Fight 4 Us: Legacy

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Fight 4 Us: Legacy Page 6

by Grenda, Brian

  Javier looks at James and asks, “In the Factory, any weapons that our workers were making?”

  “Oh, yeah. You have some great weapons being made here,” replies James.

  James walks over to Hector, Felix, and Javier.

  Hector, James, Javier, and Felix all grab a shot glass.

  “To family and friends! May we live forever!” shouts Javier.

  Javier drinks his shot of tequila, followed by Hector, James, and Felix.

  Felix looks around the room and feels a certain vibe in the room. Felix notices the Mexican and Colombian flags as well as a variety of luggage, guns, and blades.

  Felix looks at Javier and asks, “Can I ask you a question?”

  Javier replies, “Sure.”

  “What is this place? Is it connected with the cartels or something?” asks Felix to Javier.

  Javier looks at Ileana and then Hector.

  Hector starts to get worried.

  “Does that bother you, if it was?” asks Javier with his Colombian accent to Felix.

  Felix replies, “No, I’m fine with it. Just wanted to know.”

  Javier’s tone of voice starts to get aggressive and hostile towards Felix.

  Javier looks at Felix and says, “This place and most of the businesses on this street have been in my family since the 80’s. My family and I have lived here in St. Pete since the early 80’s. We have been through a lot.”

  Ileana puts her hand on Javier’s shoulder.

  “I meant no disrespect. I was just curious. I think this place is awesome,” says Felix.

  Hector says, “This place is important, and the people here are doing a great service for Tampa Bay.”

  Javier smirks and says, “Thank you Hector. I would like to think so. We are trying to make St. Pete and Tampa Bay great again.”

  A man knocks on the door.


  “Come in!” shouts Ileana.

  A man walks into the room and says, “I fixed this weapon sir.”

  Felix sees that the man has his double blade sword and walks over to the man.

  “Thank you, Marcello,” says Javier.

  Marcello hands Felix his double blade sword and exits the room.

  “Let me see your sword Felix,” says Javier.

  Felix brings Javier his sword.

  Javier presses the blade release buttons, and the sword blades extend out of the center handle.

  One of the sword blades extends out and stops right in front of Felix’s neck.

  Felix looks down with his eyes at the sword blade and freezes in fear.

  “Oops, I almost got ya there,” says Javier to Felix.

  Javier keeps the sword blades extended out and glares at Felix.

  Felix doesn’t know what to do.

  Javier releases the sword blades back into the center handle.

  “Looks to be working properly now,” says Javier as he hands the sword to Felix.

  Hector tries to calm the situation down.

  “Thank you for your hospitality Javier and Ileana, but we must be going,” says Hector.

  “So soon?” asks Javier to Hector.

  “Yeah, we have a couple more places to check out around here and then get back to the Haven,” says Hector.

  “How are things where you live?” asks Javier.

  “Things are great actually. The Haven is great,” answers Hector.

  Felix feels the awkward tension with Javier and excuses himself from the room.

  Hector tells James to go with Felix.

  Hector looks at Javier as James exits the room.

  “He meant nothing with his question. Felix just gets inquisitive sometimes and asks stupid questions,” says Hector to Javier.

  “I don’t like outsiders asking about our business. You know who our family is and what we have been through. I would expect better from you, and the people you bring around here,” says Javier to Hector.

  “I’m sorry. I apologize. I would never want to disappoint you. I know what you are capable of,” says Hector.

  “Relax, Hector. You are part of my family. Mama and Papa love you. I love you. You are safe with me. I wish you would stay here and work for us. You are my cousin after all,” says Javier.

  “Maybe one day. You still plan on going to Mexico someday?” asks Hector.

  Javier replies, “You always have a job here with me. We plan on going to Puerto Rico, Cuba, Mexico, and hopefully back to Colombia one day.”

  “Your brother still connected with the Coast Guard?” asks Hector.

  “Yes sir, he’s still the best Coast Guard helicopter pilot around here,” says Javier.

  “I miss him, tell your brother I said hello when you see him,” says Hector.

  “I will. Come back in three days. I will have your new weapon ready,” says Javier.

  Javier and Hector shake hands.

  Hector says goodbye to Javier and Ileana and then exits the Factory.

  Hector meets up with James and Felix who are standing near the front door of the Factory.

  Hector starts walking down the street.

  James and Felix follow Hector.

  Hector makes it back to his car.

  Felix and James enter Hector’s car.

  Hector looks at Felix and says, “You can’t be asking questions like that with Javier. He is very dangerous; his people are very dangerous.”

  “I meant no disrespect,” says Felix.

  “Javier is old school. His family and his workers are people that we want on our side,” says Hector.

  James says, “So they are cartel. That’s pretty awesome.”

  Hector starts his car.

  “It’s only awesome if they trust us. Trust me. It’s not good to be on Javier’s bad side,” says Hector.

  Hector drives his car down the street.

  “Where are we going next?” asks James.

  “Home. I think we have had enough excitement for today,” answers Hector.

  “They had so many weapons there. Stacks and cases of guns, bullets, machetes, knives, and swords. I’ve never seen an arsenal like that before,” says James.

