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Jude_Signature Sweethearts

Page 12

by Kelsie Rae

  I’m a little nervous to meet Derrick. I’ve heard so much about him, and I’m not great at making good first impressions.

  “Umm… sure.” I smile tightly before trying to gain the courage to face the situation at hand.

  Jude senses my hesitation. He slips his phone into his pocket then pulls me into another comforting hug. One I didn’t even know I needed. “Quin, Derrick is going to love you. Don’t fret your pretty little head.” He kisses my nose affectionately and waits for me to acknowledge him.

  I take a deep breath in through my nose, and let it out of my mouth, before nodding and mentally psyching myself up to meet Jude’s best friend.

  “I sure hope so,” I mumble as I stare at Jude’s stubbled chin and delectable mouth.

  He laughs lightly, amused by my childish behavior.

  Gently, he tilts my chin up to make sure he has my full attention. “Kitten. You’re going to knock him off his feet. He’s going to be smitten with you because I am, too.” He leans forward and places a gentle kiss against my lips. I open my mouth greedily, enjoying his unique flavor while trying to deepen the kiss. Jude chuckles as his distraction technique works like a charm.

  “Are you ready?” he asks sincerely. I know that if I say I’m not, he will listen. That truth alone is enough to make me nod my head.

  “Yup,” I breathe, popping the ‘p’ at the end. “No time like the present.”

  Jude grins at my faux enthusiasm. “Well then, your chariot awaits.”

  He leads me to the loading area and flags down a shiny new Tesla with a blonde guy in the driver’s seat who I assume is Derrick.

  After pulling over, Derrick steps out of the front, and I’m taken aback at how big the guy is. He reminds me of Thor from those Marvel movies. Derrick steps forward with his hand stretched out in my direction. “Hi, Quin. I’m Derrick. It’s nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.” His smile is kind and immediately puts me at ease.

  “Hi,” I answer, shaking his hand and smiling in return. “I’ve heard a lot about you, too.”

  “I hope he’s only said good things,” Derrick teases.

  “Only that you’re a giant wanker with a penchant for sticking his nose in places where it doesn’t belong,” Jude jokingly interrupts.

  Derrick grins in return before pulling Jude into a bro hug, with a slap on the back and everything.

  “Hey, man. It’s good to see you! Work hasn’t been the same with you being gone.” He grimaces. “Speaking of… I didn’t want to bring this up as soon as I saw you, but we’re having a bit of a coding issue and could really use your expertise for a few hours. Is that alright with you?”

  Before answering, Jude looks at me while silently asking me if I’m okay with being ditched or not. I appreciate his concern and nod my head in return. “You know, I’m actually pretty beat from that plane ride. Why don’t you guys drop me off at the hotel, and I can take a shower and a nap. Then you can pick me up before the ceremony. What do you think?” I look into Jude’s captivating eyes as he assesses me from head to toe, making sure I’m not lying to him.

  He must believe me, because after a quick perusal, he turns to Derrick. “That should be fine, mate. Did Bree get the room all taken care of?”

  “Yeah, she’s staying at the hotel a few blocks from your place. We’ll drop her off really quick then head to the office.” Derrick turns to me. “She’s sorry she couldn’t come with me, by the way. Bree’s been really excited to meet you but had to babysit her nephew for a couple hours. You’ll see her tonight, though.” Derrick’s voice gets light and airy at the mere mention of Bree, and I can instantly tell that their relationship is solid. I don’t even need to see them together to know, without a doubt, that their love is the real deal. I’m envious of them until I sneak a peek at Jude. Maybe we could have a love like that, too.

  “Well, I look forward to meeting her tonight then.” I smile shyly, as I remember that I am having a conversation and should save my daydreaming for the hotel.

  We all pile into Derrick’s sleek Tesla. Jude insists on sitting in the back seat with me, making Derrick act as our chauffeur.

  “I might need to get you a cabby hat for Christmas, mate,” Jude teases.

  Derrick takes Jude’s innocent ribbing lightly before changing the subject. I can tell their friendship means a lot to each of them, and I’m a little jealous that I don’t have someone like that in my life.

