Survivor Stories

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Survivor Stories Page 29

by J P Barnaby

  “Sal, hey man, thanks for coming,” Kage said and caused Ben to look up sharply, forgetting for a split second about his fear so he could exhale. With a quiet, desperate sigh he prayed no one heard, he looked up and caught the eye of a tall, thin man in a Led Zeppelin T-shirt, who shook Kage’s hand.

  “No problem. This your boy?” the man asked, giving Ben a once-over. Not in a trashy or cheap way, but more like he was appraising Ben. With a nod to him, he surprised Ben by holding a hand out. “I’m Sal. I’m going to be taking care of you tonight. Do you know what that means?”

  “Ben, hi. Kage said you’re going to monitor me and keep me safe during the flogging.” Surprised by the casualness of his own voice, Ben held his hand out to shake. Sal took it, and the strong grip reassured him.

  “Okay, Kage, I need him to strip down so I can check him over.” Kage nodded at Ben, who grabbed the hem of his T-shirt with a light flush in his cheeks. He didn’t think he’d ever get used to stripping down in public for demonstrations with Kage. In the garage, when they were alone, it didn’t seem to matter so much, but in the club with everything exposed, he felt vulnerable. The button on his jeans came next before he remembered his boots. Adrenaline, nerves, and arousal made his hands shake imperceptibly when he pulled at the laces. The murmur in the room dulled in the background, and Ben glanced up to find that the crowd had started to watch.

  “Put the boots back on when you’re done,” Kage said when Ben started to take off his socks. He nodded as he pulled the sock back on and then straightened. Focusing on Kage instead of the audience at his back, Ben jerked his jeans and briefs down. He heard a cat call behind him when he bent to free his feet. Hoping the heat in his face would be attributed to being bent over, he pulled his boots back on.

  “Okay, come here, boy,” Sal said as Ben tried not to wrap his arms around himself. His dick wasn’t hard yet, but it was certainly interested, even with the fear and embarrassment. Sal ran his hands intimately over Ben’s body. The touch, more clinical than sexual, still made his stomach tighten under the gentle fingers. “Good, very good—no hair. Are you ready?”

  Ben’s eyes shot to Kage, who stood a few feet away, impressive in his leathers. As Ben had learned the past few years, it wasn’t leather that made a Dom, but Kage looked hot either way as he filled a glass bowl with something from a bottle that read 70% iso—, cut off by the outer curve. Accelerant. Justin stood nearby with something that looked like an old-fashioned oil lamp, which he lit with an old Zippo. Jesus, he was really going to do it. In that moment, something caught Kage’s attention and he looked up. When their eyes met, the heat in Kage’s nearly seared Ben. He’d never seen that kind of intensity in his Dom before.

  “Let’s do this,” Ben said and kicked his feet shoulder width apart and waited in his display position, fingers linked behind his neck. For just a fraction of a moment, Sal lost his perfect composure, and the longing in his face startled Ben. In the next second, it had gone, but the feeling of being wanted, of being desperately needed, stayed with him as he tried to center himself.

  “Rest your hands on your thighs and stand comfortably. He’s going to warm you up with just the flogger first, and then light it up,” Sal instructed. Ben watched him grab a towel from the stage next to them, come up just behind him on the right, and then plant his feet as he took his position. It occurred to Ben, probably a little late, that he was braced as if to catch him if he lost consciousness. Jesus fucking Christ.

  His hands balled into fists at his sides and he closed his eyes.

  The first strike of the flogger fell across his back so gently, he couldn’t be sure he’d felt it. The next few were the same, very light strokes to comfort him, slowly building to something stronger. Sensuality flowed from Kage’s arm down Ben’s back, he could feel the eyes of the crowd on him, and his cock grew harder. The rising sting in his back forced a low moan from his slightly parted lips.

  “That’s it, boy,” Sal murmured as he tweaked Ben’s nipples. The strikes weren’t anything near Kage’s hardest; they just gave him a pleasant buzz across his back and ass. His dick throbbed with Sal’s words low and hot against his ear. “You want him to fuck you, don’t you? Right here in front of the room, just get you on your hands and knees. Such a good little whore you’d be too—would you suck my cock while he fucked you? Do you want us to fill your holes?” The subspace deepened with his words, taking Ben under with the pain and humiliation. An hour ago, he’d have said no, but with the endorphins and the arousal, Ben wanted exactly what Sal described. He wanted to be forced onto his hands and knees and fucked hard for the amusement of the watching crowd. He wanted to be filled and stretched and used.

