Watson Manor Unfolding: Second Novel in the Watson Mystery Series (Watson Manor Mystery Series Book 2)

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Watson Manor Unfolding: Second Novel in the Watson Mystery Series (Watson Manor Mystery Series Book 2) Page 9

by Ronald Craig

  "We will have a patrolman here until we get this resolved. Jenny I hope that helps a little. I will see you two shortly," Walker said then walked to his car.

  "Thank you Chief," Jenny called to him.


  Frank and Linda were in the office of the Crown Storage facility in Salinas, CA. Frank was on the phone with their man in the construction crew at Watson Manor.

  "I didn't see the Watsons. We showed up at six-thirty and Bob, the foreman, told us to go see the cops for an interview then go home for the day. They printed all of us and asked if we saw anyone around that didn't belong, shit like that. The place was taped off with the fire department and cops everywhere," he told him.

  "How much damage? Think we got them?" Frank asked.

  "No sign of fire outside and I couldn't get close enough to see inside. Word was they have someone in custody. …I think this went bad and the Watsons walked away. I couldn't get a thing out of the foreman or the cop standing guard."

  "Is your alibi good?"

  "Playing poker under the watchful eye of the house, till three am, two hours away."

  "Good. We never used these guys before and they don't know who we are. So much for their Blazing recommendation," Frank said and disconnected the call. He turned to his wife, Linda. "Any word back from Lew or Judy?"

  "No, did we get them?"

  "Don't think so. I need confirmation before I call him. Call them again!" he said frustrated.

  Linda picked up the phone and called the Marina Law office. After a ten minute discussion she hung up the phone. "Judy drove by Watson Manor, no sign of their truck. So she goes past the police station and it's in the parking lot, not the impound yard. If they had died in the fire the truck would be sitting outside Watson manor."

  "The order was to take them out with an accident. No missing bodies, cut and dry," Frank said. "What should have been accidental death is now arson and attempted murder with Marina PD back in the investigation. We need to get out of here!"

  Linda picked up her phone again, "Get our inventory ready to move in thirty minutes! Then a complete breakdown and evacuation." Then she started calling her drivers and evacuation crew. "We have time Frank. It's only ten o'clock and Marina PD doesn't have jurisdiction here."

  "The phones and the laptops go with us," Frank said. "I'll call him now."

  Chapter 16

  Nelson Crown was at his home in Marina in discussion with two men when the call from Frank came in.

  "Sir we are in process of evacuating in Salinas," Frank told him.

  "This botched elimination of the Watsons will cost us dearly," Crown said.

  "I know, I'm sorry sir. We will have this location clean soon."

  "I'm sending a new manager team to the storage location, you two have been seen by the Watsons and Marina PD. We have four kids currently in auction. How many more are there?"


  "Here's what I want. Have the four transported to Stockton. You and Linda sit on the remaining three at the Salinas ranch house until you hear back from me. I don't want any support staff there at the ranch house or on site in Salinas. Don't screw this up Frank!"

  "Yes sir, you can count on us."

  "Dump all computers and phones off site, no trail. There are replacements at the ranch house. I expect to hear from you there by 12:00 Frank!"

  "We can do it," Frank said to a dead phone.

  Crown turned to the men in his home office and said, "This is not going away. We need to give Marina PD and the Watsons some closure. This is what I want you to do…."


  Jacque greeted Charlie and Jenny as they entered the Marina Police Department, "I was scared to death for you two!"

  "Thank you, Jacque. It was very frightening," Jenny said.

  "And for the first time, Jenny is putting it lightly," Charlie added.

  "The Chief is on the phone, but go right in."

  "Charlie, Jenny, come on back," Detective Edwards said standing up beside his desk in the back of the bull pen.

  They walked back to Edward's desk and sat down. "Anything on our arson?" Charlie asked.

  "John Davis is in county lockup, being processed. No arrests or warrants, but he is listed as a person of interest in three different states for suspicious fires. One had two fatalities in New Mexico last month. Looks like a torch for hire."

