The Cowboy From Down Under (Cowboys After Dark: Book 2)

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The Cowboy From Down Under (Cowboys After Dark: Book 2) Page 10

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Nothing will, I swear. You’re right. I’ll listen,” she promised, and leaning across the console, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. “Please don’t be mad.”

  “You know I should spank you.”

  “No, that’s too predictable,” she grinned.

  “It may be predictable but it’s what you need,” he said firmly, doing his best to ignore the growing erection in his jeans. “A spanking a day keeps the foolishness away.”

  “Who said that?” she asked, moving her lips to his neck.

  “I did, and now you’re just trying to distract me.”

  “True, is it working?”

  “Back in your seat, young lady,” he growled, taking her arms and pushing her away. “Buckle up or I’ll be very, very predictable.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she said, sliding away and clicking her seat belt in place.

  “What am I going to do with you?” he remarked, shaking his head and starting up the car.

  “I’m sure you’ll think of something,” she giggled.

  “You can bet the farm on that,” he nodded.

  As they continued on their journey, Derrick went into detail about the venomous snakes in the area, and made it clear that whenever they were out she had to keep her eyes open and stay aware.

  “I have no desire to be the victim of a snake attack,” she declared, “so believe me, I will.”

  The vegetation grew thicker, and a lone signpost came into view, pointing down a gravel track. It read, “Parker’s Cabin,” and turning off the tar-sealed road he slowed down, and moved carefully forward.

  “Parker’s Cabin?” she giggled. “I guess out here that’s how things are, as opposed to a street name and an address.”

  “In this instance,” he grinned.

  The road twisted and turned around various bushy areas, and when they reached the house, while the landscape couldn’t be described as lush, it was certainly offered more variety than the barren area around the landing strip.

  “The river is just through that patch of trees and rocks there,” he said, pointing into the distance.

  “I honestly feel as if I’m in the middle of nowhere,” she said, gazing around. “It’s really weird.”

  “Yep. We won’t be going out again until the morning, so I need to pull the car into the garage and lock it up. Let’s get the bags out and take them inside.”

  “Why, I mean, who would be around to steal it?” she asked.

  “Dust storms can happen out of nowhere, and there are curious animals, it’s the smart thing to do,” he replied, climbing out and opening the back of the car.

  They carried in their belongings, and while Derrick pulled the Land Rover into the steel garage and locked it up, Emma explored the cabin. It was quite a bit larger than she’d expected, and though its exterior suggested a humble dwelling, she was shocked to find it was tastefully decorated and beautifully furnished. The kitchen was fully equipped, and each of the bedrooms had full bathrooms, one of the bedrooms offering two bunk beds.

  “Derrick, this place is really lovely,” she exclaimed as he walked in. “How do you power it, get the water, all of that?”

  “We have generators, and believe or not the water is delivered. There’s a big storage tank out back.”

  “This is amazing,” she declared. “Truly.”

  “You hungry?” he asked, heading for the kitchen.

  “Sure, but I’d like a shower first.”

  “Go ahead. I’ll rustle us something up, but before you go I’ve decided to give you some predictable swats.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Seriously?” he frowned.

  “But I thought-”

  “Whatever you thought, you thought wrong. Come on over here,” he said sternly, pulling a wooden spoon from one of the kitchen drawers.

  “Dammit,” she whined.

  “I can’t let you get away with it,” he declared. “Get your butt over here, and bend over the table.”

  Feeling like a naughty seven-year-old she walked slowly forward, stretching herself across the thick oak table.

  “How many smacks do you think you deserve?” he asked.

  “I don’t know,” she whimpered.

  “A dozen then, on each cheek,” he proclaimed.

  She was wearing shorts, and was surprised that he left them in place, but as the spoon began to dance it’s hard surface upon her bottom, she realized the thin cotton offered little protection.

  “That spoon really hurts,” she wailed.

  “Of course it does,” he replied.

