
Home > Contemporary > Drawn > Page 11
Drawn Page 11

by Sean Michael

  Harrison let go of his throat and brought their mouths together instead. The kiss was slow, deep, made him breathless.

  "Could kiss you all fucking day."

  "Okay." He was flexible.

  Laughing, Harrison kept on kissing him.

  The wall warmed and he relaxed again. Everything with Harrison was a mix of relaxation, then tension, then relaxation again. As if reading his mind, Harrison's fingers slid toward his right nipple, stroking his skin on the way. His abs clenched, his nipple going tight in anticipation.

  Harrison made him wait, fingers moving so slowly, and then circling his nipple instead of touching it or tugging the ring.

  "Oh..." He moaned happily, the sensation brilliant.

  Not touching that nipple, Harrison's fingers wandered over toward the other one instead. It was so easy to just feel. Those warm fingers moved between his nipples, teasing him for a long time before the right nipple got a flick of a fingertip across it. The touch was sharp enough that he gasped, eyes opening.

  Harrison was looking right at him, into him maybe.

  "What?" He moaned, body tingling.

  "Just making sure you're with me."

  "Here. Right here."

  Harrison nodded, then tugged on his right nipple ring, making Giles grit his teeth against the ache. The tug came again, Harrison leaning in to lick along his collarbone some more.

  "Enough. They ache."

  "That's not for you to say." Harrison tugged again.

  "I... Is too." Ass. It was his body, wasn't it?

  "Nope. Not here. Not now." Then Harrison took his mouth, forestalling any other protests.

  Giles forgot what they were talking about, attention caught by the kiss. Those magical fingers slid on his skin again, teasing and warming him. The world was spinning, so perfect.

  Some of the touches were soft, gentle. Others struck suddenly, a twist of a nipple rings, a pinch to his hip. Suddenly it was too much, and he pulled away, confused, heart pounding. "Stop. I need to breathe."

  "You can breathe without me stopping."

  He shook his head. "I don't think so. It's too big."

  "You can." Harrison sounded so sure as he tweaked Giles' nipples again.

  He stepped away, eyes searching for the door in this room.

  Harrison tugged him up against the strong body. "You can."

  "No." He leaned back, soaked up the warmth. "I don't understand you."

  "I just want to push you further than you think you can go." Harrison's mouth landed on his shoulder, working his skin.

  "What does that even mean?" His head fell forward.

  "It means when you say stop, I'm just getting started." Harrison's teeth scraped along his skin.

  He groaned, shook his head, dizzy with it. One of Harrison's hands spread across his belly, holding him back against the strong body. The other one wandered. Through it all, Harrison nibbled and bit and drove him half crazy. "I. I can't. I can't think!"

  "Who said you needed to?" Harrison didn't stop, just kept nibbling and nuzzling and licking and biting and touching.

  "Let me go. Let me go. Let me go."

  "No. No. No." Each 'no' came with a bite.

  He shivered, stomped his feet in a tiny whirl of frustration. The movements made Harrison hum and bite harder. Finally he pulled out of Harrison's arms and ran, the urge irresistible.

  "Stop!" Harrison didn't shout, but there was a tone in his voice, something... undeniable. Giles' steps screeched to a stop without his brain even telling them to. "You're not going anywhere yet, G. We're nowhere near finished."

  "I. I. I have to. I need to."

  Harrison came to him, turned him around, and quieted his words with a kiss. He took a deep breath. Harrison couldn't keep shutting him up with kisses.

  "Gonna tie you up again. Gonna beat your beautiful ass."

  "No. No more. I need some time." He needed a bath.

  "You don't need time to run away, to hide."

  He did, too. He did. He nodded. Giles knew he would run. He always ran.

  Harrison's hands landed on his ass, holding him close. "Where would you run to?"

  "I don't know. I don't know." He was out of his league.

  "Come on. Come back to bed so I can fill you."

  "What?" It was easier to follow the gentle tugs toward the bed.

  "You know what a plug is, yes?"

  "Yes, but I don't understand how these things go together."