  The car ride is filled with playful banter between Jude and Derrick as we head to the hotel. Each of them peppers questions in my direction every few minutes to make sure I feel included, and I appreciate the gesture. The time goes by quickly, until Derrick pulls up to a hotel where I assume I’ll be staying for the night. We have to keep our trip ridiculously short because of the championship next week. In all honesty, I’m shocked I was able to come in the first place.

  “It was great meeting you, Quin. We’ll talk more tonight. And thank you for letting me steal Jude for a couple hours. I really appreciate it,” Derrick says. He has somehow twisted his giant torso in my direction and is leaning over the center console from the front seat while looking at my tiny frame in the back.

  “It was really nice to meet you, too. And thank you for picking us up from the airport. I’m sure Jude will forget to show his gratitude, so I figure I should do it for the both of us.” I wink at him teasingly before exiting the car. I’m a little surprised by my playful behavior considering I just met Derrick, but he’s such a likable guy that I can’t help myself.

  Jude has already slipped out of the car and grabbed my luggage from the trunk, so I’m the last to exit the vehicle. By the time I climb out of the seat, he’s waiting by the valet guy and grinning from ear to ear.

  He looks too mischievous for his own good, and I furrow my brows as I take in his suspicious behavior. “What?” I question, afraid that he’s up to something.

  “Nothing at all, Kitten. Let’s get you checked in and ready to go, shall we?” He places his arm out for me to take, and I loop my arm through his, loving his chivalry.

  “Lead the way, Mr. Williams.”

  His long legs eat up the distance quickly, and my short ones have to move at twice the pace in order to keep up. When we reach the reception area, Jude leads me straight to the elevator.

  “I’m sorry, but don’t we need to check in?” I ask while tilting my head in the direction of the old man sitting behind the reception desk.

  “Already taken care of, Kitten,” he states confidently before pulling a plastic keycard from his back pocket.

  “Where in the world did you get that?” My astonishment is apparent in my squeaky voice.

  “I have my ways,” he replies cheekily.

  My brows furrow in response, and my look must be begging for clarification because Jude concedes. “I spoke with the bellboy while you were chatting with Derrick. He fetched the key for me.”

  “Oh. And to think I thought you had some crazy mind power that’s able to deliver whatever a woman needs,” I tease while grinning from ear to ear.

  “Kitten, Kitten, Kitten,” he tsks. “You have no idea what I’m capable of delivering when it comes to a woman’s needs.” His voice turns slightly husky as his lips slip into a devilish grin. My insides combust from the sight, and my cheeks burst into flames from his not-so-subtle innuendo.

  “Um…” I pause lamely. “I guess I’ll have to take your word for it.”

  “Not for much longer, I hope,” he quips playfully before exiting the elevator and leading me to Room 305. I roll my eyes at his back, knowing that he’s full of crap. The guy would never pressure me to do something I’m not comfortable with. He’s been a perfect gentleman, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.

  “Alright, love. This is where I bid you adieu.”

  I smile politely while shrugging my shoulders, still feeling embarrassed from our conversation ten seconds ago.

  “I guess I’ll see ya, then.”

  It’s his turn to
roll his black-framed eyes.

  “You don’t think I’d leave you without a proper goodbye, do you?” he teases.

  Casually, he scans the hallway and notices we’re very much alone.

  Jude takes full advantage of the opportunity that presents itself. He sets my bag onto the carpeted hallway and steps closer so that we’re practically chest to chest. His fingers glide up the exposed skin on my arms slowly, causing goosebumps to break out along every centimeter he touches. His calloused skin is almost scratchy, but the feeling is addictive. I lick my lips in anticipation, knowing I’m about to get a torturous goodbye kiss that will leave me wanting more.

  His kisses always leave me wanting more.

  Jude smiles, and I have no doubt he can read my mind when he bends forward, closing the distance between our mouths.

  I part my lips as my hands find the belt loops on the front of his jeans and pull him closer until we’re touching from the tips of our toes to our melding mouths.

