Jude_Signature Sweethearts

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Jude_Signature Sweethearts Page 17

by Kelsie Rae

  I’m unable to see anyone’s position except my own. I’m currently hiding in an alley with Trevon protecting me. I’m saving my camouflage skill until I’m within reach of the gem.

  Gunshots sound throughout the headset, notifying me that a battle is happening somewhere.

  “Tank’s down!” Jonah shouts victoriously. All of our cheers join his own.

  “Shit, get out of there! Their Sniper just transported to your position!” Ronny shouts at Jonah. But it’s too late. The corner of my screen lights up with a skull, notifying me that a team member has died.

  “Dammit!” Jonah screams as he chucks his headset at his computer.

  “It’s okay,” Marcus consoles. “Jonah took out their Tank, so we’re still on an even playing field. Ronny, where’s their Sneak? We need to lure him to our base so I can take him out.”

  Marcus is currently across the game board, searching for Health Packs and ammunition. He has a Transport Device ready and waiting to be used as soon as we can corner an opponent. The Sneak is the best option because The Red Lords’ chances of winning goes down significantly if they lose him.

  Everything happens within the blink of an eye, yet feels like slow motion in the exact same moment.

  Their Sneak gets within grabbing distance of our gemstone. Ronny alerts Marcus, and he immediately transports to our base and kills their Sneak instantly, but is attacked from behind by Chase, their Team Lead. Chase leaves Marcus there with barely any life, thus setting a trap for anyone who tries to rescue him.

  When a teammate is alive, but on low health, he slowly starts to drain the rest of his team of stamina. Without stamina, we can’t heal, we can barely fight, and we can’t use our skills or any special devices found while foraging. It’s a really big deal. However, a near kill rarely happens because it’s almost impossible to execute. Unfortunately for Team AFK, Chase has officially succeeded in doing exactly that.

  “Shit,” Marcus curses. “Someone needs to come put me out of my misery or kill Chase.”

  Trevon groans. “It’s a freaking trap, man. What do you want us to do?”

  “I know it’s a trap, Trev. We need to think of something quick. If I’m down, that leaves you and Q against their Sniper and Team Lead.”

  “We’re screwed,” Ronny quips, not helping the situation whatsoever.

  An idea forms in my mind as quick as lightning. “I’ve got it,” I state, piecing my plan together as I’m already moving. “Ronny! Where’s their Sniper?”

  “Guarding their base. Obviously,” Ronny answers. It’s common sense that they’d leave someone to protect the gemstone.

  “We have about thirty seconds before our stamina drains to the point where we can’t do a dang thing.” We’re sitting ducks unless we can figure something out. Fast.

  “Twenty-nine. Twenty-eight,” Marcus counts down.

  “Trevon, you need to take out their Sniper within the next twenty-two seconds. I’m going to enter the building from the front and pray like heck that their Team Lead is cocky enough to think we’d risk saving Marcus instead of going for the gemstone.”

  Trevon transports before I even finish explaining my plan and takes their Sniper off-guard. Snipers aren’t known for facing enemies head-on. Their skills aren’t meant for that. However, when fighting against each other, there’s hope that one might pull through. Thankfully, Trevon’s surprise attack gives him the advantage. He takes out the opponent with a gruesome slice of his blade. I run as fast as my little avatar’s legs allow, my camouflage skill already in effect, making me invisible to The Red Lord’s Operator. They’re not stupid, though. They know we’re going after the gem instead of saving Marcus.

  “Shit,” Marcus curses as he watches Chase disappear from sight. He’s still alive but is pretty much worthless. The only thing he’s able to do is move around the game board, but at a snail’s pace. One more hit and he’ll be dead anyway.

  I’m two steps away from the stone when Chase appears in the corner, blocking me from retrieving the gem.

  “Go get that gem, Marcus,” I instruct before hitting a few keys on my keyboard and effectively pulling a grenade from my stash. I blow myself apart and take Chase with me.

  Marcus is the last live player in the game, even though he’s fatally wounded.

  It takes him two minutes to reach The Red Lords’ base, where he crawls in and grabs the gemstone, effectively ending the game and naming us the victors.

