The Prometheus Effect

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The Prometheus Effect Page 17

by Jonathan Davison

  “Jesus! Why.”

  “That is precisely what I have been trying to find out. Unfortunately my late employer felt the need to blow his head off rather than talk to me about it so I’m guessing that we are dealing in some heavy duty conspiracy crap here.”

  “You think this is connected with the alien invasion?”

  “Of course man, the whole planet is going through a period of transition, there's a new order being put in place here and the people of the world are literally inviting them to take their seats at the head of the table. What is the one thing that makes people willing to accept change, even to their own detriment if needs be?”

  “I don't know, fear I guess?”

  “Right. We only have to take a look around us to see the changes our benevolent governments are putting into place. Loss of our privacy, our anonymity, our freedom to travel, our freedom to question, our freedom to share knowledge. It's being stripped away from under our noses.”

  “And all the while, the notion that the countries are uniting under one banner for the first time in our history is...”

  “A smokescreen. The real enemy is not some bubble headed telepathic extraterrestrial with a chip on its shoulder, it's a complete fallacy, a false flag if you will to coin a military phrase.”

  “But how do you know, Roger? A conspiracy on this level is barely feasible in thought let alone actions. The countries of the world can barely agree on anything let alone a plot to simulate an alien attack. What about video evidence, the ongoing attacks, are you saying that our governments are killing our own people just to perpetuate the lie?”

  “Joshua, how long do you think it will be before the public fully accept the changes and forget what they ever had before the conflict started. The people are happy to be united and steadfast against a common opponent. It's all about psychology my friend. Let's face it, it's not as if our governments have not dabbled in these kind of psi-ops before, just on a smaller scale. In the face of a foul and merciless threat, it's not inconceivable that the people will pull together and rally behind a strong and decisive leader. Check your history, it's all there.”

  “I accept that Roger but what about the red sky? Are you telling me that's a fake too?”

  “You're catching on my friend. Where do you think I come into all of this?”

  “Maybe your just one of these people that people love to hate?”

  “Now you're really catching on. Paul was originally on the flight team for a mission to install a satellite into orbit which took off mid November. The name of the satellite was 'Prometheus'. It was touted as being a telecommunication satellite, nothing more. I have personally flown three missions deploying similar hardware over the last five years. After Paul had suddenly been found dead, an apparent suicide, I was drafted in as a late replacement which is odd in itself as astronauts undergo weeks of fitness tests and quarantine before a mission. Whatever this deployment was, it was urgent enough to break every god damn protocol in the book. When I got up there, I could tell straight away that the mission was FUBAR, my crew were secretive and aloof, I was like a leper, they didn’t talk to me or go anywhere near me. I was clearly working on a 'no need to know' basis. Prometheus was deployed in a crazily shallow orbit. I had to double and triple check with Houston that they had got their figures right. To say the tension increased every time I opened my mouth is an understatement. It became obvious that the Prometheus satellite was doomed to fail from the off, potentially burning up in the Earth’s atmosphere in a matter of hours. I mean, we only just managed to deploy before we had to start our re-entry procedures. It was all highly irregular. On top of all that, I saw some unfamiliar hardware up there that looked like nothing I'd seen before. By the next day, the skies had turned red and we were apparently at war with some motiveless alien faction and the world had changed forever.”

  “So the book that Paul sent me was some kind of warning, or explanation?”

  “It's my feeling that Paul knew he was under investigation. Perhaps the faith they showed in his ambition didn’t pay off and they realised he was a threat. I guess he never had the opportunity to tell anyone what he knew without being discovered. I don't think the book was a cry of help, I think it was a posthumous kick in the ass for the people that would go on to silence him. He knew you were influential and curious enough to take a risk on blowing the thing wide open. Maybe if I hadn’t have contacted you the book may have sat on a shelf for a few years but eventually you may have figured it out.”

  “The thing I find incredible though is the scale of this plot. I mean, we are talking about President's, Prime Minister's, military chiefs, scientists.”

  “And take a look at all those who could oppose them. Where are they? Locked up in some maximum security compound or probably gassed and incinerated by now, exposed as traitors to Mankind. You only need to have a solid, robust leadership and a reliable chain of command. The rest of the minions feed off the lies, they are just as reliant on the facts as the rest of us. People do extreme things when put in extreme positions Joshua, history shows that conformity in humans is significantly increased when under the influence of an individual with a perceived authority. Do you think that all the Nazi soldiers who slaughtered six million Jews were inherently evil? It takes a special kind of resolve to sail against the wind my friend and a belief so steadfast that you are willing to challenge the accepted truth even if it means intense vilification by your peers. I know that you know what I’m talking about. I've done my homework on you.”

