Gunner (Devil's Tears MC Book 1)

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Gunner (Devil's Tears MC Book 1) Page 15

by Daniela Jackson

  “We don’t eat chicks like you,” I say. “We entertain them.”

  “Thank you for inviting me to your party,” she says with studied politeness and giggles.

  “You’re welcome.”

  Alice wasn’t thrilled to learn that two more girls would attend the party, but she didn’t protest. She never protests. Her patience for me sometimes makes me wonder if she is in love with me. I’m not in love with her. She’s just my lay.

  We enter the living room and ten pairs of eyes stare at us. Ruby jerks her body back but I immobilise her with my arms around her slender waist.

  “This is Ruby,” I say loudly. “We’re going to entertain Ruby properly, right people?”

  Coyote salutes me and moves closer to us, his jaw muscles twitching. He takes Ruby’s wrists and leads her to the sofa as Hale pours her a glass of orange juice.

  It seems like my band can behave like gentlemen when necessary.

  Ruby drops into the sofa, supported by Coyote who settles himself next to her and strokes her arm as I turn around and fix my eyes onto Eavan.

  “You should have told me,” I say, taking her bag and putting it on the armchair.

  “Now, you know,” she says. “We have one hour.”

  “Only one hour?” I explode.

  “Only one hour.” She looks at me as though she’s not here but somewhere else, in some gloomy place far from here. In a place I can’t reach her.

  “How are you?” I ask.

  “You promised her a song. And the autograph.”

  “Right.” I back up and roam my eyes over the room to localise a guitar. “Where is my guitar?” I jut my chin towards Hale.

  Hale rummages around the room to find it and bends, picking it up from behind the corner of the cupboard then hands it to me. I sit on the floor in front of Ruby as her curious eyes lock on mine.

  “Which one do you want?” I ask.

  “Whisper,” Ruby says and flashes me a timid smile.

  “Sure,” I say and nod at her several times. “Good choice.”

  It’s a ballad and I wrote it myself.

  “My favourite,” Ruby says.

  “It seems like I wrote it just for you,” I say.

  Ruby chuckles. “We didn’t know each other when you wrote it.”

  “It doesn’t matter.” I wink at her. “It’s a special song for a special girl. For you, Ruby.”

  Ruby puts her hands on her lap and freezes like a sculpture as I sing for her.


  He has a good vocal, so touching that I’m mesmerised. I’ve never attended any of his concerts and neither has Ruby, but I listen to his music each time she plays it. His husky voice gives the song an intriguing edge as the words of the ballad fill me with pain and sadness. And with an eerie beauty. They bring the images of a harsh landscape to my mind, mountains, wild rivers, dusk layering the world in indigo and ashen colours, a mist slithering above the ground, sparkling as though some Elves have touched it with magic. Two crystal chandeliers hanging from the beamed ceiling, a stone fireplace and antique furniture add the unique dazzling aura to this experience.

  Seafra finishes singing and three girls standing behind the sofa clap. One of them, a ginger, shoots me a murderous glance. I glance back like my intelligence is non-existent and fix my eyes on Ruby. It doesn’t concern me that none of the girls has introduced themselves to me yet. Only Ruby concerns me. And we’re leaving in half an hour.

  Ruby is so happy she can’t move. The guy sitting beside her throws his arm around her back and pulls her to him, whispering something into her ear. She giggles and shrinks into herself. The guy buries his face into her neck and I stifle my urge to slap him across the cheek. Then I feel grateful. He’s treating my sister like he hasn’t noticed her prosthetic legs replacing her amputated legs down from above where her knees should be, at all. Ruby giggles again and catches a rapid breath as her companion tries to merge with her, rubbing his thumb against her lower lip. I suspect he’s kissing her neck. Yes, he is kissing her neck in a very naughty way.

  I’ve never seen my sister in such an intimate situation. The novelty of this experience frightens me, excites me, stabs me then fills me with melancholy and brings nightmares to my mind. They course through my head like deadly flashes-faces, darkness, pain.

