Her Big Bad Mistake

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Her Big Bad Mistake Page 7

by Hazel Gower

  Closing her eyes, she turned back to Jacob. Opening her eyes, she sighed. “I’m sorry, Jacob. I hope you didn’t think I encouraged you. I truly didn’t mean to hurt you. I figured out a lot while I lay in hospital last night. I was scared. I ran because I started to see what your life was really like. I figured out who you were. I started to become unsure of myself. I questioned things I haven’t since I was younger.” Becky needed to find Damon and tell him all this. “I saw what my life could be like.” She left it at that. Becky needed to talk to Damon. She couldn’t run anymore.

  She’d wandered through the house and her heart sped up as she walked into a big room with photos and trophies. Hanging on the wall was a picture of her and Damon with Belle and the Beast. Becky found Damon in the back of his house, in his backyard. Damon was surrounded by a group of guys. He had a bottle of vodka in one hand and each man had a shot glass. He caught her gaze and nodded, and poured the vodka in the shot glass he held with his other hand, and then filled his friends’ glasses. Damon stared at her for a moment, then one of the men said something and he raised his glass in salute to her and swallowed it.

  Groaning when she realized she’d done this all wrong, Becky turned and went back inside. She’d made a mess of everything. Damon had taken what she’d said to Jacob wrong. She knew his history. She shouldn’t have said anything. She should have waited to talk to Damon first and told him why she ran. Going back to the room with their picture, she told herself she wasn’t running again, that she was giving time for Damon to cool down. Sitting on the black leather sofa, she sat there staring up at the photo.


  Becky didn’t know what time it was. She wasn’t sitting up anymore but lying on the sofa with a blanket over her and her shoes off. She remembered lying down and staring at the photo. She didn’t remember closing her eyes or putting a blanket over herself. Opening her eyes, she slowly sat up and stretched. Easing herself off the sofa, she stood and folded the blanket. She needed to find Damon. The house seemed quiet, too quiet. What happened to the barbeque?”

  Padding around the house on bare feet, she froze when she heard voices. Sneaking closer to the voices, she listened.

  “Imogene, how did you get in here? I sent everyone home. I’ve never brought you here. You need to leave.”

  “Dammy, you don’t ever turn me down. Come on. I waited until everyone left so no one would know you’re with me. I don’t believe what everyone is saying. I know it’s a promo stunt, because they want you to act better.”

  “Get your fucking hands off me, Imogene. All I’ve done for the past couple of months is turn you down. So get the fuck out of my house. I’m married.”

  The woman giggled. “Dammy, you’re not the marrying type. I don’t see any wife. Why isn’t she in bed with you now?”

  Becky gripped the wall and a sob escaped. How dare this woman come in and try to take her man. She was going to go in there and rip her apart. Damon was hers. She needed to make it known.

  “Touch me again and, woman or not, I’ll break your wrist. My wife fell asleep on the sofa. I didn’t want to disturb her so I didn’t move her. So get the hell out of my house.”

  “No. Come on, Dammy. I can make you want me. You always have.”

  “Imogene, you’re nothing to me other than someone I used to fuck. I didn’t invite you into this house because I only let my friends and loved ones here and you are none of those. I don’t want you. The only woman I want I love. I love my wife. She is everything you’re not. See, she will be forever over my heart. You need to get the fuck out.”

  Smiling as she reached for the door handle, Becky felt more secure with her place with Damon as she heard his responses. The door to the room opened as she turned the knob and she stumbled back as a shirtless Damon dragged the skinny, naked blonde out of the room. Becky stared stunned for a moment and then she saw Damon’s chest. “Damon.”

  Damon’s eyes widened. “This is not what it looks like, angel. She let herself in here. I don’t know how she got in here. I promise.”

  “I know.”

  His mouth opened and shut a couple of times. Imogene yanked her hand from Damon’s hold. “You can’t be serious. No way did you marry this…this…” Imogene pointed to Becky.

  “This what? This gorgeous woman?” Damon glared at Imogene.