  "No link to Crown I guess?" Jenny asked.

  "These guys never know where the money comes from. It's cash in an envelope with a job description at some remote drop site."

  "Richard, the investigator, thinks there is inside information," Charlie said.

  "Yes, we have his report. The chief has me doing background checks on your crew."

  "There are only a few new guys since we discovered the tape. One was only there a couple weeks but two are still there."

  Edwards looked at his list, "That would be Arthur Dawson and Stan Travis. We should know more later today."

  "Come on in, detectives," Chief Walker called from his office door. "I have to say, I look forward to the day when I only have one detective again."

  "I'll second that," Charlie said as they all headed into Walkers office.

  When everyone was seated, Walker said, "I just got off the phone with Captain Becker at Salinas PD requesting a tag along on a search warrant for Crown Storage."

  "But the FBI is already there?" Jenny said.

  "We thought. I called the San Jose FBI field office this morning asking to speak with either Special Agent Mills or Downey. I was informed they didn't have a Special Agent Downey and when I was connected to Special Agent Mills; he didn't have an idea in the world what I was talking about concerning the video. I am very embarrassed to say, I was scammed."

  "We all were Chief. They have both videos," Jenny said.

  "We have a copy of the children video," Charlie said.

  "I remember you telling me that and we'll hold onto that for later. Right now, I don't want my hands tied keeping me from getting to this bastard. I want to send a patrolman over to get that copy though. Can you tell me where it is?"

  "It's in the cabinet, below the TV. Can we go with you to Crown Storage?" Jenny asked.

  "You are under police protection. I can't think of a better way to keep an eye on you," Walker said and then hit his intercom. "Jacque, have Willy swing by Watson Manor and get a VHS tape from under the Watsons TV, fourth floor."

  "What about Marina Professional, the law office, should we look there?" Charlie asked.

  "That has been Willy's assignment, to keep an eye out there. The only thing he reported this morning was he saw a UPS truck leaving. No other activity, not even a visitor this morning."

  "If we can find a single child or evidence of one at Crown Storage, we'll bring the hammer down on Crown!" Edwards said.

  "I guess, I don't need to tell you that Detective Edwards is on board here," Walker said.

  "I saw Downey, or whatever her real name is there. I'm sure you can nail her for a few charges?" Jenny said.

  "Oh yeah, and better yet, she may be the perfect one to go for a deal implicating Crown in this," Edwards said.

  "I see your point Chief," Charlie said then looking at Edwards added, "It's as if they tried to kill you, Edwards."

  "You're on my wall of fame, remember. We detectives stick together, like family. And when Shadow is up and around, he's up there also," Edwards said.

  "Thank you, that means a lot to us," Jenny said as the intercom buzzed on Walkers desk.

  "Yes Jacque."

  "Captain Becker, line one."

  "Any luck, Andy?" Walker asked after pressing the speaker button.

  "We have the warrant, Rodney. It's one-thirty now. Can you meet us there by two?"

  "On our way, thanks Andy," Walker said disconnecting. "You heard him detectives, let's go." They all got up quickly and ran to Walkers SUV. Edwards slid into the front passenger seat and the Watsons took the rear seat. With the siren blaring they headed toward Salina

  Once they reached Salinas, Walker shut the siren off and drove the last mile silently. They pulled into the front parking lot at Crown Storage and found three Salinas Police cars in the lot. Captain Becker was just leaving the office and they watched the electric gate open. The Captain drove his car through the gate followed by one of the police cars and Chief Walker. The last police car stayed positioned at the gate. The second gate inside leading to the Crown Treasures Vault opened and they parked beside that building. One officer stayed with the patrol car as the remaining group entered the office door.

  Seated behind the desk was a woman in her forties, dressed casually in jeans and a white blouse and was not rattled by the group surrounding her. "May I help you officer," she asked.

  "I'm Captain Becker with the Salinas Police Department. I have a search warrant for this property. Are you the only one here?"