  He groans in response, his earlier bravado disappearing into thin air. His fingers tangle in my hair that is still messy from the flight. He tugs gently, causing a gasp to erupt from my parted lips, and my head to tilt toward the ceiling. He takes full advantage of my new position and takes his time nibbling on the exposed skin below my ear. Then he explores farther down my neck. I can’t help the moan that escapes me as I lose complete control over my body. My brain has officially shut down, and my feelings are running the show.

  I’m about to invite Jude into my hotel room and let Derrick sit in the car while I lose my virginity to his best friend. I’m that close to throwing in the towel when a door across the hall opens, and a little old lady walks out. She catches Jude and I going at it like two dogs in heat.

  Mmm… I wouldn’t mind trying doggy style.

  Dang it. Focus, Quin!

  Jude takes two steps back from me quicker than a striking rattlesnake. He sends a friendly boy scout smile straight to the intruder. That smile would melt anyone’s disgust at our inappropriate make-out session, and it works like a charm.

  The little lady’s outraged expression morphs into a shy smile, with blushing cheeks, as she rushes down the hall.

  My eyes follow her as embarrassment sweeps over my body, replacing the lust I was feeling just moments before.

  Jude clears his throat. “Well, that was a pleasant goodbye.” His comment breaks the lingering tension and causes laughter to bubble out of me.

  “That was something, alright,” I mumble, scraping my Vans against the carpeted floor.

  “I don’t want to keep Derrick waiting, Kitten. I’ll see you in a few hours.” He leans in before placing a much more innocent kiss on my cheek. He saunters down the hall to the elevator, whistling the entire way.

  That man oozes confidence, and his sexy swagger holds my attention hostage until he casually disappears around the corner.

  As soon as he’s gone, my body practically collapses against the doorway. Apparently, all of my endorphins disappeared right along with Jude, and I find myself in desperate need of a nap.

  The key slides into the slot on the door, and I scan the room in front of me. The place is decorated with sharp lines, orange and yellow colors, and chrome finishes. The area is sleek and modern, with geometric-shaped paintings hanging on the wall. It’s pretty standard for a hotel room. With the exception of a giant wrapped box sitting on the king-sized bed in the center of the space.

  “Umm…” I look around the room and behind my shoulder, wondering if I accidentally stepped into someone else’s room. Obviously, I’m still very much alone. I hesitantly venture farther into the vacant area while eyeing a closed envelope. It’s tucked beneath the satin ribbon that’s wrapped around the gift. Taking a closer look, I see it has my name scrawled across the front in big block letters.

  I haven’t received a present in eighteen months. It’s not like I’ve been counting or anything, but it’s hard to forget the day your dad doesn’t wish you a happy birthday.

  Grasping the envelope, I slide my finger beneath the flap and take out the note that’s tucked inside.


  I hope you don’t mind that I asked Bree to help me with a tiny surprise for you. I want to give you this little gift, but if it makes you uncomfortable, you’re welcome to reject it with no harm to my feelings. I can’t wait to see you tonight. I’ll pick you up at 7:00 pm.


  My eyes scan the letter a dozen times before I check the time on my phone. I have four hours to get ready. I normally take fifteen minutes. Obviously, I have plenty of time for a nap and maybe even a hot bath. Both of these would definitely calm my nerves.

  I can’t find it in myself to open his gift. Not yet. I’m anxious to see what’s inside, but it’s kind of like Schrodinger’s cat. If I don’t open the box, it could be anything. The possibilities are endless. If I keep it closed then I won’t need to worry about if I like it or not. If I’ll need to reject it or not. If there’s a hidden meaning behind the gift or not.

  Yes. I’m taking the coward’s way out for a little while longer. So, sue me.

  Instead, I climb under the thick covers and drift off for a long nap. A sexy British man with a swimmer’s build being the star of my dreams.

  I’m a little groggy when I finally roll over and check the time on my phone. Ninety minutes until Jude is supposed to pick me up. That was a freaking long nap!