  “That's comforting. So the red sky thing, you believe Prometheus somehow caused that to happen?”

  “Let's say you are a bright, influential university educated student who is technologically savvy. If someone told you that the only proof of an alien invasion was a media shut-out, a series of documentaries with blurry stills of extra terrestrial bodies and space craft, and a few well placed bombs which actually had little effect in reality on the infrastructure of your country; would you believe it? Of course not. You would need something far more profound, something far more mystical, a global phenomena that could not be discredited or allowed to fade in the memory. The red skies are the key to the whole conspiracy. Let us suppose that the Prometheus device could somehow alter the chemical content of the upper atmosphere of the Earth, then maybe, just maybe the sun rays which are refracted through the various gases might be altered. The result, a different coloured hue. Look at your average rainbow. The light is refracted through the droplets of moisture. The visible spectrum of colours are clearly seen. Now I'm not a meteorologist or a physicist, but perhaps it's conceivable at a stretch.”

  “Then we need to find someone who is prepared to consider the possibility, someone eminent and influential enough to call the government out and put doubt into people's minds.”

  “There lies the main problem. People that call the government out quickly disappear. I believe that the solution can't be found through the will of a single entity. We need to exert pressure in other ways, get the average Joe onside and build a movement more difficult to break down that just a few that would quickly be condemned as conspiracy theorist nut jobs.”

  “Damn them for taking away the Internet. It's back apparently only you have to buy an access key that ties in to your citizen-chip. I guess the minute you type into Google, 'Are the aliens real?' you get your account suspended.”

  “Or a knock on your door from a government agency.”

  “So how have you managed to get a secure line? Who are these friends that you mentioned?”

  “Probably best not to go into detail but let's just say that we aren’t the only ones who have been hit hard by this and want the truth.”

  “We need to work together on this. Find friends internationally, discover the stress points and exert pressure.”

  “Spoken like a true investigative journalist.”

  “Personally I hope to find my friend Sarah. It stands to reason that if we can determine what's become of the people that have
been arrested, then the trail might lead us to the kind of influential opposition we are looking for?”

  “I see your logic, although I believe the closer you get to that truth, the closer you'll get to an early grave. If the powers that be had any sense whatsoever, they would have disposed of those people at the earliest convenience.”

  “I can't bring myself to believe that until I’ve seen proof with my own eyes.”

  “Trouble is the public may see any extreme measures like mass executions as justified if they continue to buy the alien story. The more the government paint the picture of merciless tyrants from outer space the less pity they will have on them when discovering their demise. If you want to cover that angle that's great but be careful. You're more use to us alive. You're chipped, you'll have certain freedoms that I don't have. I know I don't need to say this but be careful. Don't trust anyone, get a weapon, secure your home and try not to arouse suspicion.”

  “I think it's a bit late for that, my research notes were...stolen recently. I was stupid and got caught out.”

  “Trouble is your just some hack journalist who no-one would miss if you disappeared. Maybe you can make yourself more difficult to touch, make the enemy nervous about dealing with you.”

  “This is some really scary shit, mate.”


  “Just one thing. Is it me or are the red skies fading?”

  “Could be. You know how the ozone layer fixed itself? I guess it's likely that in time, the gases may return to normality and the blue will be back but to be honest, by the time that happens, the governments of the world will have already put themselves in a position of power so superior, I don't think it would really matter.”

  “Do you think that there are other countries that are experiencing the same things, do you think that it could conceivably be so widespread?”

  “I think that's possible but you know how it is? There will always be an Achilles heel somewhere. Let's hope that other guys like us are doing their part over there too.”

  “How can I get hold of you?”

  “You can't and I can't tell when I’ll next be able to call, but I will. Stay safe.”

  “You too mate.”

  Joshua gently placed the handset down and plunged his face into his hands. Never before had he felt so vulnerable and so very small.


  25th December 2020


  Joshua drove slowly through the deserted streets of the capital. After the horrors of the previous months, Christmas may not have been the consumer-fest that it once was but it did if anything, have more of an impact than ever before in terms of a time for family congregation. Joshua enjoyed the quiet urban landscape, it felt like dawn rather than lunchtime as he neared Ealing. The journalist had someone on his mind, someone who he no doubts would need a modicum of company right now.

  The best thing about the desolate avenues of London was that at least Joshua knew that he was not being followed, at least by the more conventional methods. Since the phone call to Coffey, the young reporter barely took three steps without looking over his shoulder. He had not even gone home to his new but sparse apartment. He had spent barely a few hours there since taking the keys.

