Jenna's Closure (Dr. Jenna Harper Series Book 2)

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Jenna's Closure (Dr. Jenna Harper Series Book 2) Page 2

by Missy Redstone

  “Do you have one?” Kris inquired.

  “I guess you’ll have to wait and see.” She brushed Kris's hair back and kissed her forehead.

  Kris shifted pulling Jenna down until Jenna was resting on top of her. “You are such a tease.”

  Jenna rested her head on Kris's chest and pulled the blankets up around them. She looked around the room and sighed. “I forgot about all of the unpacking I have to do.”

  Kris tickled Jenna. “Are you joking? What about me? I still have to pack up my things at my place, move everything here, and then unpack too.”

  Jenna peeked up at Kris and smiled. “Okay, you win. We’ll go over there and get started today.”

  Kris stroked Jenna’s back. “Are there any more surprises planned or did you pretty much cover everything yesterday?”

  Jenna sat up and let the covers slide down off her back and shoulders. She stretched her arms above her head and then rubbed her eyes. “No more surprises or secrets.” She looked around the room at all the boxes. “I need to start attacking some of these.”

  Kris stood up and slipped back into her clothes before walking over to the suitcase she had packed from her house. She pulled together a quick outfit. “I’m going to take a shower after I brush my teeth.”

  Jenna snatched her clothes from the floor and followed Kris to the bathroom. She pulled open the top drawer and pulled out a tube of toothpaste.

  Kris laughed as she looked down at the toothpaste Jenna had placed on the counter. It was almost as flat as a sheet of paper and rolled up from the end to squeeze every last bit of toothpaste out. “You are a doctor with a good salary, but you insist on getting every ounce out of that tube.”

  Jenna rolled the tube up further as she squeezed the toothpaste out onto her toothbrush and then Kris's. “Waste is waste.”

  Kris kissed the back of Jenna’s neck. She was happy that she was finally getting to know more about Jenna and her quirky traits such as being thrifty.

  After brushing her teeth and giving Kris a smack on the ass, Jenna walked back into the bedroom. It was a mess with boxes everywhere. Her mind flashed back to five months ago when Kris first showed her the house. Jenna sat down on the bed and ran her hand over the sheets. What had been only a fantasy before was now her reality. She was beginning the life she had dreamed of for herself, and she couldn’t think of anyone else she would rather be with.

  Jenna had managed to get through a few boxes before Kris had finished her shower. She heard the bathroom door open and glanced over her shoulder to find Kris standing in the doorway wearing her robe. Jenna remembered purchasing it a few years ago. She had debated buying it because it was short and a little too sexy for someone single without anyone to wear it for. Looking at it wrapped around Kris, she was glad she did.

  Jenna turned to face Kris. The thin light blue material clung to every curve of Kris's body leaving nothing to the imagination. The silky trim reflected the soft morning sunlight peeking through the window behind Jenna. The fragrance of Kris's shampoo carried by the steam escaping from the hot shower awakened Jenna’s senses.

  Kris was oblivious to the way Jenna was looking at her. She winked at Jenna. “Your turn.”

  Jenna strolled towards Kris. “Isn’t that my robe?” Jenna pulled on the strings tied around Kris's waist.

  Kris smiled and grabbed Jenna’s wrists. “Yes, it is.”

  Jenna moved in closer until her lips brushed against Kris's ear. This time she gave a more firm tug on the strings holding the robe together. “Can I have it back please?”

  Kris nuzzled her lips against Jenna’s neck. “Right now?”

  Jenna ran her fingers along the inside seam across Kris's chest. Kris's skin was still warm from the hot shower. She noticed the droplets of water curving a path down between Kris's breasts. Her hands slid inside the robe and around to Kris's back. She pulled Kris in tight and pressed her lips against hers.

  Kris melted in Jenna’s arms. She didn’t resist Jenna’s caresses. She braced herself against the doorframe as Jenna left a trail of kisses down her neck. Kris moaned as Jenna’s tongue worked over her stiff nipples. She could spend the entire day making love to Jenna, but they both had a lot to get done today. Kris pushed Jenna away and covered herself back up with the robe. She kissed Jenna’s cheek. “We can continue this later, but right now we have to get moving.”