  "I'm going to put the plug inside you, and it's easiest to do if you're on the bed."

  Had he missed something? "Okay..."

  Harrison laughed, bringing him back over to the bed. "You don't sound convinced."

  "I just -- weren't we talking?"

  "We were and then you tried to run away and I suggested the plug. So now we're running back to bed to plug you and we can keep talking."

  He held on to Harrison because he felt completely off-balance. Totally. Harrison laid him down on the mattress and followed, hands moving over him, warming him, filling him with that quiet that Harrison had. "I don't understand why I'm still here."

  "Because I want you to be." Harrison touched his cheek. "And because you want to be, too."

  Giles closed his eyes, tears close to the surface, which worried him.

  "You need stillness now, G. You need to find your center."

  "The center of what?" He hated not making sense.

  "Remember what it was like after I flogged you? That stillness?"

  "Yes." That he knew, understood. Needed.

  "That's your center."

  "Can't I just go work?"

  "Later. Right now I want to be with you."

  He held Harrison's hand, tight. "Okay." He didn't know what else to say.

  Harrison pressed soft kisses over his face, licking and nuzzling him. He found himself relaxing, blinking slowly. One of Harrison's hands slid along his spine, moving slowly as if Harrison was counting his vertebrae. The skin still ached, just a bit, and Harrison's hands kept moving down, touching his ass. Humming, Harrison squeezed one cheek, and then that hand moved back up, going slowly, adding a tingle to the ache. He found himself melting again, not tensing when Harrison wrapped soft, warm cuffs around his wrists.

  Harrison's fingers began to linger whenever they passed over his ass, and Giles began breathing in time with the touches, with the strokes.

  "Yeah..." The word was soft, another caress. Harrison turned him to his side, bent and propped his top leg up on pillows so his thighs were spread. The whole process was gentle, quiet, and Giles let it happen. Harrison's fingers were warm and slick as they slid past his hole, one after the other.

  Every so often, Harrison would stop, adjust a pillow here or there, making sure he was totally supported, relaxed, almost weightless.

  "You were made for this." One of Harrison's fingers slipped inside his body.

  "Made..." Even talking was so much effort.

  "Yes. Made. Made to be mine." Harrison's finger danced in and out of him, warmth spreading.

  His eyes closed, and when Harrison's finger disappeared, he moaned.

  "Shh. I'm not finished." A moment later two fingers pushed into him, gentle and easy.

  Oh. Yes. Good. The sweet, steady stretching was heaven. In and out, open and closed, Harrison's fingers worked his ass perfectly. Giles melted, rode, completely at peace. The third finger slipped into him, slick and easy as the first two, Harrison's rhythm never faltering.

  Giles fell into the rhythm of it, barely moving, barely shifting. He whimpered when Harrison's fingers left him again.

  "Shh. I'm just getting the plug, G."

  He didn't argue. His hole was empty, needing.

  Harrison wasn't gone long, and when he was back, something hard and unyielding pressed against his hole. He'd been well-worked, though, and the plug pushed in almost easily. The wide part stretched him, then his body tightened around the base, holding the plug in.

  "Nice. This isn't your first time."
  "First time?" He blinked, slowly.

  "Having a plug inside you -- your body knows exactly what to do."

  He nodded. "This one's big, but I have one at home. For jacking off."

  "I might have to see that at some point."

  "It's in a box in the bathroom."

  "I didn't mean I wanted to see the plug. I want to see you fucking yourself with it."

  "Mmm." His asshole clenched around the plug, Harrison's need incredibly hot.

  "I can picture it -- picture you doing it." Harrison rolled against him. Harrison's body was so warm, cock slick against him. "You see what just the thought of it does to me?"

  He smiled. "I can feel it. You like to watch." Good to know.

  Harrison grinned. "Among other things, yes. I like seeing your body, seeing you twisted in pleasure, in pain, in the way they mix."

  Harrison had the oddest ideas. Honestly. It was fascinating.

  Harrison kept humping against him, cock hard and hot and leaving a slick trail along his belly. His own cock was filling, slowly, Harrison's hunger eating at his relaxation. Their pricks bumped together and Harrison groaned, changed the angle of his hips so they bumped again.

