Shattered Innocence

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Shattered Innocence Page 2

by Noelle, Alexis

  His dark chocolate eyes are staring down at me like I’m his next meal. I have to fist my hands at my sides just to keep from running my hands through his messy hair. Within seconds of meeting him, I have a multitude of dirty fantasies running through my head.

  I shake my head and put my bitch face back on. “Excuse you.” I move around him and hear a chuckle from behind me. The smug bastard is laughing at me. I see Tasha behind the desk typing away.

  She looks up as I loudly stomp over in my six-inch heels. “Ah, Jessie. We’ve been waiting for you, you’re our last girl.”

  “I’m sorry, what? What do you mean ‘last girl’? And who is the other part of we?”

  “I am.” A sexy gravelly voice bellows behind me. I don’t need to turn around to see that it’s sex on a stick, hmmm maybe I’ll call him SOS for short. SOS walks around me and stands next to Tasha.

  “Jessie, this is Damon.”

  “Hi.” I give him a fake and over exaggerated smile, then turn back to Tasha. “What am I doing down here?”

  Tasha scowls at me, probably due to my immense attitude. “Damon is now taking over day-to-day operations to allow me more time for…other things.” My mouth drops.

  “Where the fuck did he come from? How do you even know you can trust him?”

  “Jessie, enough!” I jump at the tone in Tasha’s voice. “Damon has been with me for years as one of my drivers. You, of course, wouldn’t know that because you always decline transportation.”

  Well, what the hell do I say to that? “So what does this all mean for me?” I refuse to look at him even though I feel his eyes on me.

  “This means that Damon will be handling your booking, and any other day-to-day issues.”

  I’m so mad I could fucking scream. Tasha stands and walks out of the room without another word.

  “Please, sit down.”

  I slam down into the chair like a petulant child.

  “What are your limits?”

  “What do you mean? Like what I won’t do? That shit is all in my file maybe you should do your homework. “

  “Oh, I have done my homework, Miss Evans.”

  “Then you would be able to answer your own question.”

  I can tell I’ve pissed him off by the look on his face. He clears his throat and seems to be attempting to regain control of his emotions. “I do see that you offer what Tasha refers to as sex education. What does that entail?”

  “It is basically me teaching grown men how to use their dicks correctly. Why, you need to sign up?”

  I can see he is about to burst and I love it.

  “I’m done with this shit, especially since tonight is my night off.” I stand up and begin to walk away.

  “There will also be one more change, Jessie. All girls will now come to the office for an inspection before each client and will report here afterwards.”

  “Why the hell do we need to come for an inspection?”

  He chuckles. “So that I can make sure you look fucking presentable. You will also be using our transportation.”

  “No. Fuck that. I don’t do that shit now, and I’m not starting because you want me to.”

  Damon walks around the desk and stand within an inch of me. “Yes, you will.” His hand wraps around the back of my neck. “Because if you don’t, your ass will be on the streets, and you can say goodbye to school. I can always find another bitch that likes to fuck random guys.”

  I push him away from me with both of my hands. As I walk away I hear him laugh again, I then do the mature thing and give him the finger. “See you Friday at eight!” is the last thing I hear before I slam the door.

  Chapter Three

  Ever since I met with Damon he was all I could think about. Now I was putting on my hottest dress and mile high heels just so I could rub how good I looked in his face. I hated that now I had to show up there before every job for his ‘inspection’. The entire ride I must have cursed his soul a thousand times. He was the devil and I was about to enter hell.

  When I opened the door to the office Damon was nowhere to be seen. Of course, I show up and the asshole can’t even be here on time. I walk around the room and end up stopping in front of the bed. I run my hand over the black satin sheets remembering the naïve girl that I used to be.

  I feel him behind me before I hear him. When I turn around we are so close to each other that if I moved a half an inch I would be touching him. He runs his hand gently over my skin starting at my shoulder and trailing down my arm. Damon then circles me almost like a lion would stalk its prey before pouncing.

  “I must say, I’m impressed, Jessie.” His mouth is right next to my ear, and my skin is now heated where his breath hit it.

  I remember then that I’m supposed to hate this dick and I step away from him. “I came, you saw, can I get the fuck out of here now?”

  He shakes his head as he smirks at me. “Always so angry. It’s okay though, I like feisty.”

  I shake my head in annoyance. “I don’t give a shit what you like. Can I leave now? I don’t intend to spend my whole night here with you playing this damn game of cat and mouse.”

  He is back in front of me, taking up every inch of my personal space. “This isn’t cat and mouse, because I don’t need to catch you. If I wanted you, I’d fucking have you in a minute.”

  “Like hell you would!” I storm away from him.

  “See you when you get back.”

  Once I hit the parking lot, I let out at yell of frustration and stomp my feet like a child. The black car is waiting for me and my annoyance only increases. I climb into it still seething mad. I hate this shit. I don’t need some asshole driver fucking checking me out and then giving me a look after like I’m doing a walk of shame.

  Am I proud of what I do? Hell no. It’s a means to an end for me, and I am determined not to live my life with regrets. Everyone does shit that they aren’t proud of. The difference between most people and me is that I refuse to dwell on it; I do it, deal with it, then move on.


