Defying the Odds: Risking It Book 3

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Defying the Odds: Risking It Book 3 Page 19

by Autumn Reed

  Cynthia had reverted to not speaking to me, which was for the best. She’d drawn a line in the sand, and I was happily staying on my side. I hoped we’d get past this, someday, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. I had Dad, Chris, Simone, and the Ts. If my mother chose not to be a part of my life, I was finally ready to accept that. Life was too short for her anger and vicious words.

  The only cloud still hanging over my head was the lingering tension between two of my boyfriends. Nicholas had an ugly bruise on his jaw, but it didn’t look as bad as I expected. My guess was that Shane intentionally held back when punching him. But that didn’t mean he’d forgiven Nicholas. I considered taking Shane aside and talking to him but rejected that idea. They needed to talk it out, and I wasn’t above ruining our peaceful breakfast to force the discussion.

  “Clearly, Cole is Team Nicholas,” I said conversationally. “But I’m not getting that vibe from you, slugger Shane. Would you like to clear the air?”

  He gave me a blank look. “Not particularly.”

  “Maybe I should take the lead,” Nicholas offered, and I nodded at him in encouragement. “Shane, I owe you and Cole an apology. I didn’t just walk out on Emma. I left you two high and dry...with the businesses and our friendship. I love you like brothers, but I didn’t treat you like family. I fucked up big time, and I’m sorrier than I can express.”

  “Those are awful nice words,” Shane replied, “but how do we know anything has changed?”

  “You don’t. I can’t even promise that I won’t screw up again, but I will not walk away next time. You have my word.”

  Shane’s piercing gaze slid to me. “And that’s good enough for you?”

  “I love him.” I shrugged almost helplessly. “What choice do I have?”

  “For the record,” Cole interrupted, “I’m still pissed at Nic too. But he showed up. He’s asking for another chance. That’s what’s most important here.”

  Shane sighed. “I won’t apologize for punching you.”

  Nicholas’s lips twitched. “I didn’t expect you to.”

  “And I don’t care about me, but I won’t put up with you hurting Emma again.”

  Nicholas looked at me even as he responded to Shane. “I would rather cut off my own ear than hurt her again.”

  Cole cough-laughed into his hand. “Well, that got weirdly gruesome. Are we all good now? Because my bacon is getting cold.”

  “We’re good,” Shane said simply before returning to his breakfast.

  And with that, apparently things were back to normal. Men. I might be dating three of them, but I’d never totally understand them.

  Chris texted me an hour later to let me know our mother was leaving the hospital for a while. I wanted to avoid more of her drama, especially since I was planning to take the Ts in to visit my dad today. He’d been transferred out of the intensive care unit this morning and specifically asked to see them.

  When we reached my dad’s new room, I said, “Maybe just Nic and I should go in first? Since he hasn’t met Dad yet?”

  Shane nodded, and Cole gave me a quick hug. “We’ll wait out here.”

  I cracked the door open to find my dad watching TV. Walking into the room, Nicholas following behind, I grinned. “I can’t believe you’re watching golf. Didn’t you once say it was worse than watching paint dry?”

  “Yes,” he grunted. “And I stand by that statement. What kind of hospital doesn’t have cable?”

  I held up a gift bag. “Thankfully, I brought you a tablet and already downloaded your favorite movies.”

  “You shouldn’t spend your money on me.”

  “Oh, I didn’t. This is from Nic, Shane, and Cole.” I set the bag on the table next to his bed. “I did throw in a few candy bars. Just don’t let your nurse catch you with them.”

  Dad turned his attention to Nicholas. “I take it you’re Nic?”

  “Nicholas Hayes, sir,” he said, holding out his hand. “It’s an honor to finally meet you.”

  My dad watched him for a few moments before accepting the handshake. “I’ll reserve judgment until I hear more. Why don’t you take a seat, son?”

