The Prometheus Effect

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The Prometheus Effect Page 9

by Jonathan Davison


  November 18th 2020

  Great sighs of relief greeted the next broadcast after almost two full days of silence. The city had remained chillingly quiet and the streets had remained empty as the people sat at home hungry, cold and tired with nervous exhaustion. Even the hunger could not drive the citizens of London to take action and search for food. It was clear that the armed forces were steadfast in their orders and few dared to challenge them. It perhaps came as a surprise just how many people continued to wait, like lambs queuing for slaughter as they yearned the next update. What was going on? Why was there so little information? Was there an unseen war being fought somewhere and if so, how was it progressing? These were the questions that were being posed with little chance of a satisfying answer.

  Joshua and his colleagues had become very familiar with each other in the week that would never be forgotten. They amused themselves by playing games, constructing home comforts and debating the possibilities of the future world. Certainly Joshua and Sarah had become firm friends, they realised they were remarkably similar in many ways. It was not a romantic relationship thus far, but the isolation of the office seemed to bring people closer together and the extreme situation that they were faced with appeared to highlight human needs for physical comfort.

  Once again, an agitated huddle surrounded the television. The previous message, looped over and over was eventually muted and ignored. There was only so many times they could stomach the repetitive video. When another blank screen appeared, it seemed that it was likely that it would once again jump into life and deliver the news they had all longed for. Billions of people held their breath awaiting the next revelation.

  The same dark haired man appeared abruptly without warning or introduction as before. At first, someone groaned as they believed it to be the same message that had played for the last two days but they were quickly shut up by the others who knew that this was different. The announcer once again spoke slowly, leaving significant gaps between sentences.

  “This is a news update. We once again thank you for your patience at this very difficult time. We understand that this period of silence has been extremely difficult for all but we must stress, it has been vital in our efforts to protect the people of the world as we enter new and turbulent times.

  After this brief news update, a limited regional broadcast service will begin. We are endeavouring to maintain communication to keep you informed of the latest information. Please continue to be patient at this time. For the present, uphold all previous requests and do not venture out of your homes.

  And now a news update. Further to information previously broadcast, we can now confirm that the attack on our planetary communication networks is indeed an act of hostility from an unknown extra terrestrial source. Using extraordinary measures, world leaders today are uniting to hold talks which will decide restorative actions and agree defensive initiatives to prevent further strikes. Emergency communicative networks have been established and are being used to bring together resources and manpower in order to better understand the alien threat. Do not attempt to send or receive communication at this time. Your actions may not only hinder vital progress in our efforts to defend ourselves but may also provide our enemies with information which may prove costly to you and your neighbours.

  Until such time that we can begin negotiation with our enemy, we are effectively at a state of war. We have not yet identified the origins of our enemies nor received any ultimatum or motive for their attack. Vigilance is key. Further broadcasts will be released imminently regarding methods of communication for those with clear and precise information regarding any possible alien activity. It is important that these lines of communication are used only in the most relevant circumstances.

  We have already seen that our enemies are not only intelligent and sophisticated technologically, but also have reasons to believe that they may have been existing amongst the population of the Earth for some time and may appear in an unexpected and familiar human-like form. Protect your families and neighbours but use extreme caution if approaching or divulging information to persons not well known to you. It is thought that their familiarity with our infrastructure has arisen from a number of covert operatives posing as humans and integrating themselves into our society. At this time, government agencies from across the globe are identifying and apprehending these imposters. It has already been seen that a number of significant and influential individuals are believed to be affiliated with the enemy forces. At this time, these individuals cannot be named but investigations are ongoing.

  This bulletin will be broadcast every ten minutes and another more regular update is hoped to be brought to you on the hour. Once again, we thank you for your cooperation. Together we can prevail, remain vigilant.”

  Joshua looked over to Sarah who was as open mouthed and aghast as the rest of them.

  “So now they're saying that there are aliens amongst us? I guess we should have expected that one.” Sarah remarked pessimistically.

  “Well I’d have you first on my list of possibles.” Joshua replied with a dry wit.

  “I suppose so. Anyone who remotely has any misgivings about the whole affair is always going to be the first one dragged into the street and taken to the gas chambers. This stinks of something decidedly fascist and clandestine to me.”

  Sarah was not one to hold back her concerns, whilst the other staff returned to their seats in terrified contemplative thought, she was busy blowing the whole thing wide open with her brazen lack of faith in the broadcast. Joshua could see her point and wished that he could be so dismissive of the horrific news. Just then, the eerie quiet of the gloomy office was broken by the unexpected and bizarre sounds of classical music emanating from the television. Joshua could not recognise the composer but it was a fairly brassy, noble piece. If it was meant to be inspiring or uplifting, its effect may have been misjudged.

  “Yay, we've got some banging' tunes!” Someone yelled out inappropriately.

