Danny's War (Rolling Thunder Series Book 3)

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Danny's War (Rolling Thunder Series Book 3) Page 17

by Pj Fiala

  Coop grabbed a big slice of pepperoni pizza and inhaled deeply. “You kiddin’?” Taking a big bite, he chewed a few times as Lex, Dirks and Danny all dove into the pizza themselves.

  Coop finally swallowed and explained, “I’ve been looking forward to this for months. We used to sit around in Afghanistan and talk about getting home, ordering pizza and drinking beer together without being shot at. When Schaefer got his leg blown off, I didn’t think it would happen.” He shot his gaze over to Danny. “Buddy, honestly, you scared the ever-living-fuck out of me. Us.”

  Lex froze mid-bite while his eyes flicked over to Danny, who swallowed hard as Dirks chimed in, “Me too.” Taking a big bite of his slice, Dirks moved it around his mouth a bit. Then, with a full mouth and without swallowing, he muttered, “Shitty way to get attention, man. You could've just gotten the flu or something.” Then he smirked while still chewing his pizza.

  Danny picked up his slice and sat back in his chair. “Well, with you constantly pranking us, I figured it was the only I was going to out-punk you.” He chomped down on his slice and smirked at Dirks then his eyes sought Lex, who still hadn’t taken a bite and was warily watching Danny. Danny nodded to him once and said, “Eat up or these two pigs’ll eat it all.” He patted Tammy on the ass. “You to, babe, seriously, these guys eat like horses.”

  Tammy looked over the group and relaxed as she saw Lex finally bite into his pizza. She asked Charles in particular, “Would you like a plate? Anyone?”

  “No thanks, darlin’. When in Rome…” Charles leaned forward and grabbed a slice as the men all dug into the pizza like they hadn’t eaten in weeks. Lex was beginning to relax and eat and Coop and Dirks were already on their second slice. Tammy wiped her moist palms on her thighs and walked into the kitchen to grab everyone another drink.


  Lying awake for several hours while Danny slept peacefully beside her, the sound of her phone chiming over and over rang through her head as the evening had progressed, even though she’d left it tucked in her purse. Tammy once again looked at the clock and watched it change from one fifty-nine to two o’clock a.m. Danny was breathing deeply and hadn’t moved much since falling asleep after they quietly made love. Of course, the several beers he had with his friends helped. No telling how he'd feel in the morning, but for now, he was good.

  Softly rolling to the edge of the bed, slipping from under the covers and grabbing her robe from the end of the bed, Tammy wrapped herself up and padded to the door. As she softly opened and stepped through the doorway, she looked back and smiled at Danny’s soft snore. Bare feet whispering across the living room carpet, she walked into the kitchen and flipped on the light above the stove illuminating a small portion of the kitchen in a soft yellow hue. She opened the refrigerator, pulled the pitcher of water from the top shelf and stepped over to the counter. As she reached above her head for a glass from the cupboard, she heard footsteps approaching. She turned to see Lex appear in the kitchen, his chestnut hair standing up in tufts around his head, his eyes sleepy, but oddly alert. Tammy held up her empty glass and Lex nodded. Reaching for another, she quickly poured two glasses of water.

  She turned toward Lex and nodded to the kitchen table. Each of them pulled out a chair and settled in for a quiet conversation. Taking a sip of her water and waiting until Lex did the same, she smiled at him. “Not able to sleep, I see. I'd have thought the beer would've helped. Danny passed out right away.”

  Lex’s smile didn’t reach his eyes. “I don’t sleep much these days.” He nervously rotated his glass, watching the water ring at the bottom smear across the top of the oak table. Tammy stood and pulled a napkin from the holder on the counter. She smiled as she laid it down in front of Lex. He smirked as he picked up his glass and set it neatly on the napkin.

  “Are you seeing a counselor?”

  Lex nervously looked into her brown eyes, seeing only compassion. “Yes. I see him twice a week, every week. It doesn’t help. Nothing helps. When I close my eyes, I see Danny laying on the ground, his leg laying yards away, blood spilling from his wounds and he opened his eyes, but he didn’t seem to register who I was or where we were. I’ve never seen anything like that in my life. I thought I was going to lose him.”

