Fusion (SciFi Alien Romance)

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Fusion (SciFi Alien Romance) Page 4

by Calista Skye

  “Put your weapons down.” She paused waiting for them to obey her order. “NOW!”

  The Te’Vanian guards looked to each other, uncertain whether they had to succumb to the Terranian Ambassador’s commands. “In accordance with Galactic Law 89-03228, you will obey me,” she growled and placed her hands upon her hips.

  “I further grant these two here, safe passage aboard the next shuttle. Now, move.”

  I didn’t think they’d actually moved, but suddenly they parted, the guards were actually stepping away.

  “Is this a trick?” I whispered to Tekri.

  He shook his head, he was just as amazed as me and looked gratefully at the small old woman who only moments ago had been our captive. She was giving us mercy.

  “I don’t think so…”

  “What are you two lovebirds waiting for?” she asked and waved us through.

  Tekri was still holding onto me, guarding me. Then, he cautiously moved us toward the shuttle door entrance. As we passed the Ambassador I whispered a quick thanks.

  “Go quickly,” she muttered. “I won’t be able to hold them off for long, or the captain for that matter.” Then she winked at us slyly.


  Behind us the shuttle doors clanged shut.

  Tekri released his tight hold on me, his fingers trailing down my arms as he moved away urgently heading for the navigation console.

  I felt so out of place, unsure of what to do. Was I really going to run away with a man of another race that I hardly knew? That I’d only just met a few hours previous?

  Trembling with panic, I watched as he got himself situated at the console, tapping and swiping furiously to get the shuttle started.

  He turned to look at me, as if he sensed my worry. “Come here,” he beckoned and our eyes met once again.

  Why did I doubt myself? Just one looked into those clear teal blues and everything else faded away; everything made sense. He was where I belonged… here by his side.

  “Everything will be OK, I promise,” he said then turned his attention back upon the numbers and letter streaming upon the dash.

  “Do you even know how to pilot this thing?” I asked.

  His fingers laced with mine and he urged for me to take the co-pilots chair. “Just watch and learn…” he said and smirked at me.

  A few minutes later the shuttle unlatched from the Space Station and we drifted rapidly away from its hull.

  I was beginning to smile and relax, thinking perhaps we’d make it - to wherever we were going - when another screeching alarm sounded and light lit up the dash.

  “Strap in,” Tekri ordered. “Hold on… they’re not letting us away that easily.”

  “Fuck, they’re firing at us?” I managed to say as the straps against my chest dug in while Tekri did his best to manoeuvre us away from the oncoming onslaught from the main ship.

  “Don’t worry,” he grunted, “the weapons officer has nothing on me.”

  I closed my eyes waiting for it to be all over. Waiting for either death or escape.

  The shuttle’s hull rattled as Tekri forced the poor thing to almost its breaking point. If a plasma torpedo didn’t hit us first and split us in two, we’d almost certainly come apart instead from the mere shaking and forces that were straining at the hull.

  My body rattled and I clenched my jaw tight, preventing the scream that was desperate to escape.

  And then there was black.

  Only black.

  * * *


  “Come back to me, Merea…”

  Nothing but darkness and a voice calling to me from a distance.

  The shaking had stopped but my poor body ached.

  I twitched and explored my limbs, flexing the tips of my fingers, my toes… then braved opening my eyelids.

  “Oh, thank the gods. I thought I’d lost you.”

  Blue eyes peered down at me, open wide and so full of love and concern.

  “I’m OK, I think,” I said and propped myself up. Somehow I’d made it to the floor of the shuttle.

  “Did we make it?”

  A huge grin spread across Tekri’s face.

  “We did… now I get to have you all to myself.”

  I liked the sound of that, and pushed any thoughts of what our next move or plan would be far out of my mind. Right now, all that mattered was planting kisses and exploring the unknown world that was Tekri’s body.

  His eyes flashed bright, hunger and greed filling them as I licked my lips.

  “You’re going to drive me crazy with that tongue…” he said and closed in on me. Scooping me up in his insanely strong arms, he pressed his lips against mine.

  I felt the roughness of his tongue skim across my threshold, invading my mouth and oh, fuck, did it feel good.

  My fingers clawed through his short hair, the texture different, but incredibly soft, as I met his tongue with my own.

  Tekri groaned and gently placed me down, my feet touching the cold alloy below.

  His hands quickly made short work of my work jumpsuit, yanking and pulling it off me, leaving me standing in just my panties and cropped t-shirt.

  He took a step back to admire my figure then eagerly pulled off his own uniform, revealing with each discarded item, a myriad of markings that coated his entire body.

  They were beautiful and much like the tattoo on his face, they were perfect… I couldn’t imagine him without them.

  I saw the bulge in his pants and bit my lip. I hadn’t even considered if we’d be compatible in that respect till now… but from the look of the outline of his shaft, it seemed very likely. Though in comparison to Terranian males, he was much, much, larger.

  Tekri caught me looking and followed my gaze down to his crotch and smiled wickedly.