  A cry of pain and need escaped and he spread his legs wider.

  Shoulders tensed in anticipation of the next blow, he waited with his hands clenched on his thighs and his head bowed. After a moment, Ben opened his eyes and saw Sal watching Kage, so he chanced a quick glance over his shoulder. Kage dragged the flogger through the liquid in the bowl and then wrung out the excess. Ben couldn’t watch them set it aflame, he couldn’t. So, he turned his head quickly and focused on the face in front of his. Sal’s expression changed slightly as he took in Ben’s rapid breathing. A strong hand came to rest on the back of Ben’s neck.

  “You can do this. Kage wouldn’t even have asked you if he didn’t believe it. Take a deep breath.”

  “Is it lit?” Ben asked through sheer determination, surprised at how little his voice shook. He filled his lungs again, deeply, and tried to figure out exactly what he was afraid of. Not the pain; Kage had flayed him within an inch of his life more than once. Not the crowd; they’d done public displays before, and his clothes were already long gone. The fire. Would his skin bubble as it melted?

  “Yes. Brace yourself,” Sal said as he moved out of Ben’s line of sight. He could feel Sal’s presence over his right shoulder, out of the way of the flaming Kevlar strips that would flay his skin. A hot flash across his back startled him, though nothing made contact. His head shot up, and he looked around for Sal as the breath burst from his lungs. It felt… wet, but the flash of heat was gone almost immediately.

  “He’s building. The flogger will touch your skin before he finishes. Focus and breathe.” Ben nodded and tried to focus on Sal’s voice. The crowd gasped, and a flash of light caught his attention. The room had been too dim for him to really notice before, but someone had placed a huge mirror in front of Ben, who watched the fiery arc of the flogger as it streaked toward his naked skin. Strangely beautiful, like a serpent of fire swimming through the air, it mesmerized him and held every bit of his focus. He loved the way the flogger illuminated his Dom’s face in a wicked, unearthly demonic haze as he pulled it back for each successive strike. Kage sliced the flogger through the space between them, creating spiraling torrents of light and color like an Olympic gymnast twirling a blazing ribbon. Using a palette of red, yellow, and orange flame, Kage painted fire on the air.

  “You ready?” Sal asked as he wiped Ben’s back quickly with a towel. The heat seared across his skin again, hotter, closer than before, and he closed his eyes tightly around stinging tears. Sal’s low voice in his ear made his heart rate jump as he gave Kage the go-ahead to beat Ben with open flame.

  He screamed as the flogger touched his skin, first from the fear, then from the pain. With his fair complexion, Ben had had his share of sunburns, but the heat on his back was ten times worse than anything he’d ever felt before. Sal swiped excess alcohol off Ben’s skin and asked if he was okay. He tried to unclench his jaw to speak, but nodded instead as the pain dissipated and he waited for the next blow to crash upon his skin in an explosion of pain. His erection faded with his panic.

  The expectation set, he didn’t scream with the next few blows, but the cries forced from him by the pain tore at his throat anyway. Sal continued ducking and weaving as he wiped the wetness from Ben’s back, but with one harder strike, the pain didn’t dissipate. It spread across his rig
ht shoulder, almost as if the flame attached itself to his skin, and he screamed. Sal covered his back quickly with a towel, dousing the flame. For a moment, with the wet intensity of the pain, he thought maybe Sal wiped away blood, but he said it was just the excess accelerant. Sal had to get it off his skin so the flame wouldn’t linger.

  A muffled curse from his right made Ben look back over his shoulder to see. Sal used the towel in his hand to smother his singed arm hair. He must have gotten nailed by the flogger as he tried to wipe Ben’s back. For one blissful moment, the pain stopped while they set up again. Ben closed his eyes against the intensity of the room. A sort of Technicolor haze surrounded everything. The murals on the wall behind the mirror glowed with unearthly color. Ben closed his eyes against it because the room had started to spin.