  There’s screaming from all sides as everyone grasps what the heck just happened.

  “You freakin’ kamikazed their Team Lead!” Jonah shouts before throwing his massive arm around my neck and pulling me in for a hug.

  “We did it! I thought we were goners, but Q pulled it off!” Ronny squeals as he exits his secluded gaming spot. His hands are in the air, and his skinny little body is jumping up and down, practically bursting with excitement.

  “You’re a genius,” Trevon adds. He claps his big hands slowly and dramatically.

  Marcus just shakes his head in disbelief while grinning straight at me.

  I’m distracted when Jude sweeps in behind me, wrapping his muscular arms around my waist before spinning me around. He’s smiling from ear to ear, his face filled with absolute pride.

  After he plants my feet back on solid ground, I pull him closer. He follows my lead and leans down until our foreheads are touching intimately.

  “Bollocks,” he whispers as he shakes his head.

  “I’m sorry... are you disappointed we won?” I ask, a smile forming.

  “I’d hoped for a more dramatic ending,” he teases while feigning disappointment.

  I laugh at his comment and roll my eyes. “I’ll try harder next time.”

  He smiles warmly before planting a kiss on my freckled nose. “I can’t believe you sacrificed yourself for the game.” His voice is filled with complete awe. “I’ve watched a lot of Gateway Guardians, Kitten. I’ve never seen someone blow themselves up.”

  I giggle in response. “I haven’t, either.”

  Jude cuts off my statement by kissing me passionately. I feed off his intensity and moan in response before biting his lower lip in return. My innocent nibble elicits a growl from Jude which only excites me further. Both of our bodies are looking for a way to burn off the extra adrenaline still pumping through our systems.

  Trevon slaps Jude on the back before he can deepen the kiss any further. “Get a room!” he shouts above the celebratory humming from the crowds.

  We laugh good-naturedly and pause to soak up the pulsing excitement throughout the giant arena. It feels good. Great, actually.

  My eyes scan the crowd when Chase appears out of nowhere, getting right in my grill. “This is bullshit,” he hisses angrily. A mist of saliva hits my face, causing me to rear back into Jude’s solid frame. His muscular arms wrap around my chest protectively, pulling me a few steps back. Chase’s face is mottled red with absolute fury before one of The Red Lords’ sponsors intervenes. And it’s a good thing too, because Jude is fuming from Chase’s toxicity, and I have no doubt things were about to get ugly. Jude isn’t a fighter, but I know he isn’t afraid to throw a punch in order to defend me.

  The confrontation happens in a matter of seconds but puts everyone on edge almost instantly. My entire team forms a protective barrier between myself and The Red Lords with Jude still holding me comfortingly. But it doesn’t stop me from catching a glimpse of Chase through the human wall surrounding me.

  Chase’s eyes stare daggers in my direction as the sponsor whispers something in his ear in hopes of calming him down. I’m not sure it really works, but Chase shoves him away before he and the rest of his team stomp down the stairs, angrily.

  I grimace. Deep down, I know I’ve made a very real enemy. When there’s as much money on the line as there is in this situation, it’s not just a game anymore.

  Jude places a much more innocent kiss against my lips and distracts me from Chase’s comment. I dismiss his words and enjoy the m
oment with Jude instead, soaking up the high that comes along with winning.

  We enjoy the spotlight on the stage for a solid ten minutes as cameras flash and screaming fans congratulate us on our first win.

  One down. One to go.

  Chapter 23


  I received a text from my little sister, Sophie, earlier today. She wanted to let me know that she and Natalie would be at the convention center for the game. She wanted to show support for her big brother. Me. We’re only three years apart, but being the oldest brother in the family is a lot of responsibility, and I’ve always taken my protective role seriously. My eyes have been scanning the crowds ever since I found out they were coming, searching for their familiar faces.

  Finally, I spot them. The two couldn’t be more different if they tried. Sophie has light blond hair that’s cut in a stylish bob. Her face is freckled, and her petite body reminds me of Tinkerbell. Natalie, on the other hand, has pitch black hair that reaches well past her shoulders. Her almond-shaped eyes are exotic, and she’s got curves that go on for miles. And when her ruby red lips smile deviously in your direction? You know you’re a goner.

