Shattered Innocence

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Shattered Innocence Page 8

by Noelle, Alexis

  “Sorry, bitch, I gotta wash this shit off and you’ve been contemplating the secrets of the universe for ten minutes already.”

  Sometimes I honestly just want to kill her. I get out of the shower and go into my room to get changed hoping I can at least do that in peace. Lo and I always joke that if we didn’t have each other we would be alone. She is just as scarred as me for her own reasons. Now that I have an option to have someone, it scares the shit out of me. My door opens and Lo walks in and plops down on my bed.

  “Spill.” I look at her and cock my head to the side. “I have been able to see the wheels turning in that screwed up head of yours since you walked in the door. What’s up, ho bag?”

  I lay down on the bed next her. “I’m just scared, Lo. What if I let him in and I get screwed?”

  “Let’s be honest, bitch, you’ve been screwed more than McDonald’s serves burgers.”

  I shove her making her fall off the mattress. “I’m fucking serious!”

  She smirks at me. “So am I.” I go to throw something at her but she holds her hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay, shit you’re testy today. Jess, you can either break it off with him and hurt yourself in the process, or you take a chance with him and leave yourself open to possibly getting hurt. In one scenario you’re screwed and in the other well you’ll still be screwed but in a different way.”

  “I hate you.”

  She shoves my arm. “No you don’t. You love me with every slutty bone in your body.” We both start to laugh. “In all seriousness, Jess. If he was planning to screw you over, I mean more then he already has…” I smack her arm and she grabs it pretending like she is wounded. “He wouldn’t be chasing your bitchy ass around for weeks. He would have split after the first time you guys did it. We both have shit that has stuck with us, that doesn’t mean that we need to hold onto it forever. If you hold onto the past you’ll never be able to have a future. Don’t let your shithead parents and everyone else who has ever been an asshole to you keep you from something that could be amazing. Stop overthinking it and running every possible problem that could happen through your head. You’re gonna land yourself in the damn psych ward then he will definitely leave your ass for sure.”

  “You know, you sit there and give good advice then fuck it up at the end. Why the hell am I friends with you?”

  “We aren’t just friends, Jezebel, we’re sisters. You know you love me.”

  I really did. I knew that no matter what she said Lo was here for me whenever I needed her. We have had this sort of a relationship since high school, Lo and I would always call each other names and half the time people thought we were enemies instead of best friends. The thing is that if anyone else said shit to me she would kill them. This guy in our school kept hitting on me and after my tenth refusal was telling everyone I fucked him in the janitor’s closet. Lo wacked him in the dick with her chemistry textbook and he didn’t walk right for days.

  “You know, I could see if Damon has any hot single friends.”

  She starts to shake her head no. “Uh uh, you might have jumped ship but I am not going to be tied down to one douchebag for the rest of my life.”

  “The rest of your life? Who said anything about that?”

  “I have seen the way you and Joe Cool look at each other, and if you can’t see it, you’re blind.” She sighs in frustration. “That’s why you’re so scared, Jess, you know that Damon isn’t some short-term thing. If you didn’t have a strong attachment to him you wouldn’t be freaking out about him hurting you. Connections between people don’t happen slowly over years. It’s either there or it isn’t from the start. Everyone says love doesn’t happen fast, and that’s true. However love comes from the intense connection that two people share. That connection is instantaneous, and no matter what, you can’t fight it.”

  “You know, you’re pretty damn smart for a sarcastic bitch.” I give Lo a hug, thanking God that I have her in my life.

  “Yeah, you’re pretty awesome for a hooker.” She always has to ruin it. “You wanna go out tonight?”

  “Truthfully, I’m beat. You okay if we just stay in?”

  “Yeah, but let’s go to the liquor store. I am in some serious need of a drunken best friend night.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  We head out and pick up a couple bottles of flavored rum, some tortilla chips, spinach dip, and a frozen pizza. All of the ingredients for a perfect girl’s night in. We devour the food as Lo interrogates me about my time away with Damon. Talking things out with her makes me realize how stupid I’ve been. I need to just let my fears go.

