It’s about 1:45 am when we decided to leave. On our way to Natalie’s car, she spots Chauncey! “Oh, this can’t be good!”
Chapter 4 - Natalie
I spot Chauncey with Burnie (Bernadette) and I'm livid! “Girl please don’t make a scene. Are you going to confront him?” Megan ask, slightly nervous.
“Damn right I am, c’mon let’s go.”
We approach Chauncey and Burnie, I’m even madder when I realize he’s suppose to be spending time with our son, not hitting the club with his tramp. Burnie is 25 years old and I can’t stand her. She’s light skinned with big dimples and long jet black hair. Burnie resembled the actress, Lauren London.
“Chauncey, what are you doing here? Where is our son? Is this what you do when it’s your weekend to keep Courtney?” I’m fuming.
“Oh hey Nat. He’s at my mom’s for the night. Burnie and I needed some time.” Bernadette rubs up and down on his arm. I guess trying to mark her territory but nobody wants his ass.
“Hi Natalie,” Bernadette says to me.
“I am not talking to you Bernadette! I’m talking to Chauncey.”
“Natalie why are you always so cold and rude to me?” Bernadette says nonchalantly.
“Trick do I really need to sit here and give your dumb ass reasons why? Hoe you know why I don’t like your trifling’ ass.” I’m heated. The nerve of that whore. I didn’t want to take it there with Bernadette. She’s obviously experiencing liquid courage by fixing her mouth to even ask me that mess.
Chauncey shushed Bernadette and turned his attention to me. He knows I will fuck Burnie up in 2.3 seconds.
I ignore Burnie and glare at Chauncey. “I will be picking up my son tomorrow.”
“Why? I always drop him home.”
“Don’t worry about dropping Courtney home; I’ll pick him up from your mothers.”
With that being said Megan and I turn around and walk to my car. I feel like I’ve held my composure pretty good because I really wanted to smack Chauncey and whoop Bernadette’s ass.
Turning on Megan’s block, she notices Foster’s car is in the driveway. She’s so happy to see he’s home. I hug Megan good bye and watch her walk safely inside. I on the other hand, am going home to an empty house and no man. Megan’s so blessed.
Chapter 5 - Megan
I walk into my house and I'm very tipsy. I put one hand on the wall to steady my balance as I use my other hand to take off my heels. I just wanted to be wrapped into Fosters arms and make love the entire night. I walk up the spiraling staircase and approach our bedroom door. It’s closed. Foster must’ve not heard me coming into the house because I can overhear him on the phone.
“Yeah baby, it won’t be a problem getting out the house tomorrow night. She doesn’t suspect a thing. Are you going to wear that pink bra and panty set that I got you? Daddy loves it when you wear that. What’s wrong? Aw honey, how much is your rent? Sure I’ll take care of it first thing tomorrow morning. Okay…yeah…good night baby.”
He’s cheating on me! I can’t believe what I’m hearing. I’m too scared to go into the room and confront Foster. Instead of confronting him, I put my head down in shame and slowly walk to the guest bedroom. For the first time in our marriage, I slept in one of our guestrooms for the night.
The next morning, I got up early, showered and began fixing breakfast for Foster. I laid strips of bacon inside the skillet and cracked two eggs inside a bowl. I did some thinking last night and maybe Foster is stepping out on me because I’m not giving him enough attention. I know he wants a family so maybe I should go ahead and try to do that for him. Maybe a baby can fix our problems. We haven’t been on the same page for awhile now and after hearing him on the phone last night, I know what I need to do now to make things right.
I prepared cheese omelets, grits, and crispy bacon. I even made freshly squeezed lemonade, Foster’s favorite. I open the blinds and go outside to get the morning newspaper for him. When I walk back towards the kitchen, Foster is descending down the stairs.
“Good morning baby. How was your night? I made some breakfast for you. Here is the morning newspaper.” I hand him the newspaper and peck him on the cheek. We make our way into the kitchen.
