Catch (Coronado Series Book 4)

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Catch (Coronado Series Book 4) Page 6

by Lea Hart

“That might be best, because she’s been going back and forth with her old boyfriend for a year. I think getting in the middle of that is a disaster in the making. He deserves someone who’s interested in him.”

  “I’ll tell him what you said. It’ll make him feel better.”

  “’Thank you, Chris, for standing up for me and helping me out with this problem with Dean.”

  “I’m happy to do it. I’ll stand between you and anything bad in the world.” When she leaned into him as she ate her lunch, he wondered if he could share his feelings sooner rather than later.

  As they finished eating, Rachel gathered up their trash and pulled wipes out of her purse. She handed him one and then wiped her hands.

  “What else do you have in that purse of yours?”

  “I could probably invade a small country with the contents of my purse.” She held it open for him and noticed that he leaned back. “It doesn’t bite. You can peer inside.”

  Shaking his head, he glanced away. “I don’t want to look in your purse.”

  She shrugged and closed her purse and leaned her head against his shoulder and sighed. “There is nothing exciting in there, anyway.”

  “Thanks for giving me a chance, Rachel.”

  “Thanks for wanting a chance. I know my life is a mess, and I appreciate all that you’ve done.”

  “I’m great at messes. In fact, it’s one of my specialties. That’s what SEALs do. We go in and clean stuff up.”

  “I’m lucky you were available, then.”

  “I’m available for a lot more, and when the time is right, I’ll fill you in on my many talents.” He heard her laugh as she relaxed against him and looked out over the water.

  They walked along the path after lunch, and Chris took the opportunity to hold her hand. This was definitely high school, because he felt the same excitement he had all those years ago. He’d sat with the pretty girl and eaten lunch with her, and now they were holding hands on their way to work.

  “There’s Laird and his friend sitting on that bench. We should stop and say hi,” Rachel suggested.

  “I thought we were not supposed to bother them.”

  “This isn’t bothering. This is saying a hello.”

  “I thought he had a vibe going.”

  “He does, but I want to meet his friend. He’s had plenty of time to work his charm.”

  “That’s clear. I’m glad you’re here to translate.”

  “Hi, Laird,” Rachel called out.

  He glanced up and smiled at them. “Hi, guys. What are you doing out here?”

  “We just ate lunch, and now we’re heading back to the office,” Chris said.

  He stood up. “This is my friend Lexi and her daughter, Isabella.”

  Rachel stepped forward and smiled into the stroller. “She’s lovely. How old is she?”

  Lexi grinned at her and responded, “Bella is nine months old.”

  “My niece is five, and she has Down syndrome as well. They live on the East Coast, and I only get to see her four or five times a year. Your daughter is so pretty and appears healthy.”

  “She is, and I feel blessed. Bella was just cleared for six months before her next checkup with the cardiologist. We’ve been on a three-month check in the past, so the fact that we get six months is a good sign.”

  Rachel took her hand and squeezed it. “That’s great news. My niece just had heart surgery over the summer. We all felt fortunate that she was able to wait until then. If you ever want to talk to my sister, let me know.” She opened her purse, pulled out a card, and handed it to her. “Just send me an email, and I’ll pass on my sister’s info.”

  “Thanks, Rachel. That would be great.”

  “Well, we’d better get back. I have a big project sitting on my desk,” Rachel said.

  Chris shook Lexi’s hand. “Nice meeting you and your daughter.”

  They walked up the street, and Rachel turned to Chris at the corner. “Laird better have some pretty good intentions with that woman, because I won’t put up with him playing around.”

  “I’ll make sure to let him know where you stand.”

  She nodded. “See that you do.”


  Chris stepped up to Rachel’s door and couldn’t believe what a difference a week made. Last Friday, he was confronting Dean, and today, he was picking her up for a date. He hoped for a real date kiss after it was all over. His kindergarten crush had only gotten bigger over this last week. The more time they spent together, the more he liked her. She was a lot funnier than he’d first thought, and he enjoyed her dry sense of humor. Her mother was English and had raised the girls on all of those comedies that the BBC showed. It showed up in the way she viewed the world.

  He knocked on her door and waited. He felt it was an excellent sign of restraint since he had a key to the new locks that he’d installed. The door opened, and his heart fell forward into the girl that answered it.

  “Thanks for knocking. I know you have a key, and I appreciate you going through the ritual of waiting for me to answer the door.” Stepping aside, she let him through the door. “You look handsome.”

  “I thought I would wear nice clothes for our first date, because I want you to be impressed with my ability to dress myself.”

  She walked around him in a circle and took her time taking in all of the details. “I like your outfit, and I’m impressed.”

  He caught her hand as she moved around him and held it. “That was the point. I’m a full-grown man, and I have all of the skills to go with it.”

  She inadvertently glanced down at his pants and tipped her head up before she was caught. Somehow, when he’d said “full-grown man,” her mind went to a naughty place. Apparently, the nun’s life was finally catching up with her. It was either that or just being in close proximity to a man with an excessive amount of testosterone. Her ancestors could be calling to her and telling her to mate with him, because clearly, he was a good choice.