  Nicholas didn’t even blink as he said, “I would, but there’s only one chair, and I have to insist that Emma take it.”

  “I’m fine right here,” I said, perching carefully on the edge of the bed. “And please be nice, Dad.”

  Ignoring me, he asked, “Why weren’t you at Emma’s graduation?”

  Normally, I would have given him a hard time for his blunt questions, but I was so happy that he seemed back to his old self—at least somewhat—I didn’t even mind them.

  Nicholas glanced at me before saying, “Actually, I did attend, but I had to catch a flight directly after the ceremony.”

  My mouth dropped open. He was there?

  “Why were you photographed with that girl in California over the last few months?”

  “Dad,” I gasped. “You knew about that?”

  He gave me an annoyed look. “I’m not an idiot, Emma. I know how to find information on the internet.”

  “That was a mistake,” Nicholas answered. “I thought I was doing the right thing by trying to help my brother-in-law-to-be’s campaign, but I was wrong. I never should have pretended I was interested in anyone other than your daughter.”

  “You two are back together?” Dad asked, finally addressing me.

  I settled on the arm of Nicholas’s chair, and he put an arm around my waist to steady me. “Yes, we are.”

  My dad nodded. “Okay, call the other two in. I can see them hovering out in the hall.”

  Laughing, I opened the door and motioned for them to come in. “Beware. He’s in a nosy mood.”

  “I heard that, young lady.”

  “You were supposed to,” I replied with a smug grin.

  While Cole and Shane told my dad how happy they were to see him looking so well, I leaned into Nicholas and whispered, “So, you were at my graduation. Anything else I should know?”

  He shrugged. “You already know about hiring Chelsea and Chris’s graduation gift. I’m sorry I didn’t send you one. I was afraid it would piss you off.”

  “I don’t care about the gift, but why did you hire Chelsea when you knew that meant working together?”

  He squeezed my hip. “I would think you’d know the answer to that by now—I never really gave up on us. Besides, I knew you were starting your job and wanted to help the business out.”

  “If you hadn’t given up on us, why did you decide to stay in California for the general election?”

  He stood and led me to the corner of the room. “The entire time I was gone, I never once spoke about our breakup. Kat didn’t even know.” He ran a thumb over my lips. “I guess not having to face it made it feel like it wasn’t real. If I’m honest with myself, that’s why I volunteered to stay on for the rest of the campaign. I couldn’t fathom going home and facing life without you. I couldn’t be around you and not touch you. I couldn’t hear about you from Cole and Shane and not constantly want you. So, I tried putting it off for even longer.”

  I kissed his thumb. “I can’t decide if that’s pathetic or sweet.”

  Nicholas smiled. “Probably both. I’m just lucky you’re giving me a second chance.”

  “Well, if I’m honest with myself, I should have done more. I couldn’t see past the hurt long enough to recognize I needed to fight for you too. I let you leave me.”

  He pressed his mouth to mine for a soft kiss. “I’ll never put you in that position again.”

  “I believe you.”

  Turning back to the others, I realized they’d stopped talking and were unabashedly watching us.

  “Em, will you stop paying so much attention to Nic?” Cole whispered loudly. “Your father is going to think he’s your favorite.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said, walking to his side and kissing his cheek before leaning into Shane so he could wrap his arms around me. “Better?”

  Cole lifte
d his arms like he couldn’t figure out why they were empty. “I suppose.”

  I glanced at my dad, only slightly concerned about how he was reacting to my shows of affection for three men. Though he’d seen me with Shane and Cole in Vegas, this was different, more intimate. He wasn’t smiling, but he also didn’t look like he wanted to order them away from me, so I considered that a win.

  Dad cleared his throat, and we all turned to him, expectantly. “I asked Emma this after her graduation, but I want to hear what you three have to say. Where do you see this going? In other words, what are your intentions toward my daughter?”

  I opened my mouth to object, but I closed it again when Shane released me and stepped forward. “Sir, I would like to answer on behalf of all three of us.”