  She’s also off-limits.

  As soon as I see her face, my stomach clenches. The ache is hauntingly familiar and has accompanied Natalie for as long as I can remember. Her hypnotizing eyes are focused solely on me, nearly knocking the air from my lungs. By some miracle, I manage to pull my gaze from her. I find my sister to her left and grin from ear to ear. My entire family is pretty close, but my relationship with Sophie is something else entirely.

  They both rush the stage excitedly while pushing fans left and right. I catch random guys gawking at the two bombshells within their grasp, and my fists clench at the sight.

  I’m just protective because they’re family, I remind myself. But I know that’s not true. For Sophie it is, but Natalie’s always been different. She’s always been an untouchable masterpiece. One who drives me absolutely insane. They’ve been friends forever, and I’ve always been Sophie’s older brother.

  Bouncers are scattered around the platform, and I nod my head at the one next to my girls, silently giving him the okay for them to pass.

  I grab Sophie’s hands and lift her up onto the stage. She hugs me tightly before running over to Jonah and Ronny, congratulating them, as well. I groan internally as I find Natalie’s unforgettable eyes peeking up at me from beneath her long lashes. She’s waiting for me to lift her onto the stage too. The sight causes inappropriate thoughts to filter through my mind, one lustful image after another. Shaking my head slightly in hopes of scattering them, I reach down and grab her tiny hands, lifting her onto the platform.

  “You did great,” Natalie offers. She’s wearing a Team AFK T-shirt that’s tied into a knot by her belly button, giving me a glimpse of her olive skin and making me drool at the sight. She must’ve purchased it today, I note. Natalie has matched her top with a mini skirt that exposes a hell of a lot more skin than I’m comfortable with her displaying. My jaw clenches as I scan her from head to toe.

  “What the hell are you wearing?” I ask coldly.

  “I’m sorry, do you not want my support?” she quips, her fiery personality shining from beneath her innocent facade.

  “We both know you just tagged along with Soph. Don’t try to paint it like something it’s not,” I growl.

  Our relationship has always been… strained... to say the least.

  She scoffs at my accusation. “You know what, Marcus? Nevermind. Congratulations. I’m going to go find someone who doesn’t treat me like a child and actually wants me to be around.” Her tone drips with sarcasm before she shoves past me.

  My scowl follows her swaying hips as Natalie makes her way across the stage and wraps her arms around Sophie, playfully. Her dismissal is a bitter reminder of the way things really are in comparison to the way I wish they were.

  I have fans all around me. They scream my name. They beg me to marry them. But the only girl I’ve ever wanted is untouchable. She’s my little sister’s best friend. And she will always be out of reach.

  Chapter 24


  “Bug off,” I mumble under my breath as I lead Quin away from the flashing cameras and into the exclusive after-party hosted by The Gateway Guardians League. Both teams are invited, along with their staff, and a few VIP fans who have paid a large amount of cash to attend.

  The league firmly refused paparazzi and reporters from attending, but that doesn’t stop them from camping around the entrance of the club where the party is being held.

  Apparently, Bree picked out a dress for Quin and sent it to her before the championships. The lacy, white material clings to Quin’s petite figure like a second skin, nearly making me swallow my tongue when I first scanned her from head to toe. Her hair is left down in messy waves and brushes across the exposed skin on her back.

  Quin is breathtaking without a touch of makeup on her face. But with smoky eyes and painted lips, she’s absolutely stunning. I have a feeling that Bree gave her a tutorial of some sort when we visited, and I’ve seen how easily my kitten can be taught.

  Hip-hop music pumps through the speakers as soon as the door opens, allowing us to enter. I scan the surroundings while noting the flashing lights and lack of seating area. This establishment is made for dancing and getting wasted. You can barely hear yourself think, let alone hold an actual conversation.

  My hand is possessively touching the exposed skin on Quin’s lower back. My fingers dig in slightly as I stop Quin’s progression to the open bar. Hesitantly, she looks over her shoulder, her eyes silently question why we’re lingering.

