Eternal 1: Eternal Embrace

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Eternal 1: Eternal Embrace Page 5

by Ann Lory

  Dimitri paid the waiter, leaving a handsome tip for having stayed so long, then escorted her out to his car. Before he opened the door, he took both of her hands in his and held them close to his heart. The pads of his thumbs stroked along the inside of her wrists; he felt her pulse quicken. “May I take you to one of my favorite places?”

  “I’d love that.”

  Kissing her palms, he released her, appreciating the way the dress hugged her curves and her slender legs as the dress inched up when she slipped into her seat. Quickly closing the door, he took a deep breath and proceeded to the driver’s side.

  Dimitri drove up the coast toward his home, but they did not go there. Turning down a gravel road, they headed further up the incline by the cliffs, coming to a stop near a rise overlooking the skyline of San Francisco. Stepping from the vehicle, he walked to her side first, then to the back of the car and opened the trunk.

  She watched his body, amazed at how he seemed to blend in with the night. The thought sent a momentary chill down her spine. All the same time, she remained intrigued by him.

  Cassie grinned as he returned to her with a blanket over one arm, a bottle of wine and two wineglasses. When he offered his free arm, she tucked hers under his and let him escort her near the edge of the cliff, where he spread the blanket and she slowly sank to the ground. He lowered himself beside her, then opened the bottle before pouring out the red liquid passing a glass to her.

  “What should we drink to?” His voice was low and husky, sending shivers of delight through her.

  “Let me think.” Holding up her wine, she smiled. “How about to a wonderful first date?”

  Touching his glass to hers, the contact ringing clear as a bell, he returned her smile. “To a wonderful first date and hopefully another.”

  Tucking her legs beneath her, Cassie looked into his dark eyes. “I would like that very much, Dimitri.” She fought against her rising desire. Her body felt at war, her stomach quivering and her nipples tightening. She ached for his palms to cup her breasts. His gaze was so intense on her face that she had to look away or risk throwing herself into his arms.

  Focus on something else! She looked out into the expanse of the night sky and inhaled the fresh air, forcing herself to see the view. Everything seemed so tranquil and San Francisco appeared incredibly beautiful from up here; the lights especially were bright and colorful. She felt as though she were looking at a painting.

  Cassie took a sip of her wine; its heat seemed to flow right to her core. When she felt calmer, she looked at him. “It’s gorgeous here. Thank you for bringing me.”

  “It’s my pleasure. I thought you would appreciate this.”

  “I do,” she said, shifting her position to a more comfortable one. “Do you drop by here often?” She hoped he understood what she really wanted to know.

  He answered simply. “I like to come here alone and try to be at peace with all that is around me.”

  She smiled, relieved that he didn’t bring other women to this spot. He could be lying, of course, but she didn’t think he was. “This is a special place to you?”


  “Then I thank you again for sharing it with me.” She reached up and gently brushed the hair from his face, her fingers skimming over his ear and trailing over his neck. She felt him tense beneath her touch, so she tried to pull away, but his hand caught hers. Warm waves of pleasure rushed through her, and she gasped. Her tongue darted out, gliding over her lips.

  He groaned, turning his cheek into her hand, yet his gaze remained fixed on hers. “I look into your eyes and am reminded of stories told to me as a boy of the gods and goddesses. I believe your eyes must be the color of a nymph’s. They seem to grab me and hold me in their depths every time I stare into them, making me wonder if I have fallen into a dream.”

  His softly whispered words melted her heart. No one had ever talked to her or treated her the way he did, nor touched her like he was doing now. She felt protected and cherished, and would gladly stay here forever with him.

  “I’ve never heard such sweet words before.”

  His fingers trailed down the curve of her cheek. “Then I will tell you such things often.”

  “I love the way you talk.”

  He cocked his head to the side, his dark eyes alight with humor. “How do I talk?”

  She smiled and shrugged. “I don’t know. You just have this way of saying things that sound so old world, and you have such a soft and pleasant accent.”

  “I have lived here for so long now I am afraid it has faded with time.”