  Becky narrowed her eyes on the bitch before her. “Stay away from my husband.” Becky grabbed Imogene and dragged her down the hall. Imogene fought her, but Becky was pissed—she knew what she wanted and Becky wasn’t running this time. “Next time I see you I will call the cops on your arse. And I swear if I see you anywhere near my husband again the police won’t be able to find your body.”

  Damon chuckled behind her and Imogene’s eyes widened as Damon opened the front door and Becky shoved her out. Then she slammed the door. Becky didn’t care Imogene was bare-arsed naked. “Show me every door and window. I want to make sure that bitch can’t get back in here.”

  Damon’s eyes were alight with laugher as he nodded at her. “Sure thing, angel.” He gathered her to him and kissed her. She melted into him, letting herself go. When they pulled away they were both panting for breath. Damon held her hand and walked quickly around the house, checking all the doors. When he was done he took her to the room he came out of with Imogene.

  Entering the room, she was surprised. It wasn’t what she was expecting. In the middle of the room sat a large, king-sized bed. A dark wooden dresser sat against the wall with a picture of her above it. “You kept my photos? You put them up?”

  “Yeah, I did. You are the first genuine woman I’ve been with in over fifteen years, Becky. You’re like a breath of fresh air. When I’m with you I feel light and happy. When you’re not driving me crazy I’m thinking how lucky I am to have a great woman. You’re always willing to help people like the boy at Disney, the couple at the restaurant and the lady who couldn’t pay for her groceries. You help without even expecting praise and thanks.” He laughed. “You didn’t let us pay. I remember you thinking that I must live on a budget as all I did for a job is play hockey. Even when we told you that we made damn good money you still paid your way and didn’t let us pay for you. The more time I spent with you the more I fell for you. I knew you were, are, too good for me, but I’m selfish and I want you all to myself.”

  She hugged herself and let everything she wanted to say out. “You think I’m this great woman? I’m not. I moved to America to teach for a couple of years because I could. I have no obligations. You know I’m not close to my mother, and I really only have my sister. My mother is always calling me flighty, she says I don’t like to stay in one spot and I never commit to anything.” She gave a hollow chuckle. “I finished the teacher course to prove her wrong. I’m glad I did. I love it, but I love the freedom it gives me. I have three months off over here when you have summer holidays. I planned to spend all my holidays being flighty, as my mother calls it. My sister thinks I could be a gypsy traveling the world. As for helping those people, I felt sorry for them. It’s only me I have to worry about. My money only pays for me. I don’t have a lot of expenses. I can help someone here or there. I know if I was in the same situation I’d wish someone would help me.” Becky sat on the bed. “I really wish I didn’t run. I regretted it almost as soon as I did it. You made me wish for the first time I could stay and settle down. I felt at home with you. I got scared with the feelings you make me feel.”

  Damon came and pushed between her legs. “What did you have to be scared of?”

  “When you weren’t there in the morning, I thought you’d left me. I thought you’d gotten what you wanted and left me. Then it came back to me and I got so scared. I’d had unprotected sex with you. I’d married you. Then all the women I’d seen you with flashed before me. My heart broke. I couldn’t face you. I couldn’t have you tell me it was all a mistake.” She trailed her hands up his chest, pausing to lovingly trace over the large letters across his chest. There was no denying what it said
—Becky. It didn’t look like a new tattoo. “When?”

  Damon looked down at her and shrugged. “When I got home. I was going to come after you. I realized you didn’t need me and my problems so I left you in peace, hoping you’d come to me when you were ready. I never thought you would. I did this…” Damon held her hands over his tat, “because I love you. When I see it, it reminds me of you.”

  She choked back a sob, not believing what she was hearing. “You really love me?” He shrugged again. Becky hated it when he shrugged.

  “You don’t take my bullshit and you don’t fawn over me or do anything to kiss my ass and get my attention.” He tapped the tip of her nose. “I like the way you deal with jealousy.” She blushed as she remembered what she’d said to Imogene. “You don’t have to worry. I haven’t been with anyone else since you, before New Orleans. I have that photo up there so I wake up to you each morning. I know you think I’m a mistake you wish you could change, and you don’t love me yet, but I promise you by the time our baby comes you’ll love me.”

