Trust Me: A Bad Boy MC Romance

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Trust Me: A Bad Boy MC Romance Page 19

by Cristal Pierre

  The bartender, a skinny woman with bright red lips and matching hair, waltzed up to us, her hands on her hips.

  “Actually, yes,” I answered. “We just rolled in from Jamestown.”

  “That’s quite far, isn’t it?” She asked as she adjusted her lip piercing. “What do they drink in Jamestown?”

  “I’ll have a whiskey.” I glanced down at Linda who had moved closer to me.

  “What’s her problem?” The woman asked as she poured a shot of whiskey, placing it in front of me. “She looks like she has seen a ghost or something.”

  “She’s just a little under the weather, aren’t you, honey?” I poked her side, trying to rouse her from her fear-induced trance. If Linda continued to act this way, we would draw suspicion for sure. “But she insisted that we come out here because she’s working on a story.”

  “Hmm?” The bartender raised an eyebrow in curiosity. “A story for what?”

  Linda finally straightened herself out, clearing her throat. “I work for the Daily Herald. I’m writing a story about the motorcycle club lifestyle and I heard that this was one of the best bars in the area.”

  “Aye, that it is.” She began wiping down the counter with a rag. “Although, most of our clientele belong to the same club: The Iron Horses. They tip pretty well so I’m not complaining.”

  “But this city is also home to the Black Birds, correct?”

  “Sure, but a member of that club would be insane to step into this bar. There’s a blood grudge between the two of them.”

  “Do you know why that is?” Linda leaned forward, her bright blue eyes sparkling. I was actually surprised by how confident she was all of a sudden. This was no easy task, but she was handling it as if she truly was unafraid of anything. I smiled, my hand on the small of her back, steadying her. I thought about slipping my hand down her pants just a little, but I didn’t want to break her focus.

  “No one knows, really. It’s one of those fights where no one can remember how it started or when it’s going to end.”

  “Ah…” Linda seemed to run out of steam as she leaned into me. I caught a whiff of her intoxicating scent and for a moment, my mind went numb. Behind me, the sound of biker boots against the hardwood floor made me remember why we had come here in the first place. I tightened my arms around her, knowing just how dangerous this was.

  “Do you think you could tell us anything about Daniel Smith?” I asked. The faster we got to the bottom of this, the faster we would be able to leave, safe and sound.

  The woman narrowed her eyes at me. “Why do you want to know?”

  “Like I said, my girl here is writing an article for a paper.”

  “And what does Danny have to do with it?” She stopped cleaning the counter, her lips pursed together. She kept looking behind me and I wished I knew what she was looking at. The sound of chairs scraping against the floor echoed through the bar.

  “He’s a friend of the family,” Linda said quickly, trying to salvage the situation, but it was already too late. They were on to us.

  “We have to go, now!” I whispered into her ear, clambering off the stool and dragging her toward the exit. A group of Iron Horses was hot on our tail. I kicked the waste bin and it tumbled on its side in front of the door. “Get on the bike! Start it. I’ll be there in a minute.” I tossed my keys at Linda who just stared at me a moment before she ran toward my bike.

  As the men stepped outside, they tripped over the trash. I punched one of them in the face, disorienting him. He fell back into another and they both collapsed to the ground. The last man charged at me, but I managed to sidestep in the nick of time. He crashed into someone’s bike, setting off the alarm.

  I didn’t stick around long enough for them to get up and try again. Linda had managed to start the bike and I quickly jumped on, revving the engine hard before I sped off.

  More members of the Iron Horses were spilling out of the bar, getting on their motorcycles, determined to give chase. “Hold on tight… this might be a bumpy ride.” I waited for Linda to wrap her arms around me before I sped off into the night, gaining speed like never before.

  We hadn’t even had time to put on our helmets and I knew that the smallest mistake could get us both killed. I tightened my grip on the handlebars as I made a sharp curve, hoping to shake off the fleet of bikers that were following us. To my disdain, they managed to make the curve as well and continued their pursuit. I had no choice but to push my bike even harder, going well over the 100-mph mark.

  “Kyle…” Linda whispered, holding on for dear life. I could feel her whole body shaking.

  “Just hold on,” I told her, letting my bike fly down the road. Behind us, the Iron Horses sounded like a thundering storm that was quickly gaining on me. I had to do something to shake them or we would never get out of this situation unscathed.

  Without warning, I turned the bike into a dirt path. The whole bike jolted as we hit rocks and potholes. I wasn’t sure we would make it as the road became narrower, leading into thicker foliage.

  Linda looked back. “They aren’t following us!”

  “Yeah… because they don’t want to ruin their bikes…” As if on cue, one of my exhaust pipes scraped hard against a jagged rock. I nearly lost my balance, but managed to keep us upright. I kept following the path, hoping the Iron Horses wouldn’t ambush us on the other side. With Linda’s life in my hands, I prayed for a miracle.

  Chapter 12


  My brain felt like it was rattling in my skull. I had no idea how Kyle managed to stay in control of his bike on this dirt road. A couple of times, his engine sputtered like it was about to give up on us, but he just pushed it harder until we finally broke through the tree line.