  “Maybe a little, but it is enough, I promise.” She gave a small giggle at her admission.

  She was beautiful -- her cheeks were tinged pink, her eyes brilliant and vibrant -- so full of life and wonder. Her heartbeat was rapid, the sound ringing in his ears, pounding a pleasing echo in his mind. A gentle breeze blew the silken wisps of her hair around her face, and Dimitri ached, wanting the feeling of being with her never to go away.

  He breathed deeply of her scent, even as the luscious smell of her blood hummed a tune through her delicate body. His fangs lengthened; he wished desperately to taste her.

  Dimitri tried to turn away, but Cassandra closed her eyes and leaned close to him. Her lips skimmed his chin, then dipped to caress along his neck. His eyes rolled back into his head as she branded his flesh with her kisses. As her fingers curled around his neck, he brought his mouth down to meet hers. The press of their lips was gentle at first, then turned demanding.

  Dimitri felt his cock stiffen, strain against his pants. The blood flooded through him, and his need to possess her was strong, urgent! He roughly pulled the clip from her hair, burying his hands in her silken tresses, then lowered her onto the blanket. She moaned, and it fueled his burning desire.

  Her scent overwhelmed him, and the feel of her beneath him drove him on as she continued to answer each of his kisses, her hands roaming over his chest, his jaw, then back into his hair.

  Grasping the thin spaghetti straps of her dress, he pushed them aside, and the bodice fell to reveal her perfect breasts. Intense longing and hunger tore through him. His hand covered her silken flesh, rubbing and caressing. She looked at him, her purple eyes glazed with passion. Careful to keep her from seeing his fangs, Dimitri lowered his head and replaced his hand with his lips.

  She arched into him, crying out the second his tongue swirled around her taut pink nipple. Delicious! Everything about her was driving him over the edge, and the urge to bite her, to take a taste, roared fiercely within him. He lifted his head, capturing her gaze.

  Barely realizing what he was doing, he sent a mental push for her to offer herself to him. She tilted her head to the side, exposing the slender column of her neck. Dimitri leaned over her, his tongue laving over her beating pulse, and was about to sink his teeth into her tempting flesh, when he heard her whisper his name.

  Crying out, he shoved away from her, then stood quickly and whirled around so that she could not see his eyes, which were undoubtedly glowing. He stalked to the cliff edge and closed his eyes, taking deep, ragged breaths and willing himself under control. Behind him were the sounds of her sitting up and righting her dress, the material a soft whisper over her flesh. He could hear the way her heart beat ... nervous, fearful.

  Opening his eyes and taking one last breath as his fangs receded, Dimitri returned to Cassandra. He reached down and gently helped her to her feet. “Come. I should drive you home. This was a perfect evening and I want you to remember it as such.”

  Obviously confused, Cassandra let him guide her back to the Porsche. When they were on the road back to her apartment, he saw her turn to look at him. “Is anything the matter?”

  He clasped her hand in his. “Cassandra, you are perfect. I had a wonderful time with you tonight, but I don’t want to rush you.”

  She leaned over and kissed his cheek. “I enjoy being with you.”

  They rode in contented silence.

When they pulled into her parking lot, she was blushing for some reason. Once they reached her apartment door, she turned to him. Tugging her into his arms, he held her close for a moment. “Agapi mou,” he whispered, and kissed the top of her head.

  She looked up at him, her arms going around his waist. “What does that mean?”

  His fingers gently glided over her cheek. “It means ‘my love.’” His lips touched hers in a soft kiss. Her body quivered as he pulled her against his hard body.

  She sighed, closing her eyes. “Why are you with me, Dimitri?”

  Her question took him by surprise. “Why do you ask such a thing?”

  She shrugged, her lids lifting so she could see into his eyes. “You’re rich, handsome. You could have any girl you want. Why me?”

  “You are not just any woman, Cassandra. You have a good heart, you are kind and you are absolutely beautiful to behold.”

  Her cheeks turned pink. “Thank you.”

