Sinful Deceit

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Sinful Deceit Page 7

by Ray Gordon

  "Feeling hungry yet?" he asked.

  "Yes. I'm feeling hungry for my friend, Sharon," I returned. "It's a shame you turned my phone off. Sharon and I are lovers. We're lesbians. You ruined your chances of watching a lesbian show."

  He frowned as he pondered on my words. "Not to worry," he finally said. "I'm quite happy with you. I really don't think another girl..."

  "I don't believe you've done your homework," I interrupted him. "My boyfriend, David, will be arriving at Athens tomorrow."

  "If that's true, and I doubt very much that it is, then it'll do him no good. There are hundreds of islands. Where will he start? And how long will it take him to search them all? I've not only done my homework, Kirsty; I've done it meticulously. I'll give you a couple of examples. Your flight was from Gatwick to Athens, and you'll be on the passenger list. But the ferry was booked in another name. Apart from that, I booked you into a hotel in Athens. They've been paid and their records will show you as having stayed for several nights. Whether you were there or not doesn't really matter. The owner doesn't care what goes on in his hotel. The register is rarely signed and, as long as he gets his money, he doesn't give a damn who does or doesn't sleep in the rooms. Just to add a little authenticity to your stay at the hotel, your suitcase is in the room. Oh, and your mobile phone and your passport. Are you sure you're not feeling hungry?"

  He had planned the operation well. But I was still sure that there'd be a loophole somewhere. He couldn't have covered everything. Or could he? My stomach rumbling, I knew that I'd have to eat something before long. I knew only too well that, if I conceded by masturbating in front of him, even though I'd fake orgasm, he'd demand more and more of me. Deciding to wait until the morning before making a decision, I walked to the lounge door.

  "I'm going up to my room," I said, turning to face him.

  "There's a nice salad prepared for you in the kitchen," he smiled.

  "No, thank you. By the way, I rang David from my mobile phone when we were on the ferry. I told him which island the ferry was going to. I don't think he'll have too much trouble discovering where I am."

  "If that's true, and again I don't believe it is, then your friend David will still have a choice of hundreds of islands to search."

  "All the same, the search will be narrowed."

  "Marginally. There's one more thing you should know, Kirsty. After your stay at the hotel in Athens, you're booked on a ferry to Lesvos. Using your real name, of course. Your luggage will be sent to Lesvos. From there, you could easily have gone to another island. Or Turkey. Sleep well, Kirsty."

  Climbing the stairs to my room, a tear rolling down my cheek, I flopped onto the bed and broke down. I might just as well give in, I reflected. I might as well offer him my naked body to do with as he wished. There was no point in fighting or humouring him. He had time on his side, and I had nothing. My fate seemed sealed. I was to become his sex slave for two weeks - or possibly a lot longer.

  Chapter Five

  Tossing and turning all night, I hardly slept. There were monsters in my room, in my head. He was in my dreams, my nightmares. Lying on the bed in my enforced nakedness, I wondered what to do. I could hear movements downstairs. He was up and about, skulking like a hunting animal. There were kitchen noises. Cutlery, china... He was probably enjoying a decent breakfast. Should I submit? I pondered as my fingers toyed between the pads of my outer labia. My clitoris stirred in anticipation of my intimate caress. My juices of desire seeped between the unfolding wings of my inner lips. I was hungry. To masturbate while he watched wouldn't be too bad. But what would it lead to?

  Rising from the bed, I wandered out onto the balcony and looked at the garden. Birds were singing, the sun was bright, but my heart neither sang nor shone. For all I cared, it might as well have been lashing with rain. No doubt it was still raining in England. The time had come to make a decision. I either fought or gave in to my so-called uncle. To procrastinate a moment longer was futile. I could smell bacon. My mouth watered, my stomach rumbled. Leaving my room, I went downstairs and marched into the kitchen with an air of confidence, defiance. He was sitting at the table eating his breakfast.

  "I'm hungry. I need to eat," I stated firmly. I eyed his flaccid penis with disdain and he rose to his feet.

  "Of course you need to eat," he smiled. "I've just had eggs and bacon. Would you like some?"