  My dad nodded, and Shane continued. “As you know, we’ve had our share of challenges over the last six months. But, if anything, overcoming those challenges has brought us closer together. Cole, Nicholas, and I know how it feels to face losing your daughter, and I believe that knowledge makes us appreciate her that much more.” He reached for my hand and smiled his adorable, boyish smile. “So, if you want to know our intentions, we intend to keep her for as long as she’ll have us. If that’s okay with you, extraordinary Emma?”

  Cole moved to my back and settled an arm around my waist while Nicholas took my free hand in his. They gazed at me with unadulterated love and adoration, and my heart swelled so much, I felt like the Grinch on Christmas morning. “It’s more than okay with me.”

  “Please don’t tell me I just missed the big proposal,” Simone said as she waltzed into the room, Chris straggling behind her.

  I blinked in surprise. “What are you doing here?”

  “Well, since you’re determined to ignore my calls, I decided to come check up on you and your father in person.” She moved to Dad’s side and handed him a stuffed bear. “Harold, you’re looking well.”

  “Thank you. You’re a good liar,” he said, grinning at her.

  I looked to my brother. “Did you know she was coming?”

  Chris held his hands up in surrender. “Don’t look at me. I just happened to run into her in the lobby.”

  Simone stepped in front of me and tugged my left arm away from Shane. She studied my hand before glaring at me. “Where’s the ring?”

  “What ring?” I hissed at her, trying not to flush in embarrassment. “There was no proposal!”

  She looked between me and the guys before shrugging. “It looked like I interrupted a moment between the four of you, so I just assumed.” Pointing a finger at Nicholas, she said, “You and me are going to have a little talk later. Understand, pretty boy?”

  He nodded solemnly, and I groaned. Between my dad’s invasive questions and Simone’s assumptions and veiled threats, I wouldn’t blame the Ts if they decided I wasn’t worth all the trouble.

  But when Simone pulled me into the tightest hug she’d ever given me and whispered, “Please tell me you’re really okay,” I couldn’t stay annoyed with her.

  “I’m great. Promise.”

  “You and Nic?” she asked, still squeezing me.

  “Made up.”

  She finally released me. “Well, it’s about damn time.”

  “Tell us about it,” Cole muttered under his breath, making everyone laugh.

  “I guess we won’t be roommates, then?”

  I glanced at the Ts, and they vehemently shook their heads. “Guess not. But, on the upside, you’ll get that office-slash-dressing room after all.”

  “Yeah, but now I can’t hold the roommate code over your head to learn all about your sexcapades with the Ts.” Thankfully, she said it low enough that my dad couldn’t hear. Otherwise, I would have immediately initiated a search for a new best friend.

  Cole laughed, and I shot him a dark look before responding to Simone. “I’m sure you can distract yourself with sexcapades of your own.”

  “A girl can only dream.”

  With that, she turned her attention back to my dad and entertained him with tales of the interesting characters she met on her flight to Indianapolis. Cole used the tablet to show Chris the beta version of the new app he was developing, and Shane and Nicholas started a quiet conversation about business.

  As I watched them, a profound sense of contentment washed over me. The most important people in my life were in this room. We were all alive and together. And, in that moment, I honestly couldn’t have asked for anything more.

  Shane, Cole, and Nicholas raised the stakes by declaring their intentions—they weren’t merely playing to win anymore. They were playing for keeps, and I was right there with them.

  We might have been pushed to the limit, but we’d come out of it stronger than ever. We defied the odds.


  Three Months Later

  From my spot in the private infinity pool, the beauty of Santorini and the Aegean Sea stretched before me like an impossibly flawless postcard. The whitewashed buildings in the distance appeared almost unreal against the cloudless sky and glittering blue water. It was everything I’d dreamed of and so much more. Dazzling. Alluring. Idyllic.