  He ran his lips over the backs of her hands. “Good night, Cassandra, I’ll call you tomorrow evening.”

  “Good night,” she whispered, then entered her apartment and closed the door behind her.

  Chapter Five

  The phone rang early the following morning. Cassie answered it with a perky hello.

  “So, are you ready for tonight?”

  “Oh, hi, Kelly.” Her mood deflated.

  Kelly laughed. “Sorry, I’m not Dimitri.”

  “He said he wouldn’t call till later, anyway. What’s tonight?”

  “I knew you’d forget! You’re supposed to be my date for Gina’s Halloween party.”

  “I have my costume. I just forgot it was today.”

  “Do you want me to come by and pick you up, or will you come get me?”

  “I’ll come get you. I might go see Dimitri afterward.”

  “So, how was your date?” Curiosity and anticipation was clear in Kelly’s voice.

  “I had a wonderful time, and I was actually able to find out some things about him.”

  “Do tell.”

  Cassie laughed. Kelly questioned her about every detail, but Cassie was reluctant to share everything about him with her, especially the post-dinner conversation on the cliff. There were some things she felt should be kept between Dimitri and her. Finally, Kelly got off the phone so they could get ready for their friend’s party.

  Cassie waited anxiously for Dimitri’s call and could hardly contain her excitement, the wild beating of her heart, the smile plastered on her face or the evidence of her pleasure when he did. “Hello.”

  “Cassandra, how are you?” Pleasurable goose bumps rose on her flesh at his seductive voice.

  “Wonderful, and you?”

  “Wonderful now that I’ve heard your voice, of course.”

  If possible, her grin got bigger; her face was beginning to ache.

  “What are your plans this evening?”

  “I promised Kelly I would go with her to a Halloween party. I was wondering if you would like to meet me there.”

  There was a pause before he spoke again. “Cassandra, I don’t do well in crowds.”

  She tried to sound as persuasive as she could. “It’ll be fun.”

  He was silent on the other end of the phone, and she wondered if he was going to answer her before his deep voice finally announced. “I’ll be there.”

  She had to resist jumping in the air. “Great! The address is 5402 West Maple Road. Do you need directions?”

  “No, I’ll be able to find it.” He sounded amused.

  “Okay. I’ll see you there in a couple hours, then maybe we can go back to your place afterward.” Her voice had lowered to a husky whisper.

  “Of course.”

  Cassie and Kelly walked into the party of wall-to-wall costumed people. Cassie looked for Dimitri, disappointed when she could not find him.

  Dressed as a vampire, Craig walked up to them. His hair was black, white paint covered his face, fangs protruded from his mouth, and red paint clearly representing blood streaked his chin.

  “You look great, Cassie!”

  Pleased by his words because she had wanted to look her best for Dimitri, she inclined her head. Her hair was pulled back and piled in a loose bun atop her head, with tiny blue flowers delicately placed throughout. Her dress was dark blue satin, black pearls outlined the bodice that pushed her breasts up to expose a wealth of cleavage and the skirt was covered with a floral pattern of black lace that billowed out around her. Slippers matching her dress covered her feet.

  “Thanks,” she yelled back, trying to squeeze her way through the crush of bodies to the refreshment table.

  Craig, seeing where she was going, grabbed her arm and stopped her. “What do you want to drink? I’ll get it for you.”

  “See if they have punch.”

  “Okay. Kelly?” Her friend nodded and he left. Minutes later, he was back with beverages for both women.

  “Thanks!” Cassie smiled at him.

  Music for a slow dance started, and the lights were turned down low. Kelly was already out on the dance floor; you couldn’t miss her in the naughty angel outfit that hugged every curve of her body. She was dancing with a man Cassie didn’t recognize.

  Craig took her hand. “Let’s go, Cassie!” She hesitated. “Come on, it’s just a dance.”

  “Okay,” She set her punch down on a table and let him lead her out onto the floor. He pulled her to him, arms going around her waist, but she placed her hands on his shoulders and tried to push herself away so that they weren’t touching so intimately.

  He ignored her attempts and tugged her closer.

