Unleashed by the Moon (A Royal Shifters novel Book 4)

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Unleashed by the Moon (A Royal Shifters novel Book 4) Page 1

by L. P. Dover

  Table of Contents

  Unleashed by the Moon

  Royal Shifters Series


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  About the Author

  Other Books by L.P. Dover


  A Royal Shifters Novel


  L.P. Dover


  Turn of the Moon

  Resisting the Moon

  Rise of the Moon

  Unleashed by the Moon

  Bound by the Moon

  Claimed by the Moon

  Tempted by the Moon

  Taken under the Moon

  Saved by the Moon

  I’m not done with my wolves yet!


  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written consent from the author.

  Unleashed by the Moon (A Royal Shifters Novel)

  L.P. Dover

  Copyright 2021 by L.P. Dover

  Edited by: Amy Briggs

  Cover Designed by: RBA Designs

  Photo taken by: Furious Fotog

  Chapter 1


  Summer in Wyoming.

  Everything about it is pure heaven to me. As I walk out the cabin’s back door toward the forest, the sun shines down through the trees, leaving rays of light in sporadic places; it’s breathtaking. Even if I weren’t a shifter and drawn to nature, I’d still think it was otherworldly. In all reality, it is. Shifters aren’t the only magical beings on earth. I’ve heard of fallen angels, vampires, and even demons, but the only other creature I’ve met was a fae prince who pretty much put my pack right in the middle of a faerie war. Thankfully, we didn’t lose anyone, but it did make my life harder.

  The problem is I’m an unmated twenty-six-year-old royal arctic wolf, the last female royal in my pack. That alone makes me a target, both good and bad. That’s why I have Micah—my protector—to watch over me. For years, we hid away after my parents and some of the other Royal pack members, including Micah’s parents, were slaughtered. For a long time, everyone thought the royal arctics were dead, but now we’ve reunited, at least, some of us. Micah found his two brothers, and now I have my older brother, Colin, who is still unmated and loving life, and my sister, Bailey, is mated to the Teton pack alpha, Ryker. They just had a son, which officially makes me an aunt. Maybe one day I’ll get to find my mate and have children of my own. Do I see that happening? No. I’ve never gotten the chance to see the world. One way or another, that has to change.

  Taking in a deep breath, I look up at the sliver of blue sky through the treetops. The ground is soft beneath my bare feet from the late-night rain. Everywhere I look, the grass glistens; the perfect painting. I take it all in and remember every detail to put it on a canvas later.

  My thoughts are interrupted when I hear something behind me. Footsteps. They are very light and not meant to be heard, but I can sense them—a predator stalking its prey. I’m strong, taught to fight, even to the death if that’s what it takes.

  Closing my eyes, I concentrate on the wolf closing in on me. He’s in human form by the smell of his skin. When we become our wolves, there’s more of an earthy scent to us.

  “Did you honestly think you could sneak up on me?” I call out.

  Laughter erupts behind me. “Maybe. You had that daydreamy look on your face you get when you’re not paying attention to your surroundings.”

  Slowly, I turn around and glare at my friend and protector, Micah, with his whitish-blond hair and stark blue eyes, wearing only a pair of black gym shorts. Women everywhere always tell me how envious they are that I have him all to myself. It’s not what I want. What I want is for him to separate from me and find his mate. He deserves to be happy.

  “That’s what I wanted you to believe,” I tell him. “If I appear distracted, others get careless and think I’m easy prey.”

  Micah shakes his head. “Yeah, but you let me get too close to you. That’s a dangerous game, Faith.”

  “But I knew it was you,” I say, wishing he’d ease up on me. All he wants is for me to be able to defend myself, and I know I can do that. I’ve spent my whole life training to fight. There has to be more to life than this. Lifting my arms over my head, I stretch my muscles out. “What’s on our agenda today?”

  Micah squats a few times and stretches out his legs. “We have a landscaping job at the MacEntire house this morning. I figured we’d train and then head over.”

  Nodding, I follow his lead and work on my legs. Back when we were in hiding, we were always in the yard working together. He’d cut the grass, and I’d pay attention to the details in the gardens. A couple of months ago, we decided to start up our own business, Lyall Landscaping. Micah doesn’t need the money, but I know he enjoys it. I love gardening, and so did my mother. Doing it makes me feel close to her, like she’s right there with me.

  We stretch in silence, but I can feel his eyes on me. “What’s wrong, Faith? I can always tell when something’s on your mind.” He should already know because I’ve had this spiel with him numerous times, and every time he tells me to forget it. I look over at him, and he turns his head. “Seriously, Faith? Again, with that nonsense. How many times do I have to tell you I’m not going anywhere?”

  Feeling my impatience wear thin, I jump to my feet. I don’t know why I ever thought I could get him to back down. “That’s the problem,” I snap. “Don’t you want to get away from me, to live your life without constantly worrying if I’m in danger? I want more for you. I feel like I’m keeping you from your mate. She’s out there somewhere.”

