Power Trilogy: Power Trip, Power Play & Power Shift (Twin Billionaires Series)

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Power Trilogy: Power Trip, Power Play & Power Shift (Twin Billionaires Series) Page 10

by M T Stone

  “You need a bottle too?” he asks me.

  “No. I’m good. How about you?”

  “I could use a couple big glasses of something stronger, but tomorrow is going to be miserable enough the way it is.” He looks over at Liv who still has the bottle tipped in the air. “Good thing the funeral isn’t until four.”

  The traffic is more stop than go by the time we reach Grand Central Station. What should be a twenty-minute ride seems like it’s going to take a while. Liv looks like a teenager with her phone in one hand and a champagne bottle in the other. After seeing how self-absorbed she is, I reach down and take Trey’s hand in mine. I simply want to feel his energy, the sensation of his body heat mingling with mine. He gives me a look of appreciation and then we both glance over at Liv. She is completely oblivious to what’s going on around her. Not that I mind.


  After a hectic week, an uncomfortable wake and spending the last few hours in a noisy bar I am actually enjoying this slow, quiet ride through the city. The strangest thing is that I feel more satisfaction from simply being close to Mandy than anything I’ve felt in years. Mom’s words from earlier creep into my testosterone charged brain. I really don’t think Mandy is out to hurt me. Either that or I’m still as naive as I was in college.

  As if on cue, Liv says, “Sasha says they are hitting Lavo next. That’s not far from the hotel is it?”

  “No, it’s just up the street.”

  “Can we go?” she asks, totally ignoring the fact that my dad’s funeral is tomorrow.

  “Tony? Can you take her to Lavo after you drop me off?” I ask, not wanting to spend another minute in a loud nightclub.

  Tony gives me a knowing grin in the mirror. “Sure boss. I’ll just hang out and wait, so you can stay as long as you want,” he offers, turning his focus to Liv.

  “Oh, thanks! That’s awesome.” She goes back to texting with Sasha. It’s a full minute before she realizes that she will be going alone. “Don’t you guys want to go?”

  “No thanks. I have a headache,” Mandy replies first. “I think I must be dehydrated or jet-lagged.”

  “I need to get some sleep, but you go have fun,” I encourage her. “Tony will take good care of you.” I wasn’t looking forward to dealing with Liv tonight anyway. I know Mandy wants me to have the talk with her, but I would rather put it off until after the funeral. I’ve never been good at break ups; I tend to be way too blunt. Not that it’s a real relationship in the first place, but I would still rather do it later.

  “Since you guys seem to be hooking up, I’m gonna go flirt with Tommy,” Liv says with a liquor infused smile after we stop at the entrance of the hotel.

  “We just…” Mandy begins to explain herself.

  “Don’t even try Mandy!” Liv cuts her off immediately. “You two have been acting like you want to rip each other’s clothes off all day. You probably have already… who knows? I don’t fucking care anymore.” She stumbles out of the limo and slams the door behind her.

  “Do you think she’ll realize that we are the ones who are getting out here?” I ask Mandy, pausing for a couple seconds before opening my door.

  “Hey Liv, do you still want a ride?” Tony yells to her out the window. She spins around on her heel and gives him a vacant look. She’s totally wasted again.

  “Keep an eye on her,” I whisper to Tony while passing by and handing him a couple hundreds. “That’s just in case you end up cleaning the car.”

  “I’ve done it before, sir.” He laughs, helping Liv back into the car.

  “You two go fuck your brains out!” Liv yells at us. “Fucking holding hands right in front of me,” she mutters before going back to her phone. Tony shakes his head and shuts the limo door.

  “She’s not going to remember any of this tomorrow anyway,” I assure Mandy.

  “Still… it’s not cool.” Mandy picks up her stride toward the hotel doors. Shit. The loving feeling has just vaporized in a matter of seconds.


  I don’t tolerate cheating. My first boyfriend in high school cheated on me repeatedly, so I am taking Liv’s comment to heart. I know Trey says they are just friends-with-benefits, but I also know that she has been hoping for more. It’s just a weird, fucked up relationship and I am not going to get caught up in the middle of it.

