Dominic: The Prince

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Dominic: The Prince Page 1

by Mj Fields

  Copyright © MJ Fields 2015

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of MJ Fields, except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976.

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  1st Edition Published:

  January 2015

  Published by MJ Fields

  Cover Design by: K23 Designs

  Cover Model: Mike Crowson

  Photographer: Furious Fotog

  First Edit by: Barren Acres Editing

  Final Edit by: Kellie Montgomery

  Formatting by: IndieVention Designs

  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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  This book contains mature content not suitable for those under the age of 18. Involves strong language and sexual situations. All parties portrayed in sexual situations are adults over the age of 18.

  All characters are fictional. Any similarities are purely coincidental.

  Table of Contents


  Jersey Bound

  Winds of Change



  Guilty as Charged




  It’s a go

  If it’s not fun, it’s done




  And A Movie

  DeLuca’s Demise

  Salute, Amore, Orgasmo



  Needing All of You

  Steel and Glass



  Segretti’s Rise

  Happy Beginnings


  Fight or Flight



  Meanwhile in New York

  About the Author

  More from MJ Fields

  Connect with MJ Fields

  Thank You

  How to Tie the Prince Albert Knot

  Speak Italian Like Dom

  Dominic and Laney’s story is dedicated to those who have fought to survive depressions effects.

  It is dedicated to the children of people with depression who are affected by it and the scars go unseen.

  You ARE worthy of love.

  My prayer for you is that you someday find the strength to accept that, and then you meet that person whose every desire is to show you what it’s like to feel treasured.

  One of my favorite quotes in this book is:

  “She wants you to be happy, that’s why she has stayed away. Take her fucking gift of forgiveness and do continue on. I will warn you, if you make her cry, I will make you feel the pain of a child who has lost everything.”

  I walk out the door with my belongings in hand. It is time to move the hell on. I had made a promise to myself; when it was no longer fun I would be done.

  It is no longer fun. Hell, it bypassed fun four months ago. And after this, well it is over.

  James pursued me hard and fucked me even harder. He was a player. You know the type. He’d smile and give a wink. I’d end up with a pair of soaked panties. Then, I’d do the only thing I could, turn and walk away.

  Apparently, I was playing hard to get, so he said, which made him have to have me, (his words.) After three weeks of him asking me out, I agreed to a date.

  Flowers, check.

  Dinner, check.

  A bottle and a half of wine, double check.

  He insisted on walking me into my dorm room.

  Yes, that night was the first time we had sex, but I will never admit that to my girls. We have rules. Rules that my girl, Nikki, had already broken. That lucky bitch got a hot guy, too, Abe O’Donnell. He’s hot as hell, a possessive and fickle bastard, and she got him.

  Where were we?

  Oh yes, James and our first time. It went something like this.

  ‘We’ve waited long enough, darlin’.’ With his Southern drawl and green-ass eyes boring holes into mine, I caved.

  He was big and rough, and lasted all of five minutes.

  ‘It’s okay.’ I wanted to make sure he knew I was all right with what had just happened.

  ‘Better than ok, it was damn good.’

  Uh huh. It’s not like it was awful sex. I mean, it was frequent, and he was on the larger than average size. Seven inches wasn’t bad, right?

  Apparently, two or three times a day wasn’t enough for James. That’s what he told me when I walked into our apartment about an hour and a half ago, and found him fucking the slut from down the hall.

  ‘I need it more, darlin’,’ he said, as he stood naked, while she threw her clothes on. ‘You put out more often, and we’ll be okay, you’ll see.’

  ‘Are you kidding me?’ I laughed, as I chucked all my clothes out of the closet.

  ‘I’ll talk to you later?’ I heard the bitch whisper, as I snapped around.

  ‘You have to have more self-respect than that. Did you not just hear what he said to me?’

  ‘Sex is sex.’ She rolled her eyes.

  ‘Well, just so you know, you just made it to the top of my prayer list. Bless your heart.’

  ‘You too.’

  ‘Me?’ I squeaked my response.

  ‘You’re doing him two and three times a day, and I’m in need of prayers?’

  ‘Living together.’ I pointed between James and me. I stopped when I realized there was no point in arguing with the slut, who had been banging my live-in boyfriend. ‘Get the fuck out.’

  I bent down, picked up one of my black heels and hurled it in her direction.

  ‘Oh, my God, she’s crazy!’

  ‘That’s right, skank!’ I yelled.

  I looked over at James; he looked back at me and smirked. The bastard was smirking, as he held onto himself, naked, hard, and watching the two of us bickering back and forth.

  ‘You too, you sick bastard!’ I snapped at him.

  ‘Who me?’ He looked shocked and pointed to himself.

  Oh. My. God. He was fucking clueless.