  Jenna groaned and grabbed her clothes. She opted for a cold shower instead of a hot one like Kris had taken so she could cool down. Opening up to Kris about her true feelings intensified her passion. Thoughts of Kris consumed her mind. Now, she knew what it felt like to have Kris's naked body pressed against her. Now, she knew what it was like to have Kris's lips and tongue exploring every inch of her body. She knew what Kris liked and how her body quivered right before an orgasm.

  After a quick shower, Jenna rushed downstairs to find Kris making breakfast. She was glad she had stopped by the store the day before. She came up behind Kris and put her arms around her. She kissed the back of Kris's neck and drew her close.

  Kris turned around still within the grip of Jenna’s arms. “Don’t you get started again.”

  Jenna smiled. “I can’t help it. I’ve waited a long time to be able to do this.”

  Kris placed her hands on top of Jenna’s and released them from her waist. “I know, but we’ll never get anything done if we keep this up. I promise, if you behave today, I’ll do whatever you want tonight.” She gave Jenna a quick kiss before pushing her away.

  “I will hold you to that promise,” Jenna said as she backed away from Kris. She started unpacking a pile of boxes in the kitchen. She tried to conceal her mischievous grin, as she thought about what she wanted to do to Kris that night. Jenna felt like a little kid working towards a prize for doing chores. She couldn’t stop smiling as she continued to imagine all the ways she intended to play with her prize.

  Chapter Three

  It took three months of Kris bribing Jenna for the two of them to finally get settled into their new home together. At times, Jenna was the one who had her hands full trying to keep Kris focused. They learned a lot about each other during that time. Kris realized Jenna was more frugal than most, despite her comfortable income. Jenna learned that Kris sometimes talked in her sleep. Kris concluded Jenna had a pretty good eye when it came to decorating and choosing colors, but lacked confidence coordinating outfits. Jenna discovered Kris was good at hiding how shy she was, although she had more friends than anyone Jenna had ever known.

  They both knew what they had together was special. They loved each other and shared a deep attraction. They shared every moment they could together. At one point, Allie and the rest of Kris's friends started to feel neglected, but they didn’t say anything. They all knew how much Kris needed Jenna and how long she had waited to have someone like Jenna in her life.

  Kris had been in a lonely place in her life before meeting Jenna. She had compared every woman she met to the only other love of her life, Susie. In Kris's mind, she had let Susie slip away. Other women she had allowed into her heart had been unfaithful. She had given up on dating and was trying to come to terms with growing old alone, but meeting Jenna in the emergency room last year changed everything. Who would’ve ever imagined a trip to the ER, would have changed her life forever. After spending time with Jenna, those feelings of desire and longing to be with someone again came rushing back to Kris.

  Every now and then while Jenna was busy, Kris would stare at Jenna and her heart would begin to race just like it had when they first met.

  By now, they had both began to settle into their routines. They told each other “I love you” every night and always fell asleep holding hands. They never left in the morning without a kiss goodbye; sometimes, more than a kiss if they had a little extra time. They were both busy during the week and sometimes had to work opposing weekends. They cherished their time off when the stars aligned and they were off at the same time.

  They spent Friday nights catch
ing up with their friends. Jenna and Kris enjoyed having people over for dinner and conversation. Saturdays were sometimes spent with friends especially if there was a festival or event nearby. They reserved Sundays for themselves to spend time together. They loved spending time with their friends, but they always looked forward to Sundays.

  Today was one of those Sundays. Jenna and Kris had been out late the night before at one of the restaurants downtown celebrating Liz and Erin’s anniversary. Jenna awakened to Kris nibbling on her earlobe. Jenna yawned and stretched her arms above her head.

  “Good morning sunshine,” Kris said.

  Jenna let her arms relax and rest above her head. “Good morning beautiful.”

  Kris rested her head on Jenna’s shoulder. “Let’s go to the beach today. The weather is going to be gorgeous.”

  Jenna wrapped her arms around Kris and kissed the top of her head. “Sounds great to me. I’ve been dying to see you in that skimpy bikini Allie talked you into buying last week. You two should go shopping together more often.”