  “You have to understand that Liv embellishes things all the time,” Trey says upon entering the elevator. “We have never had anything beyond a little fun and sex. She wanted to experience the high-life and I was simply attracted to her.”

  “So you are saying you prefer blondes?” I ask, wanting to see him squirm.

  “In the past I may have been more attracted to blondes, but then again I had never met a brunette like you,” he replies, slipping his hand along my cheek line. “You are doing something to me.” He leans forward, kissing my lips and pressing me against the back of the elevator.

  I don’t want this, I keep telling myself but my lips are saying otherwise. I feel his other hand on my lower back and it sends a tingle up my spine. God he is sexy. His charisma, intoxicating cologne and those talented lips combine to beat down my resistance. The elevator dings and comes to a stop. Trey pulls back just slightly before giving me one last gentle kiss. “I’m thinking… I now prefer brunettes.”

  “That was really nice, but…” I start to reply.

  “But it’s been a very long day and it will be a longer one tomorrow. Besides, you are off limits until I have a talk with Liv and set things straight,” he says leading me by the hand to my room. Reaching the door, he looks me straight in the eyes and says, “You are someone special so I want to do this right.” He leans in and gives me one final kiss. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Good night.” I say, not thinking quickly enough to give a response to anything else he just said. My mind is swimming and my body is tingling from head to toe. I’ve never felt this way. I swipe the keycard the wrong way twice before taking my eyes off of him long enough to determine which way the arrow points. He smirks, grabs the card and instantly opens the door. “I was just going to do that,” I say in my defense.

  “Since you were the valedictorian of your law school class, I have no doubt that you can open a door,” he says with his smirk still growing. “You’re just a little distracted. Sleep well.”

  “Sleep well,” I reply, while he turns toward his room next door. I slip inside my room and immediately close the door. My hands tremble as I set the keycard on the table. Whew, he really gets to me. Thoughts continue to churn through my head at such a ridiculous pace that I have to stop and think about which steps I’ve done in my nightly routine. I can’t believe this is actually happening. How am I even going to sleep?


  T rey

  I am pulled from a deep sleep by the sound of Liv cussing and trying to get into my room. It takes a couple of minutes before she finally gives up and tries the other door. I told her earlier that she and Mandy would be in the other room since I need to get up early to meet my family. After listening to her stumble around for several more minutes, everything falls quiet again. Even though I’m completely annoyed, I try to relax and fall back to sleep. I definitely want a few more hours of sleep or it’s going to a really long day.

  The next sound I hear is my phone buzzing. Oh shit! It’s Mom calling and according to my phone it’s 10:23. “Where the hell are you?” she squawks the second I answer.

  “I’m sorry, I fell back asleep. Where are you at?” I rub my eyes trying to wake up.

  “We are all at Estela’s. You and Vanessa are the only two missing. She’s not with you is she?” she asks in a tone that sounds like an accusation.

  “No! I have a room to myself… I swear I set my alarm. I’ll be over in a bit,” I promise her.

  “Don’t bother, Trey. This place is packed and we will all be finished by the time you get ready and get over here.” I can hear the disappointment in her voice. “I’ll tell everyone tha
t you are tired from traveling.”

  “Alright… I’ll meet you guys at the church a little after noon,” I reply, feeling a little relieved that I don’t have to rush.

  “Don’t be late! I want all of us to walk in together. It wouldn’t hurt you to visit with your cousins either.” She’s always trying to get us to be friends with one another.

  “I won’t be late. See you at noon.” I hang up the phone and drag my ass out of bed. I send Mandy and Liv a text to see if they are up.

  Mandy: I’ve been up for a while. Liv, not so much.

  Me: Tell her the car is picking us up a little before noon.

  Mandy: Sounds good. I’ll do my best to get her up and ready. : )


  My boss, Harris, calls again while I’m trying to reply to Trey’s text. He has been looking for an update on my trip to Geneva. I’ve been avoiding his calls, because I’m not exactly sure what I am going to tell him. His first call goes to voice mail, but he immediately calls again.