  Tammy nodded, sipped her water and waited to ensure he was finished. When he continued to fidget and swirl the water in his glass, she spoke.

  “Danny suffered for a long time afterwards as well. Learning your life is forever altered is difficult to get your mind around, especially when you're in physical pain as well. He came home and Kathryn broke up with him when she saw him. He’s dealt with so much. But then, he met Jeremiah from Rolling Thunder and he and his army of men and women raised enough money to build the bedroom and bathroom for Danny. That’s when I met him. Then, he got his job at Rolling Thunder, which he loves. And we love each other and are building a fabulous relationship. Life can get better after tragedy. It keeps going; you must as well.”

  Lex stared into Tammy’s eyes as the seconds ticked away on the clock above the stove. “I don’t know how. I need to get rid of the nightmares so I can sleep. Then, hopefully, I'll heal. I thought I lost my brother. He’s the only one I’ve ever had. When I first met him, immediately we had a kinship that's lasted through war. I have to get rid of the nightmares.”

  Tammy sipped at her water again and took a deep breath. “I have Molly. She’s not my sister by blood, but she’s my sister in heart. We’ve known each other since early childhood. We went to school together, high school dances, prom, graduation, and some horrible things Molly lived through thanks to her stepfather. Nothing will ever tear us away from each other. I know how it feels to love someone not your blood and see horrors. I’ve helped Molly through the worst kind. I had nightmares after I found out what happened. I felt guilt. Remorse. Sorrow. Hatred. But, I focused on helping her heal. Our friendship grew stronger. By helping her heal, I healed.”

  Tammy didn’t look away from Lex. She wanted to drive her point home. He nodded after long moments. She noticed his hand shaking as he wiped the sweat beading on the side of his glass. He dragged his hand through his hair and let out a loud, staggering breath. “What do I do?”

  “Follow Danny. Ask him how he's doing. You’ll see, he’s healing and doing well. Go talk to the men at Stateside with him and learn about them and tell them about your experience. Stick close to your buddies. You have some great friends here with Dirks and Coop and of course Danny. See that they're healing and you can, too. Allow yourself to heal with them.”

  Lex nodded as they sat in silence for long moments. Tammy wasn’t going to go to bed before Lex and leave him here alone. She'd stay up the rest of the night if need be, but she hoped it wouldn’t come to that; already sleep was calling her name. Lex finished his glass of water and stood. “I’m going up to bed. Thank you for taking the time to sit and talk. I can see how Schaefer fell so hard for you.” He put his glass in the sink and as he walked past Tammy’s chair, rested his hand briefly on the top of her head. Then he softly made his way out of the kitchen and up the stairs. Tammy let a sigh escape her throat as she set her glass in the sink and turned off the oven light. Slipping into the bedroom, she silently slid between the sheets and scooted over to Danny. As she laid her head on his shoulder, he lifted his arm for her to rest her head in the crook. She smiled as she heard him breathe deeply into her hair and relax his muscles as he once again found sleep.


  DANNY WOKE TO TAMMY’S soft breathing and smiled as his gaze drifted to the window and the sunlight peeking through the split in the curtains. Replaying the conversations of yesterday, he tried getting all of his thoughts in order. His buddies were here and it felt great. It was past time for this get-together and he owed Jeremiah a big thanks for that. Charles was digging for information about Mr. Moneybags, but Lex, he needed to help Lex. And Tammy. This video business was shaking her. The look on her face last night said so much. When he first walked into the kitchen to
greet her, she was on the verge of cracking. If he ever got his hands on that Scott son-of-a-bitch, he'd go insane on him. How could a human being do that to another? Dishonorable. Danny had no patience for people like that.

  He looked down at Tammy, still nestled in the crook of his arm and smiled. One of her legs was resting over his and when she breathed, he could feel her breast move against his chest. His cock began to swell. He gently laid his cheek on the top of her head and breathed deeply of her fragrance. Would he ever tire of the smell of her? The feel of her? He doubted it. He finally knew what love felt like and it was fantastic. They hadn’t had much time to just simply be. Once his friends left, hopefully they'd have the time without all of this other work and video business creating turmoil in their lives.