  “I saw pallets of food and water also. They must have a lifetime supply of beans, water, and canned goods there,” says Felix.

  “They are definitely stocked for the apocalypse. Javier used to be heavy in the drug game, but now that has all changed. Control of food, water, and weapons are the real power moves. Javier is trying to supply the right people with weapons to fight the dead and the militia. Javier is trying to do big things around here and in nearby countries,” says Hector.

  “I hope they are winning. I hope the living are winning,” says James.

  “Did Javier say how his people and other countries are making out against the dead?” asks Felix.

  “He didn’t say, but he has big plans coming up. Let’s keep our mouths shut the next time we see Javier though,” replies Hector.

  Hector drives down the street and approaches The Grove.

  James and Felix look out the windows of Hector’s car as Hector drives by The Grove.

  There is a small line to get into The Grove. Guards, police, and people are walking around the parking lot of The Grove.


  Two Grove guards take down two approaching zombies.

  “There have been a lot more dead ones coming around here lately,” says a Grove guard to another Grove guard.

  An altercation breaks out between some people waiting in line to enter The Grove.

  Three-armed Grove guards walk over to the altercation.

  “What’s the problem here?” asks a Grove guard.

  “Nothing, everything is fine!” shouts a chubby black man that is standing in line to enter The Grove.

  A Grove guard walks over to the chubby black man and says, “There better not be, or I will throw your ass out of here.”

  The people in line stare at the armed Grove guard.

  The chubby black man quietly stares at t
he armed Grove guard.

  “Everyone stay in line and keep your mouth shut! We don’t need any more problems today!” shouts the armed Grove guard.

  The three-armed Grove guards walk away from the people standing in line.

  Two people standing in line start laughing as the armed Grove guards walk away.

  One of the armed Grove guards walks back over to the people standing in line.

  “Is something funny?” shouts the armed Grove guard.

  “No sir,” replies one of the people who were laughing.

  Everyone is quiet as they stand in line now.

  Two different Grove police officers watch as the one-armed Grove guard keeps yelling at the people in line.

  “Sanchez is such a dick. He doesn’t need to be so hard on everyone,” says Officer Wade to Officer Palmer.

  Officer Palmer says, “Yeah, Sanchez, Schneider, and Schmidt are total dicks.”

  Officer Wade looks at the people standing in line and says, “It’s been pretty bad around here since Dr. Morris let that new group in.”



  “She won’t go with all this noise around here,” says Tamara to her husband Jan as they walk their dog Luna around the parking lot of The Grove.

  “Let’s go to the very far end of the parking lot away from this building,” says Jan as he holds Luna’s dog leash.

  Jan, Tamara, and there little white dog Luna walk to the very back section of The Grove parking lot.

  “Come on girl, I’m sure you need to go to the bathroom Luna,” says Tamara to Luna.

  Luna finds a tree in the back section of The Grove parking lot near the back corner of the fenced in property.

  Several armed Grove guards, who are guarding an entrance to The Grove, watch Jan, Tamara, and Luna.

  Luna looks around to make sure the area is safe.

  “Come on girl,” says Tamara to Luna.

  Luna checks the area one more time and goes to the bathroom near the tree.

  Luna finishes peeing and runs away from the tree.

  Jan, Tamara, and Luna stand under the tree and enjoy the shade from the tree.

  “Do you think Belgium is doing okay?” asks Tamara to Jan.

  “I would like to think so. I hope Belgium and the rest of the world is doing okay,” answers Jan.

  Jan sees a herd of zombies walking in the distance.

  The zombies are staggering around a street just outside of The Grove.



  An unknown group of people kill the herd of zombies as Jan looks down the street.

  “I would like to think that the Belgium people and country are working together and winning the war against the dead. I hope that’s happening everywhere,” says Jan.

  Tamara hugs Jan as they look into downtown St. Pete from inside the parking lot of The Grove.

  “Let’s get back inside before people try to take our stuff,” says Jan.

  Tamara, Jan, and Luna walk from the very back section of The Grove parking lot and towards the side entrance doors of The Grove.

  Jan, Tamara, and Luna make there way back inside The Grove.

  Jan picks up Luna.

  Tamara and Jan walk towards their section of 134.

  Three large men walk towards Jan. Jan sees the men coming and tries to move out of the way, but the men don’t move at all.

  One of the men bumps into Jan’s shoulder.

  Jan almost drops Luna onto The Grove concrete.

  “Hey, watch it! Watch where you are going!” shouts Tamara at the man who bumped into Jan.

  The man that bumped into Jan turns around and glares at Tamara.

  Jan hands Tamara their dog Luna and walks over to the man.

  “There was no need to bump into me. I tried to move out of your way,” says Jan with his Belgium accent.

  “Guess you didn’t move far enough,” replies the large man that bumped into Jan.

  Jan can’t believe how inconsiderate the large man is being.

  The other two men that are with the large man are just watching.

  A group of people have gathered around Jan now.

  The large man that bumped into Jan steps closer to Jan now.

  “What are you going to do about it?” shouts the large man at Jan.

  Jan steps closer to the large man.

  Jan wants to punch the large man in his fat face.

