Trust Me: A Bad Boy MC Romance

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Trust Me: A Bad Boy MC Romance Page 13

by Cristal Pierre

  “What a pleasure. I didn’t know you were working on this case.” He grinned, shaking my hand as we approached the bench together.

  “I didn’t realize I’d be working with you either.” I tried my best to remain civil, but I hated this guy’s guts. When I first became a lawyer, he kept roasting me to the point where I thought I would give up my career.

  “Well, best of luck.” The sarcasm in his voice shot right through my soul. I ground my teeth together to keep from snapping at him.

  From the bench, the judge looked down at us. She was elderly, but a notoriously ruthless judge. She fixed her glasses, pushing them up the bridge of her nose. “Miss Harris, what do you plea?”

  “My client pleads guilty and we’re asking for a $50,000 bail agreement.”

  “$50,000?” George glanced at me. “For one of the most wanted men in the city?”

  “Kyle Johnstone may be the leader of the Blackbirds, but he doesn’t have any major felonies on his record. He has never been charged with murder.”

  “And what makes you think it would be a good idea to let a murderer run free?” George questioned. “$200,000 bail.”

  “That’s excessive, Mr. Pollock.” I turned to the judge. “Your honor, this is a feud between two motorcycle clubs. Their rivalry has been going on for generations and as long as violence doesn’t spill over into civil territory –”

  “Are you suggesting that the brutal murder of a rival member, or anyone else for that matter, is okay?” I ground my teeth. George was really getting under my skin.

  “No. But as a first-time offender, Mr. Johnstone deserves a bail sentence. Besides, there’s no solid evidence against him. All you have is a bullet casing found at the scene of the crime. No fingerprints or DNA. There’s nothing to pin him with the crime besides the accusations of the rival gang.”

  “But your client pleads guilty.”

  “Only to save himself from a court trial that would convict him without a fair process. You know people here hate the Blackbirds as well as the Iron Horses. There would be no way of getting an unbiased jury.”

  The judge suddenly slammed her gavel down. “I’m setting the bail to $500,000. If it is not paid within 30 days, then Mr. Johnstone will face ten years in jail for manslaughter.”

  The courtroom went silent and I felt my blood boil as I noticed George’s smirk out of the corner of my eye. Without another word, I left, feeling defeated.

  Chapter 3


  I had almost forgotten how hard and lumpy jail mattresses were. I looked up at the ceiling, my hands folded under my head. Closing my eyes, I thought of Linda. I wondered whether she would show up soon. Her image appeared in my mind. Her soft, fair face. Her pink lips. The look in her eye when she told me she wasn’t afraid of anything. I chuckled. The girl had guts. I liked that.

  I heard the sound of the cell opening and I propped myself up. “I’m leaving already?” I asked, raising an eyebrow in question.

  “Your lawyer would like to have a word with you.” The guard pulled me out, tightening the handcuffs around my wrists.

  “You know, I don’t understand why you think it’s necessary to handcuff us. Doesn’t that just make it easier for inmates to choke people if they manage to get the handcuffs pressed against someone’s neck?”

  The guard didn’t say anything, but he did take a step away from me, his baton still pressed against my back, urging me forward.

  “I hope you know I’m kidding.” I chuckled. I sighed as he didn’t answer me. “Fine. Silent treatment it is.” As I walked along, I passed some of the other cells, where other inmates looked bored with their lives. They should have thought about that before they committed their crimes. I laughed again, thinking how ironic that sounded.

  The guard shoved me into one of the visiting rooms. I nearly fell forward. I looked back and glared at him, but he was already gone. Straightening myself out, I stretched before finally sitting down. “Do you think I could get some water?” I asked, knowing they were watching me. Of course, no one bothered to acknowledge my existence. It was like I was less of a human just because I had been accused of a crime. I hadn’t even murdered Ross. But of course, no one believed me.

  I heard the click, click, click of what could only be Linda’s heels. I looked up to see her standing at the door, her blue eyes blazing. Seeing her for the second time that day, I realized just how striking she really was. If we had met at the bar, I would’ve definitely bought her a drink.

  “How did it go?” I asked, running my fingers through my hair. After a few nights in jail, my usually slicked-back hair was just a mess.

  “Not exactly as I planned.”

  “So, you got me a court trail then?”

  “No.” She sat down. “Like I said, it would never hold up. There might not be any solid evidence to support the case, but the jury won’t care about that. In their eyes, they would be putting a violent gang member away for good.”

  “You know, we aren’t all that bad,” I mumbled.


  “I said, we aren’t all that bad.” I stared into her eyes and moved a little closer. “We’re people just like everyone else. Flesh and blood. The only difference is, we like to ride motorcycles.”

  “That doesn’t really interest me, Mr. Johnstone.” She pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to me. “The judge set your bail at $500,000.”

  “What happened to the $100,000 plan?” I asked, looking a little shocked. I wasn’t quite sure if my members would have enough resources to spring me.