  The first part of our trip was dedicated to visiting the most popular tourist destinations in Greece—in style, of course. It was fun and exciting, and if we’d stopped there it would have already been the most incredible vacation of my life. But then I would have missed out on a week of utter bliss.

  Spending the second part of our trip in an exclusive villa with stunning panoramic views was undoubtedly the highlight of...well, my life. But it wasn’t only the scenery or luxury that made it so amazing. It was getting to spend that time alone with Nicholas, Cole, and Shane. No work. No responsibilities. Nothing but lazy days, delectable food, spectacular sunsets, and even more spectacular sex. Paradise.

  The Ts appeared on the veranda, and I looked between them suspiciously. “Why do I get the feeling you three are up to something?”

  Cole grinned as he reached down to help me out of the pool. “When are we not up to something?”

  “Valid point.”

  Shane held out an oversized towel and dried me off, thoroughly, before passing me to Nicholas. He led me to the outdoor table and placed a fruity cocktail in front of me.

  Not wanting to pass up what was sure to be a delicious drink, I took a few sips before turning my wary gaze on my boyfriends. “What’s up?”

  “We thought it would be fun to kick off our last evening here with a bet,” Cole said. “Just for fun.”

  “Seriously? When are bets actually ever fun?”

  “Do you not remember Shane in that hideous shirt?” Cole offered gleefully. “That was fun.”

  I grinned at the man in question. “True. You should wear mesh more often.”

  “Or when he had to wear the Loser tee to a business meeting?” Nicholas added.

  “Kind of funny,” I admitted. “You lose a lot of bets, Shane.”

  “Thanks for reminding me,” he said dryly, though he was smiling as much as the rest of us.

  “Okay, so what’s the bet?” I asked. I looked toward the edge of the veranda. “It better not have anything to do with jumping off that massive cliff.”

  Cole laughed. “Nothing so dramatic, I promise.”

  “Actually, it’s a bit more personal,” Nicholas said cryptically.

  “Are we talking the kind of personal that Simone would pay me good money to tell her about?”

  Shane’s gaze roamed over my body, which was barely covered by my skimpy bikini. “No, that’ll be after.”

  I sighed in frustration. “Will you guys just spit it out already?”

  Nicholas stood. “We bet you...”

  Cole stood. “That if you accept...”

  Shane stood. “We’ll make you...”

  Nicholas dropped to one knee, and I gasped. “The happiest woman...”

  Cole dropped to one knee, and my heart began thumping furiously against my chest. “In the world.”

Shane dropped to one knee right in front of me, and tears welled in my eyes. “Will you accept our bet, Emma Ann Harris?” He held out his palm to reveal a gorgeous ring with three equally-sized round diamonds, just like my pendant. Well, except these diamonds would be referred to by most people as rocks.

  “It doesn’t have to be traditional, Cinderella,” Nicholas said. “We don’t even need to have a wedding, if you don’t want one.”

  “But we do need you, and everyone else, to know you’re ours,” Cole added. “Forever.”

  Shane reached for my hand and stopped just short of slipping the ring on my finger. “What do you think, enchanting Emma?”

  With a smile that had to be even brighter than the Santorini sky, I met each of their gazes. “I think that’s one wager I can’t refuse.”

  A Note from Autumn

  Thank you so much for reading the Risking It series! I hope you’ve fallen in love with Emma and the Ts just as much as I have. And if you enjoyed Defying the Odds, I would truly appreciate it if you would share your thoughts by writing a review.

  To learn more about me and my future projects, please visit my website or contact me at [email protected].

  Also, don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter for sneak peeks, behind-the-scenes details, and information about upcoming releases!


  Also by Autumn Reed

  The Stardust Series







  About the Author

  A lifelong bookworm, Autumn loves nothing more than immersing herself in a fictional tale. When she isn’t dreaming up stories about insanely attractive guys, she spends her free time browsing antique stores and fixing up her house.


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