  Had he had a change of mind? "Yes, please," I replied hopefully. Perhaps he'd found some compassion within the turpitude of his foul mind.

  "We'll go into the lounge first," he said with an eagerness I found disquieting. "You can practice for this evening, and then enjoy a decent cooked breakfast."

  I hadn't made a decision. Fight or give in? Following him into the lounge, I did as he asked and sat on the sofa. Kneeling on the floor, his face beaming, he ordered me to slide forward on the cushion and open my thighs as wide as I could. What was I doing? I asked myself as I hesitantly slid my naked buttocks forward. This wasn't fighting. Moving forward a little further, my stomach aching, I parted my thighs slightly. My vulva was visible to his wide eyes. The naked lips of my vagina divided as my thighs parted further.

  His penis was now erect, the swollen globe fully exposed as he retracted his foreskin. It was bigger than David's, broader and longer. His heavy balls rolled, no doubt awaiting the teasing caress of my fingertips. Did he want me to lick him? Looking up at his suntanned faced, I saw lechery reflected in his dark eyes as he focused on my pussy lips.

  "So far, so good," he grinned without taking his eyes off the naked flesh. "But you haven't parted your legs far enough. Open them fully, Kirsty. I want you to show me the secrets within."

  "No!" I cried, leaping to my feet and marching out to the patio. "I won't do it!"

  "You disappoint me," he called. "But I have all the time in the world. There's no hurry."

  Standing by the pool, the early morning sun warming the gentle curves and mounds of my naked body, I tried to quell my anger and compose myself. I wasn't going to be beaten, and decided to eat a few fresh oranges for breakfast. Wandering through the grounds, I looked at the trees and bit my lip. There wasn't one orange left. The bastard had picked them all. Still determined not to submit to his lewd demands, I was about to return to the villa and confront him when I heard voices.

  "She'll give in," Jack was saying as I peered through the bushes. He was talking to a young woman. "She's starving. It won't be long before she gives in."

  "And if she doesn't?" the girl asked, brushing her long, jet-black hair away from her suntanned face. She didn't appear to take any notice of his semi-erect penis.

  "Trust me," Jack laughed.

  "They're arriving at six."

  "Don't worry. If she's not prepared to do as she's told, then I'll..."

  "Where is she?"

  "In the grounds somewhere."

  "Bring her to me."

  "No, Maria. It's too early to..."

  "There isn't a great deal of time. I'll be in the den. Bring her to me now, Reece."

  At least I now knew his real name. But who was the girl? And where and what was the den? As my uncle called me... I should say, Reece, called me, I ducked behind the bushes. I had no idea why the girl wanted me, and I wasn't prepared to find out. As Reece went back into the lounge, I dashed through the grounds to the wrought iron gates. They were closed and locked. The woman must have arrived by boat, I reflected, trying to climb the gates.

  Failing miserably, I walked along the grass beside the high wall. I was a caged animal. There were no trees overhanging the wall, no way to break out. Had I been able to make it to the boat, I wouldn't have minded arriving at another island naked. I'd have done anything to be free of the evil man who'd posed as my uncle to lure me to his villa of sin. Sitting on the grass behind a clump of bushes, my stomach sank. I felt despondent. The villa and the grounds were a prison, and one I didn't think I'd ever escape.

  "Kirsty!" Reece was angry. "Kirsty! Come here immediately!" Cowering b
ehind the bushes, I knew that it was only a matter of time before he caught me. He was the hunter, I the hunted. "Unless you come here now, you'll be locked out all day and night!" I had no choice, I knew as I emerged from the bushes and tentatively walked towards the pool. Naked, abandoned in the dark of the night, starving hungry... He'd won.

  "Yes?" I murmured, standing by the pool.

  "What's the matter with you?" he asked. He was still naked.

  "I have no clothes, no food and..."

  "And no sense, from what I can gather. There's plenty of food in the kitchen. There's food, wine..."

  "And what do I have to do in return? Commit vulgar sexual acts to satisfy your kinky desires?"

  "Kirsty, Kirsty," he sighed. "You're eighteen-years-old. You have a wonderful body. All I'm asking is that you masturbate for me. You have a beautiful pussy. Every woman in the world has a pussy. It's not as if I've never seen a naked woman before. And I'm not asking you to do anything that you've not done before."