  “Didn’t work out as well. The prosecutor brought up the point that the judge shouldn’t release a murderer back into society. So, they set the bond for half a million dollars, thinking it would stop you from paying.”

  “And if it does? Would you be okay with letting me go to jail for a crime I didn’t commit?”

  “This case is no longer my concern. I have done everything that I could, given the circumstances. You people work in morally gray territory and it’s hard to give you justice when you think it’s appropriate to use violence to achieve your goals.”

  “But I didn’t. Do you really think I would kill someone? Does this look like the face of a murderer?” I grinned at her, flashing my pearly whites. I saw her eyes flicker over my face, taking in my features. I wasn’t usually one to brag, but I was pretty attractive if I do say so myself. Had a few girlfriends in the past who were completely obsessed with me.

  “I’m not going to answer that –”

  “Because you know I’m telling the truth. You know I didn’t do it.”

  Linda got up. “As I said, this case is closed. Your bond is set at half a million dollars. If no one pays that within thirty days’ time, then you are to spend ten years in jail for manslaughter.”

  “You can’t do this!”

  “I didn’t do anything. I just did my job.”

  I was seething with anger. How could she treat me like this? “Is this how you defend people? Let them out to dry with yesterday’s laundry. I’m telling you, I didn’t do it.”

  “And I’m telling you, there’s nothing more I can do, so I suggest you find the bail money and get back to your life. Just forget that this ever happened.”

  “How am I supposed to forget about it when I have the label of a murderer on my record now? I’m not some lowlife coward like the man who killed Ross!” My voice started to escalate. “And you should be ashamed of yourself, blaming me when the man who did this is still running free on the streets.”

  “If he is, then the authorities will catch him. I can do nothing about that myself.”

  “You could believe me.”

  “And how will that help to apprehend him?” She held her ground as I continued to grill her. She was stronger than she looked, that much was certain.

  “It will keep an innocent man out of jail!” I screamed at her, but she was already leaving. I ground my teeth together. I had to make her believe me. One way or another.

  Chapter 4


  It had been a few weeks since the Blackbird trial, but I still couldn’t get Kyle Johnstone out of my head. Had I made the right decision? What if he really was innocent and I had just condemned him to serve ten years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit?

  I shook my head and walked into the kitchen, popping the freezer open. I grabbed a container of frozen yogurt before moving back into the living room. My favorite show was about to come on. I had just started my one month vacation and I was ready to enjoy myself. I plopped onto the couch, tasting the frozen yogurt. “Mmm…” I licked the spoon before going in for another bite.

  “You can’t go after him, Liam, it’s too dangerous.” On TV, a distraught-looking girl was trying to convince her boyfriend not to go after their best friend who had just gotten lost in the forest.

  “But until I know he’s safe, I can’t give up on him,” Liam answered, his eyes fierce. “What if he’s in there suffering and no one helps him because I’m too scared to go after him?”

  “But what if it gets you too?” Liam leaned down, kissing his girlfriend before he dashed into the forest. The scene cut to a commercial and I groaned.

  “Typical.” I kept picking at my dessert, waiting for the show to come back on. On the wall, I looked at the time. 9:41. Nineteen minutes left. Would they really kill off one of the main characters? It wasn’t unheard of, but I didn’t think they would cut one of the hottest guys on television.

  As I closed the tub of frozen yogurt and put it back, I started to think about Kyle again. My heart ached as if I were feeling guilty. I tried to ignore the thought, but he just kept popping into my mind. Maybe it was the way he looked at me with those dark eyes. I will admit, he didn’t look like the kind of man that killed someone, but at the same time, I shouldn’t be judging people by their appearance. So what if Kyle was attractive? That didn’t automatically make him innocent.

  I tried to think of something else, but it was impossible. It was like his image had been imprinted on the inside of my eyelids. His handsome face. His chiseled jawline. His sharp nose. His thick, raven black hair. Kyle was a man built to kill with his broad shoulders and large stature, but I couldn’t picture him pointing a gun at someone’s back.

  I sighed, wrapping a blanket around me. My show came back on, but it was no longer the forest scene. It was one of the subplots I didn’t really care about. I grabbed my phone off the coffee table and started to check my messages. No one seemed to miss me. I mean, it wasn’t like I got all that many messages anyway. I didn’t have any family and only a few friends. You didn’t become an amazing people person when you were an orphan, living on the streets most of your life…

  I was just about to post something on social media when I heard something at the door. I looked at it and the doorknob started to rattle. “Who’s there?” I asked, my voice quivering. That was a stupid move. Now whoever was there would know I was home. I cursed under my breath and grabbed a nearby lamp, prepared to fight if need be.

  I hid behind the coatrack and waited, my heart pounding in my chest. My phone was on the couch. Stupid move number two. I should have grabbed it and called 911. Too late now.