  To say I was off my game tonight was an understatement. I couldn’t get Damon out of my head. Every time I closed my eyes he was there and you might think that would have fueled me but it didn’t. Now I’m on my way back to see him when all I want to do is go home and get him the hell out of my head somehow. I climb the steps to the office and halfway up them decide my feet have suffered enough and take my heels off.

  As I pad into the office I see Damon at the desk with his head in his hands. The difference is, this time he doesn’t look like the domineering asshole that’s made my life hell, he looks normal and kind of tortured in a way. His head lifts up and his eyes lock on me. We stand there just staring at each other for a minute until he breaks eye contact and stands.

  He walks over to me with an envelope and places it in my hand, then wordlessly walks back to the desk. I look inside of it and its cash, a lot of it. Guess direct deposit is over too. I always hated this part of the process, it’s the only time I ever feel cheap.

  I start to leave but stop and turn around. “No witty or dickhead remark?”

  He looks up at me. His eyes are bloodshot and he seems exhausted. “No, I’ve heard you’re very good at your job. See you tomorrow.”

  Well that was fucking weird.

  Chapter Four

  “Look at you, lady. Who are you so dressed up for?”

  I raise my eyebrow at Lauren. “I have a job tonight. What are you talking about?”

  “Nope.” She shakes her head at me. “This is different than your usual hooking outfit, this shit has much more effort.”

  “No, it doesn’t.” So what if I curled my hair, and used a little more makeup.

  “Are you dressing up for the new guy?” She shuts the lid of her ever-present laptop. Lauren is an English major and a compulsive writer, not like poetry or anything rather those Fifty Shades type of books. The kind that make you want to go home and get yourself off.

  “Fuck no. I don’t giv
e a shit about that asshole.”

  “Oh my God! You fucking like him, you little ho!”

  I grab my clutch and head for the door. “Get a grip, bitch. This is not one of those cheesy-ass books you write. I’ll see you in the morning.” I shut the door before she can utter another response. She has no idea what she is talking about. Damon was a pain in my ass, and I didn’t give a shit about him.

  I pull my car into the parking lot, and make my way up to Damon’s office. When I go in he is talking on his cell phone and pacing back and forth. He is whispering so I can’t hear much of what he is saying, but he doesn’t sound happy. I know that he heard me come in but he has yet to acknowledge me.

  He slips his phone into his pocket and walks over to stand in front of me. “You must really like this one.” He circles me taking in every inch of my body. “You got all dressed up for him. Are you looking forward to it, Jessie?” His fingers touch my thigh and he pulls me backwards so I’m pressed against him. “Do you want to be fucked tonight?”

  As his hand moves slowly up my thigh I want to fight him off but my body isn’t listening. My body wants Damon, every fucking sexy inch of him.

  Damon runs his nose up the length of my neck. “You smell so good I could fucking eat you.” I involuntarily moan. “Mmmm, would you like that?” His finger grazes my lace thong making me wet instantly. “You want me to lick and suck you until you come all over my face?”

  “God, yes.” Shit. Way to play it cool, Jessie.

  Just then he releases me. When I turn to face him, confused at what just happened, he smirks. “Sorry, babe. I don’t pay for it.”

  Motherfucker. I swing my hand to slap the shit out of him but he catches it. Damon brings my hand to his mouth gently biting the pad of one of my fingers.

  “Better get going, you’re gonna be late.”

  “I fucking hate you.”

  He laughs. “Now we both know that shit isn’t true.” He smacks my ass before turning and walking away from me.

  I want to say something. Some smart-ass remark to make him feel like shit, but it’s like my damn brain is on hiatus. As I leave the office and exit the building my anger only increases. Why do I let his stupid ass get to me like that? Why do I even give a crap about him? I climb into the ride I’m forced to use, and slam down on the seat.

  Thank God my client tonight wanted a domme, because I really needed to beat the shit out of someone.


  “Fuck!” I stood over Ben, at least I think that is his name. When I got to the hotel room he had all types whips, floggers, and basically anything else I might need to physically hurt him on display. I look down at his ass and back red from where I struck him and even though I knew he was in pain he was begging for more. I brought the whip down hard again, relishing in the release it gave me from my own pent up anger.

  “Shit, yes!”

  I never got this type of weird-ass shit. I mean sure, slap my ass while we are having sex, but a fucking whip and lash marks? I’ll beat your ass before you do that to me. I dig the point of my stiletto into his back forcing him down farther toward the floor. He moans in pleasure as it dig into his skin.

  I need this shit to be over sooner rather than later. I take a look at the only thing in his arsenal I had left to use. The strap-on. Ewww. This absolutely disgusted me but hey, the client has to get what they paid for. I secure it around me as I walk over to him. He lay there still with his ass in the air just as I had left him. As I sink the unrealistically large dildo into him I only have one thought. Is this really my fucking life?

  I got absolutely nothing out of tonight. Not that I usually have orgasms when I have clients, I very rarely do. However I usually at least get a little sexual gratification out of it. All I got tonight was the overwhelming need for a damn shower.

