Gabe: The Alvarez Security Series

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Gabe: The Alvarez Security Series Page 28

by Maryann Jordan

  He carefully tried to pull Ross out of her arms, but she would not let go. “Baby, you have to let me look at him.” Jerking off his goggles, he said, “Jennifer,” as sharply as he could. Her wild eyes looked up into his face. “Let me have him.”

  Slowly his words slipped into her mind and she let her fingers relax one by one. Turning Ross over, Gabe sliced the tied sheet off of him and saw the gunshot wound. On a grown man it would have been more superficial, but on a tiny boy who was losing blood, it was much more serious. Slicing the sheet once again into a strip, he wound it tightly around Ross’ body, stemming the flow of blood.

  A shout was heard from behind the plywood as it came crashing out of the window and they saw Tony’s face peering at them. Vinny was right behind and the two of them quickly ascertained the situation. Vinny’s arms reached out for Jennifer, but she was frozen in place.

  Gabe, with Ross in his arms, moved closer to Jennifer. “Baby,” he said softly, relieved when he saw her eyes focus on him again. “I’m going to lay Ross down for a second and help you get to Vinny. Then I’m getting Ross out of here.”

  Her eyes filled with tears as she looked at her brother in Gabe’s arms. With anguish crying from her every word, she pleaded, “Save him.”

  “Promise, baby. I promise.” Not again. I’m not losing this child tonight.

  Gathering her strength, Gabe gave her a hand helping her to stand. Reaching her arms up, Vinny and Tony were able to easily grab her, pulling her upwards and through the window.

  As he watched her disappear into safety, Gabe looked down at Ross once more, stunned to see his eyes open and peering straight at him. Dark eyes. Unblinking. Seeing. Knowing. Understanding. Gabe felt the tremors threaten to overtake him as he stood with Ross in his arms.

  Ross then blinked and a little smile crossed his lips. “I knew you’d rescue us, Gabe. I knew you would.”

  The tears held at bay spilled forth as Gabe pulled Ross tightly to his chest. Lifting him gently above his head, he felt his squad take the injured, but living, breathing child from his arms to safety. For a second, Gabe turned away from the building and looked out onto the star-sprinkled night sky. Sucking in a deep breath, he let the tears flow. For the children caught in war. For the innocents caught in crime. For little boys who would never live to see adulthood and for those who would. And for the little boy in his brother’s arms who would be in his heart forever.

  “Gabe,” Tony’s voice came from above, bringing him back to the present. He quickly jumped up a foot, grabbed the window ledge and allowed his squad to pull him the rest of the way up. Grabbing Jennifer’s shaking body into his huge embrace, he enveloped her. Tipping her chin up so that he could peer into her eyes, he kissed her softly.

  “Love you, Jennifer Lambert,” he said with a smile on his face.

  Giving the first smile in hours, she agreed. “I love you too, Gabriel Malloy.”

  With one final quick kiss, he turned and took Ross from Vinny’s arms. Heading out of the room, Gabe looked down at Ross and then turned to Tony. “Mission accomplished, sir.”

  Tony, flanked by Vinny and Jobe, nodded knowing what this rescue meant to Gabe. “Mission accomplished,” Tony agreed.


  Sherrie tapped lightly on the hospital door before opening it, peering inside. She could not hold back the smile as she saw Ross sitting in his hospital bed, playing a video game with Jennifer and Gabe asleep on the uncomfortable sofa pushed next to the bed. Ross looked up with a grin on his face and lay his game down on his lap as Sherrie made her way over to him with her finger on her lips.

  “Hey,” she whispered, her glance taking in the dark circles under Jennifer’s eyes. Gabe’s face sported stubble, shaving being the last thing on his mind. Her gaze went back to the little boy in the bed, still grinning.

  “How are you?” she asked, handing him a new video game.

  His eyes lit up as he said, “Thanks, Miss Sherrie. I’m doing fine. It only hurts a little, but sis won’t let me move around much.”

  At his voice, Jennifer’s eyes shot open and she pushed herself to sit up. “Ross? You need something, honey?”

  At Jennifer’s voice, Gabe also sat up, immediately alert. “What’d you need, buddy?”