  I guess I’ll get up and get ready.

  I enter the bathroom to find a giant bathtub with an assortment of shampoo and conditioner bottles, as well as lotions and perfumes.

  Jude didn’t forget a thing, and I love that he’s trying to spoil me. I haven’t had someone take care of me in so long that his thoughtfulness is refreshing. And maybe even a little intimidating. I’m not sure what to do with his generosity, but a nice hot bath seems like the perfect time to think about it.

  After turning the faucet on, my fingers test the water temperature, finding the perfect balance between scorching and muscle-melting.


  I look at the selection of bath salts and bubble scents, deciding on peaches and cream. I sprinkle the bath salts into the steaming tub then strip down to my birthday suit. Gingerly, I check the water one more time before slipping into the soothing bath and letting the heat envelop me in a warm cocoon.

  After lazing in the tub for way too long and turning into a raisin, I finish washing my hair and dry off with the fluffy towel the hotel provides.

  I use my fingers to comb through my hair before spotting a brush, along with a variety of cosmetics, on the bathroom counter.

  Smiling at his thoughtfulness, again, I get my locks under control.

  The wrapped gift is still sitting on the bed, silently begging me to open it. After a moment’s hesitation, I decide to give in.

  Tearing apart the gorgeous silver wrapping paper, I find a generic white box underneath. I slide the lid off and am given a glimpse of an olive-colored cocktail dress with a sweetheart neckline.

  Another note is tucked inside, the handwriting similar to the first one.


  I bet you’re a little surprised by the clothing choice I gifted you with. I know it’s not your normal attire, but I think you’ll look gorgeous wearing it. However, as I mentioned in my previous note, I will not be offended if you decide to wear what you were initially planning when you agreed to accompany me to the ceremony. I just want you with me, Kitten.

  I’ll see you soon!


  His message leaves my heart racing, and a smile on my lips. The thoughtfulness of this man is out of this world, and I don’t deserve it.

  I gently place the note on the nightstand beside the bed before examining the dress a little further. The material is silky smooth, and I know it’ll glide over my skin like a delicate feather. Excitement takes over, and I drop the towel from my chest, letting it pile onto the floor.

  Anxiously, I unzip the back
and slip the gorgeous gown over my head. It’s a perfect fit. I examine myself in the full-length mirror beside the bed, feeling like a real woman for the first time in my life.

  Losing your mom has a way of altering your perception of yourself. Because I didn’t have a woman to look up to, I shied away from the feminine pieces of myself and grabbed on to the other aspects of my life, instead. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, or that I have my dad to blame for my less-than-traditional qualities, but it’s refreshing to tap into another side of myself that’s been dormant for as long as I can remember.

  I admire the dress for a few more minutes when there’s a loud knock on the door.

  Hesitantly, I glance at the time on the clock and know that Jude’s either really early, or a stranger is on the other side.

  My tiptoes give me access to the peephole where I’m given a distorted glimpse of a girl on the other side. She’s got long, wavy hair and is holding a purse the size of a gym bag on her skinny arms.

  The door squeaks open cautiously.

  “Can I help you?” I ask the stranger warily.

  “Hi! Love the dress! I knew it’d be a perfect fit.” She’s grinning from ear to ear while I’m caught looking like a deer in the headlights.

  “I’m sorry, do I know you?”

  “Not yet! But we’re going to be best buds, guaranteed,” she answers confidently. “I’m Bree, by the way. It’s nice to finally meet you!”

  It takes me about two seconds to make the connection. “Oh! You’re Derrick’s fiance, right? He said you were watching your niece or something?”

  “Nephew, but yeah. And now I’m here with just enough time to knock Jude on his ass, girly!”

  She squeezes through the tiny opening between the door and wall before strutting into my hotel room like she owns the place.

  My eyes follow Bree as she opens her giant bag and starts taking out an assortment of makeup, shoes, and perfume bottles. She tosses them on the white comforter haphazardly.

  “I’m sorry, I think I’m still confused,” I murmur from the doorway, assessing the crazy woman in front of me.


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