then Adam turned to Peter. “Want to fill them in on the rest?”

  Peter grinned. “Happy to. That fuck-wad, Bateman, is on his way back to Dallas. Under arrest, of course. He’s got so many charges being filed against him he’ll be able to count on state- and federal-supplied housing and meals for the next several years.”

  “That doesn’t surprise me. I told my guys that I wasn’t really frightened last night, until I looked in his eyes and realized he was at the end of his rope.”

  “He wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed
,” Peter said. “Apparently, Bryce had already traveled the path Bateman was planning to take. As it turns out, each of them, without knowing about the other, overheard Levine telling another member of their alleged gang, Johnny Post, about his contingency fund. Levine boasted he had a huge stash—nearly a million dollars—at his family farm in Virginia. It was, according to what Levine told Post, cash he'd amassed through larcenous means even before he’d joined the army. The house had been deserted, but Levine said he still owned it. Allegedly the cash had been squirreled away in a buried safe in one of the bedrooms.

  “Bryce headed there as soon as he got out of prison to find the safe open, with only a single hundred-dollar bill inside.”

  “Wow. That must be the drug dealer’s version of leaving the waitress a two-cent tip,” Leesa said. Then she covered her mouth. And gave up the effort a moment later and simply laughed.

  “That poor, dumb bastard.” She looked at Phillip then turned her gaze on him. “I’ve never wished Bryce ill. I just wanted nothing more to do with him.” She shook her head. “Now that I know about the drug dealing, I can see him a bit clearer. He was looking for the proverbial get-rich-quick scheme. He thought that, after getting out of jail, he had a fast way to a fortune—and that never really works, does it? At least not for the long haul.”

  “Not that I have ever seen,” Adam said.

  “So, Levine got the last laugh on everyone,” Phillip said. “He teased everyone about his fortune then snapped it up himself before any of them could get to it.” Phillip frowned. “Why would Levine have done that? He went to all the trouble to have money hidden away, and he teased others with its existence, putting his so-called security in jeopardy.”

  “Who knows how some minds work?” Adam shook his head. “My impression, speaking to Bryce, was that Levine used his own products, and when he was high, he got…silly.”

  “As to having the last laugh, he didn’t really,” Peter said. “After our interview with Bryce, I got in touch with the Department of Defense. Apparently, Jerry Levine was killed in a fiery car crash during a weekend leave. The scene of the accident was just a couple of miles from that farmhouse. He was traveling back to base when it happened.”


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