  Micah’s jaw holds firm, and he stands. “I have no doubt, Faith, but my duty is here with you. I made a vow, and I’m going to keep it.” My wolf stirs inside of me, desperate for the freedom she’s never been allowed to have. I’d give anything to run through the woods by myself and to travel wherever I want. I don’t have the heart to sneak away in the middle of the night because I know all he’d do is search for me. That’s not the kind of life I want for him. Micah blows out a sigh and places his hands on his hips. “If you want me to break my vow, I will,” he states, staring at me with a twinkle in his eyes. “You know what you have to do.”

  Groaning, I close my eyes. We’ve been through this a million times. He’s a royal arctic alpha, one of the strongest shifters in the world. I may be a royal too, but my strength will never be greater than his. Will I accept the challenge? Hell yeah.

  I crack my neck
and smile. “You’re on.”

  His eyes glow for a second, and then he smiles. “I’m ready.”

  I lunge first, and he jumps out of the way, grinning smugly like he always does when I miss him. All it does is fuel my anger more. I want my freedom so bad I can’t seem to think of anything else these days. Why can’t he see that’s what I need? He knows me better than anyone else.

  Fire burns within me, and I embrace it. I use every ounce of strength I have to attack him. He dodges me left and right, but I don’t back down. Sweat pours down my back, and my heart races so fast I’m afraid it’s going to burst. Out of all my training, something has to give. Micah never fights the same. He does it on purpose so his opponent can never figure out his next move. It’s a skill I’ve tried to hone, but he’s had many more years of experience than me.

  Sucking in a quick breath, I veer off to the left instead of the right and turn my body away from him, sweeping my left leg behind his, knocking him off his feet. He lands on his back with a loud thunk. Without hesitation, I pin him to the ground, my body aching from exhaustion.

  Micah looks up at me, wide-eyed and surprised. “Not bad.”

  I want to celebrate my win, but I’m tired, both mentally and physically. Micah knows it too. His smile fades, and he sighs, but I cut him off before he can speak. “You could be so much happier if you just let me go. I promise I’ll be okay.” My eyes burn, but I refuse to cry. “I want you to be happy.”

  His blue eyes stare right into mine. “I am happy, Faith.” His muscles tense underneath my grasp, and the next thing I know, I’m on my back, sucking in a strangled breath as the wind gets knocked out of me. He straddles my waist and winks. “Your emotions made you lower your guard.”

  I’ve failed again. Growling, I prepare to push him off of me, but then the ground beneath us rumbles. Tree roots shoot up out of the grass and wrap around Micah’s wrists and ankles, jerking him off of me. He hits the ground hard, and a giggle echoes from behind me. I smile as I look over my shoulder at Laila, looking angelic in her white sundress and her bright red hair in loose waves down her back.

  “I think Faith won,” she teases as she walks toward us.

  I get to my feet, and Micah tries to fight against the roots, but they tighten around him. “She has to beat me without your magic,” he calls out.

  Laila is a royal arctic just like us, but she’s also half-fae. That’s where her magic comes from. She’s mated to my good friend, Cedric, and they are expecting their first child in about five more months. Our pack is growing fast with all the newly mated females having babies, all of which will be considered royal.

  Brushing the dirt off my clothes, I walk over to Laila. “What made you stop by?”

  Her grin widens. “Honestly, I wanted to watch you guys train. I miss being able to spar with you both.”

  “And cheat by using your magic?” Micah grumbles, huffing with impatience.

  Laila bursts out laughing and holds a hand on her belly. “That too.” She turns to me and winks. “Another reason I’m here is to see if you could find some time to come by and look at the nursery. Cedric just finished painting the walls, but I was hoping you could add some finishing touches since you’re the artist around here.”

  Ideas already start circulating through my head. “I would be happy to. Let me change clothes, and I’ll head over before Micah and I have to be at our job.”

  Laila squeals. “Perfect. I’ll see you there.” She flicks her wrist in the air, and the tree roots immediately unwind from Micah’s body. He jumps to his feet and glares at Laila, but then he shakes his head and smiles. “You know I love you,” she says to him.

  He waves her off. “Yeah, yeah, yeah.”

  She giggles and moves closer to me. “I tried.”

  “I know.”

  Turning on her heel, she makes her way back to the front of the house. I can feel Micah’s eyes on me, but I keep my back to him; I dread facing him. “Shall we get back to training, or are you done?”

  With a heavy sigh, I can still feel the weight on my chest. I wish he could understand how I feel. The guilt. The frustration. It hurts my heart to no end. “I’m done,” I say, feeling more defeated than I ever have before.

  Micah blows out a breath and moves closer. “What’s changed in you, Faith? Things are different between us.”