  Once we were on the open road again, I breathed a sigh of relief, easing my grip on him.

  “That was a close one.” He said as if it wasn’t already obvious. Inside my chest, my heart was beating harder than ever. Adrenaline pumped through my veins, making me feel lightheaded.

  “Can we stop somewhere?” I asked, my stomach churning like I was about to get sick.

  “What’s wrong?” He turned back slightly to look at me, a concerned look on his handsome face.

  “It’s just…” I couldn’t even finish my sentence. I felt faint, pressing my cheek against him, my fingers tightening around the material of his jacket.

  Kyle pulled over near an abandoned-looking barn. The bumpy terrain leading to the building didn’t make matters any better. My stomach was one big knot that got tighter and tighter inside me. It was becoming hard to breathe as if all the excitement of the night had slammed into me, leaving me winded. I could feel myself shaking all over.

  Quickly, he killed the engine. Silence consumed everything around us, except for the chirping of crickets nearby. “What’s wrong? You look like you’re about to pass out.” Kyle got off the bike, helping me to my feet.

  “I think I got a little motion sick… I’ll be okay.” I leaned against the wall, trying to keep myself steady, but the whole world was spinning before my eyes, making it hard to distinguish up from down.

  “Here…” He grabbed my elbows, guiding me into the barn. Carefully, he sat me down on a bale of hay, my head between my knees. “Take in deep breaths, you’ll be okay.” He assured me, his hand slowly running up and down my back. My breathing was ragged as I tried to calm myself. I liked to think that I could handle anything in the world, but it was starting to become obvious that there were quite a few things I wasn’t cut out for. A speeding motorcycle was definitely one of them.

  Kyle pinned a strand of my hair behind my ear, keeping it out of my face. I tried to breathe in through my nose and out my mouth like I had learned in yoga, but all I could think about was the fact that we had come this close to being in serious danger. Yet, deep down, a part of me loved the excitement that our close encounter had brought coursing through my veins.

  “Are you okay?” He asked, kneeling down beside me. “I shouldn�
��t have put you through that. It was foolish of me.”

  “No, it’s okay.” I shook my head. “We’re trying to learn what happened to Daniel… I wanted to go with you.” I tried to stand, but the second I got to my feet, I wobbled, nearly falling forward.

  Kyle caught me before I could faceplant on the ground, his arms tight around me. When I looked up, our lips were impossibly close. “Careful.” He said, his voice deep and husky. A fire burned between my legs and I tried to ignore it, but it was impossible with his dark eyes boring into my own. I got lost in their depths, quickly forgetting that this man was the prime suspect in a murder case before I leaned in, kissing his lips ever so softly.

  He didn’t kiss back right away as if surprised by the fact that I had made the first move. My arms wrapped around his neck, my fingers quickly finding his hair. I tugged at it slightly, pulling him even closer. He fell back into the hay bale, still holding onto me, pulling me down into his lap. I straddled him, the kiss intensifying. I didn’t know what had gotten into me. It was like one moment I couldn’t see straight and the next, my brain completely gave up. Why was I kissing this man? Why was I letting myself fall for him?

  I couldn’t answer those questions because, in that moment, all I could think about was the pleasure that seeped under my skin. I felt like an addict getting her fix as my lips danced against his. My fingers tightened their hold on his hair, my tongue slowly slipping into his mouth. He finally started kissing me back.

  Our tongues tangled together, nearly tying into a knot. He rolled us over and we fell on the floor. It was covered in hay, cushioning our fall. The air around us was a little stale as if this place had been abandoned for quite a while, but neither one of us seemed to be all that concerned.

  Kyle’s hands roamed my body until they snuck under my shirt. His fingertips running along the bumps of my spine made me shiver. I pulled away from the kiss, catching my breath. I blinked, suddenly realizing that I was on top of this man in the middle of some abandoned barn.

  I pulled away quickly, getting up. Running my fingers through my hair, I pulled out some hay, feeling frustrated with myself. It was so unlike me to act in this manner.

  “Why did you stop?” Kyle propped himself onto his elbows, looking at me with a slight frown playing on his lips.

  “I can’t do this…”

  “Why not?” He got up and moved closer to me, but I stepped back, keeping my distance.

  “Just take me home. This has gone on for long enough.” I was a lawyer, not some biker chick who fucked people in abandoned buildings. This guy was no good for me – why couldn’t my body understand that? And despite it all, as I stood there, it was hard to ignore his amazing physique and pure sex appeal that rolled off his body.

  “Did I do something wrong?” He reached out to caress my cheek, but I recoiled from his touch.


  “Then why do you keep running away from me like I’m some sort of disgusting vagrant? I refuse to believe that you think I’m still guilty of killing Ross. You know you don’t believe that, so why do you keep trying to convince yourself of something that isn’t true?” He stepped closer, pushing me against a wall. “If you didn’t think I was innocent, you wouldn’t have put your own life in jeopardy to get some dirt on Daniel.”

