
Home > Contemporary > Drawn > Page 15
Drawn Page 15

by Sean Michael

  Wow. Harrison was impressed. "I'm not going anywhere, Giles. And neither are you. You can scream about it all you want."

  Another canvas went soaring, then an easel, Giles roaring out all along.

  "That's it, Giles, get it all out."

  And when Giles thought he was finished, Harrison was going to bind him and spank him until he let the rest of it out.

  "You BASTARD!" Paint was flying, drop cloths soaring like huge, weird birds. "You're in my head and you're EVERYWHERE!"

  He thought, maybe, Giles was letting him know he wasn't the only one in love.

  It really was an amazing display, and Harrison knew that Giles wouldn't lose it like this in front of anyone else. Maybe not even the sister he trusted the most. "I am. Everywhere. Always. And I love you."

  "Get out of here." Giles went to his knees, head in his hands. "You can't love me. I won't let you."

  "It's not your choice, G. And I think you already know I'm not going anywhere." He got up and slowly made his way over to his lover.

  "Go away." A tube of paint slapped off his thigh.

  "No." He reached Giles and grabbed his arms, tugging the man up against him. "I'm not going anywhere, G." He was willing to bet that that was probably the scariest thing of all for Giles. It didn't matter what Giles did or said, he wasn't going to scared off by the crazy artist.

  "GO AWAY!" Those beautiful eyes were wild, terrified but somewhere, inside, Harrison saw hope.

  "No." It was all he said this time. He wrapped his arms around Giles, holding their bodies together from top to bottom.

  "Please?" Giles leaned into him, moaned.

  "No." He was staying and that was that.

  "Asshole." Giles' arms circled his waist.

  "Yes." He had no doubt he was. But he was Giles' asshole, and he wasn't going to be driven away.

  "I can't love you, don't you get it? I don't have time to be in love and paint." Like anyone produced as much art as his G.

  "I don't believe you get a choice in the matter." He slid a hand down to grab G's ass, squeeze it. In an hour or so it would be red, swollen from his spanking.

  "I do." Giles was quieting, resting for another round.

  "If you're like me, your heart has already drawn its own conclusions, and the rest of you is along for the ride."

  "I can't be in love with you."

  "You can. You are. And I'm in love with you." It worked out very well, really.

  "I won't let you love me." Giles' lips brushed his jaw.

  "Impossible not to," he murmured, nuzzling into the gentle touches.

  "I have temper tantrums."

  His lips twitched. "I do believe I noticed." He also wasn't letting them scare him off. He knew exactly what to do with all that energy and need to scream and rail. Giles leaned into him again, sighed, and he grinned, squeezed Giles tight. "Better?"

  "Uh-huh. Yeah."

  He imagined so.

  "Then let's go out for breakfast." He knew for sure Giles hadn't eaten anything significant in the time he'd been at the apartment, and he was willing to bet it had been a lot longer than that.

  Giles nodded. "That sounds good. I like breakfast food."

  "I know just the place, then. It's not very far, and we can either come back here or go to my place after." Where he would tie Giles up and help the man get rid of the rest of his fear and anger and rage.

  "Okay. Okay. Yeah." Giles nodded. "Will there be pancakes?"

  "There will be. With butter and maple syrup." He went to where he'd left his clothes. He needed a drawer here, just as Giles needed a couple at his place. Not to mention that key.

  "Yum." Giles wandered over to a hidden pocket door, opened a mostly empty closet. "I put the shirt you left the other day in here."

  "Cool. I should bring some clothes over. Get a toothbrush, that kind of thing. You should do the same for my place."

  "Yeah? That would okay with you?" Giles pulled a black T-shirt out of the closet -- one of the thirty black T-shirts that were his daily uniform.

  "Of course it would or I wouldn't have suggested it. I think it would also be handy if we shared keys."


  "Yes. As in me having one of yours and you having one of mine." He took Giles' cheeks in his hands and made his lover look at him. "It would have come in handy the other day -- you wouldn't have had to make your way to the door. Same thing if you're in the middle of painting. I'll be less of a distraction as I come and go."