  She hoped that none of her crazy thoughts were showing on her face. “You’re so handsome. Thank you for making the effort for me.”

  “I can say the same thing to you. You’re so pretty that it makes my eyes hurt.”

  She gave him a funny look and tried to smile in response.

  “I did it again. I try to think of something to impress you, and that’s what comes out. Why does it happen with you?” Chris mumbled.

  She stepped up to him and took his hand and stared up into his dreamy cognac eyes. “Maybe because it matters.”

  “It definitely matters. I have a feeling that you’re never going to be impressed with my game. Maybe I don’t have any when it comes to you.”

  “The fact that you said that means you don’t need any. Say what you think and feel, and I’ll do the same.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think that’s going to be such a good idea. I’m not sure you’re ready for all of the ideas I have in my head.”

  “You might be surprised, Chris.”

  “Maybe I’ll just roll them out nice and slow. That way you can get used to them.”

  “Fast or slow, I can handle it.” She gave him a smile that left no confusion about the meaning behind those words. “So where are we going?”

  He stared down at her, and all he saw was her bed with the two of them lying there…spent. With those flowers she liked on the dresser with the petals falling on the floor. He had no idea where the flowers came from, but he wasn’t going to worry about it. “What did you say?”

  “Where are you taking me tonight?”

  “Oh…I’m taking you to a restaurant close to my house called New Orleans Creole Café. The food is terrific. Then we’re going to Balboa Park to listen to the Bayou Brothers. I picked the restaurant to go with the music.”

  “Wow. That’s the nicest thing anyone’s done for me in a long time.” She grabbed her jacket and purse, and took his hand. “I think you have all kinds of game. You’re kind of a baller.”

  He laughed in respo
nse. “Do you know what that means?”

  “Not really. I thought it meant someone who had it going on.”

  “It usually refers to someone who’s made it or a ballplayer who’s living large.”

  She frowned in response. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, honey. I’m sure.”

  She shrugged and followed him to the door.

  “You can call me that if you want.”

  “I don’t want to call you that. It seems like an insult now that I know what it means.”

  “You can call me the man of your dreams.” A smile broke out across her face. “Too much?”

  “Well, at least it would be closer than ‘baller.’ I’ll just call you by your name,” she replied.

  He took her hand and led her into the elevator. “Okay.”

  They rode down in silence and stared up at the display. He had no idea why this particular woman had him so nuts, but she did. He wanted to stay as close to her as he could for as long as she would let him. He had a feeling that she was the answer for him, and he hoped that in some way, he could be the same for her.


  Chris studied the menu as Rachel glanced around the restaurant. “What are you going to have?”

  “I thought I would try the etouffee. It’s one of their specialties. What about you?”

  “I’m going to have the gumbo.” He took her hand across the table. “Does that meet with your approval?”

  “It’s not up to me. Have what you want.”

  “You’ve been giving me your opinion all week and making me eat a healthy breakfast. Why are you suddenly free of opinions?”

  “God, am I that bad?” she asked.

  “No, I like it when you tell me what you think. It means that you care about me.”

  “I do, but it’s none of my business. You’re fit, and I don’t need to tell you what to do.”

  “What’s going on, Rachel? This is an about-face after what you’ve been giving me all week.”

  She pulled his hand so he leaned forward, and their faces were close. “I can get a little bossy, and I can’t believe I did it with you.”

  “Don’t apologize. I think it’s nice that you care about what I eat. I’ll let you boss me around if you want.”

  She laughed out loud. “Tell me how that works.”

  “I’m not sure how it works. I want you to be happy…so boss away.”

  “I don’t think that’s how it works.” The waitress brought their drinks to the table, and they each took a sip and studied one another. “Chris, you’re a physically imposing man with a strong will and sharp intellect. Why would you let me be in charge?”

  “Because Mark and Max said that’s how it works. They’re both unbelievably happy, and I want that with you. It has something to do with balancing out power, and that involves me giving it to you because I appear to have more of it. That doesn’t really make sense to me. I feel like you have all the power over me, because I would do anything to make you happy.”

  “I think that’s how it works. At least, that’s what happens between my parents. My dad gives it to my mom, and she returns it to him. It’s like a river. It just flows back and forth with no stopping point. Sometimes, one person has it, and other times, the other person does.”

  “I think that makes a lot more sense. I don’t have a lot of experience in this area, so I guess we can make it up as we go along.”

  “I don’t, either. I’ve really sucked at relationships, so I may be a bad bet for you.”

  “You’re not a bad bet. You’re the only one I want.” He pulled her hand so their heads were touching. “Give me a small, sweet kiss, and then I promise to leave you alone for the rest of dinner.”

  She pressed her lips against his, and his scent filled her head. It was the most right that she’d felt in a long time. He smelled like the best thing in the world, and she knew that in some way, he was her answer.


  Chris and Rachel stood close as they clapped in appreciation for the musicians. The concert had been so much fun, because zydeco music made people get up and dance. Chris stopped clapping for a moment when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. Pulling it out, he checked the display and saw that the doors had been breached at Rachel’s condo. The signal went directly to the police station, so he hoped they would get uniforms over there quickly. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “Honey, it’s time to go.”