  As I trudged my way up the steps to the office, Damon’s cruelty was still fresh in my mind. Why the hell had he felt the need to do that shit to me? I walk in to find him lying down on the bed, and as I walk closer he seems like he is sleeping. I creep closer hoping to do something to him in his sleep to get back at him.

  “Your envelope is on the desk.” My shoulders slump at the realization that he was awake the whole time.

  “You know, you have a lot of fucking nerve pulling the shit you did with me earlier.”

  He sits up and even though I can see that he is exhausted his eyes burn when they look at me. “I didn’t do anything to you that was unwanted.”

  I glare at him. He is the only person that makes my brain stall enough to not be able to put him on his ass.

  Damon stands up and moves in front of me. “You’re not mad about what I did, Jessie. You’re mad about what I didn’t do.” His fingers gently trace the line of my cleavage. “I know that you had no relief tonight, either. I bet you’re going to go home and touch yourself, aren’t you.” Damon moves behind me and quickly wraps one hand around my waist holding me in place against him. He then cups me with his free hand making sure his thumb is roughly pressing down on my clit. “Just promise me that when you go home, when you make yourself come, that you’ll think of me.” His head bends and his teeth graze my neck.

  I stumble as Damon quickly moves away from me before walking out of the office. As much as I didn’t want to admit it to Damon or myself, I was definitely going to think about him tonight when I made myself fall apart.

  Chapter Five

  “Give me a fucking break!” I scream in frustration, throwing my blow dryer and effectively breaking it even more.

  Lauren sticks her head cautiously into the bathroom. “Problem?” She laughs as I glare at her.

  “Yes, there is a fucking problem. My damn rat’s nest head of hair just – ”

  “Rat’s nest?” She cocks her head to the side.

  “Yeah, Lo, rat’s nest.”

  “Has the offending blow dryer officially fried your brain? Rats don’t have nests.”

  “Shut the hell up, bitch. You know what I mean. Anyway, this damn devil mane won’t cooperate and I’m about to go GI Jane and shave all of it off.”

  Lo starts cracking up and I swear I could murder her right now. “Chill out, jezebel.” She grabs my beach wave spray and begins to fix the mess I made of myself. When she is done she steps back and surveys her work. “Not too shabby. You actually look like a respectable woman.”

  I shoved her away. “Shut up, you demon whore.” I love that I could be myself with Lo. I didn’t have to put on a show, or worry about what she would think of me.

  “Get your slutty ass dressed and let’s go.” She smacks my butt before walking out of the bathroom.

  I shake my head and walk into my bedroom. The bathroom connects both of our rooms, which is a blessing and a curse sometimes. Tonight we are going to go out to a new club opening called “On the Rocks.” It sounds really cheesy but Lo begged me to go all week. I throw on a pair of skinny jeans and a halter top. I honestly don’t want a lot of attention tonight so I’m not going to wear something that screams, ‘look at me’.

  When I walk out of the room I see Lo all dressed up and looking like a damn celebrity. Maybe I should have put a little more effort in.

  “Is this your attempt to ward off the opposite sex? If it is, good job.”

  I flip her the finger, as we walk out of the door and hail a cab. The ride to the club is only about twenty minutes, but when I see the line I’m tempted to tell the driver to turn around. “Seriously, Lo?”

  “Whatever, I told you it was all anyone was talking about. Of course it would be crowded.” I climb out of the car after her. “Let’s go get in line I’m sure the wait won’t be that long.”

  I’m about to follow her when someone catches my eye. I grab Lo’s arm, and she turns around as if to ask what I’m doing. “Follow me.”

  “Jessie, you can’t just walk up there.” I pay no attention to her and soon I hear her heels clicking behind me.

  I walk up to the entrance where the bouncer is and I hear grumbled wh
ispers coming from the line. The muscular guy in front of me doesn’t even look up from the phone he is furiously tapping on.

  “Excuse me.”

  “Back of the line. There is no list, and I don’t give a shit how short your dress is or how big your tits are.”

  “What about my heels? You like those?”

  Ben’s head snaps up and I immediately see recognition in his eyes. I know that it isn’t right using his secret to my advantage but looking at that line I didn’t give a shit. He fumbles his phone before shoving it into his pocket and opening the door to the club. I spare him the embarrassment and choose not to look him in the eye. I do steal a glance as I’m passing him though and all he is doing is staring at my heels. When his tongue runs over his lips I know he is remembering me digging them into his skin.

  Once the door closes behind us, Lauren grabs my arm. “How did you do that? Do you know him from somewhere?”

  I gave her a cocky look. “Lo, where the hell do you think I know him from?”

  “Oh my God! Ewww!” She walks off and I laugh as I follow her to the bar. The bartender walks over to Lo. “Can I have two red-headed sluts?” He nods and walks away.

  “In the mood for shots tonight?”

  “I just thought it went with the evening so far.” Most people at this point would have probably slapped her, but this was us. We were always picking on each other, but if someone else did it they would be fucked.

  The bartender hands us our shots and I gulp mine down. After this weekend I am in need of alcohol. I continue this pattern throughout the night trying to drown my sorrows in the numerous drinks that the low life club-hoppers try to bribe me with.


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