  "It's not like that. A woman's body is private, only to be shared with someone she loves."

  "And when you masturbate..." He looked down at my naked sex crack and smiled. "All women masturbate, Kirsty. When you masturbate, do you share that with someone you love? Or do you do it alone?"

  "I share it with someone I love. Me."

  "That's ridiculous." He locked his dark eyes to mine. He was angry again. "You have two choices, Kirsty. You either behave and do as you're told, or..."

  "Or what?"

  "Let's not talk about that. I want you to come and meet a friend of mine. Her name's Maria. She's a nice girl."

  "I doubt that very much. What's the den?"

  "I should have guessed that you'd be listening. The den is... Come with me and I'll show you."

  "No, I won't."

  "Kirsty, if you want something to eat, then come with me."

  Following him into the lounge, I knew I was walking into a trap. But I was hungry and also intrigued by the girl. Perhaps she was compassionate. When she saw me and realized my plight, she might take pity on me. There again, I very much doubted it. Becoming used to my nudity as I followed Reece down a flight of stone steps to the basement, my nipples becoming erect in the cool air. I was no longer embarrassed, only fearful. But, whatever my fate, it couldn't be too bad I tried to convince myself. Masturbating and feigning orgasm wouldn't be too embarrassing. Walking through a door into a well-lit room, I realized how very wrong I was.

  "Welcome to the den," the girl grinned. I gazed at her naked body, the shaved lips of her vagina, the swell of her breasts. Horror engulfed me. "I'm told that you won't cooperate, Kirsty. Is that correct?"

  "I... All I want..." I stammered, looking at the chains and whips hanging from the walls. All I wanted was to go home.

  "Take a good look round," she grinned. "This is where we deal with those who won't cooperate." She moved across the room to a large, square-shaped wooden frame. "The whips speak for themselves," she said, waving her hand at the walls. "But this..." She pointed at the frame. "As you can see, handcuffs are attached to each end of the horizontal beam. Handcuffs are also attached to the bottom section. The two upright posts are hinged in the centre, enabling me to bend my victims over."

  "No!" I screamed as Reece grabbed my arms from behind and frogmarched me across the room. "Let me go!"

  "It's no good protesting," he said as he raised my right arm high above my head. As I struggled to break free, the girl cuffed my wrist to the top of the frame. He was right, protesting was futile. There was nothing I could do to save myself.

  "This is used for correcting those who misbehave," the girl informed me, grabbing my other arm and cuffing my wrist.

  "Please..." I whimpered, my hands high above my head. "Why are you doing this to me?"

  "Because you won't cooperate," Reece chuckled, pulling on my right leg and cuffing my ankle to the base of the frame. "Maria is an expert when it comes to breaking girls. She's never failed yet." Grabbing my other foot, he parted my legs wide and cuffed my ankle to the base of the frame. "That's it," he grinned. "You're ready for Maria."

  "She's not a bad specimen," the girl remarked pensively, running her fingertip up my anal crease. "Give me an hour and she'll be eating out of your hand."

  "Out of my trousers," he laughed, slapping my buttocks.

  As the girl stuffed a gag into my mouth, I knew that my fate was sealed. A million thoughts drifted through my head. Where was Sharon? Had she returned to England and told my mother that she'd not been able to contact me? What would become of me? Maria's fingertip teasing the brown tissue encircling my bottom-hole, I squeezed my eyes shut. No one could save me. I was at the mercy of my captors. No one knew where I was, let alone that I was in trouble.

  "We'll begin with a spanking," Maria said, running her palm over the smooth globes of my naked buttocks. Releasing two metal catches on the upright posts, she grabbed the horizontal beam and lowered it until my hands and feet were on the floor, my buttocks were projected. Unable to kneel because my feet were wide apart, I shuddered as Reece squatted behind me and scrutinized the swell of my vagina lips blatantly displayed beneath my bottom-hole. The most private part of my body rudely exposed, this was degradation in the extreme.

  "She has well formed outer lips," he remarked, stroking the fleshy swell of my sex cushions. "As you said, she's a fine specimen."