  Seafra puts the guitar in the corner of the room and stands in front of me.

  “Happy?” he asks and smirks at me.

  “You should be happy,” I say. “You did something altruistic.”

  “Why are you so harsh with me?”

  “The autograph,” I say and step back.

  I just fucking want you to stay away from me, no offence. That’s all.

  “Have a drink first and I’ll sign anything you want,” he says.

  “I don’t drink alcohol.”

  “So maybe a glass of apple juice or coke?”

  “We have to go.”

  “Come on, Eavan.” He spreads his hands. “It’s nice here, isn’t it?”

  “We have to go. The autographs.” I raise my forefinger, pointing it to Ruby and the guy embracing her.

  “He will behave,” Seafra says. “I promise.”

  “If you say so—“

  “Relax, Eavan. It’s nice, isn’t it?”

  It’s nice, but I can’t relax. Ruby and I shouldn’t be here. Not to mention that now all three girls standing in the opposite corner of the room glare at me as though they want to murder me.

  “Your friend is touching my sister’s breasts,” I say angrily. “Tell him to stop or I’ll slap him.”

  Seafra backs up and exchanges a few sentences with the guy clinging to Ruby then returns to me. “Everything sorted.”

  “The autographs.”

  “You’re so—“

  “The autographs.”

  “Okay,” Seafra says. “Come with me.”

  I nod at him then move closer to Ruby. “I’ll get the autographs for you and then we’re leaving.”

  “So soon?” the guy next to Ruby asks. “I’m Coyote, by the way.”

  “I know,” I say.

  “Yeah, right,” he says and nods, “but we haven’t shaken hands properly.”

  We shake hands as I shoot him a murderous glance and somebody’s arm seizes me around the waist. I straighten abruptly to sink into Seafra’s embrace. He’s standing behind me, his chest pressing against my back and his breath puffing into my ear. The ginger shoots snaps of lightning towards me with her pale blue eyes as the third member of the band moves closer to me.

  “Hale,” he says and extends his arm to shake hands with me.


  “I know,” Hale says and winks at me then corrects his long brown hair tied on the back of his neck, scratching his unshaven face.

  The guys are nice which hits me like a hammer, all of them. Seafra is too nice though. I take his wrist and wiggle out of his embrace as Ruby sends me a bright smile and nods at me. My own sister is a traitor, but she’s enjoying the party so I can try to enjoy it too.

  Seafra clasps my hand in his, our fingers entangled, and pulls me behind him as our glances meet.

  “So,” he starts.

  “So take your hand off me.”


  We move towards a wide stairwell, a red flowery carpet covering the steps soft under my feet. The voices from the living room fade as we climb and immerse ourselves into the darkness of a long corridor.

  “Do you live here?” I ask to interrupt the awkward silence between us and attempt to tear my hand away from his.

  He makes me feel weak, helpless, at his mercy.

  “Sometimes,” he says in a dry voice, squeezing my hand.

  “So you shouldn’t piss off your host by paying attention to another girl.”

  “Maybe I want to piss her off to the point where she stops inviting me over.”

  “You’re an asshole.”

  “Maybe I want to stop being an asshole from now on.” He kicks an ornat
e door open and we enter a room serving as an office. Two antique desks stand by the wall as a bookcase filled with leather bound books makes me think of the past. The smell of old wood and paper settles in my nostrils like an exhale from eternity.

  Seafra kicks the door shut and his hand hooks the back of my neck. He stands in front of me, leaning over.

  “The autographs,” I shriek, my heart racing in my chest.

  “You little temptress.”


  “Who are you, Eavan?”


  Chapter 3


  The moment the sound of my name laced with the seductive raspiness of her voice leaves her mouth, I lose control entirely. She’s doing something to me, waking something in me, yanking up the part of me that’s been buried, unavailable. It’s dark, violent. Unleashed.

  I grip her hip, resting my forehead against hers and inhaling her intoxicating scent. She’s like a drug, the embodiment of temptation, the lightness of a snowflake, the crisp secrecy of a winter night, the heat of a thermal spring, all in one.