  He held out his hand and I went willingly to him, admiring each thick, twisting marking that covered his rock hard abs. My finger grazed one, and followed it up to his hardening nipple. The same time Tekri caressed his fingers down my back, searching for the hem of my shirt.

  With an eager tug, he encouraged my arms high so he could pull my shirt off.

  My breasts were totally exposed now, bouncing. He leaned forward and took my nipple into his mouth, his warm swishing tongue circling it hard.

  Between my legs I could feel my arousal pool into my panties. I needed him.

  “Tekri,” I whimpered, “Take me now… lets have our ceremony. I don’t think I can wait any longer.”

  Tekri growled and nibbled at my bead-like bud and I gasped.

  All of a sudden he stood, lifting me up in the process, my legs wrapping around his waist instinctively.

  My pussy rubbed against his hardened cock. I had no idea if he would fit into my tiny entrance, but I had to try. I wanted him so badly.

  Tekri marched forward, gently pressing me up against one of the bulkheads in the small enclosure. I presumed some sort of autopilot was guiding the ship… but thoughts of navigation were soon obliterated as his meaty fingers sought out my wet folds from behind.

  His fingers had made short work of my panties, ripping them from my body, his hands easing my cheeks apart as his digits explored my seam.

  “Fuck me, Tekri. Make me yours,” I demanded. I couldn’t wait anymore.

  I gazed into his eyes as his bulbous head pressed up against my entrance, his hips swaying slightly as he teased me with the pressure.

  “You are mine.”

  Slowly, I arched my own hips, our eyes locked on one another as my pussy stretched wide and his cock slipped inside.

  My lips formed a tight O as I took him in, accommodating every last inch.

  Thankfully, going ever so gently at first, otherwise I had no doubt his girth would’ve ripped me apart.

  My breasts pressed against his chest, he pressed his body against mine, pinning me to the wall as we paused for just a second, as we each enjoyed the feel of him filling me completely.

  Then, agonizingly slowly, Tekri pulsed his body, rocki
ng back and forth; withdrawing and inch then filling me again. Withdrawing two inches then slamming his cock back in.

  I hung on for dear life as our bodies pounded into each other. No man in the entire galaxy had ever felt this good. And I knew the reason why. I’d given my entire heart of to this man; the Crynia had only sped up the process.

  Sweat dripped from my arms, my tits bounced, my nipples grazed against his chest as he made love to me.

  Before long the deep swirling, that spun fast inside me got more powerful, a vortex that had no beginning or end, and that was making my legs shake and my body tremble. Sparks of lightning travelled up my spine, tickling the base of my skull.

  “I love you,” Tekri gasped and with a final thrust let his seed loose inside me and the intense spiral that had been coiling around my clit spun out uncontrollably, sending my body in convulsions as I came all over his cock.

  * * *

  We drifted through space, no pursuers in sight, as we lay in each other’s arms, not a care in the Galaxy.

  Tekri had been right; it didn’t matter where we went, as long as we were together, and nothing not even our own kind could ever shatter our bond. We’d been fused together, in more ways than one and we would rather die than ever be apart, ever again.

  * * *

  The end

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  Also by Calista Skye

  Stars Apart - Stowaway (Part One)

  My Alien Prince

  Rorie Nebula

  Saved by the Alpha Alien

  The Kalet’s Claim

  * * *

  Turn the page for a teaser!_

  Bonus Excerpt

  Stars Apart - Stowaway (Part One)

  Chapter One

  “Look out!” said Eyanis but it was too late. He braced himself for impact. The space ship hurtled through a blanket of debris. Fragments of rock burned and smouldered in vibrant shades of violet, blue and magenta, hitting their shields and disintegrating. Moments before, they had been part of an asteroid but the creature had obliterated it.

  Lanek scowled and manoeuvred the ship back and forth, weaving between the larger pieces whilst trying not to lose sight of the d’gorran. He could just make out its long, slender shape in the haze, writhing and coiling through space at dizzying speeds, trying to escape. But he was hot on its trail and there was no way he would allow it to get away; his whole honour as prince of Asiroth hung on capturing – and killing – the serpent. The killing would come later but first, he had to catch it. The problem was, d’gorrans were famous for being difficult to catch, and very dangerous. If the ship had to take a battering to achieve his goal, then so be it.

  “You’re going to kill us at this rate” Eyanis cried. He clutched the arms of his chair.

  “If you were worried about that, you should have stayed at home”.

  The ship burst through the asteroid remnants and into open space. It stopped shuddering, instead becoming still with seamless motion. A nebula cloud to their right shone blue and green in the orange glow of a distant sun. Eyanis was dazzled. He swiped a hand through the air, bringing up the virtual control panel and pressed a short sequence of buttons. The screen of the ship undulated like water and shifted to a translucent brown, cutting out the rays of the sun.

  “You’d have been dead back at Fruneg if it hadn’t been for me”.

  “I wouldn’t have been at Fruneg at all if it hadn’t been for you”.

  “Yeah”, said Eyanis, “You would have gone through Myorn instead, which I think we can agree is infinitely more dangerous. I don’t know about you, but I’d like to get back alive for mating season”.