  "Mmm." He tugged at the cuffs so he could touch. That made Harrison smile, lips curving so slowly. "Are you laughing at me?"

  "No. I'm enjoying the fact that you want to touch me. And that you can't."

  "I do. Unfasten them?"


  He frowned. "Why not?"

  "Because I like the way you look in them. I like the way you struggle a little against them." That actually made sense. "Turns me on." Harrison was still moving against him.

  "Like that. Want to touch you, though."


  "Later..." He was a little distracted.

  "Yeah. Much later." Harrison moved faster, humping against him now.

  "I." Oh. Oh, more.

  Their pricks bumped and slid together, and Harrison's mouth closed on his. The kiss made heat flood him, his world stopping for a heartbeat. Harrison's tongue slipped in, teased his, and Giles opened, slowly exploring, tongue sliding against Harrison's.

  The kiss remained lazy, even as Harrison's hips moved harder, faster. His own need was distant, more of a pleasant hum. Then Harrison's fingers found his right nipple again, tugging on it. The ache was deep this time. Harrison moaned and humped harder against him. He started meeting the thrusts, giving Harrison something to push against.

  "Yes. Fuck!" Groaning, Harrison moved faster. Giles watched every thrust, admiring Harrison's strength, the hard muscles. Harrison's face went slack, filled with pleasure.

  "So hot..." Giles licked his lips, fascinated, eyes recording every second.

  Making a soft sound, Harrison jerked against him, heat splashing on their bellies as the man came.

  "Want to paint you. Over and over."

  "You will." The words were husky, still thick with Harrison's orgasm.

  "Mmm. Yes." He nodded, admiring Harrison's face.

  Harrison pressed close and breathed in and then out deeply, warm air rushing over Giles' throat. That warmth was amazing.

  "You feel so good, G."

  "Yes." He did, actually. Very good.

  Chuckling, Harrison gave him a lazy kiss and held him close.

  "My hands are still tied." He thought maybe Harrison had forgotten.

  "I know."


  "I like them like that."

  He flushed, Harrison's words trying to make his cock fill.

  "You're always stunning, but when you're bound? You're unbelievably so."

  "Oh." That made him ache.

  "Truth, G."

  He pulled against the cuffs again, and that made his ass work the plug. Harrison groaned. "So stunning."

  "I can't paint like this."

  "I'll undo you later."

  He tugged again.

  Harrison ran his hands up and down Giles' arms. "I said I'd do it later."

  "I know. I hear you. I just..." He felt like he needed to move.

  "You just what?"

  "I can't lie here. I have to get up. Run. I have to. I don't like being still." Damn it.

  "You do it very well, though."

  He shook his head, moaned low.

  "Yes. Stillness looks very good on you."

  "I don't like being still." He tugged again, moaned.

  "It's good for you, though." Harrison touched his belly, rubbing the come into his skin.

  "How..." The touch was firm, solid, pushing him down.

  "Trust me. It is."

  It was weird, but Giles did trust Harrison. Far more than he trusted himself. Harrison smiled at him, seeming to read his thoughts, and he smiled back, unable not to respond.

  "Be still for me. The reward will be great."

  "I'll try." He liked rewards.

  "There will be punishments if you fail."

  "What?" Punishments?

  "Yes. Sometimes you'll fail on purpose." Harrison looked wicked as he spoke.

  "What?" He was confused. Lost.

  "I'm probably getting ahead of myself. You'll learn all about things."

  "Learn about what?"

  "About the lifestyle. BDSM. The things we're going to do together."

  "I'm a little confused." He turned his head, kissed Harrison's hand.

  "You remember the club I took you to? You remember how you didn't think BDSM was real? I told you then it was. I'm telling you the same thing now."

  He remembered. "Those games are for fun, though. Right?"

  "They can be. But they're also a lifestyle. They give you what you need."

  "I have to paint." That was it.

  "You need more than that. I know you don't like admitting it, but it's true."

  He smiled. Harrison talked a lot. It was cute.