  Jan is slightly shorter than the large man, but considerably lighter than the large man.

  The large man is a white middle-aged overweight gentleman that is from the South.

  Jan looks at the large man and notices his overgrown beard, his pale bald head, and his sleeveless black shirt.

  “It’s not worth it Jan, let’s go back to our section,” says Tamara.

  Jan starts to walk away from the large man and over to Tamara.

  “That’s right Jan! You walk away! You ain’t gonna do shit in here!” shouts the large man with his southern accent.

  The large man pushes Jan’s back as Jan steps towards Tamara.

  Jan loses his balance but doesn’t fall to the ground.

  Jan regains his balance, turns towards the large man, and kicks the large man in the genitals.

  The large man falls to his knees and Jan punches the large man in his fat face.

  The large man falls onto The Grove concrete floor.

  The other two large men step towards Jan.

  “Alright! Alright! That’s enough everyone!” shouts Kat as she walks over to Jan and Tamara.

  Kat picks up her radio and says, “I need a couple guards over here by section 134.”

  “They are on there way,” replies a man over the radio to Kat.

  “You are dead pal! You don’t know who we are and what we are capable of!” shouts one of the large men as the other large man helps the large man Jan punched in the face up from the concrete floor.

  Jan and Tamara go back to there belongings in section 134.

  “What happened here?” asks Kat as she looks at the group of large men.

  The large men don’t say anything.

  Kat steps closer to one of the large men and says, “I don’t like you causing problems around here.”

  Kat presses into the large man’s face that was punched and says, “Nothing looks broken, but we’ll get you some ice.”

  The large men start to walk away from Kat.

  Two-armed Grove guards walk over to Kat.

  “Where’s the problem?” asks an armed Grove guard to Kat.

  “It’s over now. It was with those guys walking away. It’s their third problem in two days,” replies Kat.

  One of the armed Grove guards looks at the large men and asks, “You know who they are right? Who they are with?”

  Kat answers, “No.”

  “They are with the new group that knows Dr. Morris,” says the armed Grove guard to Kat.

  “Damn it. That group has been nothing but a pain in the ass,” says Kat.

  Kat looks at the large men and sees them go up to the second level of the stadium.

  “Has that group taken over the level two boxes and suites?” asks Kat to the armed Grove guards.

  “Yup, they took them all over,” replies an armed Grove guard to Kat.

  Kat excuses herself from the Grove guards and starts walking towards a hallway that leads to Dr. Morris’ office.

  Deb walks over to Kat and says, “I think someone is stealing stuff from here. Our supplies have dwindled down a lot over the past couple days.”

  “Thank you, Deb. I’ll look into it, but I think I know what’s going on around here,” says Kat.

  “Also, I haven’t seen Suzie, Carly, and Bill since they asked me about the church,” says Deb.

  “I’ll talk with you later after I finish what I’m doing. Keep an eye out for those kids and anything else going on around here,” says Kat to Deb.

  Deb stops walking with Kat.

  Kat makes it to Dr. Morris’ off

  Dr. Morris’ office door is closed, and strange sounds are coming from inside her office.

  Kat listens to the sounds, before she knocks on the office door.


  Kat knocks on Dr. Morris’ office door.

  A loud moan is heard as Kat stands outside of Dr. Morris’ office door.

  Kat looks at her watch and jokes, “I guess it is time for the doc’s daily dose of vitamin D.”

  About a minute goes by, and Dr. Morris’ office door opens.

  A bald white man leaves Dr. Morris’ office.

  Kat can’t make out who the man is, but she sees that the man is white, bald, and is wearing military clothing.

  “Come in Kat!” shouts Dr. Morris.

  Kat walks into Dr. Morris’s office and closes the office door.

  Dr. Morris fixes the objects on her desk.

  “How can I help you Kat?” asks Dr. Morris as she sits down in her desk chair.

  Kat walks closer to Dr. Morris’ desk.

  “We have been having more and more problems with the new group that moved into the level two boxes and suites,” says Kat.

  “I haven’t seen any problems here, but what’s the problem?” asks Dr. Morris.

  Kat replies, “Well, things are missing. More supplies are gone, and there have been several altercations lately.”

  “What do you want me to do about it?” asks Dr. Morris.

  “I want it to stop, and we need to have stricter rules around here. We are getting low on supplies and we can’t just go buy more of them,” answers Kat.

  “How about you ask your friend to bring more supplies here?” asks Dr. Morris.

  “I can’t do that. Ryan and his group have done a lot for us. I just got a bunch of supplies from him recently,” replies Kat.

  “Well, it sounds like Ryan has more than enough,” says Dr. Morris.

  Kat gets frustrated with Dr. Morris and feels that she isn’t going to be any help.

  Kat looks at Dr. Morris and says, “Thank you for your time. I’ll leave you alone now.”

  Kat walks towards Dr. Morris’ office door.

  “Kat?” asks Dr. Morris.

  Kat ignores Dr. Morris and keeps walking.

  Dr. Morris feels that Kat isn’t listening to her and shouts, “Kat!”

  Kat slowly turns around and looks at Dr. Morris.

  “Yes,” replies Kat.


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