  A sigh escapes her mouth as I move her backwards and the desk digs into her ass. I grip her waist and lift her up, setting her on the leather top.

  “Don’t,” she murmurs, her palms on my chest, arms quivering.

  “Kiss me.”

  “No,” she sighs as though the wind is rustling autumnal leaves.

  Her eyes widen, fear and fierceness blending in her glance as her lips part and the tip of her tongue flickers in her mouth, pink against the pearly glow of her perfect teeth.

  “Kiss me,” I demand, my mind filled with a ravenous desire.

  My dick is rock hard, aching for her and stripping me of rationality entirely.

  Eavan leans in and brushes the corner of my mouth with her hot moist lips, her body shivering as though she wants to fuse with me, but some force is pulling her back. Hair stands up on my back and I press my lips against hers, parting her thighs with my hand.

  Every molecule of my being feels like there is an invisible chain connecting us.

  I push her so her back rests against the desk, my mouth on hers, my tongue touching hers. She squeals quietly as I wrap her thigh around my waist and glide my hand over her ass cheek, rubbing my erection against her crotch. Her body is taut against mine so I kiss her deeper harder, fighting her resistance, exploring her mouth with a fierce impatience. She moans and her muscles relax. I feel her surrender to me. I feel her hunger for me. She wants to surrender to me.

  “What are you doing to me?” I rasp into her sweet mouth, inhaling her and memorising her.

  “The autograph,” she gasps.

  “Breakfast tomorrow.”


  “Yes. At the Randell’s. Nine o’clock in the morning.”


  “Yes or no autographs.”

  “Okay. Breakfast tomorrow. At the Randell’s.” Her fingers dig into my back.

  I slip my fingers under her panties to taste the firmness of her ass, but she growls with fury.

  “Okay,” I say, taking my hand off her. “Message received.”

  It’s funny actually. I won’t fuck her tonight. Neither will I tomorrow, but that’s okay. It’s exciting. I’m going to do the things right for the first time in a very long time.

  I straighten and pull her shivering body into my arms. It feels just right as though we merge into one being. I kiss the top of her head and growl from my throat.

  “We have a concert here every four-six months,” I say and cup her face in both my hands, still standing between her knees and planting a kiss on her forehead.

  She looks aloof and a cold gloom rushes through my veins. I kill it, sinking my fingers into her amazing hair. It’s sleek and thick to touch, smelling of roses. Smelling of her.

  “I can behave like a gentleman, Eavan.”

  “Maybe I don’t want you to be a gentleman. Maybe I like the caveman in you.”

  “Okay,” I say. My inner animal stirs in excitement, craves to hunt, possess. I want to be a caveman. I’ve never been one. No woman has posed such a challenge for me so far. Eavan is like an ultimate challenge. “I can make you scream of pleasure beneath me right now. Just say a word.”

  “Maybe I could make you moan of pleasure beneath me.”

  “I’m thrilled to explore this option.”

  “I have to go.”

  “But we’re good for tomorrow?” I capture her lips with mine and kiss her tenderly.

  “Yes. The autographs.”

  I pull away from her, approaching the other desk. Grabbing a pen, I hold a pile of the band’s photos and sign ten of them.


  I slide down, planting my feet on the floor. My thighs are still quivering, sparks of white and red colours whirling in my head. Fucking hell. What did just happen?

  An amazing kisser happened.

  I loved it, every bit of it. Every brush of his fingers, every touch of his lips and every lick of his tongue.

  I’m not very experienced in kissing, but women must kill for his kiss.

  I want more, but not tonight. I can’t do more tonight. I can’t do more at all. That realisation causes sadness to waft through me like a gust of the wind carrying the scent of a historic graveyard has gone past me.

  Well, I shouldn’t even be here, to be honest.

  I take the photos from Seafra’s hand and move towards the door, pouring out into the corridor. A soft sound reaches my ears-a female’s moans like a delicate crescendo and I slow down like my feet are glued to the floor.