  The blows came faster and heat seared along the back of his neck. A low quiet voice in his ear urged him to look up, to look into the mirror. With every ounce of strength he had left, Ben raised his head just enough to peer into the mirror, and his breath caught in his throat. The flogger flew over his skin in alternating arcs of incandescent flame. The scorching trails left in its wake exploded into wings of fire, casting shadows over his face, transforming him into an angel of vengeance.

  Sobs came with the last set of strikes, and he couldn’t hold his head up any longer. His body felt disconnected from his consciousness. Soaring, flying on wings of pain, he struggled to stay within the confines of the club. With the last blow, he nearly lost his footing, but Sal held him and murmured encouragement in his ear that he didn’t really catch. He panted into the spotter’s shoulder, the scent of alcohol and sweat heavy against his skin. Then, suddenly, Kage’s arms came around him from behind. He didn’t care about the coarse hair on his Dom’s chest scratching his sensitive skin or the way his legs wouldn’t quite support him. He’d done it, and the pride in Kage’s voice made everything worth it.

  “God, I knew you would be beautiful. I’m so fucking proud of you.” As he spoke, Kage rubbed Ben’s chest, slowly, tenderly, as he continued to murmur praise against his boy’s skin. A quiet sound, not quite a groan, rolled from the bottom of Ben’s feet up through his body as he arched back against Kage. The combination of praise, adrenaline, and endorphins left him dizzy as blood surged to his cock. Though he was sure he’d ache the following day, Ben flew so fucking high right then. The hand trailing down his chest flattened over his abs, and he rubbed his bare ass against Kage’s crotch.

  “You were such a good boy tonight. Tell me what you want and it’s yours,” Kage whispered, his voice barely discernible above the low din of the room. A treasure trove of sexual delights lay before Ben as he struggled to believe it. The surprise in Kage’s offer knocked the wind from his chest, and Ben opened his eyes. Surprised to find the crowd still present, still watching, but he found he didn’t care. He knew what he wanted. As the hand cupped his balls, he reached back and grasped at Kage’s thighs, pulling him closer with a desperation that frightened him.

  “Please…. Kage, please fuck me,” he begged, words punctuated by the harsh breaths he struggled to control. Teeth sunk into his neck, and he fought the rising wave of arousal that threatened to drown him. Ben knew they couldn’t fuck in the club. That kind of sexual display would get them arrested in Chicago even if it was a private club, but he needed something. Kage’s praise mingled with the sweat on his skin, and his fingers clenched as he tried to grab hold of anything to steady himself but failed.

  “Take your boy in the office, I’ll clean up,” Sal offered with a few firm strokes of Ben’s cock. God, it felt so good. Ben’s back arched further, and he thrust his hips forward into the touch. Turning his head to the side, he pressed his face against Kage’s chest, nearly losing his resolve. He begged with his body, a silent plea for release. Nothing turned him on like pride from his Dom. Nothing.

  “Justin, if you let me use your office, and you’re a good boy, I’ll let you watch me fuck him.”

  Ben didn’t bother looking for Justin’s hateful response; a gentle push toward the back of the club said everything. Kage grabbed his half-empty bag from the floor, tossed it to Sal, and put a steadying hand between Ben’s shoulder blades as the lingering crowd parted and let them through to the office. Justin unlocked the door and stood back to let Kage and Ben pass. Ben didn’t hesitate to press his chest against the top of Justin’s immaculate desk. His fingers groped for the far edge even as he spread his legs to brace himself. Adjusting his hips so that his aching cock wasn’t trapped against the wood, he looked back over his shoulder and felt the naked longing plain in his face.

  “I’ve never had a boy that turned me on like you do,” Kage growled as he ripped the lube from his pocket. Ben thrust his ass against Kage’s hand as his Dom lubed the tight little entrance. Just to tease it seemed, Kage finger fucked him, making sure to glance off his prostate with every few strokes. It wasn’t enough to make him come, but it made his balls fucking zing with pleasure. The room spun and sweat beaded on his head while he waited, suspended in the bliss of Kage stretching his hole.

  Though his breath made hot condensation patterns on the wood, it was cold and unforgiving against his cheek. His whimpers bounced off the highly polished desk, which dug into the tops of his thighs, but he couldn’t force himself to care when Kage’s cock head stretched him wide.