  Derrick was spanking her slowly and deliberately, each swat carrying a significant degree of force. The punishment would be short, but he was determined it would be effective; she had scared him, but more than that, she had put them both in danger.

  “You have to understand,” he said calmly, landing the spoon just above her thigh, “that I mean what I say. You have to pay attention, and when I say stand still, you freeze.”

  “OW, I know,” she gasped, “I told you I would.”

  “Yep, but you said that before,” he scolded, swatting again.

  “But I mean it this time,” she wailed.

  “Are you saying you didn’t mean it earlier?” he asked, the spoon continuing on its journey.

  “I did, I just-”

  “Exactly,” he interrupted, “and we cannot have those ‘justs’ anymore. It’s just too dangerous.”

  The spanking continued, and when he finished, landing the last two strokes with gravity, causing her to kick out her legs and howl after each, he placed the spoon on the table, and pulling her up he hugged her tightly.

  “You’re a very bad girl,” he murmured. “I’m going to be extra tough on you, and extra cautious, because you’re becoming so precious to me.”

  The unexpected words jolted her, then warmed her, and she sank against him, feeling the heat from her spanked bottom permeate her sex.

  “I’m sorry, Derrick. You’re precious to me as well, and I’ll be extra careful, I swear.”

  Grabbing her hair he gently pulled her head back, and kissed her tenderly.

  “You’d better be,” he breathed, “or else.”


  After checking the bathroom for spiders, and assuring her he would go through the rest of the house with a fine tooth comb, she stepped under the warm shower and felt the dust and dirt of the day wash off her body, her tender backside making her smile.

  I couldn’t let you get away with it.

  His words were echoing through her head, and she was reminded of a time when she’d walked to the edge of a cliff in Arizona, wanting to shoot the valley below at a precarious angle. She’d felt fear, but not enough to stop her, and though her guide had begged her not to go forward with her scheme she’d not only ignored him, but chased him away. Minutes after she’d stepped back, the rock she’d used for support had abruptly given way, and she stood watching, aghast, as it fell five hundred feet to the valley floor below.

  The incident had shaken her, but over time the lesson had waned, and she had returned to her no-holds-barred style, remaining in charge, refusing to listen to those in whom she’d put her faith to keep her safe.

  Stepping from the shower she toweled off, and donning a robe she found hanging at the back of the door, she ambled into the living room. A salad was sitting on the counter, and she found him pouring her a cup of tea.

  “My turn for the shower. This should keep you happy until I get back,” he smiled, placing the tea on the table. “I’ve sliced us some bread and the butter’s already softened.”

  “Thank you, but did you just say you sliced the bread?” she asked. Who slices bread anymore?

  “I didn’t tell you? The supplies are delivered from a small town about an hour away. There’s a couple there that keeps this place clean and stocked up, and they bake the bread.”

  “I’m impressed, and feel quite inadequate at the moment,” she sighed.
r />   “Back in a tick,” he grinned, and pecking her on the cheek he headed into the bedroom.

  She buttered the bread as she gazed out at the emptiness, awash with the unique experience. It wasn’t just being in such an alien environment, it was also sharing it with a man who was stealing her heart.

  An Aussie cowboy. I wouldn’t have imagined myself with someone like him in a million years, and surrendering control like I have? Never.

  Slowly moving the softened butter across the thick slices of brown bread, she realized her interaction with Marcus had been fun, but he hadn’t truly dominated her. Had Marcus ever spanked her for anything other than play she would have given him his walking papers.

  “I think,” said Derrick’s voice, “our meal can wait just a bit longer.”

  She hadn’t heard him approach, and startled, she turned and found his hungry eyes gazing down at her.

  “Derrick…” she whispered.

  She was sparkling up at him, and he didn’t just feel the wanting energy from her body, he sensed the love effervescing from her heart.

  How did you happen into my world? I never thought I’d feel like this again.