  “Look, I’m just not cut out for this sort of thing. I’m just a city girl lawyer who knows absolutely nothing about bikes.” I shook my head, hoping he would understand. “I don’t belong here. This adrenaline-filled life just isn’t for me.”

  “Maybe that’s because you haven’t given it a chance – you haven’t given me a chance.” Cornered against the wall, I no longer had anywhere to run as he caressed my cheeks, his thumbs running along my skin in a soothing manner. It was hard to push him off when he acted this way, treating me like I was the only girl in the world. I tried to look away, but he turned my head so I would have to face him. “One day or another, you’re going to figure out that I’m really not all that bad.”

  “I…” My voice evaded me as he leaned down, his lips getting dangerously close to my own. As much as I wanted to resist this man, my heart still skipped a beat whenever I felt his warm breath against my lips. I held my breath, waiting for him to kiss me, but he never did.

  “See, you’re waiting for me to kiss you. You want me – just admit it.”

  I frowned, feeling duped. I gave him a good shove and was about to walk away when he grabbed hold of my wrist, pulling me back. Our bodies collided together, hips locking, lips melting into one another. I moaned softly as my body shook with excitement.

  His kiss was laced with passion and fire that made my head spin. I forgot all about our close encounter and the only thing I could focus on was the lust that burned within my chest.

  Suddenly, he pinned me to the wall, his fingers tight around my wrists, making it impossible for me to get away from him, but at this point, I was done fighting. I could keep denying him, but deep down, I knew I wanted to be with him. I smirked into the kiss, momentarily changing the tides as I pushed him against the wall instead, my lips smashing into his.

  “Mmm…” He pulled away from the kiss. “Looks like I finally broke through to you.”

  “Stop talking.” I kissed him again, getting on my tippy-toes. Kyle had his hands on my ass, lifting me up slightly, my feet still on the ground. His fingers dug into my flesh, making me moan. My lust only escalated from there. My tongue forced its way into his mouth, tangling with his as if desperate to have him on my lips.

  As he slammed me into the wall once more, I gasped, my back arching. Our lips broke apart for a split second as I tried to recuperate. Before I could fully comprehend what was happening, Kyle’s lips had moved down my neck, leaving a trail of soft kisses behind. I shivered, pulling him closer, my fingers running through his hair. “That feels so good…” I murmured as his lips moved to my collarbone, sucking on my flesh.

  I tilted my head back, exposing my neck even further, but he ignored it, moving to my cleavage instead. His hand was under my shirt, his fingers running along my stomach. I half-expected him to start groping my breasts, but to my surprise, he pushed his hand into my pants, pulling on the hem of my panties until they sunk into my flesh. I moaned, my heart beating faster.

  He didn’t spend very long teasing me because his fingers quickly found my pussy. His finger ran along my slit, making me dance on my toes. His thumb found my clit, flicking it back and forth, making me squirm even more. “Does that feel good?” He whispered into my ear. His sexy voice wrapped around my brain, turning it to mush. I could no longer think straight. My hormones – my desires – had taken over. As much as I knew that it wasn’t right – I wanted this man in my life.

  “Hmm, do you like it when I finger you?” His voice broke me from my trance, but before I could prepare myself, he shoved two of his fingers inside of me as deep as they could go. My whole body grew tense, my toes curling with the suddenness of it.

  My pussy tightened around his fingers like it wanted to suck them further inside. I found myself grinding my hips against his hand, wanting more. Kyle grinned, his lips returning to my neck as he started to pump in and out of me, keeping his rhythm measured. I groaned, knowing I would never be able to orgasm if he kept this up. I needed more, much more.

  When I tried to push him to the ground, he looked at me, his eyes blazing. He smirked, his pearly-white teeth flashing before he picked me up by the ass, his fingers squeezing tightly. I moaned, arching my back and he took the opportunity to slip his hand into my bra, pulling out one of my large breasts. Supporting me with just one arm, he carried me over to a tractor stationed in the back corner. His fingers tightened around my nipple, twisting it slightly before he took it into his mouth, sucking on it.

  I couldn’t believe the amount of pleasure this man was giving me without actually taking my clothes off. Already, my heart was beating harder than ever. I had the urge to push his head between my legs and have him eat me out. I could only imagine w
hat his tongue would feel like inside me.

  He sat me down on the hood of the tractor before he quickly started to take off my shirt. He threw it away and it landed in a nearby pile of hay. Slowly, he leaned down, letting his lips trail along my shoulders, down to my collarbone, and finally to the top of my breasts. I could tell he was deliberately teasing me and it was driving me completely wild.

  I wrapped my legs around his waist, shrugging off his jacket, letting it fall to his feet. Without wasting a second, I slipped off his shirt. Our lips collided together the moment we were both topless. Our tongues were relentless, giving away our burning desire.

  My hands moved all over his body, taking in his muscular physique before I lingered on his washboard abs, outlining them with my finger. Kyle pushed me against the hood until I was laying back, my hair splayed around my head like a halo. My thoughts were jumbled as our lips continued to dance, our bodies locking together.


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