  He kissed the top of her head and gently slipped his arm from under her. Rolling to the edge of the bed and slipping on his prosthetic, shorts and a t-shirt, Danny walked into the bathroom. Washing his hands he slipped out of the bedroom and made his way to the kitchen. He wanted to make his guests a giant breakfast. He saw the two water glasses in the sink and wondered who'd been up during the night. Pulling out a griddle and his mixer, he set about making pancakes and eggs.

  “What’s on the agenda today, Schaefer?”

  Danny turned to see Dirks walking into the kitchen, scratching the top of his head. He was wearing shorts and no shirt.

  “Dude, go put a shirt on. I don’t want my girl looking at that pale chest of yours.”

  Dirks smirked, “Yeah, she’d be running to me in a heartbeat.”

  “You wish.”

  Dirks turned and walked back upstairs. He was down in a minute donning a shirt and walked to the table where Danny had set a steaming cup of coffee for him.

  “You cook now.”

  “Yeah. It started as part of my therapy, then it became a challenge. Now I find that I love it and I look forward to spoiling Tammy with great meals when she comes home at night. We’ve not had much time for that, but we will.”

  Dirks nodded. “Yeah, there’s time.”

  “We’ll go over to Rolling Thunder this morning. Dog wants to meet you guys and we’ve finished modifying my bike. I want to show you guys.”

  “That’s really cool, Schaefer.” Taking another sip of coffee he watched Danny cook. His motions smooth and efficient. “You good, Schaefer? I mean really good.”

  Danny turned around and looked into Dirks’ baby blues. “Yeah, I’m good. Mostly, my nightmares have gone away. I only have them now and then. Usually when something bad happens. I get around good on my new leg and I have a smokin’ hot girl.” Turning to flip the pancakes on the griddle they were both silent. When he finished he turned back to Dirks. “What about you, Dirks? Are you good?”

  “Yeah, I’m good. I see my counselor monthly, work out regularly and eat good. I haven’t had a nightmare in about two months. That’s a first for me.”

  “What are you two hens cackling about in here?” Coops’ copper hair was slicked back from the shower. His t-shirt was Army issue, his shorts too. He sauntered over to the coffeepot and pulled a cup from the cupboard. Pouring his coffee, he took a deep breath. “Damn, Schaefer, that smells good. When did you start cooking?”

  “A while ago.”

  Dirks looked at Coop. “Schaefer’s taking us to Rolling Thunder today to see his bike.”

  “Sweet. I bet you’re excited to get her back on the road. Too bad it’s freezing outside.”

  “Yeah. It can wait. I’m used to it, living here. But, at least you can see it.”

  “Morning. It smells good in here.” Tammy walked into the kitchen, ready for work. She was dressed for comfort today. She wore black dress pants, a red silky tank, red flats and a white flyaway. The flats made her look even smaller than she actually was. She walked over to Danny and had to stand on her toes to give him a peck on the lips. He looked down at her feet and smirked. She slapped his arm as she turned to pull out a coffee cup. She looked back at the guys and saw their cups half empty. Before filling her cup, she took the coffeepot to the table to refill their cups. She refilled Danny’s cup and poured the last little bit into her cup. She set about making another pot of coffee while Danny finished up breakfast.

  Danny began carrying food to the table and said, “We’ll eat now and Lex can eat when he gets up.”

  “He’ll probably sleep a bit more, he was up during the night,” Tammy said as she set the butter on the table.

  Danny stopped carrying food and looked at her. “How do you know?”

  “I got up because I couldn’t sleep and he came into the kitchen as I was getting a glass of water. We sat at the table and talked for a while.”

  “He okay?” Dirks asked as he sat back in his chair.

  Tammy shrugged. “It’s up to him to say something. I just think he needs your support.”

  Danny hugged her from behind. He kissed the side of her head. “Thanks for talking to him.”

  Tammy smiled. “Of course. Let’s eat; I’ve got to get going.”


  WALKING INTO ROLLING THUNDER, the guys were happy and talking crap with each other. Charles stayed behind to get some work done and allow the guys to have time alone. They walked straight to the back of the shop where Danny’s bike was up on a lift, one of the students wiping it dry after washing it.

  “Thanks for taking care of her, Drew.” Danny clapped him on the back and looked at his bike.