  “Better than silence I guess. It's all very Imperial, I wonder how it's going down in the Middle East?” Sarah japed.

  “Let's hope this is a regional broadcast like they said.” Josh replied. The hope of more regular news was uplifting in itself but what was really needed right now was the resumption of everyday services such as the shops and travel. How long would they be forced to starve before the public showed their desperation and said enough was enough?


  November 18th 2020

  Atlantic Drive, Orlando, Florida

  Roger Coffey peered out of his window, carefully pulling the curtain to one side as an army Jeep made its way steadily up the steep road to his house and pulled up outside. Coffey's hand dropped to his waistband and he slowly lifted the hem of his shirt and felt the reassurance of the Glock pistol concealed beneath. The second message had made it clear that the 'alien threat' was not wholly from the direction of the stars and deep down, Coffey had almost expected this. Two uniform clad soldiers climbed out of the vehicle. They both clutched weapons, the first a hand gun of some variety, the other an assault rifle. They joined up and walked steadily to the front door in quiet conversation.

  Coffey's heart pounded, he had no reason to fear the military but he was cautious having had the experience of the previous weeks mission and the subsequent accident. Coffey pulled out his gun and flicked the safety off. He was not a fan of weapons but he knew how to use one. He was a fighter pilot and flew F-18's over Iran in the heat of the conflict. His side arm was his only defence in the event of ejection over enemy lines.

  As the loud knock on his door came, his heart skipped a beat and he crept into the hallway and waited by the door, hesitant and undecided whether or not to answer.

  “Hello? Anyone home?” Came a holler from one of the soldiers. Coffey remained silent and aloof, he was still unsure whether or not to play it cool and greet the officers.

  “Roger Coffey? Are you there? Natio
nal Guard. Do you have a minute?”

  The voice appeared friendly enough but appearances can be deceptive. Coffey made sure he stood to one side of the front door, his gun raised.

  “Yeah, what do you want?” He called out.

  “Oh, Hi. Can you open the door a minute?” Came the response.

  “No, I'm not opening the door to anyone without good reason. What do you want?” Coffey reiterated his position.

  “It's OK, there's no reason to be afraid. We're doing the rounds. We're trying to get a picture of where everybody is right now. There's been a lot of disorder, a lot of burglary and violence. We're doing all we can to check up on the neighbourhood.”

  Coffey breathed deeply, he was unsure.

  “I'm fine, no problems here.” He called out.

  “Well won't you open the door so we can see you're OK?” The soldier asked persuasively.

  “Look, I'm OK. No problems. I'm keeping my nose out of trouble, staying in waiting for news like everybody else. If you really want to help, then pick me up some groceries and then I’ll open up”

  There was a long pause, Coffey thought they had gone when another voice appeared.

  “Mr Coffey, we have orders to visibly check everybody out. You may have heard the broadcast, there's a lot of uncertainty about who's who and what's what at the moment. Now if you’re not going to open the door, then that'll look pretty bad on my report. You don't want us to have to come back up here now do you? Cause I’ll tell you something, there are a lot of pretty itchy trigger fingers back there wanting to kick some alien ass if you know what I’m saying. They'll gut you like a fish given half a chance if they think your an alien spy, do you hear what I’m saying?”

  Coffey heard what he was saying and understood the sentiment. Nevertheless, if he was already persona-non-grata before this whole affair, it would not take much effort to silence him in the middle of all this lawlessness.

  “I hear you. I tell you what, if you leave your weapons outside and strip down to your underpants, you're welcome to come on inside. If not, then you'll just have to excuse me and go about your business.”

  Coffey was steadfast although he knew that this was inciting trouble. The one thing he was convinced of however, was that if they were truly National Guard, then they would turn about face and take their report back to their command for the serious ass kicking to be done by someone above their pay grade.

  “Nah, I'm sorry Mr Coffey, you see we can't do that, so you either open the door or we'll have to break the fucking thing down and make you pretty sorry.”

  Coffey did not need any encouragement to take a deep breath and move back into a position which offered some cover. The crash of his wooden door splintering was expected as Coffey dived behind a grand wooden furniture piece which adorned his hallway.

  “I'm armed, don't force me to shoot!” Coffey screamed as the soldiers shuffled through the battered doorway, their guns readied. Their march forward did not relent, Coffey was in no position to accept his demise in such a submissive fashion and he pointed the Glock square at the lead soldiers chest who had yet to spot the concealed pilot. The Glock spat out its lethal load which buried itself deep into the chest of the lead soldier who carried the assault rifle and he fell straight down as if his brain had suddenly switched off. Seeing the instant fate of his companion, the other soldier gasped a desperate breath as he realised that Coffey’s aim was true and his intentions lethal.