  “Alright, now it’s time for See it and Drink.”

  “Already? I don’t think I – ”

  “Nope. It’s my turn to pick and I have the best idea.” See it and Drink was a game Lo and I had created when we were watching a movie and drinking on girl’s night. One of us picks a movie and the makes a rule that whenever something happens you have to drink. I know other people play it all the time, but if you try to tell Lo that she didn’t invent it, she might bite your head off.

  Lo sits next to me on the couch and starts pressing buttons on the remote. “Okay tonight’s movie is Magic Mike, the rule is every time where are caught looking at their penises we have to take a shot.”

  Shit, we are gonna be trashed. The movie starts and within a half an hour we have killed almost a bottle and a half of the rum. We are giggling like high school girls and drooling as we watch the gyrating that’s taking place.

  “I don’t know if it’s the alcohol, but this movie has made me horny as shit.”

  I laugh at the expression on her face. “Ugh, me too.”

  “Oh my God!”

  Lo yells and I jump. “You’re gonna give me a damn heart attack!”

  “You should call, Damon!”

  I give her a look of confusion. “Why the hell would I call Damon?”

  “Because you’re drunk and horny, you dumb shit.” She takes another shot. “Even better idea! You should call him and have phone sex with him, so I can hear, too.”

  I choke on the drink I was taking. “Are you out of your fucking mind? Why the fuck would I do that, and especially why would I do it in front of you?”

  “Because I dare you to.”

  I shake my head. “No! We haven’t done that shit in forever, Lo. It was back in high school and so does not count now.” When Lo and I were growing up we used to have an agreement. If we dared the other person to do something it was serious, if you didn’t do the dare then you got a punishment. It used to be fun, now I’m regretting it.

  “It’s up to you, girl, just saying though, my punishment might still involve Damon but add in a peephole.” Fuck.

  “I hate you so fucking much.” She doesn’t care though. She is bouncing up and down on the couch, clapping her hands and grinning. I pick up my phone and press Damon’s name. It’s two in the morning hopefully he’ll be asleep.

  “Hello?” God dammit.


  Lo nudges my shoulder. “It better be hot bitch or the punishment will come,” she whispers to me.

  “Jessie? Are you drunk?”

  I clear my throat. I can totally do this. “Drunk on your sexy ass.” I hang my head in shame. This is going to be bad. “What are you wearing?” Lo is collapsed on the couch in hysterics and I actually think I heard her snort.

  “Um, shorts. What is going on?” He sounds half asleep and half creeped the fuck out.

  “Why um…why don’t you take those shorts off for me big boy.” I clamp my hand over my mouth trying to mask the giggles coming out.


  I close my eyes and try to compose myself. “Yeah.”

  “Um, okay.” I hear rustling in the background and bit my lip silencing the laughter. “Now what?”

  Shit. Now what? I don’t know! I look at Lo with panic in my eye and she is pretending to jerk off the remote. Oh. My. God. “Are you hard…baby?” My hand comes to my forehead on
ly imagining how stupid I sound.

  “Fuck yes.”

  Lo leans close to my ear. “Really? This shit does it for him? He’s easier than you!”

  I go to smack her but miss and drop the phone. I quickly grab it and press it to my ear.


  “Yeah, sorry I got excited and dropped the phone.” I take a deep breath. “Touch yourself, like I would.”

  I hear him groan. Holy shit. This is fucking unbelievable. “I wish you were here. You touching yourself, too?”

  “Um yeah, totally.” I make a moaning sound hoping that it’s convincing enough.

  “Jessie, this is so fucking hot. Talk to me some more.”

  Fuck. Seriously? “I wish I was there, touching you, making you feel good. I would be rough with you. Is that what you want?” Trying to stay in character and keep a sexy voice is almost impossible with the hyena on the couch behind me flopping around like a fish.

  “Damn right. I love it when you’re rough. I’m imagining my dick in your hot wet pussy right now.”