  “I’m sorry, I was in the middle of a text message,” I let him know upon answering.

  “You have been avoiding me, young lady! What’s going on with you? I’ve been trying to get an update for the past twenty four hours.” He presses.

  “Seriously Harris? Victor is dead and his funeral is in a few hours. Can’t we discuss this on Monday?” I hear Liv rustling, so I make my way into the other room. “Trey hasn’t done anything suspicious since I have been here.”

  “The wheels of justice never rest honey. If you’re going to work in this office, you ‘re going to have to get fully onboard. You didn’t see or overhear anything out of the ordinary during the trip to Geneva?” he asks, seeming completely flabbergasted.

  “No. I was able to talk business with him a couple of times and it seems that he is working on a totally straight up deal,” I report.

  “That’s bullshit! Addison’s don’t do business that way. He’s got an edge somewhere. I can’t believe you didn’t come up with anything.” He sounds really agitated.

  “I’m telling you, everything seems perfectly normal. Why are you so angry? What’s really wrong?” I ask, a little confused by his outbursts.

  “I don’t know,” he sighs. “I’ve known Victor since my freshman year of college. We sparred in debate class, competed for student body president and he always seemed to find a way to get the best of me. He’s been the fuel for most of my achievements in life and in the blink of an eye… he’s gone.” He falls silent and I can tell he’s actually a little choked up.

  “So now you want to attack his son even more viciously? How does that make sense?” He remains silent on the other end, but I can hear that he is still there. “I honestly don’t think there is anything solid that we can use against Trey,” I add, hoping he will drop it.

  “Okay,” he gasps, taking a deep breath and clearing his throat. “I’m sorry for bothering you on a Saturday morning. I haven’t had much sleep the last couple of nights.”

  “Hey, it’s fine. Just go take Angel for a walk and get some fresh air.” Angel is his toy poodle and constant companion. She is not only his family but also his best friend. For years he has been so consumed with his job and chasing after Victor that he has basically sacrificed all other aspects of his life. I think he is suddenly realizing that in the end, none of this will even matter. He obviously should have dealt with his pent up anger, instead of wasting his whole life chasing after Victor.

  I think back to when I first began following Harris, as soon as I was old enough to read the Wall Street Journal. He was constantly trying to stir up trouble for Victor, so my dad was his biggest cheerleader. Harris was always convinced that Victor was somehow cheating; that no one could be so successful and do it honestly. When I first began working for him I too had my suspicions, based on how he had treated my family. After seeing how Trey conducts business, I know without a doubt that the rich use their high-level connections to their full advantage. That’s why they say; it’s not what you know, but who you know.

  Wow, Liv is actually up. “Good morning Liv. How are you this morning?”

  “Just fucking awesome,” she grumbles on her way to the bathroom. “How are you?”

  “I’m fine, thanks.” God, I just love her.


  I hear a knock at the door well before noon, so I naturally assume that it’s Tony. I am pleasantly surprised to find Mandy and Liv. Both of them look fantastic in their black dresses and matching high heels. I pull on my jacket and we make our way down to the limo that is waiting for us outside the hotel.

  “So what did you guys do last night?” Liv asks after we get settled in the car.

  “Slept,” I mutter. “I was more exhausted than I thought. I completely missed the family brunch this morning.”

  “That sounds like you,” Liv teases, seeming pretty normal considering how much champagne she consumed the night before.

  Upon arriving at the church, the three of us are immediately escorted into a room in the back where my whole extended family has gathered. Mom is busy introducing Dad’s fiancé to all of her relatives.

  “She’s such a goddamn martyr,” aunt Margaret whispers in my ear the moment I enter the room. “Does she really need to introduce her to everyone?”

  “She seems to be enjoying it,” I whisper back. She has a definite glimmer in her eye. I’m sure she wants everyone to know the whore who stole her husband of twenty-three years.

  “She should really let it go,” aunt Margaret huffs back at me.

  “Mom!” I shout, trying to pull her away from her shaming exercise. “Come over here, I want to introduce you.”

  “Oh… hi girls!” She smiles broadly as she immediately rushes over to us. “Don’t you two look just darling? You look nice too, Trey.”