  "Okay. You just bang and bang if I don't answer." Giles actually winked at him.

  He laughed. "I do. With a key, that'll stop."

  Giles nodded, "Okay. That's fair. I have a spare in the bathroom."

  "I'll have mine copied for you."

  "You don't have to if you don't want to."

  "I want you to have access."

  Giles offered him a tentative smile. "I don't have anyone's key."

  "After breakfast, you'll have mine."

  That smile got wider. "Cool."

  "Very. Now come on, I know you're hungry."

  "Let me brush my teeth and get your key."


  Giles smile was gentle, warm.

  Harrison fell in love all over again.


  Giles finished his blueberry pancakes, humming over the syrup. Yum. He could feel Harrison watching him. He licked his lips, feeling more solid than he had in days.

  There was a little noise from across the table, and when he looked up, Harrison smiled at him. "So sexy."

  "I just like syrup."

  "Well, I like the way you like it. I'm thinking I need to pick up a bottle of it and cover myself with it."

  "Like you need that." He grinned over.

  Harrison winked. "Let's just say your tongue and my skin have a date."

  "Sounds good to me, lovely."

  Harrison waved to their waitress, miming that he wanted the bill. Giles searched for his wallet, hoping like hell he'd remembered it. "It's okay, G. I've got it."

  "You always pay. I have money. I just don't know where it is lots of the time."

  "Your sister takes care of your finances for you?"

  "Thank God." He grinned. "Otherwise I'd be homeless."

  "She wouldn't let that happen."

  "No. No, she wouldn't." Marisa loved him, and Giles couldn't imagine life without her.

  "And now, neither will I." Harrison's smile was warm. "You have both of us in your corner."

  "Cool." It was a nice feeling, knowing Harrison loved him. Scary, but nice.

  Harrison paid the bill and they left, heading for Harrison's car. He slipped in, relaxing back in the soft leather. Harrison drove easily, confidently. Kind of like how the man did everything.

  He didn't pay a lot of attention to where they were going until they pulled in to driveway at Harrison's house. "We're not going to the studio?"

  "Nope. My place."

  "Oh." Weird. "Why?"

  "Because I have plans for you, and I have more stuff at my place."

  "Oh." He didn't really have any huge argument with it.

  "You like my place, don't you? Or do you have a thing against furniture?" Harrison's eyes twinkled as they glanced over at him, telling him it was a tease.

  He stuck his tongue out at Harrison. "You know I like it. I just don't work there."

  "You know what they say about all work..."

  "I'm not dull."

  "No, you aren't dull at all." The praise made him beam.

  Harrison pulled up into his drive and turned off the engine. "You're the opposite of dull."


  "Shiny? I like that." Harrison chuckled and got out, came around to open the door for him. The little acts of chivalry were fascinating, addictive.

  "Thank you."

  Harrison smiled and took his hand, leading him inside. He wasn't sure why it was so easy to follow along, except that he'd worn his temper out earlier, had his fit.

  "What do you want to d
o?" It made him a little nervous, not knowing what was up.

  "I'd like to do you."

  "I have the feeling you always feel that way."

  "You bring it out in me."

  Giles looked at Harrison, looked hard. "That wigs me out some."

  "What? That I want you? That you make me hard?"

  "That you want me all the time."

  "Has no one ever wanted you so much?" Harrison asked.

  Giles shrugged, drew into himself. Why would anyone? He belonged to the art, to the work. He wasn't like everyone else. He knew that.

  "I don't understand how men can see you and not want you."

  What the hell should he say to that?

  Harrison didn't seem to be looking for an answer, His kiss took Giles' breath, and he found himself clinging, holding on tight. Harrison bent him backward, arms holding him safely. Crazy. Harrison made him a little crazy.

  Harrison's mouth left his, lips and tongue sliding over his jaw.

  "Please. Let me feel." The words didn't make sense.

  Harrison pulled back enough to look into his eyes. "You're feeling this, aren't you?"

  He nodded, embarrassed. "Just ignore me. I'm being silly." It was the migraine meds.

  "I don't plan on ever ignoring you. What did you mean?"