  "Yes, well we have a crew doing some painting in our display area, but they don't work here."

  "Would you mind taking us through the building?" Becker asked.

  "Not at all, follow me." They followed her through the door behind her desk into a large room lined with padlocked 4-foot wide doors along the outer walls. The walkway split into two with back to back lockers in the center of the room.

  "These are the vaults for storage of precious items. Each one is double locked, like a safety deposit box is. The renter has their key and we have the other here on site." She walked over to one without locks and opened it. "They vary in size, depending on what you want to store."

  "Can we see inside of these?" Jenny asked.

  "No, I'm sorry," the woman said attempting sincerity. "I don't have the owner's key and your warrant would have to have the occupants name or their written approval to open them."

  "I will need a list of the renters," Becker said.

  "Not a problem," she said. "And through these doors we are remodeling to host events for our customers." She led them through the vault area through double doors that opened into a 30 foot square room. A crew of five men were busy patching walls and painting the room.

  "Events? At a storage facility?" Charlie asked.

  "Many of our clients have art collections or rare antique furniture and have asked for a place to invite friends and like collectors to display them."

  Chief Walker went through the room slowly paying close attention to the repairs being made. He opened the door at the opposite end and looked inside. The door opened into a hall with the kitchen on one side and a bathroom door on the other.

  "The bathroom and small kitchen," she offered.

  "If this event room is a new idea, why an existing kitchen?" Walker asked.

  "The expansion is new. We had a small viewing area before," she said. Then added seeming as a thought occurred to her, "For our clients to display to perspective buyers."

  Captain Becker walked back to join Chief Walker in the kitchen area. "Rodney, this really looks suspicious but we're not getting much here to go on," Becker said.

  "I know Andy, this was a clean sweep. This kitchen has seen a lot of use." They crossed the hall into the bathroom. It was divided with the front having a full tub and shower, sink and toilet and the other end partitioned off with hookups for a washing machine and dryer. They walked back into the main room.

  "Where is the dumpster?" Walker asked.

  They were led to a rollup door on the side of the room that opened to the back lot. They walked to an area under the overpass and saw two large dumpsters sitting side by side against the block wall.

  "I'm not surprised they are both empty," Walker said.

  "When we saw this from up there," Jenny said pointing to the overpass above them, "there were two UPS trucks parked here."

  Captain Becker noted the name of the disposal company and remodeling company on the door of their truck. He turned to the woman and said, "I'll need your name for the record."

  "Elizabeth Rogers," she answered.

  "And how long have you worked here Elizabeth?"

  "About two years."

  "And in that time, has this always been a storage facility?"


  "OK, I think we're done here. Thank you for your time. Officer Ryan will follow you back to your office and get that renters list. We will see ourselves out." When Elizabeth and Ryan went back inside Becker radioed his station to have them check on the trash pickup day for this location. After a few minutes he received the answer.

  "They are on the line now, every Wednesday, sir."

  "That’s in two days. Ask them if they made a special trip out here this morning."

  After a minute the dispatcher replied, "No sir. Captain, we just received a strange call. A man driving down Willow Creek road reported seeing children being escorted out of a truck into a house."

  "Strange how?"

  "It caught his attention because it wasn't a regular truck but a UPS delivery truck."

  "Have an address, Eva?"

  "Yes sir, 2167 Willow Creek. Our records show it unoccupied and in probate."

  "We are on our way," Becker said.

  Chapter 17

  They all turned and headed toward their cars. Captain Becker called out, "Rodney, we're on tach three-four-seven." Becker got into his car and hit the upload prompt on the computer screen that Eva had sent. A map appeared showing 2167 Willow Creek. He studied it a moment then hit the GO TO prompt. The screen split leaving the map view on top and turn by turn directions on the lower half. Driving out of Crown Storage he set the radio to tack three four seven.