  Seafra throws his arm over my back, pushing me gently forward. “Don’t pay attention. It’s probably Hale and one of the girls.”

  I knew there would be such a kind of dirt in this house. Embarrassment and curiosity mix inside me, sending heat throughout my body.

  We move slowly towards the stairs and pass a room, its door wide open. I freeze with consternation at the sight of the naked people on the four-poster bed inside of the room. Hale is enjoying two girls. The ginger is on all fours and Hale is fucking her from behind, her face between the other girl’s legs. The other girl moans and wiggles, her blonde hair like a storm on the bed sheets.

  Heat fills my tummy and I can’t move, watching the primal lust between those three people. The air around them sends a subtle sizzle pricking and burning my skin.

  “You like it?” Seafra whispers into my ear and nibbles on my earlobe.


  “You can watch for a moment. They don’t mind.”

  Hale pushes himself into the ginger faster and I see his hard cock pumping in and out.

  I swallow thickly. “I—“

  Seafra’s hands squeeze my breasts as he presses his chest against my back and grazes the angle of my jaw. “You can watch but for your information, I will never share you. Never. No one will touch you, except me.” There is a hint of menace in his voice as he puts his hand on my tummy and rubs his hard on against my ass.

  I pull forward, my pussy pulsing, and my throat dry as Seafra’s arms seize me around the waist from behind. His hot mouth touches the side of my neck, sending an electric current across my skin. We move forward along the corridor and I find myself between the railing of the stairs and his body. The white ornate edge digs into my stomach as Seafra pulls my sleeve down, exposing my breast and kisses my shoulder. My lifeless hand loosens the grip on the photos and they float down towards the rosette of the floor in the main hall downstairs. They’re rustling like a bird’s feather, landing scattered across the floor but I don’t care. I can only focus on Seafra’s hard cock rubbing against my ass, on his hand cupping my naked breast and on his mouth grazing along my neck.

  He holds my chin and our lips meet again. I feel the wildness and danger again, the tingle spreading across my skin, the wetness in my panties. The heat centring on my tummy.

  “Fucking hell,” Seafra murmurs. “You’re driving me mad, woman.”

fingers roll my nipple and I moan into his mouth. He kisses me deeper, fiercely, possessively like I belong to him. And I do for one brief moment. I’m his breath, his touch, his heartbeat as is he all those things mine.

  “Eavan,” Ruby’s voice tears me out of this madness.

  I look down and see Coyote picking up the photos from the floor and handing them to Ruby.

  “We have to go,” Ruby says.

  “I know, honey,” I rasp and wiggle out of Seafra’s embrace, correcting my dress, an incinerating flush on my cheeks.

  Shakiness takes possession of my body and mind and everything turns into a blur. I can’t breathe. Pain seizes my chest.

  As I sit in the back seat of the taxi Coyote’s ordered for us, I can’t recall what happened during past ten minutes.

  Seafra said something to me, but I don’t remember what. He kissed my lips and Ruby pulled me behind her.

  I’m still shaking. Ruby is talking to me, but I can’t discern the words.

  “Eavan,” Ruby growls.

  “What,” I say sharply, as my fingers close around a piece of paper.

  “You broke all the rules,” she says with sarcasm and shakes her head. “And you’re the boss here not me. You should be perfect, you should set an example for me.” Her eyes flicker with pity then a wide smile parts her lips. “You’re always so strict and tonight?”


  “He really likes you.” Her voice is soft, melodious. I love her like this so much. I love her twittering, exuding joy. Without all the pain. “Don’t lose his telephone number.”

  I glance down at the piece of paper in my hand and put it into my clutch bag.

  “He likes you,” Ruby twitters.

  “I think Coyote likes you.”

  “He was just nice,” she sighs. “It was nice. Normal.”

  “Coyote kissed you.”

  “Just my neck,” Ruby says in a faltering voice and rolls her fingers into fists, crossing her wrists on her lap. She inhales deeply, blinks nervously and smirks at me. “Coyote and I weren’t naughty. But Seafra and you were really naughty.”

  “I guess I was naughty.”


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