  "Nothing. Just jabbering." He needed to call Marisa at some point, find out when he was traveling next.

  "Jabbering..." Harrison chuckled and led him down the hall. Harrison's house was huge, bright, open. Lovely.

  They went into the bedroom, Harrison pulling him to the bed. This time he kept his stupid mouth shut. One of Harrison's eyebrows went up, a half smile on his lips, like he'd heard anyway.

  "What?" Harrison didn't know him that well.

  "I can hear the wheels turning in that brain of yours."

  "Nonsense." No way.

  "I can." Harrison started stripping him out of his clothes.

  "Cannot." His cock was half-filled.

  Harrison flicked one nipple ring, then the other. "Mine."

  "N...no." The ache was so good.

  "Yes. All mine." Harrison tugged on his right nipple.

  "I. Stop it." The sheets were so soft.

  "No." God, look at that grin.

  He swatted Harrison's hip playfully,

  "That's my job." Harrison leaned in and took the right nipple ring in his mouth, tugging hard.

  He grunted, hands on Harrison's head. So good. So right. The ring was tugged away from his chest, stretching his skin.

  "Fuck!" He groaned, twisted, moved toward the pressure.

  Harrison breathed on his nipple and then moved to the other one, teeth grabbing at his skin instead of the ring this time.

  "No..." Or yes. Something. Fuck.

  Of course, Harrison's reaction to his 'no' was to bite harder.

  "No biting!"

  That earned him a growl and several more bites.

  He grabbed Harrison's shoulder. "No biting."

  "I like biting."

  "Bite yourself."

  Harrison chuckled and bit his shoulder.

  "Ow." He couldn't help his laughter.

  Grinning, Harrison bit his earlobe, then his lower lip, tugging it out. They were both smiling at each other like giant idiots.

  "You're something else, G. Something I want to keep."

  That was easy to say. He kissed Harrison's nose playfully. Harrison licked his nose in return and then brought their mouths together again for another kiss. Okay. Okay, maybe he could keep this for a while. Maybe.

  "Tying you to my bed," growled Harrison, taking one of his hands and pulling it up over his head.


  "You heard me."

  His other hand was grabbed, dragged up as well.

  "Why? You've got this tying-me-up thing..."

  "Because it's what you need."

  "No. I need to paint."

  Harrison had to understand that.

  "I know that. But you need this as well. There's more to you than Giles the painter."

  He shook his head. No. No, there wasn't.

  "Yes, there is." Harrison reached into the bedside table drawer with one hand, tugging out a wide silk ribbon.

  "No." He was the art.

  "You're my lover, my sub. And you need that side of yourself for the rest to function." Harrison wrapped the silk around his wrists and then around the headboard.

  The silk felt amazing, cool and slick. "Your sub what? That sounds kind of... derogatory."

  "My submissive, and it isn't derogatory at all. The lifestyle that you don't believe in. There are submissives and dominants. I'm a Dom. You're a sub. We fit together perfectly."

  "Don't I have to believe I'm one or something?" Submissive -- he wasn't sure he liked the term, not really.

  "I don't think so. I know that you're mine." Harrison smiled. "I think you know it, too. Deep down."

  He shook his head again. "Can't we just be easy?"

  "You?" It was Harrison who shook his head this time. "I don't believe you can be easy."

  Oh. Oh, that hurt a little. "I think I want you to let me up, Harrison."

  "No. I'm not going to do that. You need so much, so deeply."

  "Yes. I'm not playing. I want to get up." He wanted to go hide for a few minutes.

  Harrison shook his head again. "You know what your safeword is. I'm not letting you up." Harrison's fingers slid along his body, warm and firm.

  "I'm not playing games. I need a minute alone."

  "I'm not playing games either, G. And you can't keep running away from me whenever what's between us gets intense."

  "I can, too. I can run and run, forever."

  Harrison shook his head.

  "I can, too!" he yelled, frowning at Harrison.

  Harrison covered his mouth, kissed him. Hard. The kiss made him gasp, made his eyes roll back in his head.