  "How's that plug working out?" Harrison's fingers crept over his hip to his ass.

  His hole tightened around it, jostling it. "Good."

  "I want you to go home with that in your ass and a ring around your cock and paint like that."

  "What?" Oh, God. His cock jerked, filled almost painfully.

  "Oh, I know you heard me."

  He shook his head, licked his lips. So fucking hot.

  "Liar. You did." Harrison reached back to the nightstand and pulled out the drawer, then came up with something small and black.

  Giles stared, tugged at the ropes. "Want to touch you."

  "Once I have you bound."

  Oh, God. He loved rings, had his own. Wore them while he touched himself, teased his slit.

  "Oh, look at that. Your nostrils flared and your pupils just got huge."


  "You reacted to what I said. It was sexy as hell."

  "I." He didn't know what to say.

  Harrison smiled at him, dragged the black leather over his skin, down toward his waiting prick. His cock bobbed, a wet drop splashing on his belly. Smiling, Harrison grabbed his cock and began to wrap the leather around the base.

  Giles closed his eyes, jonesing on the feeling of someone else doing this for him. The leather was slowly tightened before Harrison looped the other end around his balls, separating them from his cock. He whimpered, spreading, excitement ratcheting higher. The leather tightened more, became almost painful, and then Harrison snapped it closed. Right there.

  His toes curled, legs moving restlessly.

  "Perfect. You look amazing. I bet you feel good, too."

  "Huh?" He felt stupendous.

  "I said I bet it feels good, I bet you feel good. Sexy, excited."

  "I feel amazing."

  "Perfect." Harrison's fingers teased across his slit.

  His eyes crossed, his thighs starting to shake. Loved that.

  "Someone's got a button." Harrison's fingers stayed right there, playing.

  "Yes. Yes. Fuck." Don't stop. He almost whined with it, his slit burning.

  Harrison didn't stop. He did change it up, tho
ugh, now taking his slit between two fingers and rubbing.

  "Oh. Oh, fuck." His belly was so tight, aching.

  "You can't come."

  "I have to."

  Harrison shook his head. "No."

  Giles growled. "I have to."

  Harrison's hand disappeared. "Then I'll stop."

  A soft cry left him. Fuck.

  Harrison smiled. "You can't have it both ways."

  Motherfucker! "What are you talking about?"

  "I can touch you if you don't come. But if you're going to come, I'm not going to touch."

  Harrison made him absolutely fucking crazy. "Why are you doing this?"

  "Excitement. Focus. To bond us together."

  "You make me nuts."

  "Good." Fuck, the man looked pleased about it. That touch started again, and he keened, need flooding him. "I know how good that feels. How much it makes you need."

  "Fuck..." Every word was hotter. Wilder.

  "Maybe we will. Maybe I'll just do this until the end of time." Harrison's fingers pinched the tip of his cock. He twisted, arched, his cock aching. "You look amazing like this. You should always be needy, wanting me."

  He couldn't even answer. His world was tightening to that touch, the little ache in his slit, the ball of tension in his belly.

  "Remember, no coming until I say so."

  His lips opened and closed, but he didn't have any words left. Harrison smiled at him, the look in the man's eyes so hot. His skin was too small, his head heavy, the world spinning.

  "What will you do if I stop?"

  He almost sobbed. "Don't stop."

  "I can if I want to."

  Giles groaned, shuddered. This was insane.

  "I'm making you fly, aren't I?"

  "You keep talking!" He was going to scream.

  "I haven't stopped touching you, though. I can talk and touch at the same time."

  He tugged at the bonds, hard. "I can't fucking think!"

  "You don't need to think." Harrison's thumb pushed hard against his slit.

  This time he did scream, hips rolling frantically.

  "You ever been filled, G? I mean here?" Harrison pushed against his slit again.

  "What?" His body tried to get closer.

  "That's a no. There's this amazing thing. It's called a sound. It comes in all different sizes and I can fill your cock with it."

  He shook his head, groaned. "No way."

  "Yes way. It's going to be the most amazing thing ever."


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