  Ross giggled as he replied, “Nothing. I’m just talking to Miss Sherrie. She brought me a game.”

  Jennifer stood awkwardly, the nap on the uncomfortable sofa made her already achy body feel worse. “Sherrie,” she exclaimed as she moved to hug her friend, glancing at her watch to see how long she had been asleep.

  Turning back to Ross, she reached to place her hand on his face. Gabe stood, moving to her back and wrapping his arms around her, pulling her close to his chest. Looking over her head, assuring himself that Ross was fine, he leaned down to whisper, “Babe. He’s okay. Promise.”

  Tears sprung to Jennifer’s eyes as she tried to hold them back. The memory of that night was still too fresh.

  The pediatric surgery waiting room was overflowing to testosterone capacity. While so much of it seemed a blur after Gabe had insisted that she be checked out, she remembered the sight of every seat being filled.

  Vinny had walked over, squatting in front of her and Gabe and confessed, “I’m so fuckin’ sorry, bro.”

  Her eyes shot up in confusion and before she could speak she heard Gabe say, “No reason man. You got that bastard.”

  “But not before he got a shot off. He was fuckin’ hidden behind the window frame and I took the first shot I could, but too late.”

  Gabe stood, pulling his twin up with him, holding him by the shoulders. “You fuckin’ got him, bro. You got him. You saved Jennifer and you saved Ross. They owe their lives to you, man.”

  The two men, separated by only a heartbeat, stared at each other. Vinny slowly nodded and pulled Gabe into a hug. The men felt a presence at their side and realized Jennifer was trying to wrap her arms around both of the massive men. Each taking an arm to pull her in close, the three of them embraced, no longer trying to keep the tears at bay.

  Patrick and Maeve, who had entered the waiting room witnessing the exchange between their two sons, joined in the embrace. Patrick moved over to stand with Tony and Jobe while Maeve could not seem to let go of Jennifer.

  “You worried you weren’t giving Ross enough,” Maeve said softly. “But tonight you proved that whether a sister or a mother, you’ve got what it takes to give him everything he’ll ever need. I’m so proud of you.”

  Henry and Cora arrived, anxious and full of questions. After hugging Jennifer and Gabe, assuring them that the other residents wanted to be there also, they slid to the side next to Vinny to find out about the evening’s events.

  Matt and Shane had arrived and talked to Tony’s crew privately while their wives, Annie and Lily, sat with Jennifer, along with Sherrie. Gabe came back over as soon as the surgeon came through the doors, pulling Jennifer closely to his warmth.

  “He came through just fine. The bullet went through the side of his abdominal wall, only passing through some muscle. No internal bleeding. No internal injuries. He’ll stay here a day or two on IV antibiotics and pain meds, as well as fluids, then will be able to go home. I’d say he’ll be back to low activities in a week and resume normal activities in about six weeks.”

  Jennifer felt her legs weaken and Gabe’s arms were the only thing that kept her upright. He gently set her back down in the chair as he asked the surgeon, “When can we see him?”

  “He’ll be out of recovery in about two hours and taken to a room. You can see him in recovery in about fifteen minutes. I’ll send a nurse for you.”

  Jennifer covered her face with her hands as she cried unabashedly. Gabe tried to soothe her, but his words only made her sob harder. Finally he picked her up, turned and sat back down with her in his lap as he simply held her to his massive chest, enveloped in his strong arms. Rubbing her back gently, he murmured words of love until her tears were finally spent.

  By the t
ime the nurse arrived to take her and Gabe back, she had regained some semblance of composure. Looking around at the faces of the friends and loved ones, she smiled knowing no apology was necessary.

  And now, she was in his hospital room, still trying to process the events. The door opened and in walked Tony and Jobe, followed by Monty. Her eyes flew to his quickly and her breath caught in her throat as he approached her.

  “Why…what are you…” she tried to question.

  “I’m sorry, Jennifer. I’m one of the good guys, I promise.”

  Her face registered surprise, and then doubt, as she stared at him.

  “I’m actually FBI and was on an undercover assignment as Senator Reno’s assistant. I was a dick to you because I was trying to keep you away, if possible.”