  Pulling the maroon Citroen up outside a slightly dishevelled looking terraced house he was thankful that a parking space was nearby. Joshua made sure he used a different pool car every time he went out, he had gotten nervous of late regarding possible tracking or even the threat of a car bomb. It made sense to cover all the bases. Clutching a bottle shaped gift, wrapped in Christmas paper, he nervously knocked on the door marked 23. The house was in need of a facelift, it had really begun to look its age. A few moments passed before Joshua could hear motion from inside. The blue door finally squeaked open and a very frail looking Jimmy Stock stood before him dressed only in a pair of brown pyjamas and a comical pair of fluffy slippers.

  “Hi Jimmy. Remember me?”

  Jimmy's face was pale and stubbly. It looked as if he had not been well at all in the previous weeks. He was a mere shadow of the jovial cab driver that Joshua knew.

  “Bloody hell.” Jimmy muttered as he tried to comprehend the meaning of Joshua’s visit.

  “Here, I've brought you a little something to warm the cockles.”

  Joshua thrust forward the gift, it was quite obviously a 75cl bottle of spirit judging by the shape and weight. Jimmy took the gift, with curiosity and amazement etched on his face, he tore the paper to reveal its contents, a bottle of scotch whiskey.

  “Damn, this must have cost a fortune?” Jimmy murmured as he seemed refused to accept Joshua's presence as an act of kindness.

  “Well, prices have gone up but I kind of figured you might fancy a sniff being Christmas an' all.” Joshua smiled, he had a genuine set of features and Jimmy's suspicions were beginning to wear off.

  “Better come in then. Excuse the mess.”

  Jimmy led Joshua in to the hall. Wiping his feet on the mat, Joshua soon realised that the mat's purpose was to wipe the feet on exit so that the pavement outside did not become covered in all manner of rotten food and other household horrors. The house was Victorian, the wallpaper was pure 1950's floral travesty. The home reminded Joshua of his grandmothers, minus the colossal amount of refuse which seemed to be piled up as if being collected for some unknown purpose. On entry to the living room, there was a single comfortable upholstered chair which was obviously Jimmy's, the only other place to sit was on a coffee table which firstly would have to be wiped clean of several weeks worth of food cartons.

  “Please, sit down.” Jimmy pointed to the chair and Joshua with some relief sat back in the deep comfort of the well used piece of furniture. Jimmy swatted the cartons from the table and prised two small glass tumblers from the sticky surface. Joshua crinkled his nose at the thought of imbibing any moisture from the foul vessels but when in Rome...

  “How's your Christmas going so far?” Joshua asked optimistically.

  “Quiet.” Jimmy said quietly. His whole demeanour had changed since that day at the hotel. He looked visibly depressed and run down.

  “Yeah, me too. I guess things have been very hard for you over the last few months what with everything that's going on in the world?”

  Jimmy poured two very large measures of whiskey and handed one to Joshua.

  “You know I better not get caught drink driving after this!” Joshua joked seeing the vast quantity of alcohol in his glass.

  “To be's all passed me by.” Jimmy said with a sigh.

  “How's work?”

  “Not working at the moment. Not really up to it.” Jimmy sat on the table and rubbed his leg vigorously.

  “But your here, your still going, that's the main thing.” Joshua did his best to initiate conversation but was failing poorly. The whiskey in Jimmy's glass was diminishing far too quickly for Joshua's liking.

  “Come on then.” Jimmy said with a loud puff of air.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well you're not here for a social so what have you come for?” Jimmy had definitely become a cynic over the months, his spark had gone, his humour lost. Joshua took a deep inhalation of breath. He was not entirely sure whether or not to put the old man through this.

  “To be honest, I’m not sure. I was kind of hoping you could help in some way but I'm not so certain now. A lot has happened that I think you would find very hard to grasp, things that change...everything I guess. The way we perceive the world we live in, normality has...vanished.”

  Jimmy grunted.

  “And you think things haven’t changed for me? You think my world hasn’t changed at all? Welcome to my fucking world mate, join the fucking club!” Jimmy's tone was angry and contemptuous, Joshua had not done a very good job of explaining himself.

  “I know Jimmy, I do know that. What I have come to say is, if there's any way of making you understand is...that it's alright. You don't have to worry anymore.”

/>   Joshua was making little sense to either Jimmy or himself.

  “It's all going to go away is it?” Jimmy said with sarcasm.

  “Well when you put it that way, I guess it never really came.”

  “Look, I don’t have time for you to play silly buggers, I'm a busy man!” Jimmy was confused and rightly so, Joshua needed to tackle this head on.

  “OK, OK. There's no easy way to tell you this but...I have almost undeniable proof that the alien invasion is in fact a falsehood created by the government in an attempt to bring about a new world order.”

  A silence ensued. A look of utter disdain followed and Jimmy rose to his feet. For a moment, Joshua thought he was about to be struck by the shaking taxi driver who appeared to be devastated by the notion.


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