  Both hands grab her tiny waist as I pull her into my chest. My mouth hovers next to her ear before I voice my question. “Are you sure you want to grab a bevvy before the big day tomorrow?” I feel a bit like her father as soon as the words leave my lips.

  Thankfully, she doesn’t seem to be offended. If anything, she looks like she appreciates my concern for her well-being.

  “Don’t worry, Jude.” She placates me by resting her hand against my chest. “I don’t plan on getting wasted tonight. You know I’m not a drinker. Just one celebratory drink and a little dancing then we’ll call it an early night.” She places a gentle kiss against my lips before tangling our fingers and guiding me to the open bar.

  “What can I get ya?” the bartender asks, his eyes eating up my girlfriend like a piece of sponge cake. I never thought myself the jealous type, but I think I merely needed the right babe to take my fancy.

  “She’ll have a Baybreeze. I’ll take a Blue Moon,” I spit through gritted teeth while trying to maintain my composure instead of reaching across the bar and grabbing the wanker’s neck for checking out my girlfriend.

  He must read my nonverbal threat loud and clear. He scurries away in an instant, mixing Quin’s drink in front of us before popping the top off my bevvy and handing us our drinks.

  Quin places the plastic straw between her lips, greedily sucking the sweetened alcohol and causing groans to erupt around her. The innocence she exudes, combined with her fiery red hair, is enough to bring a grown man to his knees. I look around the room. All eyes are on her. Multiple men to their knees, I correct myself while glaring at those around me.

  My eyes catch Jett from across the room, and he motions for me to join him. I nod my head in return before turning back to Quin. The music is still pumping loudly. I lean into her, my lips brushing the shell of her ear. “Jett needs to speak with me for a moment. Do you think you’ll be alright here?”

  “Mmmhmm,” she hums as she takes another sip of her cocktail.

  The woman I first met would’ve been terrified being left alone to fend for herself in a room full of strangers. The babe in front of me now looks quite relaxed, without a care in the world. I catch myself smiling as I note her transformation before placing a lingering kiss on her forehead and heading toward Jett.

  “Hello, mate. Need something?” I a
sk as soon as I reach him.

  “Yeah. I was wondering if we could—” his words are lost in the pulsing music.


  His lips move again, but the sentence is muffled.

  “Let’s talk outside,” Jett yells. I nod my head in return and follow him down a back hallway and out a side door.

  The air is still warm out here, but the gentle breeze is refreshing compared to the stuffiness of the club.

  “I wanted to talk about a certain promo for tomorrow. You’ve been all over Quin, and I think we need to make a public statement before the game,” Jett repeats. I’m finally able to hear him now that we’ve stepped out.

  “I think that’s a brilliant idea,” I agree.

  “Perfect. I’ve set up a little press conference with a handful of reporters an hour before Game Two. I was thinking we could spin it, so it was love at first sight or something like that. You know how bloggers will eat that shit up,” Jett continues with his pitch.

  I laugh at his completely inaccurate retelling of how we first met. She wanted nothing to do with me in the beginning, but I’m grateful I was able to win her over in the end.

  “Let me run it by Quin, but I doubt she’ll have any issues.”

  “Sounds good. She did great, by the way. Chase was pissed at being outsmarted by a girl.”

  My jaw clenches in frustration. I know The Red Lords' Team Lead is upset, but I'm furious with how they’re spinning Quin's success, calling it an act of pure luck. Bloody rubbish! Their entire support team is struggling with having their arses handed to them by a woman. They wouldn’t have cared as much if it were a man. It’s frustrating that her gender is causing such a large blunder when they should be focused on her success as a team member of Team AFK.

  “She beat him fairly, regardless of her gender,” I fume, trying to contain my annoyance.

  “Yeah. Yeah, of course,” Jett concedes, his hands up in the air like he’s surrendering. “I’m just saying that you guys can’t lose Game Two. If you want to shut them up, Quin needs to play perfectly tomorrow. If she dies in the round, they’ll be able to chock Game One up as a fluke, and it’ll get in her head.”


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