  Holy shit. What do I say? I can’t do this! “I wish you were fucking me…hard” I hear his breathing start to pick up. Maybe if I give him a good line he’ll blow his load. “I love the way your dick feels in me. You close, baby? I love when you fill me with your come.”

  I hear a growl come from Damon. Thank God it’s over. “That was so unexpected and fucking amazing. Now, to focus my attention on you.”

  What? No. That was not part of the plan. “No, this was about you.”

  “Fuck that. Touch your pussy for me, baby.”

  Lo is now convulsing. Fuck my life. “I am.” I try to sound as breathless as I can.

  “Good run a finger through your pussy and make it nice and wet. Slip two fingers in as far as they’ll go.” I moan involuntarily just at the thought of doing what he is telling me. Shit, I really am wet. Hmmm maybe this could actually work.

  While Lo is distracted with trying to breathe I make a run for my door. Once I close it I lock the doorknob and then do the same to the bathroom door. I can hear Lo pounding on the door but I don’t give a shit right now. I lie down on my bed and ease my shorts and underwear off.

  “You okay, babe. Yeah I just need to change positions.”

  “Good.” His voice is so deep and I can tell he’s still turned on. I put two of my fingers into my pussy like Damon had said to and I buck my hips at the contact. “Now stroke your pussy, baby, move your fingers nice and slow like I do.” I groan. “I want you to take your thumb and press down on your clit and rub it in hard circles.”

  “Ah!” I can’t control myself right now. Listening to him talk me through getting myself off is so damn hot.

  “That’s what I like to hear, baby. With your free hand I want you to grab your perfect tit. Tease the nipple by applying different amount of pressure and pulling on it.” Imagine I’m there buried in your beautiful pussy, and sucking on those tits.”

  “God yes.”

  “I know you’re body so well, baby, that I know you’re close. Start moving your fingers faster and push down on your clit.”

  After a few minutes of listening to his sexy ass voice saying the dirtiest shit, my legs are starting to tremble with pleasure. When I do, my body explodes around me. I lay there so exhausted I am barely able to hold onto the phone. When I hear Lo bang at the door again, I’m ready to kill her. Hoping she will go away I don’t make any moves to get up, then I hear the banging again. I slowly get up, throw on my shorts, and open the door. I’m ready to give her hell. Until I see Damon standing there.

  He reaches down and grabs my right hand lifting it toward his face. My legs almost give out as I watch him insert each of my fingers into his mouth and suck on them.

  “The phone wasn’t enough for me.” He backs me into my room, closing the door and locking it again. Damon steps forward and I’m now pressed against the door. “I can’t wait too long to bury my aching dick inside you. I do need to taste that beautiful fucking pussy, though.” He drops down in front of me, yanks my shorts down, and I step out of them quickly. His hands skim up my legs hooking his arms around the back of my knees. I almost fall from the lack of balance when he lifts them up and rests my legs on his shoulders.

  His nose runs along my inner thigh and my body heats almost to the point of pain. Damon runs his tongue slowly up the length of my pussy stopping at my clit and sucking it into his mouth. I lift my arms above my head and grab onto the doorframe for support. In doing this I thrust myself toward him more and he groans in appreciation. His fingers join his mouth going to town on my already sensitive area. Before I know what hits me, my legs are starting to tremble in anticipation of my impending orgasm. When he pulls away from me, I whine in disappointment.

  He untangles my legs from his shoulders, and stands up. As his arms come up, grab the hem of my shirt and lift it over my head. “How is it possible that I missed you so fucking much when I just saw you earlier.”

  I smile, not knowing how to respond to his declaration of feelings. Damon takes my hand and leads me over to my bed, stopping just at the edge of it. My back is now to his front and I can feel his erection pressed against my ass through the thin shorts he has on. I reach behind me and hook my thumbs into his waistband and slowly lower them and myself to the floor. When I stand back up I do it slowly making sure to stick my ass out and trail it over his body.

  His fingers grip my hips. “I would love to fucking cherish every inch of you but I want you too damn bad.” Before I can even think of a response, he pulls back and slams into me. “God damn perfect.”