  Seeing her look of incredulity, Monty explained his investigation of Senator Reno’s involvement with the local crime boss.

  “He was working against me?” she asked, voice shaking with anger.

  “Not at first. I truly think he and his wife were supporters of yours…it was just when that building was needed and pressure was put on him by Gambelini, well your cause became collateral damage to the Senator.”

  “I…I don’t know…what to say,” Jennifer replied, trying to process his words. “I…thought you didn’t like me.”

  Monty brought her hand up to his lips, placing a kiss there and said, “I assure you Ms. Lambert, I have nothing but the highest regard for you. I was trying to keep you out of the line of fire that was growing.”

  A growl from behind her reached her ears at the same time that a muscled arm circled, pulling her hand back gently from Monty’s. Gabe linked his fingers with hers as he tucked her back into his side. Monty grinned and stepped back behind Tony and Jobe, who approached Ross’ bed. They stood on the opposite side from Jennifer and Gabe, allowing room for Vinny, who came in with Patrick and Maeve.

  “Hey, little man. How you feeling?” Jobe asked.

  Ross looked up at his friends and said, “I got shot with a real gun. Did you know that? You can see it if you want.” In the process of pulling up his hospital gown, Jennifer tried to stop him.

  Gabe stilled her hands, whispering in her ear, “Let him, babe. It’s his badge of honor.”

  She looked over her shoulder, glaring into his face. “Badge of honor, my ass. Gabe…this is nothing to be excited about. He could’ve been killed.”

  “But he wasn’t. And for him, he acted bravely. Let him have his moment.”

  Pulling her lips in, she tried to still her pounding heart. “Men,” she said, shaking her head as Maeve laughed.

  Ross pulled up his gown and showed the bandage on his side proudly. “It went right through. The doctor says that it didn’t hit my eternal oregans. It just hit my muscle. I didn’t even know I had muscle ’cause I’m not as big as you. But I did and it went right through.”

  Vinny and Gabe exchanged looks, a secret message passing between them. Gabe reached his hand out and Vinny placed something in it. Jennifer looked on in confusion wondering what was going on.

  Gabe leaned over Ross and the serious look on his face quelled Ross’ enthusiasm as the young boy looked first into his face and then at the purple cloth in his hand.

  “Ross, when a soldier is wounded in action, the President of the United States gives him a special award called the Purple Heart. I was given this many years ago, but it never felt right for me. But now I know why…that’s because I was just holding onto it to give to you. For your injuries sustained in the rescue of you and your sister, I award you my Purple Heart.” Gabe pinned the medal to Ross’ gown and as he stood up straight, he brought his hand up in a salute.

  Tony, Jobe, Vinny, and Patrick followed suit, saluting Ross as his bright eyes stared at Gabe with love and adoration, a smile breaking out on his face.

  As the men moved forward to congratulate Ross, Gabe stepped back pulling Jennifer with him. He gazed into the huge, tearful, blue eyes that first captured him months ago in the alley. Holding her face in his large hands, he kissed her gently. “I love you more than life itself, baby. You…and that little boy, are my whole world.”

  Closing his eyes, he then brought her head to his chest as he tightened his arms around her petite frame. Taking a deep, cleansing breath, he let go of the regrets of the past and smiled as the future lay before him.


  Ross was nervous. He had a job to do and wanted to make sure he did it just right. The doors opened and he looked anxiously to his right at his sister. She glanced down at him, admiring the way he stood so straight and tall in his child-sized tuxedo. Mom and dad, I wish you could be with us today. You’d be so proud of him. With a deep breath she said, “Are you ready for this?”

  He couldn’t keep the grin off of his face, regardless of his nervousness. Taking her hand, he replied, “Absolutely, Jennybenny.”

  With the music playing, the two of them walked down the aisle toward the man that cared for them. Saved them. Loved them.

  Gabe stood at the front of the church, looking out on the crowd of family and friends. Smiling, he couldn’t help but notice that there were just as many grey haired guests as younger ones…and he would not have had it any other way. The doors in the back opened as the music changed and his eyes were drawn to the vision making her way toward him.