  I don’t know what came over me, but I started laughing. It was a cross between a belly laugh and a snort. Then, tears started falling, as I threw everything I owned into a suitcase and two duffle bags.

  Before walking out the door, I looked back at him. He finally had some basketball shorts on.

  ‘You really gonna leave, darlin’? Where you gonna go? Can’t go home, can’t get back into the dorms, can’t--’

  ‘Can’t stay here with you either.’

  ‘If I,’ he stopped and scratched his head, ‘if I don’t do it again, maybe you’ll stay?’

  How is it that I felt more emotion emitting from James, at that very moment, than I had in the last five months? I mean he wasn’t a complete asshole. Although, our first date may have been the last time he showed an ounce of what I would consider a romantic notion.

  I shook my head ‘no’ as he slowly approached me.

  ‘Come on, darlin’; give it another shot. Just give me one more try.’ As he took
my hand, I shook my head ‘no’, again. ‘Where you gonna go, Laney?’

  ‘I’ll find a place?’ My voice cracked.

  He shook his head. ‘Not that easy, darlin’.’

  At that moment the dam broke. At that moment, I fell apart. In that moment, James hugged me. It was the second nicest thing he had ever done for me. He slid the duffle bag strap off my right shoulder and then the other off my left. I just stood there and let them drop to the ground, as I sobbed against his bare chest.

  He wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back.

  It was probably the sweetest moment in our entire relationship—until he popped wood.

  Before pulling out of my parking spot, I look up, hoping to see him coming after me. Hoping that he would fight for me. I give it two minutes, one hundred and twenty seconds. Waiting for a man to come and beg me to come back. The man that I just caught fucking another woman: whore, slut. Whatever you wanna call her.

  Pathetic. That’s what I am.


  Mel opens her dorm room door and I hold up a bottle of wine. “Wanna help me drink this?”

  She smiles and steps back. “I’d never say no to you.”

  “Paige here?” I ask, as I walk in.

  “She’s on a date.”

  “Cool.” I set the bottle down and wiggle my jacket off my shoulders, as I look up at her. She has that look, the one of concern and question.


  “Spill it,” she says, and turns her back. She grabs two cups out of the shoebox- sized cabinet that houses their dinnerware, and red Solo cups.

  “It wasn’t fun anymore--” I begin.

  “Oh, come on. He’s what, three in a year? It’s not always about fun, Laney.”

  “Don’t you judge me,” I say, pouring the Red Cat into a cup.

  “You--,” she starts.

  “I caught him in bed with the whore from down the hall.”

  “No.” Her mouth drops open.

  I take a long drink and nod as I swallow.

  “I thought you and he had a great sex life?”

  “Great. Yeah, I wouldn’t say great. Frequent, but apparently not frequent enough.” I take another drink, watching her as she fills her cup.

  “You can stay here as long as you want, okay?”

  “Mels, I can’t be a fucking mooch for--”

  This time she cut me off. “You’d do it for us.”

  “What if you get caught and get into trouble? I won’t put you in that situation. I was so stupid to move in with him to begin with.”

  After the bottle of wine is finished, and we male bash for a while, I stand up, and yes, I stumble.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I don’t know. My car, the Y, the ... ”

  “At least stay here, tonight. I don’t think Paige will be back, so you can have her bed.” I don’t want to, I mean, I really don’t want to be someone else’s burden. “You’re drunk, Laney. Just stay.”


  I ended up staying from February until May. Mel, Paige, and I share their closet-sized room the entire time. I never spoke to James again.

  Graduation was two days away. I hadn’t spoken to my parents, either one of them, in months. They both had a fit when I had moved in with James. I was adamant that I was an adult and could make that decision on my own. Both banded together, for once in my life, and stood their ground. If I moved in with him I was not getting their support. I told them they could take their support and shove it.

  James had lasted a bit longer than the normal five minutes that night. ‘I’m proud of you, darlin’.’

  I stayed out a little later the few nights preceding graduation, not wanting to face my friends. Not wanting to face, or let them find out, what I had been hiding for six months.

  They didn’t know that my parents and I were at odds. I knew they would be pissed when they found out. I know I messed up by not telling them, but honestly, it hurt. So what if I didn’t want to share the hurt?

  I even tried to fake sick, to miss the deadline for filling out the online registration for the commencement ceremony. Did the girls allow that to happen? Yes, but--hell no. Paige rushed through the prep for her final, came home with chicken noodle soup to feed me, so I would get better, and helped me fill out the form. She even placed the order for my cap and gown at the bookstore, when I was too ‘busy.’ I didn’t have the money for them at that time, but she didn’t listen, she bought them.

  So, I was fucked.

  Two nights before graduation, Nikki and Abe come into town. They are staying in a hotel. The four of us girls, are supposed to meet up for dinner and drinks, while Abe is going to stay behind to get some work done.