  Becky pulled Damon up to her. She brought his mouth to her own, devouring him. Their lips melded and she held him tight and moved them back on the bed. Her heart filled with love for the man in front of her. She tore her mouth from his and moved so they were both on the bed, Damon hovering over her. “I’m so sorry I left. I never should have left you. I love you. I haven’t stopped loving you, Damon. When I saw you yesterday it was like a floodgate smashed open. When you looked at me all the pain I felt after seeing the photos of you with those women vanished. I’ve missed you so much.” She reached up and cupped his face. “Please tell me you forgive me. You are not my mistake. You could never be a mistake. My big bad mistake was leaving you.” Becky felt the tears slid down the side of her face.

  Damon rested his forehead against hers. “We went about this all wrong. He reached across to the bedside drawer and pulled out a velvet box. He got up and knelt before her. Becky sat up. “I love you. I know you’re the one for me. I wish I could promise you that everything will be perfect. That we won’t argue, that we won’t get frustrated with each other or that we won’t always disagree, but we know we will. Nothing is perfect. I can only promise you that I will be faithful, and love you more every day for the rest of my life. I know you’re the one for me and together we can make this work. Will you do me the honor of marrying me… again? This time you can have your dream wedding and everyone will know I’m yours and you’re mine.”

  Becky threw herself at him. “Yes, of course I’ll marry you. I love you.” She took his mouth to hers in a kiss as he slid the ring on her finger. She needed him. Holding Damon tight to her, she sucked on his tongue and eased her hands into his pants and gripped his tight ass.

  Daman ended their kiss, moaning, “Becky, I missed you.”

  Damon sat up and tugged her clothes off. She lifted up and helped. When she was in just her underwear Becky reached for his boxers, shoving them down and grinning as his cock sprang forth. Crawling closer, she licked the head before sucking it into her mouth. Damon groaned and she felt his hands rest on her head and grip her hair.

  Opening her mouth, she took as much as she could of him in, hollowing her cheeks and sucking. “Oh, fuck, that feels good.” His grip on her hair tightened and the bit of pain had her sucking harder. She wrapped her hands around the base of him and pumped as she moved her mouth up and down.

  His hoarse moans were turning her on. The power she felt helped and she enjoyed exploring him. Playing with his balls, she massaged them and took his cock deep.

  “Angel, you have to stop. I’m gonna come.”

  She sighed when he pushed her from his cock and pulled her up for a kiss. “Fuck, that felt like heaven, but I want to come inside you.”

  Becky gasped and arched into Damon as he sank a digit into her core and thrust it in and out.

  “Mmm, feels so good,” she panted out as he added another finger.

  “Angel, you’re so wet.” Becky tightened her legs as he pumped his fingers in and out of her faster. Damon eased down, circling the tip of one of her nipples before sucking it in and repeating it with the other. Her body burnt and her sensitive breasts shot jolts of ecstasy through her. His fingers buried deep inside her as she let herself explode.

  “Damon, Damon, Damon,” Becky chanted as she came apart and her orgasm washed over her.

  Becky lay for a moment, basking in her bliss.

  “I’m a lucky man. You’re so gorgeous. I love watching you come and knowing I did that to you.”

  Sitting up, Becky ran her hands up his chest. She gave him a push to lie on the bed. Then she straddled him and slowly eased down onto his cock. “Now I want to watch as I help you to come.”


  Damon smiled up at her—she looked beautiful. Her skin glowed and her hair was a wild mess. Becky’s lips were puffy and her nipples were pointed. “I like you like this.” His hands came up to cup her breasts, and his thumbs rubbed her nipples.

  She kept a leisurely pace, enjoying watching Damon’s face. He gritted his teeth, chanting to himself to hold off enough until she could build up another orgasm. The problem was he’d never seen a more erotic sight in his life. The more he studied her the more he noticed that Becky looked like a wicked angel as she straddled and rode him. Her hair flowed around her and her breasts were bigger, fuller.