  “Craig, you said this was just a dance.”

  “Sorry.” He loosened his grip slightly.

  When Dimitri arrived at the house, he already knew where she was, for he could distinguish her heartbeat from the others, would know her from her scent alone.

  He looked in a window as he passed by and saw her. He lost his breath at the lovely view of her dressed in a garb of the past, like a royal lady at court. She was the most radiant woman in the room, and he wanted to charge in there and be the one to sweep her off her feet.

  Her partner led her around the dance floor, holding her in his arms and looking like the happiest man in the room. She smiled up at him, laughing at his jokes, blushing prettily when he told her how beautiful she looked.

  Dimitri wanted to rip them apart. How dare that fool touch her? He was certain his eyes must be glowing with anger, and he felt his fangs lengthening. He wanted to kill, to make the man suffer. Suffer for being human and for being able to hold her and grow old with her if he desired. He was livid that the man’s heart beat during the day, that he could walk in the sunlight -- that he lived.

  He growled deep in his throat when the man’s hand splayed across her lower back, moving her closer to him yet. In that instant, Cassie looked over at the window with wide eyes, and he tore away into the night.

  Cassie knew someone watching her. She turned her head quickly and stared. She would swear a pair of eyes glowed by the window; she didn’t know why, but she thought of Dimitri immediately.



  She pulled away from Craig. “Nothing. I have to go. Can you give Kelly a ride home?” She didn’t wait for his answer as she pushed her way quickly toward the doors. She had a bad feeling. The fact that Dimitri wasn’t there, the sensation of being watched ... something didn’t feel right.

  “Yeah, sure, is everything okay?”

  “Yes ... no ... I don’t know!” She waved him away. “I’ll talk to you Monday.”

  As she lifted her skirts and ran out of the house, she saw a Ferrari driving away. It had to be his car, no one else at the party could afford a vehicle like that.


  Her only answer was the loud music coming from the party. Running to her car, Cassie made the drive to Dimitri’s.

  * * * * *

  Cassie knocked on the
door and Rowlin answered, his eyes wide with surprise. “Ms. Stephens?”

  “Is Dimitri here?”

  “No, Ms. Stephens, he is not. I thought he would surely be with you.”

  “No. He left the party before ever coming in. Can I wait for him?”

  He cocked his head, looking as though he were listening to something. Cassie frowned, but just as quickly he straightened. “Yes, please come in.”

  Mentally shrugging away the oddity of his actions, Cassie followed Rowlin to the study. The fireplace was ablaze, filling the room with warmth and invitation. “Can I get you anything?”

  She shook her head. “No, I’m fine. Thank you.”

  “Good night, then, Ms. Stephens.” He turned and left, leaving Cassie to her thoughts.

  Had she imagined those eerily shining eyes peering through the window at the party? They had seemed so real. And why had she thought immediately of Dimitri? More importantly, why would he have left without seeing her first?

  She walked to a plush chair and ran her hands over its high back, her fingers gliding around the soft fabric. She sat down.

  His chair. Dimitri’s scent seemed to enfold her and she imagined being in his arms here. Cassie closed her eyes with a contented sigh as she allowed herself to drift off to sleep.

  He knew she was still there the moment he entered the house despite the fact it had been several hours ago that he’d given Rowlin permission to let her stay. He walked into the study and found her asleep in his chair. She was lovely, but looked small and vulnerable resting there.

  Sitting on the ottoman by the chair, he devoured her with his gaze for a long time. He watched the rise and fall of her chest, appreciating the dress she wore that gave him an ample view of the creamy tops of her breasts. His mouth went dry. The mounds were high and would fit perfectly in the palms of his hands.

  He breathed in deeply, absorbing her scent and his, the man she had been dancing with. Anger welled up in him again. He could feel the beast threatening to unleash itself and was amazed at his jealousy over a mortal man! Clenching his fists at his sides, he tried to bring his wrath under control, but when he thought of the smile she had bestowed upon the other man, his feelings quickly turned into rage. He glared at the fire, a low growl escaping his throat.


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