  "You've done well, Reece," the girl said. "Your meticulous research has paid off."

  "I knew I couldn't go wrong with this one. She has relatives scattered all over the world. An Uncle Jack making contact out of the blue wouldn't generate suspicion."

  "She might do for our schoolgirl videos," the girl murmured. "She's looks the part."

  "Now there's a thought. I can see it now. We'll dress her in a gymslip and white ankle socks and plait her hair in ribbons. She'll wear navy-blue knickers, of course. The teacher comes in and catches her with her hand up her skirt. He places her over his knee, pulls her knickers down and spanks her."

  "Sounds good to me," Maria giggled. "A nice little money-maker."

  "Of course, she'll end up with the teacher's penis up her fanny."


  "And her arse."

  As they talked about me as if I wasn't there, I realized the full horror of my predicament. I shouldn't have jumped on a plane without finding out exactly where I'd be staying. To fly to Greece at the invitation of a man whom I knew nothing about was naive, to say the least. This was my fault. I'd been stupid. I should have checked... My rounded buttocks crudely yanked apart, my naked body jolted as I felt a tongue licking the sensitive brown tissue surrounding the once secret opening to my rectal sheath.

  "Reece," Maria sighed. "I thought we were going to begin with a spanking."

  "I just couldn't resist it," he chuckled, pulling my buttocks further apart and crudely pushing the tip of his tongue into my tight bottom-hole.

  "You can do what you like with her after the spanking."

  "When you've taught her a lesson, I'm going to sink my cock deep into her beautiful arse and fuck her," he said, rising to his feet.

  My heart racing as I imagined him forcing his huge penis into the tight sheath of my bottom, I began to tremble as cold fear gripped me. It was obvious that he was a lech, but to sink to such sexual depravation was horrendous. I'd never dreamed of taking a penis into my bottom-hole. I'd never seen or touched another man's penis, only David's. The thought of a man abusing my anal canal sickened me, and terrified me. Reece was a monster, an evil monster.

  My tethered body jolting as a leather strap landed squarely across my tensed buttocks, I moaned through my nose. The pain permeating the firmness of my naked bottom, I felt my vaginal juices seeping between the delicate wings of my inner lips as the strap again flailed my stinging nether cheeks. Tears streaming from my eyes as the gruelling thrashing continued, I wondered what else I'd have to endure during my so-called holiday. This was only the beginning, I instinctively knew.
First, the whip. And then anal sex and then... I couldn't even imagine what horrendous ordeal I'd be put through.

  Again and again the leather strap flailed my burning buttocks. My naked body convulsing wildly, my long blonde hair matted with perspiration, I squeezed my eyes shut as the flesh of my bottom burned like a furnace. I couldn't endure much more, I knew as the strap repeatedly cracked loudly across the stinging orbs of my bottom. Crack after crack resounded around the basement until I thought I'd pass out with the agonising pain. Gagged and unable to scream, I could only pray for my captors to give me some quarter and halt the beating. My prayers had never been answered in the past.

  Thoughts of Sharon filtered into my tormented mind as the ruthless thrashing continued. I was pleased she'd not come with me. She'd have been handcuffed and forced to endure a thrashing. I couldn't have watched a girl as beautiful as her suffering sexual torment. Would I ever set eyes on her again? Would I ever see my mother or David again? All I could do was pray that someone would come searching for me. Perhaps God would have pity on me. I should have gone to church when I was young. Was this punishment for turning my back on the church? I'd been cast into the eternal fires of the villa from hell.

  "That's enough for now," Maria said. She dropped the leather strap to the floor where it lay like snake with fangs bared ready to pounce. My tensed globes of bottom stinging, tears streaming from my eyes, I wished I could scream. Trembling like a leaf, I waited in fear and trepidation as I heard movements behind me. I wanted to be a leaf blowing high and free on the wind. I should have been a bird.

  My eyes closed, I daren't look as my jailers busied themselves behind me. I didn't want to know what they were doing, what appalling plans they had in store for my defenceless body. Completely vulnerable to their every whim, I felt I was nothing more than a naked body to be used. I wasn't looked upon as a person with feelings and emotions.


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