  “Mom, this is Mandy and Liv.”

  “Liv, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Boy you remind me of someone.” She gives me a crossways glare. “Amanda Greyson…” She pauses, taking Mandy’s hands in hers. “I honestly don’t know what to think about you.”

  “Hi, Mrs. Addison,” Mandy replies with an uneasy smile.

  “Oh child… call me Silvia! Since there is no longer a Mr. Addison I certainly don’t have to be referred to as Mrs.”

  “I’m sorry… Silvia,” Mandy corrects herself, obviously feeling more than a little awkward.

  “No need to apologize, however, you do need to join me for an informal get-together after the service. I want to get all caught up on you and your family,” she tells her, not really leaving her much of a choice.

  “I can do that,” Mandy replies, glancing over at me, probably wondering what Mom has in store for her. I have honestly been wondering myself.

  Sensing a growing tension, I pull the girls away and begin introducing them to all of my other relatives. I’m being vague, not introducing either of them as my girlfriend. I can tell Liv is a bit irritated by it, but I enjoy keeping the relatives guessing.

  “Okay everyone!” someone, who resembles a priest, shouts over the noise of the crowd. “It’s time to line up. Silvia and Grandma let’s start with you.” Dad’s fiancé comes to the front of the line as well, but he doesn’t even acknowledge her.

  “Hi, I’m Trey.” I introduce myself to her as the girls and I fall into line.

  “Hi, Trey. I’m Carly,” she says, giving me a faint smile and reaching out her hand. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  “I’m sure you have. You probably think I’m a total douche.” I feel a shutter of embarrassment thinking about how Dad must have depicted me.

  “Not at all,” she whispers. “Your dad had the utmost respect for you. You have no idea how impressed he was that you would willingly walk away from everything and try to make it on your own.”

  “Thanks for telling me that.” I swallow hard, choking back tears that immediately rush to the corners of my eyes.

  “Don’t get too choked up,” Tyler grumbles. “He was more than happy to cut you out of e

  “I know.” I clear my throat and collect myself. “Where is Vanessa?”

  “She wasn’t feeling well this morning, so she’s running a little late. She is going to meet us in the sanctuary. I’m not sure what’s up with her lately,” he adds, while checking his phone for any new messages.

  “Thank you for coming with me, you two,” I tell Liv and Mandy taking each of their hands in mine. “I really appreciate it.”

  “Of course,” Mandy replies, squeezing my hand and giving me a warm smile.

  “What kind of a girlfriend would I be if I didn’t support you?” Liv asks loudly enough for everyone around us to hear. She then looks around the room, beaming with pride. She must have been waiting for the right moment to make that announcement. Poor girl.


  I feel embarrassed for both Trey and Liv. She is trying so hard to elevate herself and it’s obvious that Trey is just trying to get through the day unscathed. It’s so sad that everything has to be about her, even at his Dad’s funeral. She fully latches onto him as the procession into the sanctuary begins. I continue to hold his other hand, not giving her the satisfaction of walking in behind the two of them.

  “Excuse me?” She says to me as we reach the pews designated for family.

  “You can go in first,” I tell her, trying to be gracious. After all, it’s not a big deal.

  I glance ahead and see a blonde who looks exactly like Liv, already sitting in our pew. “Oh shit,” Trey mutters once he sees the two of them are about to meet for the first time. “This is bad.” He gives me a nervous glance before proceeding into the pew.

  “Hi I’m Liv, Trey’s girlfriend,” she says to the woman as she takes the seat next to her.

  “Nice to meet you. I’m Vanessa.” She leans forward and smiles at Trey before being joined by Tyler on her other side.

  “Oh my God, Trey. Could this be more obvious?” I continue to giggle, unable to stop. At least now I now understand why Tyler has been staring at Liv for the past twenty minutes. I’ve seen identical twins that look less alike than those two. Liv is a bit thinner and a little taller, but other than that, they look almost identical. Trey clears his throat again and gives my hand a little squeeze. “I think you are in big trouble, buddy,” I whisper as the service begins.


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