  “You may change your mind when you see what she made me buy for you to wear.”

  Jenna cleared her throat. “What? You never said anything about buying something for me.”

  Kris smirked and jumped off the bed. “Sorry, I guess I forgot to mention that part of our shopping trip. You’ll see tonight. It will be a surprise. Well, a surprise for you and a treat for me.” She walked to the dresser.

  Jenna watched Kris gathering up her clothes. She only had her panties on. The morning light highlighted her smooth skin and seductive curves.

  Kris could feel Jenna staring at her. She turned her back towards Jenna covering her breasts and glanced back at Jenna over her shoulder trying to be modest. “What?” she asked.

  Jenna walked across the room towards Kris. “You’re beautiful.” She wrapped her arms around Kris and kissed the back of her shoulder.

  Kris gripped Jenna’s arms and gave them a squeeze. “I love you Jenna.”

  Jenna squeezed Kris tighter. “I love you more.”


  After a long shower together and a quick breakfast, they kissed Jax before walking out to the car. He wasn’t too happy about staying behind, but dogs aren’t allowed on the beach during the season. Summer was starting to wrap up and the weather had turned from the sweltering August heat to more mild with just a hint of fall in the evening air. There would be a lull in the tourists for a few weeks before the leaves changed and the fall color would bring the tourists back again.

  Jenna and Kris threw their sunglasses on, rolled the windows down, and set off towards the coast. Kris stuck her hand out the window and played with the air rushing past it. “Can we take Smith Road? I know you don’t like to go that way, but I love looking at those huge houses facing the water.”

  Jenna grimaced. “Okay. You know I can’t say no to you.” Smith Road only had a few houses that broke up the landscape, which was part of its appeal. Only the wealthiest residents could afford to live in that section. However, there was one bad spot along the way, almost a blind curve, that made Jenna uneasy. As long as everyone stayed in their lane, it was fine.

  “Thanks, honey. We can take the interstate back if you want.”

  Jenna felt her stomach knot up as she approached the curve, not knowing if another car might drive too fast around the curve and enter her lane. “This is why I don’t like coming this way,” she said as she nodded her head towards the invisible danger she imagined up ahead. She slowed down. Her foot slid from the accelerator to the brake. Her eyes darted back and forth from the road ahead to the shoulder planning how she would drive off the shoulder if necessary. Both hands gripped the steering wheel like Mr. Gray had taught her in Driver’s Ed. She eased around the curve holding her breath. As soon as she exited the curve, she relaxed and let out an audible sigh.

  Jenna turned towards Kris. “I love the views on this road, but I despise driving around that curve. Let’s take the interstate back.”

  “Stop! Stop!” Kris screamed.

  Jenna slammed on the brakes and they skidded a few yards leaving the smell of burnt rubber behind them. “What’s wrong?”

  Before Kris could answer, Jenna saw a blue sedan upside down at the bottom of a gentle sloping hill about twenty feet from the edge of the road.

  Kris struggled with her seat belt. It locked when Jenna hit the brakes hard. She looked up to find Jenna racing towards the car. After freeing herself, Kris searched for Jenna. Her heart began to pound harder as the smell of gasoline filled the air. She dialed nine-one-one and told them to send help. She raced towards Jenna and the car. She spotted Jenna working hard to get the driver’s door open. A small flicker of light caught her attention as she approached. Near the front passenger tire flames darted out licking the air. “Jenna, get away from the car,” Kris screamed. “It’s on fire.”

  Jenna could smell the fuel, and she heard the unmistakable hiss and crackle of fire. Her throat and nose burned from the fumes and smoke beginning to filter inside the cabin of the car. Her concern right now was the unconscious elderly woman trapped behind the steering wheel. Blood streamed down the woman’s face and pooled beneath where her hair met the top of the car’s interior. The seat belt suspended the woman in the air.

  Jenna couldn’t get any response from the woman, but she was still breathing and she found a pulse. She didn’t want to move her and risk further injury, but the fire was growing at a rapid pace. Jenna had heard once that a car doesn’t in fact explode when it’s on fire, and she was hoping the information was correct.

  “Kris, I need your help.” She waved for Kris to come over. “It’s okay, come over here and help me.”