  His breath halted and if Vinny had not leaned over and reminded him to breathe, he would have passed out on his wedding day. She walked sure and steady on the arm of Ross, looking every bit the princess he thought she was the first time he lay eyes on her.

  Jennifer, a vision in her ivory gown with layers of floating lace, kept her eyes on the man at the front. Her giant. Rescuer. Love. With a squeeze of Ross’ hand, they continued past their friends toward Gabe.

  Reaching the front, she bent to kiss Ross before he moved to stand with Vinny. After saying their vows and sharing their first kiss, she began to turn for their recessional back down the aisle.

  Gabe halted her with a gentle pull on her arm. She looked at him in question, but before she could speak, he looked out at the crowd and said, “We have one more part of the ceremony that we wish to have you be a witness to.”

  Her eyes flew to Gabe, wondering what he was doing. This wasn’t part of the rehearsal! Just then Ross, his impish grin lighting his face, stepped forward and stood between Gabe and Jennifer.

  Gabe’s voice rang out, clear and steady. “I have just taken Jennifer to be my wife and now I publicly want to take Ross into the family as well.”

  A gasp ripped through Jennifer as tears sprung to her eyes. Blinking to keep them at bay, she watched the scene unfold in front of her.

  “Ross had wonderful parents and I cannot replace his father. He and I have talked and agreed that he’d like me to become his legal guardian along with his sister.” Pulling a piece of paper out of his pocket, he knelt down in front of Ross and said, “Here they are, buddy. The official papers that say we belong to each other.”

  Ross gave a whoop and threw his arms around Gabe’s neck. Jennifer’s legs gave out and she fell to the floor next to them. The three, now a family, hugged as the congregation cheered.

  Later at the reception, Jennifer danced in the arms of the man she loved. Looking around, she saw Vinny on the dance floor with Bertha and Lucille, swinging them both around at the same time. “Looks like Vinny has his two dates lined up for the evening,” she joked.

  She felt Gabe’s laughter from deep in his chest as he agreed. “This is probably the one wedding where he couldn’t hook up with a friend of the bride. At least not one that is under seventy years old.”

  All of their couple friends were on the dance floor also, swaying to a slow song, each lost in their own world.

  As he moved her around the dance floor, she saw Sherrie sitting next to Monty, talking and smiling. And…three tables over sat Tony. Alone. Staring at Sherrie. And scowling.

  She sighed and Gabe immediately looked down. “What’s wrong?”

  “Tony and Sherrie. Why can’t they get together?”

  A cloud passed over Gabe’s face as he said, “Man’s been through a lot. I just don’t know that it’s in the cards for him.”

  She peered into his eyes, a question on her lips, but Gabe just shook his head. “Not my story to tell, babe. But I wouldn’t hold out hope for those two.”

  Sighing deeply, she let it go and continued to snuggle close to his chest. Seeing Ross dancing with Cora brought a smile to her face again.

  “How long had you and Ross been planning that surprise?”

  Smiling, he replied, “For at least a month. But I gotta tell you, babe. Been thinking about it ever since that first breakfast at the Center.”

  Her smile warmed his heart as he stared at the beauty that had given herself to him. Leaning down, he touched his lips to hers. A kiss promising forever.



  “Mom, I don’t see him,” complained twelve-year-old Benjamin. “Why does Lisa get to sit on dad’s shoulders?”

  “Because your sister is only eight and is shorter than you. You’ll be like your daddy and she will, unfortunately, be my height,” Jennifer explained.

  “There he is. I see him,” Benjamin called out excitedly.

  The ceremony was over and the soldiers were now at liberty to find their families. Jennifer could not wait to see him and as she turned around, there he was. Benjamin started forward, but Gabe held him back.

  “Hold on, son. Let your mother see him first.”

  Ross stood proudly in front of the sister that had become his mother. She seemed tinier than he remembered even though it had only been a year since they had been together.

  Jennifer stared at the man that filled her vision as tears filled her eyes. Over six feet tall, with his sandy, blond hair buzzed off. Not quite as big as Gabe, but still…a huge man. His uniform was neatly pressed and the name LAMBERT proudly on his chest. As her eyes lifted, she saw the Green Beret on his head, signifying the graduation from Special Forces training.


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