  She knew instantly that something was wrong. She grabbed her purse and followed him closely as they made their way out of the crowd. “What happened?”

  He stepped to the side and let the stream of people pass. “The doors on your condo have been breached. I don’t know what it means, but the police have been notified. I’m going to call our SAI contact at SDPD and give him a heads-up. Do you want to call Gus and let him know as well?”

  “Could it be a malfunction?”

  “It could be, but it’s probably not. Dean didn’t enjoy our conversation the other day, and I have a feeling this is his way of expressing it. His brother wasn’t happy, either. Those two have crazy locked up nice and tight.”

  He took her hand and led her out of the park toward the parking lot. “Do you want me to drop you off at my house?”

  “No. Why would I want that?”

  “I don’t know what your place is going to be like.”

  “I’m facing this head-on, and I’m going to deal with whatever it is.” She picked up her pace because she wanted to get it over with. The unknown was much harder to deal with. “It’s going to be a lot easier this time because I’m not alone. I have you to help me out.”

  He opened the door to his truck and helped her in. Before she turned away, he cupped her cheek and stared into her eyes. “You will always have me.”

  She leaned up, kissed his cheek, and closed her eyes as she let her mouth rest against his skin. “Thank you.”


  They drove up to the building and saw two cop cars parked in front. “Do you think this is Dean’s way of responding to your conversation?” Rachel asked.

  “I do. Unfortunately, I may be responsible for whatever has happened in your condo. After I met with the Dad, I caught up with Dean at the gym. His brother was there and seemed more pissed about what I had to say than Dean did. I pushed Dean hard, and his brother didn’t appreciate it. I wanted to make it clear there were consequences to his behavior.”

  “This is Dean and his crazy brother. This has been a long time in the making, and I’m glad that he’s been pushed. We’ve been in this horrible dance of confrontation with no end in sight. Dean has his own issues, but his brother is worse, and I think Dean gets egged on by him. I almost moved home over the summer because I felt like one of us was going to end up dead, and I didn’t want it to be me.”

  “Honey, nothing is going to happen to you. I agree with you about the brother, because I don’t think Dean is capable of doing this on his own.”

  “Let’s go see how bad it is,” Rachel said.

  “Robert, who’s our contact at SDPD, might be here as well. This is going to be the end of it, Rach. The fact that he’s done this tells us he’s ready to cross the line. When he does that, he’s never coming back. I know this seems bad, but this is actually a good development.”

  “So the fact that he’s broken in is a good sign?”

  “Yes. My intention when I spoke with him the other day was to rattle him hard enough to provoke him into acting. I don’t wait for the fight…I go to the fight, but I wanted him to come after me, not you.

  “I think a heads-up would’ve been helpful.”

  “I didn’t want to worry you until we knew what we had.”

  “Well, let’s go see what we have.”

  Chris parked his truck in front of the building and came around and helped her out. He took a moment to scan the street, because if the asshole was lurking around, he wanted to make sure that he understood Rachel wasn’t alone. If he had anything to say about it, s
he would never be alone again.

  He felt her pull on his hand as she turned toward the building. “I know that you’re telling me this is a good thing, and I hope you’re right. But if he touched my pink couch, there will be blood on the streets. I want to warn you that I’m not feeling reasonable right now.”

  “Message received.”

  They entered the building, and there was a uniformed officer at the elevators. Chris introduced himself and asked if Robert was on the scene. “No, sir, Robert is on another case, so he sent his second over. He’s upstairs, and he’s ready to speak with you.”

  Rachel stepped in front of Chris. “How bad is it?”

  “I haven’t been upstairs, so I’m not sure. Go on up, and Mike will fill you in.”

  Chris took her hand and led in her into the elevator. “We’ll take care of this. Don’t worry.”

  “I’m hating this, Chris.”

  “I’m going to handle it from now on,” Chris replied.

  “I never wanted him to win, and I feel like he has because now you’re handling it and not me.”

  “He’s won nothing. Trust me.”

  They got off the elevators and walked down the hallway toward her condo. There were two officers standing outside her door, and she gripped his hand as they got closer. “Tell me how bad it is,” Rachel said.

  They both turned and smiled at Rachel and then stared at Chris and assumed a more formal manner. “Let me get Mike out here to speak with you. They’re dusting for prints right now,” said the young officer.

  Rachel nodded and stood next to Chris and felt her stomach fall. If they were dusting for prints, then it had to be bad.

  A man came out and greeted them both. “I’m Detective Mike Raines, and I work with Robert. He’s asked me to handle this because he’s caught up on another case.”

  Rachel put out her hand and introduced herself and Chris. “Thank you. Can you tell me what happened?”

  “It appears like the perp broke in through your slider, which means he either came from the roof or shimmied over from the neighboring balcony. He wasn’t aware of the silent alarm, because he took some time in your place. We almost had him. The sensors on your front door show his exit minutes before our uniforms arrived. The damage to your place seems personal, and we don’t know how many items of value were taken. Your TV and computer are untouched. I spoke with Gus a couple of minutes ago, and he gave me the background on Dean. If we’re lucky, we can pick up a couple of prints and tie him to this.”


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