  The door continued to rattle. My fingers tightened even harder around the lamp, my fear elevating. I knew that taking a job as a public defense attorney would involve risk… but now that it was actually happening, I was scared out of my wits. My whole body was shaking. My vision was blurred. I tried to calm myself down, but it was next to impossible.

  The door slammed open.

  My lungs burned. How long had I been holding my breath? A man stepped into my home. I swung the lamp as hard as I could, but I missed completely, the lamp shattering against the wall. Shards of glass dug into my skin. “Fuck!” I screamed out, blinded by pain.

  Before I could get my bearings, there was a hand pressed against my mouth, keeping me quiet. I wanted to bite down on it, but he was holding onto me too firmly. I couldn’t even move my lips. At this point, my heart felt like it would explode out of my chest. I squeezed my eyes shut. The only thing I could feel was his body against mine. I could feel his crotch rubbing against my ass. His muscular body dominating my own.

  I blinked, my vision clearing. I tried clawing at my assailant, but my injured hands weren’t making it easy. I struggled against him, but his powerful arms kept me steady. What felt like an erection kept rubbing against me. Was this turning him on? I instantly feared the worst.

  “Calm down. Calm down…” A soft, soothing voice whispered in my ear. The warmth breath against my neck actually did calm me down a bit. Using his foot, he closed the door behind him. “Now, I’m going to remove my hand and you better not scream.” I nodded my head as best I could.

  Carefully, he removed his hand and I took my chance to turn around and ram my knee into him. I was sure I had landed it in his crotch so I turned around and dashed for my phone about to call for help. Before I could reach it, however, he grabbed my hand, yanking me back so hard I thought my shoulder would dislocate.

  “Now, that wasn’t very nice.” He pinned me to his body. I knew I was in trouble now. Timidly, I looked up to find myself face to face with Kyle. He grinned at me, his dark eyes blazing. He had cleaned up nicely from his time in jail. His hair was clean and slicked back in a sexy style. His facial hair looked trimmed. “Did you miss me? Is that why you’re staring at me like that?” He asked in a husky voice, getting closer so our noses touched.

  “Let go of me you brute!” I struggled with all my might. The pain in my hands was excruciating, but I did my best to ignore it, adrenaline powering my every move.

  He just held me tighter until my chest was squeezed against his. “Not until I prove something to you.” His hands moved down to my ass, giving it a slight squeeze. “And maybe have my fun with you too.”

  I pounded my fists against his chest, but it didn’t seem to have any effect. “Let go of me!” I screamed.

  “If you keep making so much noise, I’ll have to gag you and I rather have your pretty lips against my own than wrapped around a gag.” He smirked and I could tell he was just toying with me.

  “Why are you doing this? You’re just making things worse for yourself.”

  “Why, because you’d actually bring me to trial for breaking and entering – for kidnapping?”

  “Wait… you’re kidnapping me?” I asked, my eyes growing wide.

  “Well… kidnapping does have a negative ring to it, doesn’t it? How about I say we’re just going on a little ride?” He whispered, his voice getting sensual. “Maybe when we’re done, you could ride me.” He winked.

  “Let. Go. Of. Me.” I said through gritted teeth.

  “I already told you I wouldn’t, so you can stop wasting your breath.” He started to drag me toward the bathroom. There, he picked me up and placed me on the sink. I looked at the door, determined to make a break for it. “You can try running if you want, but if I am the murderer you think I am, then I might just shoot you in the back. If I was you, I wouldn’t take my chances.”

  He opened up the medicine cabinet and grabbed the first aid kit. “What are you doing?”

  “Well, you tried to attack me with a lamp and missed. Thought I would help you out.”

  “You’re going to help me when you’re kidnapping me?”

  “Hey, I never intended for you to get hurt. I just want to prove my innocence.” He grabbed a bottle of disinfectant. “This might sting a bit.” Piece by piece, he started to remove the shards of glass from my hand. He was actually very gentle about it. His handsome face was frozen in a serious expression. I calmed down a little, feeling oddly safe, but I made sure to keep my guard up. This man was kidnapping me after all. I had no idea what he was capable of…

  Once he cleaned and disinfected all the wounds, he wrapped my hand up. “How does that feel?”

  I wiggled my fingers and winced. “Stings.”

  “At least it won’t get infected.” He put the first ai
d kit away and looked at me, his hands on my thighs. I felt a tingling sensation run up my spine and tried to ignore it as best I could. I looked away, but he caressed my cheeks, forcing me to look at him. “Now, are you going to come willingly or am I going to have to carry you over my shoulder?”

  “You should just let me go now. If you do, I won’t press charges.”

  “That’s not an option. If you won’t believe me about Ross, then I have to show you the truth.”

  I looked into his smoldering eyes and I knew I wouldn’t be able to convince him otherwise. “I don’t have a choice, do I?”

  “Nope.” Without another word, he grabbed me and tossed me over his shoulder.

  I started hitting his back. “Put me down!” He just ignored me, walking outside. I regretted living in the middle of nowhere. The streets were deserted. Even if I screamed, no one would hear me.


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