“Good morning. Thank you. Everything smells so good.” Foster took a seat at our dining room table and began eating the hot plate of breakfast I prepared. I sat down across from him and sipped my coffee.
“How was your night Megan? You came home extremely late.” Foster now seemed aggravated. Here goes these damn mood swings he has.
“Yeah, well Natalie and I went out to a little spot near my job. Kind of like a girls night out. Courtney was gone with his father so I wanted to get her out of the house.”
“You’re always trying to take care of someone else’s problems instead of your own. Tend to yo man from time to time Meg. Shit, screw me on a regular. Be home when I get home. Do what a wife is supposed to do. Honor your man.” I’m speechless. I don’t know why he’s been having so many mood swings lately. It scared me honestly. I didn’t want to fight, so I just listened.
“Baby I know we aren’t on the same page but I don’t want to fight.” I walk over to Foster and straddle his lap. I kiss him passionately as I run my fingers through his salt and pepper hair. Foster is ten years older than me but damn he’s still fine. He looked like Rick Fox. I couldn’t wait to feel him inside of me. It’s been awhile since we’ve made love. Foster held onto my waist and laid me gently onto our couch. He unties my robe and quickly unsnaps my lace bra, exposing my perky double D silicone size breasts. He takes each nipple into his mouth and I instantly become wet between my thighs. Foster stands up and pulls down his Hanes boxers. I brace myself for Foster’s manhood. Lord, I can’t wait! I pull him by the waist and take his thick manhood into my warm mouth. Foster starts moaning and grabbing a fist full of my tracks that are sewed in. He pulls his manhood out of my mouth and I put my hand at the base and jack him off. I spit on his manhood for more lubrication. He loves when I do that. Foster is moaning. I know he’s about to cum because he pushes my hand away and enters my sweet center so gently. My body is trembling all over.
“Go deeper baby. I love it!” I scream with bliss.
Foster complies and shows no mercy as his thrusts became deeper and harder. I’m floating on a cloud of delight. He’s making love to me for the first time in over a month. He grabs my shoulders to hold me steady as he pounds in and out of me. “Oh my God Fosterrrrrrrrr,“ I scream as I explode. Kevin continues to thrust in and out of me until he releases his seeds deep inside of me. That morning for the first time in years, Foster is late to work from all the love making we did on our leather sectional sofa.
Chapter 6 - Natalie
I wake up the next morning following the club and I'm mad all over again. I can’t believe Chauncey pawned our child off on his mother. He only saw his son every other weekend, when he did come through.
I glance at my dresser at all the numbers I had got last night at the club. I haven’t dated in so long that I’m actually nervous; to call any of the guys I had met last night. I just don’t feel like getting to know someone new right now. The dating game has changed so much. The last guy I dated is Chauncey. I don’t feel like getting to know someone’s likes, dislikes, flaws, issues, family and personal matters. Shaking my head, I decided to call Megan and see how her day is going.
“Hey Megan, did your ass have a good night, if you know what I mean?”
“Girl my morning was wonderful! Foster and I made love all morning. He was actually late for work too!” You could tell Megan was smiling through the phone. I’m glad she and Foster finally made up.
“Least you’re getting some now! I’m happy for you. I’m picking Courtney up round 2:30 this afternoon. I can’t believe Chauncey last night. I try to give him the benefit of the doubt and he always fails.” I’m so irritated thinking about it all over again. Megan ended up filling me in on what she overheard Foster saying on the phone last night. I
’m lost for words that she didn’t confront his trifling ass. I’m floored that she still ended up giving him some ass after everything was said and done.
“Megan, if you overheard him talking to another woman, why in the world would you still sleep with him? Hello! STD’s and HIV are real out here. What are you thinking?” I’m so disappointed. I don’t understand how women put up with men who are no good, just to say they have a man. I’m sorry I could do badly all by myself.