  Kris hesitated for a second. The flames grew higher. Her heart pounded hard and fast against her chest. Her eyes swept from the fire to Jenna, and she ran to her side without giving the growing fire a second thought. Jenna needed her, and her love for Jenna compelled her to help even if it meant she could die trying. “What do you need me to do?” Kris asked.

  Jenna pulled Kris in closer. “I need you to unbuckle the seat belt while I support her. See if you can get the passenger door open.”

  Kris went to the other side of the car. She tried to open the door, but it wouldn’t budge. She pulled as hard as she could. The muscles in her arms strained against the unyielding door. She pulled so hard the handle came off in her hands. “Watch out,” she warned Jenna. She smashed the handle against the passenger window shattering the glass.

  Jenna had been busy trying to free the woman’s right ankle pinned underneath the gas pedal. She glanced up to see Kris preparing to break the window. She tried to shield the woman from the flying pieces of glass. Jenna winced as she felt shards biting into the flesh of her arms and face.

  Kris maneuvered her way through the window frame. “We have to get out of here fast.”

  Jenna tried to remain calm even though her adrenaline pleaded with her to run. “Unfasten her seat belt and help me lower her down without letting her fall.”

  Just as she felt the woman’s weight drop down and press against her after releasing the seat belt, she heard Kris scream. The fire had latched onto Kris's shirt. “Roll around on the ground.” Jenna yelled across the car.

  Hearing Kris scream sent Jenna into overdrive. She pulled the woman out of the car just as the fire leapt from the passenger compartment to the driver’s seat. The woman was limp in her arms. She grabbed her underneath her shoulders and dragged her backwards away from the car. A man who had stopped to help took the woman from Jenna and carried her to the edge of the road. Jenna heard sirens getting closer.

  She looked for Kris. Jenna felt sick. Her stomach churned. She wiped the sweat and smoke from her eyes, but she couldn’t find Kris. She turned back around to see the man waving his arms at the ambulance. The woman was lying in the back of his truck. The woman’s feet were resting on the tailgate wearing only one sandal. Jenna had to remove the other one in the car to help free it from the gas p

  Jenna’s head snapped back to the car. Flames had engulfed the entire car now. “Kris,” she shouted as loud as she could. She squinted her eyes and tried to peer inside the car between the roaring flames and flying embers. Please no. I can’t lose you now.

  The intense heat forced her backwards. “Kris, Kris!” Jenna refused to believe Kris could be in the car. It had only seemed like a few seconds ago that she saw her last. She was sure she had seen Kris drop to the ground and roll to extinguish the fire on her shirt. Everything happened so fast though. She wasn’t aware of where Kris had been when she pulled the woman out. “Kris,” she shouted louder.

  The man who had carried the woman away rushed towards Jenna after seeing her collapse to the ground. “Miss, we have to get away from here. It’s too dangerous.” He helped Jenna to her feet.

  Jenna was in shock. Her body felt numb. The blood drained from her head and extremities back to her thumping heart. She struggled to release herself from the tight grip the man had, but he wouldn’t let go. The car hissed and crackled. It sounded to Jenna like it was laughing at her as he pulled her past it; like it was mocking her for thinking she could live happily ever after with Kris. Jenna opened her mouth to scream for Kris again, but nothing came out. She began to fall again and her eyes rolled gazing upwards. She could see the man’s lips moving, but she couldn’t comprehend what he was saying. Then, everything went silent, and in an instant everything went completely black.

  Chapter Four

  Jenna awakened to an intense pain in her right leg just above her knee. She slid her hand down to determine what the problem was. Her fingertips ran over soft gauze. She also felt a brace. She opened her eyes, but the room was dark. She took a deep breath and tried to push the panic down that was building up inside her. The hospital smell that she was so familiar with filled her nose. It took a while for her eyes to adjust to the faint light from the hallway that filtered through the crack beneath the door. She found herself in one of the private hospital rooms. Her eyes scanned the entire room looking for any familiar faces. She hoped to see Kris. Tears rolled down her cheeks burning like hot lava as they found their way into the cuts and scratches on her face. The memories of what had happened came flooding back to her.


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