  “Yeah…,” Ben moaned as his Dom breached the tight ring of muscle guarding his body. The stretch and burn never lessened no matter how many times they fucked, and it made his cock throb. Movement caught his eye. Even as Kage sunk deeper into him, Justin rubbed his own dick in a slow tease. Pumping his hips slowly, the guy seemed mesmerized by the erotic show playing out across his desk. Kage fucked Ben in short, quick strokes and gently let his body grow accustomed to the shaft driving into it.

  Ben’s abs tightened as strong arms wrapped around his waist, pulled him back and impaled him on Kage’s dick. He couldn’t keep the slow whine from being forced out of his chest while Justin’s fist twisted and jerked. The head peeked out of the boy’s tight grip each time he thrust his hips forward. Lost in his own world of lust and need, Justin grunted in time with the movement of his cock through slickened flingers.

  Ben heard a quiet, “please, Sir,” from the floor behind him, but ignored it. The thick cock in his ass commanded all of his attention. God, Ben loved the way Kage nailed his prostate every fucking time. Moisture on the tip caught the breeze as his dick swayed heavy between his legs. He tried to bounce on the cock thrusting into his ass, but Kage held his hips still. He could do nothing but open himself up, hold on for the ride, and take everything his Dom had to give.

  “Oh…. Fuck me, Kage…. Fuck me.” The need stole most of the volume from his breathy cry, but Ben still heard it over the slapping of skin. His fingers slid across the slick polished desk as they tried to find purchase, something, anything to hold on to. Instead, he finally succumbed to the need for contact and grabbed the back of Kage’s thigh. Ben held him just for his own comfort. The slapping of Kage’s hips against his ass punctuated the low pleasured grunts in Ben’s ear.

  “God yeah…. Harder…. Fuck…. Can I jack off, Kage? Please?” Ben asked, as his legs trembled from strain and desire. His fingers cramped with the need to touch his cock.

  “It’s your reward, boy. You can come when you want. Shoot your load all over the floor and I’ll make the boy beg me to let him clean it up,” Kage grunted, and Ben heard the thread of amusement in his tone. Right then, he didn’t want to think about the guy stroking his cock on the floor behind them as he watched. He wanted to focus on Kage, and on the rising tide of orgasm in his groin.

  With a desperate cry, Ben shoved his other hand between his body and the desk and wrapped a trembling hand around his dick. He never wanted it to end, but the tingling in his balls refused to be ignored. As he spread his legs farther, he heard a strangled sound from the floor behind him. Glancing back, he saw gobs of white come splatter across Justin’s chest as his hand
flew over his dick. Unable to concentrate on the spectacle, he focused his attention solely on his own pleasure.

  Pressing his forehead against the desk, he stroked his cock, twisting over the head, hitting all the spots he liked. The babble coming from his mouth no longer mattered. He wanted to come and come hard, spray the desk and floor of the kid’s office. The muscles in his back and legs tensed, and he held his breath in anticipation. The room stank of sweat and sex, but Ben barely noticed as the fire raced down his spine and out through his cock. His whole body tightened, and as he gripped Kage’s cock with his ass the man jerked and hot come showered him from the inside.

  “Fuck.” The word, muttered with gravel and sweat in his ear, made his body tingle with the afterglow of pleasing his Dom. One of the hottest fucks they’d had in their yearlong agreement. It had worn them both out, and Kage sagged onto Ben’s back with a rare kiss to his neck. The door opened and closed behind them, but Ben didn’t move. He didn’t care if the sound indicated someone coming in or someone going out; he wanted to preserve the peaceful glow as long as he could.

  Kage shifted his weight, and a wicked pain sliced across Ben’s back. He yelped, surprised by the sudden sensation, and broke the stillness of the moment. A bright light came on over them as his Dom flipped a switch on the desk lamp. Gentle probing fingers moved over his right shoulder blade and then the comforting weight on him disappeared. He heard rummaging and considered turning to look, but was too blissed out to move right then. A cold sensation on his shoulder made him jump.

  “Yeah, I caught you on that shoulder. I’m going to give you this burn cream. You need to put it on that shoulder a couple of times a day. The burn isn’t serious, but it’s going to sting for a while,” Kage said with another quick kiss between his shoulder blades. Ben tried to move, but simply moaned instead and put his head back down on the desk. A sharp smack on the ass punctuated the harsh chuckle behind him.


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