“Nat, I don’t need your criticism. I know what I’m doing. I made an OBGYN appointment and I’m going to stop taking birth control. I’m also going to give my job a two week notice. I’ve decided to quit and start planning on making a family. It’s about time anyway. It’s not like we can’t afford a child.”
“I cannot believe what I’m hearing! Megan, majority of the time a baby doesn’t fix something that has been broken. You need to confront Foster. Don’t bring a baby into the mix because that‘s only going to complicate things.”
“Listen, I’ll talk to you later. I‘ll take a cab to your house to get my car. Please leave my car keys under your welcome mat. I don‘t need a lecture from my best friend. I just need you to support me.”
Megan hung up on me! That heffa is lucky I love her because I hated when people hung up on me. It’s my biggest pet peeve.
I know this is going to blow up right in her face. This is just the calm before the storm.
I grab my purse off the bed and slide on my sandals. I hop in my car and make my way to pick up Courtney, from Chauncey’s mother’s house. I make the fifteen minute drive in rapid time. I step out of my car and pull my blouse down and straighten myself up. Anna is like my second mother. She hated the way Chauncey treated me during our relationship.
I walk up the worn steps and knock on the second apartment door on the right. After a few seconds Courtney opens the door and greets me.
“Hey son, I’ve missed you.”
“Hey mom, come in. Nana is in the kitchen cooking,” Courtney says.
I hug my son and walk into the kitchen. Anna is frying some chicken and it smelled delicious. “Hi Anna, how are you?”
“I’m doing just fine Natalie. Yourself?” Anna is beautiful. She has jet black hair that she always keeps dyed and in a pony tail, slanted brown eyes, a button nose and lips like Jill Marie Jones on Girlfriends. She is 5’7 with long runway model legs and skin the color of coffee with cream.
“I’m doing okay. Your son was with Burnie last night at the club. Excuse my French mama but I was about to “molly wop” Bernadette and “pimp smack” your son.” Anna chuckles. I continue talking. “I thought he was going to be spending some time with Courtney?” I try to keep my voice down since my son is in the living room watching television. “Yeah, that son of mine needs to get his act together. He dropped Courtney off over here Friday night. He hasn’t come back since.” I’m livid! The nerve of that deadbeat. He hardly spends time with Courtney. I couldn’t believe this shit.
“Why does he do the things he does mama?” I’m irritated all over again.
“Baby, he has to grow up. He is running around with Burnie and doesn’t have a care in this world. Natalie I tell you, I don’t like that woman. She’s bad news. Ever since he first brought her around, I couldn’t stand her!”
Mama and I talked for awhile and I stayed for dinner. We always see eye to eye. I know deep down she’s always wanted Chauncey to settle down with me. She always hinted about us getting back together. When pigs fly!
Chapter 7 - Megan
I pay the cab driver twenty dollars, as I got out and rush to Nat’s front door. I look around and when the coast is clear, I lift up the welcome mat and retrieve my car keys.
Once in my car I started thinking. I couldn’t believe I didn’t have the support of my best friend on having a baby with my husband. She’s always trying to give me advice but she has no man. I hated when one of your female friends has all the advice in the world, on what to do with your relationship but they didn’t have a relationship themselves. I value Natalie’s opinion but she hasn’t had a damn man in years. I know that Natalie has the best intentions for me but sometimes taking advice from a single friend can be problematic and toxic.
Foster came home from work early and surprisingly in a great mood.
“I bought these for you baby.” He hands me a dozen red roses.
I smile.
“They’re beautiful baby! Thank you! I’ll put these in a vase right away.” I walk to my cabinet and rummage through the pots and pans for my flower vase.
“How was your day baby?” Foster asked.
“It was great. I paid some bills, ran to the market and picked up a few items. Do you want hamburgers or meatloaf baby?”
“Meatloaf will be fine. I left early today because I couldn’t wait to get home to you.” Foster walks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. He began kissing my neck. It’s turning me on. I turn around and foster places me on top of our kitchen counter. He pulls my panties to the side and plays with my sweet center. I moan as I throw my head back and close my eyes. My inner muscles contract as I experience a powerful orgasm. Foster begins sucking on my neck as I unbuckle his work pants. Once I freed his baby maker, I guided the love handle inside of me. A moan escapes my mouth. Foster and I have a quickie right on the kitchen counter and explode together.