  Her core was like an iron grip around him, and every retreat and entry seemed to get tighter. Her back arched and her pace picked up. He bit back a moan as his body started to quiver with the need to explode.

  Damon was going to come. He’d been without a sex for the longest he’d ever gone. He held her waist and moved her faster. She felt like heaven. He grinded his teeth and tried to think of gross things. He needed to stop himself from coming. She was so beautiful as she bounced, her tits wiggled and her neck arched back as she ground into him on a moan. Fuck, if she kept this up he wouldn’t last. He moved one of his hands down and he pressed on her clit, moving his thumbs in circles.

  She threw her head back and slammed down on him. He felt her pussy squeeze his cock so tight it was almost painful. He pumped into her and yelled his own release. She fell onto his chest and traced her name tattoo. “I love you.”

  Damon wrapped his arms around her, holding her close to him. Becky was his. He couldn’t believe he’d gotten so lucky, and that a guys’ vacation had found him such a treasure. Damon knew he could never go back to being without her. “We’re going to have to move, aren’t we? You’ll want to be closer to your work. I don’t like you working, but if we are closer and you promise to call me or a doctor if anything doesn’t feel right, I’ll live. I can move and find a house closer so you can work. I know how much you love your work. I want you happy.”

  Becky looked up from his chest. “I promise I’ll be safe.” She brushed her lips over his and sat up. Becky gathered his hands and placed them on her small rounded stomach. “I love this child. I have from the moment I found out. He is a part of the man I love.”

  Daman grinned. “He, you think?” Damon rubbed her stomach, feeling the shape.

  “I think the baby will be a boy.”

  “You look beautiful, radiant. You glow.” He leaned up and kissed her stomach. “Thank you.”

  “Why are you thanking me?”

  “You’ve given me more than I could ever dream of. I never thought I’d have kids. I never wanted them, but with you I want everything. I want this precious gift you’re giving me. I want to be a father.”

  “I know you’ll be the best dad in the world.”


  Becky awoke to a cold bed and to her breasts aching. She groaned as she touched one breast. She’d expressed because yesterday she’d gotten the okay from the doctor that she could start making love with her husband again. Last night she’d pumped so a bottle would be ready for her baby, and she’d worn her sexy lingerie to bed, ready to surprise her hubby only to fall asleep before Damon got into bed.

  Moaning, she got out of bed and padded to the door next to their room where she saw Damon with a small blue bundle in his beefy arms. She loved him more every day, especially each time she saw him with their son. He was the best father. It hadn’t been a smooth ride. They’d had a lot to work out. They moved closer to her work and she paid her rent until Amanda found someone else to share with. The first couple of months living with Damon had been rocky, but they’d known they loved each other and could make it work.

  Becky had lived without Damon, and she wasn’t willing to do it again. The biggest adjustment for her was realizing how crazy some of Damon’s fans were. Most women didn’t care he was married. Becky staked her claim any time she could, but she didn’t need to. Damon made it known to everyone he now was a one woman man, and he wanted no one but her. He may have stopped his playboy ways, but he still fought a lot… mostly on the ice. Jacob had slowly come around, but he and Damon would never be close again. Caleb was like the brother she never had, and was Zane’s godfather.

  She leaned against the door, smiling as Damon cooed to their son. “Mommy needs sleep, little one. I know you want to be on her boobs all the time. I do, too, but she thinks they’re hers. Really, you’re lucky I’m sharing them with you.” Damon kissed Zane’s cheek. “Let’s go see if she left any more milk for you before she went to bed. She was pumping away when I read you your story. The one you had before I came to bed was a big one. You guts that down. You get your appetite from me. That’s a good thing, because it means you’ll turn out big and strong.” Damon turned and a smile spread over his face as he saw her. “Hi, angel.”

  Damon walked to her and kissed her until Zane gave a lusty cry. “We’ve been chatting for almost an hour. I think he is hungry.”


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