  "We are twenty minutes away. Five acre lots out there, Ryan, you and Sills are in first to cover the back. Peters, you and Frank are on Willow Creek and Walker, Edwards and I will take the front. Fast and silent gentleman, we need these folks alive and chatty so if you have to fire your weapon, it's at arms and legs. Possibly children at this location."

  "You two need to stay in the car until we clear the property," Walker said following the radio message. "Even if we see kids running out, Jenny."

  "I know in my heart they were there," Jenny said.

  "It's possible," Edwards said. "I only wish we would have found a doll or teddy bear behind the dumpsters. Anything a child would have had."

  "I was hoping we had moved quickly enough on Crown Storage," Walker said. "They are without a doubt covering up something there. Edward, run Elizabeth Rogers through the computer."

  "It seems getting the call when we did was awfully coincidental," Charlie said.

  "Maybe yes, maybe no," Walker said. "It could be a neighbor who drove past this vacant house for months and he happens to see some kids being pulled out of a UPS truck. They were in a panic move in full daylight, maybe got a little sloppy. So he tells his wife when he gets home about it and she doesn't want them to get involved. After an hour of stewing over it, he decides to drive back into town and calls from a pay phone so he can sleep tonight."

  "Sound like you've had that experience before," Jenny said.

  "We've had similar calls, most people want to do the right thing," Walker said.

  "And although fifty percent are dead ends, the good ones help us a lot," Edwards added.

  The radio cracked, "Ok we're half a mile out. Left turn ahead, second house on the right. Ryan take the lead at left turn."

  "Roger, Captain."

  When they approached the left turn onto Willow Creek the car behind Chief Walker's SUV passed them on the left and then turned again quickly disappearing into the driveway on the right. Captain Becker pulled right up to the front porch and Chief Walker parked beside and behind him. "Stay put," Walker said as he and Edwards jumped out of the SUV and took positions on opposite sides of the large covered porch. It was ten feet deep and extended the length of the front of the house. Their positions gave them a line of sight down the sides of the house. A single car was parked behind the house and no UPS truck was around. A large detached garage was at the end of the driveway with a closed roll-up door.

  "I pray
they are here, Charlie and we can help them," Jenny said in a tone between hope and fear.

  "That’s all we have to hold on to," he said, taking her hand.

  "This is the Salinas Police, we have you surrounded. Come out with your hands on your head," Becker called with the bullhorn in one hand, his gun in the other.

  The officers on the street had their guns drawn and ready as well as the two positioned in the backyard.

  The house remained silent as Captain Becker moved closer to the front steps of the patio. He pulled his radio mic over. "Anything in the back?"

  "Just the car, no movement here," Ryan reported.

  "No one needs to get hurt here today," Becker said. "Just come out now!"

  A small face appeared in the back window and Ryan moved closer to investigate. The window was covered in dust and he wiped it with his left hand for a better view. The little boy was scared and his face wet from crying. Ryan tried to slide the window up but could see the lock engaged on top, beyond the reach of the little guy inside. Ryan backed away slowly and reached for his mic to report when the back door opened slowly. Officer Sills on the opposite side of the house saw the door move and raised his gun ready to fire.

  "I'm coming out." The screen door started to open and it blocked Ryan's clear view of the doorway but he saw the figure of a man moving out behind it.

  "Slowly, hands on…"Ryan started to say when a gun fired and Officer Sills fell to the ground. Ryan fired twice through the screen and the man fell off the back porch.

  "Sills is down!" Ryan reported running to his partner to lend assistance. Chief Walker ran alongside the house on the driveway to provide cover as Ryan kneeled beside Sills.

  With his gun and eyes focused on the rear door, Walker asked, "How bad?"

  "One shot, shoulder," Ryan said applying pressure to the wound. "Saw a boy, far left window."

  Captain Becker radioed in the officer down. Then he called to his men on the street. "Peters, I need you in back to help Ryan get Sills out front for the ambulance. Frank, take the Chief's position in front." Then he raised the bullhorn, "Last chance to come out then we're coming in!"


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