  “Don't make me do it!” Coffey yelled as the second soldier froze in his tracks momentarily but then foolishly forced Coffey’s hand by swinging his pistol over to point in the astronauts direction. Coffey did not hesitate and he let go another vicious round of hot lead which penetrated the soldiers shoulder, forcing his body back and to the left, spinning him around and slumping him to the ground. Coffey raced out from his cover and kicked the pistol away from the soldier who squealed as he writhed around on the floor. Coffey engaged the safety on his weapon and stuffed it into his jeans waistband and swiftly picked up the first soldiers assault rifle.

  “Jesus.” He muttered as he saw what he had done, knowing the implications of his actions. He kicked over the second soldier who gasped like a fish out of water as blood filled his lungs, his intention to find out why they had been sent to his home.

  “If you tell me why you're here, I’ll let you live.” Coffey said calmly as his pulse could almost be heard in his voice. The soldiers face contorted and his body convulsed. Even if he was willing to speak, it was apparent that he could not. Coffey grimaced as he realised that he was witnessing this man's imminent death. There was nothing he could do to comfort the soldier except put another bullet in him but that was not who Coffey was, he could only watch with regret as the soldier wheezed his last breaths looking into the eyes of the man who had killed him.

  Coffey wasted no time in acting, he had no time for delay, he did not know how long it would be before the soldiers were noted missing nor whether their superiors knew their mission or their destination. Searching their pockets, he found their ID amongst other things including their wallets. The soldiers were not National Guard as Coffey expected, but Marines. Their entry was sloppy, perhaps they had not expected Coffey to be so brutally adept with his weapon. Both soldiers carried personal radios and with further inspection, all channels appeared to be characteristically noisy with static much like the domestic radio station frequencies.

  Driving the Jeep into his drive and parking it in his garage for the moment seemed a good idea. Hauling the soldiers bodies through the house and into the large spacious garage was psychologically difficult. Coffey felt like a murderer intending to hide his victims, later to bury in some shallow grave. He had no plan, no grand idea in order to get him out of this horrendous mess. What he did have now however was a means of transport and a disguise which might get him out of the city as long as he could avoid close contact with other units. He wanted his dog, he wanted to know that Jill was alright, he feared for his brother who lived in Los Angeles but most of all, he wanted to know why he was a target and how it all related to the crazy events of the past week.


  It had been four or five days since Roger Coffey has sat up late with Jill Niemechek in her home, reminiscing. Four or five days since the sky was still a comforting blue colour, four or five days since life was in any way normal. Roger drove nervously, his slender frame snugly fitting his new uniform, his right arm instinctively covering the large, crisp blood stain when not changing gear. The open topped Jeep was noisy, the air was cool and despite the darkened skies, Coffey wore a set of aviators sunglasses to keep the dust out of his eyes. The roads were desolate as expected. Every once in a while, he would see an army vehicle or the odd unmarked sedan which he assumed to be a government or police vehicle of some kind. His driving was tentative, he lost count how many times he had pulled over to avoid close contact with any of the sightings.

  Roger knew that he was taking a big risk in driving into Orlando to see Jill. If he had any sense, he would have headed out of the city and into a solitary sanctuary to take stock of the situation, into the Everglades, somewhere where no one could possibly find him. Roger knew however, that if he was indeed a marked target, then it stood to reason that anyone close to him might also be in danger. For all he knew, he might have been under surveillance since the day he returned to Earth and in that case, Jill could be in real peril.

  Now, despite the raised status of his threat to the establishment, if anything Coffey felt more at ease driving across the city. Unless he was being tracked electronically or by satellite, it would be easy to spot anyone who felt the desire to trace his movements. As he passed by the eerily quiet suburbs, he could see drapes being pulled back and hungry eyes peering out of windows from every house. He suddenly felt in a very privileged position. He had the freedom of movement. If he desired, he could go and find food and the comfort of a cold beer.

  The Jeep cautiously pulled up to Jill's house. The large an
d splendid home was one of a number of well appointed dwellings on the street. Again, it was quiet. No vehicles, no kids playing on the front lawns of their houses, not even a bark of some agitated mutt. Coffey did not want to hang around. He rolled the Jeep to a standstill, and hopped out. Walking up to the splendid white fascia, he could feel the neighbours eyes on his back as he rapped on the tall wooden door in the anticipation of hearing movement from within. A short time passed and Roger stood impatiently tapping his heel. He did not like the fact that there was no sign of life from within. A second, louder knock also went unanswered. Walking around the side of the house, Roger peered in through one of the windows, the drapes had been left open and he could see the kitchen and dining area. There was something odd about the scene. There were a number of dinner plates upon the table, neither full or empty. Knives and forks were splayed apart, resting on the side of the plates. The scene filled Roger with trepidation as it would appear that the occupants last meal time was seemingly interrupted and never completed. This was evidence enough; Coffey knew he had to get inside to discover what had become of his friend and her children.


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