  Impulsively he dropped his arms under her bottom and lifted her off her feet, eliciting a surprised squeal.

  “You are the most adorable girl,” he grinned.

  He carried her through the living room, into the bedroom, and dropped her unceremoniously on the bed.

  “You’re not so bad yourself, cowboy,” she giggled.

  “Stockman, remember, or jackaroo,” he chuckled.

  “Jackaroo? Seriously,” she laughed. “Be that as it may, you’re all cowboy as far as I’m concerned,” she retorted.

  “Call me what you will, woman, I’m going to shag you silly,” he promised, pulling off his robe.

  “Works for me,” she quipped, sliding out of hers.

  Falling beside her he brought her into his arms, and closing his eyes soaked in the smell of her skin, and the feel of her soft yielding body.

  “I love being naked with you,” she breathed, parroting his thoughts.

  “Me too,” he sighed, pulling back and moving his lips to hers.

  She returned his kiss with a fervent passion, raising her breasts to press against his chest, silently begging for more. He answered by traveling his lips to her neck, then her nipples, drawing each into his mouth, sucking hungrily, making her gasp.

  “I want to spend every waking moment in bed with you,” he growled, sending his lips to chase her skin across her stomach.

  Emma, lost in his roaming hands, ardent lips, and the urgent pressing of his hardness against her leg, rolled on her side and wrapped her fingers around his strident member.

  God, this is incredible. I didn’t know sex could feel like this. I want him inside me, so bad…

  “Damn, Emma…” he breathed, pushing on her on back.

  Sliding his feet between hers to separate her legs, his cock, finding her cunt wet and slick, snaked effortlessly into her hot, waiting depths. Driven by an emotional and powerful need, he began stroking as he nibbled her neck, riding her slowly, sinking into the joy.

  “I want this to last forever,” he whispered. “I want the stars out before we leave this bed.”

  “Pleeease,” she begged, “yes, me too.”

  Unhurriedly they began sharing a soft exploration of each other, all the while his large, slightly roughhewn hands held her, caressed her, moved her and lifted her, eliciting cries, moans, gasps and utterances of pleasure.

  It wasn’t until the sun had dragged its hot rays from the earth, and the night’s cool air had calmed and soothed all that it touched, that he purposefully drove her forward, bringing them both to a heady, palpitating release.

  Exhausted and happy they slept, limbs entwined, until she moved against him, seeking greater warmth.

  “Hey you,” he whispered, brushing his lips lightly across hers.

  “Mmmm, that was beyond amazing,” she purred. “Never experienced anything like it.”

  “Me either,” he breathed, “and that’s fair dinkum.”

  It was true, not even during his intense, youthful, love affair with Suzy.

  “I don’t know what to say,” she whispered.

  “I know what you mean,” he replied softly, “and sometimes words don’t matter.”

  Who are you? I didn’t know God made men like you.

  “You ready for some grub?” he asked, moving his head to her chest, kissing the skin just above her breasts.

  “Definitely, and don’t start again or we really will never leave here, and your couple in that small town will arrive in a week to find us passed out from starvation.”

  “Now that would be a headline,” he chuckled. “People out here suffer from snake bites, crock attacks, sunstroke, but starvation from bonking, that would be front page stuff.”

  “Bonking? Oh, my God, now I’ve heard everything,” she laughed. “Bonking? Love that.”

  “Come on, woman, up with you,” he exclaimed, moving from the bed.

  “No, you come back here and cuddle me some more,” she protested.

  Grinning, he donned his robe, and grabbing her hand he pulled her to her feet, swatting her naked butt.

  “Okay,” she squealed.

  “I’m gonna put the kettle on and start the fire while you get yourself together,” he declared pecking her on the cheek.

  She watched him march from the room, and picking up her robe wrapped it tightly around herself. The temperature had dropped significantly, and a small shiver rattled her teeth. Searching in her bag she found some socks, quickly pulled them on, and after running a brush through her hair she headed out to join him.