  He places a hand on my shoulder, and I turn to him. He’s over a hundred years old, but he doesn’t look a day over twenty-five. I take his hand and hold it between mine. One day, he’s going to make the perfect mate.

  “I love you, Micah. You’ve been my only family for a very long time.” I squeeze his hand and pull him closer. “Ever since we joined the Teton pack and reunited with our families, I’ve seen the way the others live their lives. I appreciate you keeping me safe, and I’ll always and forever be grateful for your sacrifices, but when is it going to end? When are you going to live your life? And also, when am I going to live mine?” A tear slips down my cheek. “You have to let me go at some point.”

  His gaze saddens as he wipes my tear away with his thumb. “I know.”

  “You do?”

  He nods. “I’m not an idiot, Faith. One day you’ll find a mate, and you won’t need me anymore.”

  Hearing that breaks my heart. “I will always need you, Micah. We may not share the same blood, but you’re my family. All I know is that we both could use some freedom.”

  Deep down, I know he has to want the same thing. Micah stares right into my eyes, and I’m prepared to hear him say it’s not going to happen, but that’s what comes out of his mouth.

  “Okay,” he says, making my heart stop.

  “Okay?” I reply. “Okay, what?”

  He chuckles lightly and steps back. “I’ll give you some freedom.” Eyes wide, I start to shout for joy, but he holds up a hand. “It’s only a little bit, Faith. I’m not letting you go completely.”

  I fling my arms around him. “Hey, at least it’s a step in the right direction.”

  He hugs me back. “Come on. We have to get to Laila’s and then head to the MacEntire’s.”

  Squeezing him hard, I kiss his cheek and let him go. “Thank you. This means a lot to me.”

  He snorts. “Just stay out of trouble. Can you do that for me?”

  I salute him. “You got it.”

  Chapter 2


  Today has been the best day of my life so far. Everything is coming together just the way I want. Micah and I finished our job at the MacEntire house early, which left me plenty of time to take a shower and get ready for my evening out. He agreed to let me venture into town on my own with Amelie so we can shop. When you think about it, it sounds ridiculous. I’m in my mid-twenties and going out alone without my protector for the first time in my life. Then again, I deserve the freedom. There is much to celebrate tonight.

  I can hear Amelie’s car turn down our driveway. We both joined the Teton pack around the same time, and now we live together. As soon as her car comes into view, I rush out onto the front porch. I received an important phone call earlier and have yet to tell her.

  She gets out of the car and whistles at me. “Don’t you look sexy showing off those long legs of yours.”

  Since it’s summertime, I chose a pink sundress with a sleeveless denim jacket to add to the outfit. Even though the temperatures are warm, it still gets chilly at night. Not that it matters to a shifter. Amelie walks around to the passenger’s side where a box filled with school supplies sits in the front seat.

  “I could say the same to you,” I reply, watching her bend over to get the box with her short skirt on. Amelie looks the same age as me, but she’s actually a couple of decades older. Shifters can live to be hundreds of years old. Unfortunately, the leading cause of death for our kind is other wolves. “It’s a good thing you work with little kids. If you were a high school teacher, those boys would be drooling all over you.”

  Amelie chuckles and tucks her caramel-colored hair
behind her ears before picking up her box. “It’s a good thing I’m not. I don’t need any of that nonsense. My students are done with school so none of them saw me in my little skirt. All I had to do was clean up my classroom and say goodbye to the other teachers.” Holding the box in her arms, she uses her foot to shut the car door. “I’ll probably work at Blake’s ranch this summer to earn some extra income.”

  Grinning wide, I move out of the way so she can come up the stairs. “That sounds like fun.”

  Her brows furrow as she walks up. “Why are you grinning like that?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. I might’ve gotten a phone call this afternoon from a certain elementary school principal.”

  She gasps. “Please tell me you got the job?”

  Excitement bubbles in my veins. “I did. You’re looking at your school’s new art teacher.”

  Amelie squeals and drops her box on the porch, flinging her arms around me. “Faith, I’m so happy for you. You’re going to love the kids.”

  I hug her hard and laugh. “It’s only for two days a week, but it’ll give me time to help Micah with the landscaping business on the days I’m not working.” With not having any teaching experience, I didn’t think the school would hire me. I showed them a portfolio of my work, and Amelie made sure the principal knew I had paintings for sale in the art gallery in town.

  Amelie lets me go. “You were right. We do have to celebrate tonight. Are we thinking dinner and shopping?”

  She doesn’t know that Micah will be staying behind. “That’s exactly what I’m thinking. Go put your stuff up so we can leave. I don’t want to waste any more time.”

  Her gaze roams toward the inside of the house. “Micah’s not here. Don’t we have to wait for him?”

  I shake my head. “Nope. We came to an understanding this morning. It’s about time I had a little bit of freedom.”

  Amelie’s eyes narrow. “And he gave in just like that? Why do I feel like he’s just pulling your tail?”


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