After our quickie, I begin cooking dinner. Foster turns on some jazz music and we sit down and eat dinner together. “I’m ready to start a family.” I gaze into Fosters eyes.
He smiles.
“I’m glad to hear that. It‘s about time. I‘m not getting any younger,” Foster says in between chews.
I chuckle.
“I’ve stopped taking my birth control a few days ago. It might take us some time to conceive. I’ve been on birth control since I was 18.”
“Well how about we skip dinner and get started on making that baby?”
“We have all night for that love. Let’s eat.”
Later that night Foster and I made love for hours.
The following morning Foster was gone for his weekend jog. I notice he left his cell phone on the nightstand. It’s vibrating. I ignore the sound and force myself to make the bed. The cell phone vibrates again. I glance in the direction of the phone and then at the clock. Foster will be home in five minutes or so. Maybe it was a client. I decide to hurry and check the phone. I click on the text message icon and notice he has two text messages from a number that isn’t saved. I quickly read the text message.
Unknown number: I’ve missed you these pass few days. I guess you and your wife are doing well. Call me sometime.
I don’t know whether to be upset or happy. I know he’s cheating but after reading the text message I know that Foster hasn’t seen her in awhile since she’s saying she misses him. I decided to read the next message.
Unknown number: I need to talk to you about something very important. It can’t wait.
Immediately I became nervous and was feeling like I should call the number. I was getting ready to hit “dial” until I hear the front door. Foster is home! I quickly place the phone back the way I found it and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I don’t know what to say or what to do.
Foster came into the bathroom and kisses me on the cheek. “Baby, my run was amazing. You should think about coming with me sometimes. It’s nice to get some fresh air.” Foster is drenched in sweat. He pulls his T-shirt off over his head and tosses it on the floor.
“Yeah, maybe,” I say dryly.
“What’s wrong?” Foster eyes me and he’s now looking uncomfortable. He starts the shower.
“Nothing, I’m just tired from last night. Do you want any breakfast before I go into the office?”
Foster hops in the shower.
“No baby, I’m good. I’ll see you later. I love you.”
I roll my eyes. “I love you too.”
Chapter 8 - Natalie
Two weeks later….
Megan and I still haven’t talked yet. I’m going to call her and apologize later. It’s Monday morning and I’m running late for work. I had just dropped Courtney off at school. I drove a few miles and I notice my car is running hot. “Ugh, what now?” I say out loud to myself. There’s smoke coming from under the hood of the car. I sigh. It’s just my luck that I’m working for a temp agency. There is no way I’m going to get hired permanently now.
I pull over, pop the hood and get out of the car. Who am I kidding, I know nothing about cars. I look around and I’m about 10 minutes driving distance from my job. I thought about calling Megan to come and pick me up until a car stopped next to me. It’s just my luck that it’s Chauncey. The devil really has it out for me this morning. What are the chances of my car breaking down and Chauncey stopping and offering help?
“Hey Nat, what’s up with your car?”
“What does it look like? It’s running hot and I’m late for work.” I crossed my arms over my chest and stared him straight in the eyes.
Chauncey got out of his Ford Explorer truck and took a look at my car. “You need some coolant. Your coolant is low. I have some in the back of my truck.” Chauncey walks to his truck and grabbed the bottle of coolant. After he poured the bottle of coolant in the reservoir, he waited with me until the car cooled back down.
“Natalie, I know I’m not the best father and I wasn’t the best man to you but I still care about you a lot.”
I busted out laughing in his face!
“Chauncey what have you done differently that has suggested that you’ve changed? You have a girlfriend, yet your ass is up in here trying to spit game to me! Sorry, you haven’t changed at all.”
Megan & Natalie Page 2