  We walk into their hotel room and in typical ‘us’ fashion, we hug, laugh, and Nikki even cries. She is so excited to be back. She spent the last year of school doing an internship and Abe O’Donnell, thus the emotions.

  You should see the look on Abe’s face when the tears start rolling down her cheeks. I swear he thinks she is upset. He immediately is at her side, in true alpha male form, and she laughs.

  “Happy tears. I miss them,” she explains.

  “You sure?” he asks.

  “Yes.” She is beaming. “Now, don’t you have something to go do? We are about to embark on a four hour conversation of what’s gone on over the past,” she looks at us again, “almost year.”

  After a chaste kiss is placed to her lips, he disappears into what I assume, is the master bedroom.

  “We have so much catching up to do. You guys don’t mind if we stay in and eat, do you?” Nikki asks.

  We order sushi and go through several bottles of wine. Then, the topic of conversation centers on my break up with James.

  “I’m fine. Honest to God. I mean, really, what was I gonna do, stick around here? Marry him and move to his hometown where his life would be consumed by his family’s ranch and weekend rodeos? Shit, I was an idiot not to think about the future anyway. What would I be, Mrs. JD Farnsworth the second? The minute his little brother graduated high school, last year, his mom ran for the hills,” I say sarcastically. “She was sick of getting kicked around. So, let’s talk about something else, shall we?”

  “His dad beat his mom?” Nikki looks at me the same way she would look at a wounded bird.

  Paige laughs, “Hey, at least she gets it now, can’t save them all. Remember Heather? You two tried so hard to help her after she became consumed by her first love. Crazy is crazy, right, Mel?”

  “I’ll drink to that.” Mel raises her glass.

  I force a laugh, excuse myself and retreat to the bathroom. The mere mention of that girl’s name makes me sick to my stomach. I hate that bitch. Hate her! The girl everyone in high school shunned. The girl that Nikki and I tried so damn hard to help, was now—fucking my father. Not just fucking him, living with him. My mom was on the road with some cross-country hillbilly, riding bitch in a fucking tractor-trailer. My life literally turned upside down last year. Because of all the things Nikki and Abe had gone through, I made sure the others didn’t know. If I’m being truthful, I don’t want them to know anyway. It is embarrassing.

  I hear the door open as I sit on the cold tile floor, and in walks Abe. “I apologize. I didn’t know--”

  “It’s fine, Abe.”

  “You all right?”

  “I’m fine, emotional, you know. Graduation, all the pomp and circumstance.” I stand, trying to act like it was a joke. “Females, pfftttt. You live with Nikki, I’m sure you understand. Please don’t mention it?”

  He nods and walks out, closing the door behind him.

  Not two minutes later, the door opens. Nikki walks in and shuts it behind her. “Spill it.”

  “What?” I try to act like nothing is going on.

  “You don’t get emotional. Abe said you were upset--”

  “In front of them?”

  “Abe? No. He would never.”


  “Because he’
s amazing. He gets it. He--” She put her hand on her hip. “You’re deflecting.”

  “Am not.” Tears sting my eyes.

  “Are too,” she says and grabs my hand. “It’s me. The girl who you talked out of making the biggest mistake of her life not too damn long ago. Now, talk to me, Laney.”

  “I’m not ready--” I stop when the door opens, and Mel and Paige walk in.

  “Not ready for what?” Mel asks, as she walks over and sits on the counter.

  “Nothing, God, can’t someone just be emotional? Can’t someone just not want to sit through a stupid ceremony in a damn green gown? Can’t someone--”

  Paige pipes in, “Time to spill the beans, Laney. For a long time I thought it was James, but now, I know damn well it’s something else.”

  “My parents are getting divorced, okay? They’re both assholes, too. I haven’t talked to them in months. I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Why haven’t you said anything?” Nikki asks.

  “Cause it’s embarrassing, alright?”

  “It happens. My parents divorced when I was ten. It’s not embarrassing, it’s part of life.” Mel smiles at me. “We’re here for you.”

  “You can’t just walk away from them, either. I mean, family is family, messed up or not,” Paige interjects.

  “Yes, I can. If you three keep pressuring, I will walk out of here, too.”

  They don’t say a word, none of them. They know I am serious. And I am, too.


  I sit on a bar stool looking at the clock. An hour before graduation, and I am shit faced. I send the girls a text, telling them I won’t be there. Ten minutes later, James walks in, alone. He pulls a bar stool up beside me and orders two shots of tequila. He pushes one over to me. I shake my head ‘no.’

  “It’s graduation, darlin’. We’re gonna celebrate.”

  “Why are you here?”

  “You know, damn well why I’m here. This is my spot. So, now ask yourself why you’re here.”

  “Because, I’m pathetic.” I say, just as pathetic as I felt.


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