  Drew’s face flamed a bright red as he nodded, saying nothing in return.

  “Holy fuck, Schaefer, she’s a beauty.” Dirks walked around the lift looking at the shiny chrome, gold, and black bike. His low whistle sounded over the shop noises.

  “Schaefer, is that a softail slim? No fucking way. You said you were into old bikes, but you never let on you had this in your garage. Lucky bitch.” Coop knelt down to take look at the pipes. “You had the pipes gold-tipped? Shit, Schaefer.”

  Danny laughed at his friends and their awe. He scratched the top of his head and ran his hand around and down the nape to his neck. His smile was electric, his dark eyes shined.

  Lex walked forward and ran his hand along the painted two-tone shiny black and flat black tank and across the shiny cool leather seat. No front fender, fat front and back tires, gold tips and accents everywhere. “Narly, Schaefer. Fucking narly.”

  Drew lowered the lift to the ground and Danny hopped up on the bike. “Wanna hear her?”

  “Fuck yeah,” was said in unison by all the guys.

  Turning on the ignition switch, he checked the shifter to make sure it was in neutral and hit the starter. She roared to life with a loud crack and the low rumble only a Harley can give. The smile from each and every one of the guys was a sight to behold. He twisted the throttle a few times, making the pipes crack and growl. The guys shook their heads and smiled from ear to ear.

  “She sounds perfect.” Jeremiah walked up to the guys, hands in his pockets, a smile on his face.

  Danny turned the ignition switch off and dismounted. “She does. I never dreamed I’d hear her again.”

  Danny shook Jeremiah’s hand. “Thanks, Dog. Wow, you got her running top notch.”

  “Actually, Gunnar and Ryder worked on it last night and this morning. They knew you were bringing your friends around and they wanted you to be able to start it up.”

  Danny looked over the shop. “Where are they? I’d like to thank them and introduce them.”

  “They’re upstairs. Joci needed them to move things around in the office and I snuck out.” Jeremiah smirked.

  Danny shook his head. “She gonna be mad?”

  “Naw. I threw you under the bus, saying you were here and I needed to come down and help you with your bike.” His smile broadened.

  “She gonna be mad at me?”

  Jeremiah shook his head.

  Nodding, Danny made introductions. “Dog, these are my friends, Lex, Coop, and Dirks.”

  The guys each shook Jeremiah’s hand, commented
on the bike and made small talk.

  “Why don’t we go upstairs and I’ll tell you what I have in mind for the Veteran’s Ride.”


  “Hey, girl. I thought I’d pop in and see how you’re doing. You haven’t painted in a while.” Gerry wheeled his chair into Tammy’s office, concern on his face.

  Tammy set down the report she was reading and sat back in her chair. She smiled, for the first time since she'd arrived at work today. Her smile faded to a slight frown at the concerned look on Gerry’s face. “Yeah, I want to make sure I do a good job in Sally’s absence and I guess I’ve buried myself in here, pouring over reports and budgets.”

  “So, the rumor out there is you’re leaving us, too. That true?”

  Tammy’s brows pinched together. “No. It isn’t. Who's spreading that rumor?”

  Gerry shrugged. “I don’t know where it started but some of the nurses were overheard saying Mr. Bigshot who took Sally away was trying to steal you too.”

  “Oh. Okay. So someone overheard something and decided to spread around what they thought they heard?”

  Gerry chuckled. “Something like that.”

  Tammy leaned her forearms on the desktop. Smiling broadly at Gerry’s faded blue eyes and lopsided grin, she said, “I’ll tell you what. If I decide to leave here, I’ll tell you second. How about that?”


  Tammy laughed. “Danny would be first, Gerry.”

  Gerry nodded. “Makes sense. So, is Danny still bringing his friends in on Sunday?”

  “He sure is. He’s been telling them all about you guys this week.”


  “OKAY, FIRST OF ALL, there’s something I didn’t tell you about Tammy. She paints. I mean, she’s friggin’ good, too.” Danny smirked as he stood in front of the door to the activities room.

  He pushed open the door and led the way into the room, his friends behind him. He waved to the men who'd already gathered around, each drinking coffee or tea and gossiping away. Men were just as big of gossips as women, maybe even more so. But, what caught Danny’s ear froze him.


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