  I’ve never been this happy, and I never want it to end. I guess this is what it’s like to fall in love. How is it I’ve never had this happen before?

  She found him serving the salad on large, white plates, the kettle still heating up.

  “You want some wine, a brew or some tea?” he asked.

  “I think I’m becoming an addict to tea,” she grinned, sitting at the table. “It seems right at any time.”

  “Yep, nothing like a cuppa. Fixes everything,” he grinned, settling down opposite her.

  “What’s on tap for tomorrow?” she asked between mouthfuls of food.

  “Besides more bonking?” he chuckled.

  “Yes, besides more bonking,” she laughed.

  “We’re leaving early for the river. Do you have a panoramic lens?”

  “Yes, will I need it?”

  “You might. It’s truly stunning there first thing in the morning, but you must keep your eyes peeled. There are crocs around and they’re mighty fast.”

  “Will do,” she promised. “I have no desire to be eaten by a prehistoric creature, thank you very much. This salad is fabulous. Everything tastes so good here.”

  “I think you’re just hungry,” he smiled. “Anyway, after we finish at the river we’ll come back here for lunch, then head over to the rocks. They’re like the ones on my property but bigger, and there are more of them spread over a much wider area.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  “And there are snakes, and dingoes, and more kangaroos. You’re going to do what you’re told, right?”

  “Yes, right,” she nodded. “I promise.”

  “We might also run into an aborigine on walkabout,” he remarked.

  “They still do that?” she asked. “I thought that was an old custom that had died out.”

  “Sure they do. Aborigines are hunters and gatherer’s, they’re nomadic, and walking is in their blood, but if we should run across one he may seem a bit startling.”


  “He’ll probably just have a kind of cloth around his hips to cover himself, and a long stick. That’s about it.”

  “I wouldn’t blame him, wandering through the heat of the desert, but they speak English, right?”

  “Actually, many don’t, not in the outback. T
here are a ton of different Aboriginal languages. I speak a smattering of Wiradjuri and Dahrug but there are over twenty tribal languages in New South Wales alone.”

  “You’re kidding? So, if I was out here by myself and ran into these people, I’d have no way to communicate?”

  “Not really,” he sighed. “Remember how you wanted to come out alone, and I insisted that a guide accompany you? Are you getting the picture now?”

  “Yes, Mr. Parker,” she replied, a cheeky edge to her voice.

  “Good. Are you finished?” he asked, looking at her empty plate.

  “I am, that was wonderful,” she sighed.

  “Time for that cup of tea, I think,” he declared, rising from the table.

  “Oh, yes please,” she nodded. “Twenty languages. Wow.”

  “Anyway, the point is, you have nothing to worry about,” he smiled, “as long as you do as you’re told.”

  “How many times do you have to say it?”

  “As many as it takes, now please pick up the dishes and put them in the sink.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she grinned. “Anything else?”

  “Yep, come over here and give me a kiss.”

  After having their tea and washing the few dishes they’d used, Derrick took her hand, leading her outside on to the porch. The night was clear and chilly, and he pointed up to the sky.

  “No city lights to interfere, look at all the stars,” he said, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

  “I’ve never seen so many,” she exclaimed. “Thousands upon thousands.”

  “I’ve always been in awe of the night skies out here.”

  “Makes me feel so insignificant,” she sighed.

  “I know what you mean, but believe me, Emma, you are anything but,” he said quietly, turning her around to face him, “and I’m just so happy you’re here with me.”

  “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be,” she breathed, “and there’s no-one else I’d rather be standing here with.”

  With the moon a sliver, and the pin pricks of light dusting the ebony sky, he kissed her gently, then held her, never wanting the magic moment to end.


  “Emma, time to wake up.”

  Derrick’s voice was gently bringing her from a heavy sleep, and blinking open her eyes she was sure it was the middle of the night.


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