  My hands lean onto the bed forcing my ass back against him and allowing him to bury himself even deeper.

  “I’m gonna warn you now, baby. You need to hold on.” I grasp the edge of the mattress in my fists and my pussy clenches in anticipation. When Damon starts to move it’s slow, but with each thrust his speed picks up until I am jolting forward so far that I almost lose hold of the mattress. He has never been this rough and it’s almost like I feel all of his desire and desperation pouring into me.

  I am screaming each time he pushes back into me and I honestly don’t think I can take much more. My body feels like it’s going to break in two. His force is too much and my arms collapse, making my body fall onto the mattress. Damon doesn’t fault though, he wraps his arm around my waist lifting me up more and taking advantage of the new angle. My entire body starts to tighten and I can feel my orgasm building. God, this man knows exactly what to do to send me over the edge quick.

  “I can feel your pussy squeezing my dick. I am about to come, baby, but I need you to go with me. I want to hear you scream my fucking name.” He removes one of his hands from my hip tangling it in my hair and giving it a little tug. I don’t know why but I love it when he does that. There is something so primal, possessive, and dominant about it. He pulls my hair so I’m forced to arch my back.

  When Damon’s teeth grasp the soft skin behind my ear, I scream out his name just like he wanted me to. His fingers dig into my hip and the hand in my hair tightens its grip and he finds his release. His hands let go of me and lean onto the mattress, as he hovers over me.

  He leans down trailing soft kisses down my spine before pulling out of me. I don’t have the energy to move my body. I think my hangover has already started and my muscles are on strike.

  “Turn over, babe.” I roll over groaning from the movement. Damon gently wipes me off making sure not to be rough. It’s like he knows the damage that he has caused. I always read books where they say they will be sore the next day and roll my eyes. I know that tomorrow I’ll be walking like I have a stick up my ass.

  I feel his arms wrap around me and lay me down on my pillow, pulling the blanket up to my chin. His lips softly kiss mine. “I have to get up early tomorrow. Call me when you wake up.”

  He’s leaving? I want to protest but my mouth is unresponsive. My entire body has shut down and is basically telling me to shut the hell up and go t
o sleep.

  Chapter Sixteen

  I wake up to a pounding headache and the sliver of light peeking through my window is like the brightest spotlight you can imagine. I slowly sit up hoping I don’t lose it all over my bed. I notice a bottle of Gatorade and some aspirin on the end table. Damon must have left them for me before he left. I can’t believe he left, not that I would have been conscious enough to interact with him.

  After a little while of sitting on my bed and waiting for the pill to kick in I decide to take my chances on walking. Lo is in the kitchen bouncing around and singing. The bitch never gets hungover and it’s the most irritating thing in the fucking world. She turns when she hears me coming.

  “Damn girl, you look like shit.” She slides over a mug of coffee. “He really did a number on you last night, huh?” My only reply is a grunt and giving her the finger. “What was up with the stick it and split he pulled?”

  I look up at her. “Stick it and split? He had to get up early, and he wasn’t even supposed to be here last night.”

  “Whatevs. From what I heard last night, he served his purpose.”

  I laugh. “It was definitely a pleasurable experience.”

  “So tell me, is he into any kind of kinky shit? I’m in a dry spell and I could use some inspiration.”

  “You’re disgusting.”

  She laughs. “C’mon don’t be a stingy bitch.”

  “Okay.” She smiles like the Cheshire cat and sits down next to me. “Have you ever had a guy pull your hair?”

  “Yes, I reached up and pulled that motherfuckers hair and asked him how he liked it. He actually did which was just fucking weird, in my opinion.”

  “Well, Damon will do it sometimes and I think it’s so hot. Does that make me crazy?”

  “Nope.” Thank God. “Being a hooker who dates her pimp makes you fucking crazy.”

  “He is not my pimp!”

  She laughs and then looks at me like I’m crazy. “He books you jobs and you report to him before and after. He’s your damn pimp.” I cradle my head in my hands. “Hey Jess?”


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