  Harrison pressed down against him, hard body covering his, warming him through. Giles forgot why he was yelling, Harrison's hunger fascinating. The strong touches continued, Harrison feeling his arms, his shoulders, his sides, his hips. The pressure was delicious and he let himself sink into it, melt. Moan.

  He'd bitch later.

  The kisses became toothy, Harrison leaving little, stinging bites on both his lips, and Giles opened, tongue slipping against Harrison's lips. Harrison gave this little growl that he felt all the way down to his balls.

  Giles shivered, bright red flashing behind his eyelids. The kisses left his mouth to travel over his jaw, the little stings electric when they came. He forgot about struggling, about anything but that mouth, his pleasure. His need. Harrison nibbled and nipped his way along Giles' neck, across his shoulder and then back along his collarbone. The heavy hips pressed him into the mattress, the rhythm rolling and long, just right. All he could do was feel, moan. Ache.

  Sucking on his Adam's apple, Harrison shifted down slightly, baring his nipples with their rings to Harrison's fingers. Oh, fuck. Please. His nipples were tight, hungry, needing sensation, tugging.

  Harrison pressed a finger against his right nipple, then grabbed the ring and tugged on it, all the while sucking at his throat. He moaned softly, the pull perfect, exactly what he needed. A gentle tug pulled at the other nipple ring, a wicked counterpoint.

  "Mmm. So good." He wanted Harrison to know it was good.

  "It's never been better." Harrison lapped at his nipple.

  "Never..." That tongue fascinated him.

  Harrison gave one of those low growls that curled his toes, and blew across his wet skin. It was like floating. Crazy.

  Fingers lingering at his rings, tugging and twisting and playing with them, Harrison moved down his body, mouth making magic wherever it went. There wasn't pain this time, just steady aches, sweet sensation, and he felt drugged, felt so heavy. Harrison's teeth scraped over his navel, the sensation delicious, and his legs drew up, cradled Harrison.

  Air vibrated against his skin as Harrison raspberried
his belly.

  "Tickles!" He laughed, twisted, the silk around his wrists sliding.

  Harrison's laugh felt good against his skin.

  "Turd." The little tease was fond.

  Warm lips surrounded his hip, Harrison tugging gently at the skin. Harrison's hands spread his thighs, slowly, carefully, and he went, letting Harrison push him. That magical mouth found the skin beyond his balls, tongue flipping the little barbell back and forth.

  "Oh. Oh. Oh." He moaned, body throbbing with each touch.

  Harrison tugged on it a little, increasing the ache. His hips rolled, tried to relieve the burn. Growling, Harrison pushed his hips against the bed. He fought the touch, loving the pressure of those strong fingers.

  He thought Harrison liked the fight, as moans interspersed with the growls. He pushed up, rocked harder, hips bucking. Harrison pressed back harder, lips grabbing hold of the barbell again and tugging with more force.

  "Harrison..." His head slammed back against the mattress.

  Harrison growled something that might have been 'uh-huh' and then tilted his ass, tongue finding his hole.

  "Oh, fuck!" His heels dug into the sheets, spreading himself wider.

  This time Harrison's growl vibrated all through him as it spread from Harrison's tongue to his hole.

  "Please. Please. Fuck, your tongue." He twisted, body crazy.

  Harrison didn't answer, but that tongue pushed into him. Giles pushed down, fucking himself, body bucking, the wet heat spreading him. "So pushy."

  "You make me!"

  Harrison laughed, then that tongue pushed back into him.

  That stopped any laughter between them, both of them moaning. In and out, Harrison's tongue filled him.

  "Please." So good. Oh, God.

  A hum was his answer, Harrison's tongue moving faster. He tried to reach out, jack himself off, but his hands were tied. Harrison stopped fucking his hole and moved up a little, grabbing the barbell behind his balls and tugging on it.

  "Fuck. Untie me. Need to touch."

  "Nope." Harrison nosed his balls.

  His eyes crossed. "Fuck..."

  "Yeah, that's going to happen. Eventually."

  "Eventually... What happens first?"

  "I make you crazy."

  He snorted. "I'm not crazy. Just different."

  "Not that kind of crazy, the good kind where you're overloaded with one amazing sensation after the other."


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