  “If we’d gone through Myorn, we’d be on our way back by now. You would have had time to find yourself a mate and defend her properly”.

  Eyanis frowned. It was true he’d lost his mate a couple of times to other challengers.

  “It’s all right for you. You just do that pouty glary thing and most men back down but for us mere mortals…”

  “I don’t pout” said Lanek.

  “Yeah, you do” said Eyanis.

  Lanek shrugged.

  “Those who can’t, get married”.

  “I don’t know. I suppose I haven’t found a girl I’m willing to lose my teeth for, you know?”

  Eyanis had every reason to be sceptical. Marriage offered the stability of a mate who could not be solicited in a challenge, but it was often preceded by brutal fights for her with other males, which sometimes – though less frequently in modern, ‘civilised’ society – resulted in death.

  As prince of Asiroth, Lanek was spared the pre-nuptial fighting. His bride had been chosen by his mother, the Queen. Seeking to strengthen the alliance between Asiroth and the neighbouring world, Reyath, she had selected a Reyathid girl – Princess Iyana, a petite thing on the cusp of womanhood, with large dark eyes and soft curls of golden hair. Lanek had met her a couple of times. She looked too weak and innocent to stand among the Asithians who were a race proud of their warrior lineage. However, this trait, shared by all Reyathids was a form of deception. It hid the fact that Iyana was a ruthless killer with a deadly venom. Yes, she seemed shy and docile, but in her few short cycles of life, she had killed three men. It was better to have the Reyathids on side.

  Lanek had his own killing to do. While he was not required to be subject to the brutality of choosing a mate, he made up for it by performing the traditional rite of passage of fighting and killing a d’gorran, a feat so dangerous that many men had died in the act of proving themselves worthy of marriage. The practice had long since fallen into disfavour but it was still a definitive display of bravery and skill.

  In front of him, the creature twisted off to the left with a sharp jolt and dived. Lanek turned the ship and went spiralling down after it. A flash of silver rippled over its black scales. It started to slow down but Lanek sped up.

  In the darkness, a blaze of bright white light crashed over them. The d’gorran had ripped a hole through space. It disappeared into its own creation.

  “We’ve lost it” said Eyanis.

  “But not for long” said Lanek, accelerating.

  “No” said Eyanis, “You’re not going through”.

  But Lanek was.

  Eyanis gripped the arms of the seat once more.

  “And this is the part where we die”.

  As soon as they entered the tunnel, Lanek lost control of the ship. The lights went off and the engine cut out. The ship flung through somersaulting, shaking, heating up, propelled at hyper speed on an invisible tide.

  And, just like that, they were out, flying across a dark, starry backdrop. A large white, spherical rock seemed to fly up towards them. The ship’s power was still down. It was going to be a direct impact.

  Distant discolorations and pimples on the rock’s surface quickly grew to the size of craters, miles across in diameter. The white rock was now nearly planet-sized. It didn’t bode well. In his last moments, Eyanis pressed frantically at the control pad, trying a million different combinations of anything to get the power back.

  Suddenly, the ship roared to life again and Lanek pulled them up and away just in time, skimming the surface and throwing up plumes of dust.

  “You’re an idiot” cried Eyanis.

  “At least we’re alive”.

  “Barely” said Eyanis. He pulled up the screen again and did a search for the serpent.

  “Your d’gorran’s heading down to that planet”.

  Lanek saw his chance, finally. He knew the
d’gorran would have used up a lot of its energy ripping a hole through space and now, instead of running, would go down to hide while it recovered.

  “Take the controls”.


  But Lanek had already let go. He unstrapped himself from his seat and jumped up. The ship cruised aimlessly. Eyanis pressed a few buttons and took over control of the ship.

  Lanek threw on the black armour lying by the side of the seat he had so recently occupied. He strapped the belt of weapons around his waist and put on his helmet.

  “Take me closer to the planet” he said. Eyanis brought him in closer until they were nearly within the atmosphere, glowing gently blue in the sunlight.

  “Okay, I’m going down”.

  He went to the back of the room. The door slid open, revealing another larger, one, unlit.

  “Lanek” said Eyanis.


  “Rip its heart out”.

  Lanek grunted a reply. He slipped inside, pressed a button on his armour and disappeared.

  Chapter Two

  Helen stopped walking and turned to face her English class. It was an unusually hot day in London – much too hot for a school trip. She was sweltering under the summer sun but her group of teenagers who hailed from the warmer climates of France, Italy, Spain and Portugal looked back at her undaunted.

  “Okay, it’s lunchtime”.

  “Finally!” shouted a boy at the back.

  “Yes, thanks Francesco. You’re free to go but meet back here at quarter past two. After lunch, we’ll continue our tour, stop for dinner and then we’re going to have a disco on the Thames. Who’s excited about that?” The excited chatter which broke out said ‘everyone’. Helen was feeling excited about it too – perhaps more so than her students.

  “Yeah, high five!” said Ricardo, her youngest student at thirteen years old. She returned his high-five and those of a couple of other students who wanted to jump on the bandwagon.


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