The Easter Bunny's Bear: BBW Bear Shifter Paranormal Romance

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The Easter Bunny's Bear: BBW Bear Shifter Paranormal Romance Page 3

by Zoe Chant

  Cut it out, she admonished herself sternly. So you think he’s hot. That’s all it is. That doesn’t mean he’s your mate…

  “Thanks for the lovely evening,” Desmond said when he got up. He stopped in front of her, hesitating a moment.

  “Would you like a glass of wine?” Lisa blurted out, then flushed immediately.

  Oh God, I am way too forward. What will he think?

  Desmond’s eyes met hers. She felt like she was drowning in them. She’d never seen eyes like that: a warm brown that could shine like amber, filling her with heat, promising all the secrets of an old forest, or the strength of fertile soil.

  “I’d like that,” he replied quietly.

  “I can make a fire in the living room.” Lisa barely knew what she was saying. All she could hear was the panicked beating of her heart.

  Don’t mess this up, it said. She didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. It had been so long since she’d gone on a date. What if she’d forgotten how to do this?

  Desmond’s eyes darkened a little. “That sounds lovely.”

  Lisa felt the want in her stomach, a clenching, like sudden hunger. Hunger for him.

  What if he just wants to talk?

  She realized suddenly that she was still wearing the old shirt that had been stained by blotches of paint. Embarrassed, she drew it off. She was relieved now that earlier that day, after she’d come back from the stable and taken a shower, she’d dressed in one of her nicer shirts. It clung to her body like silk and showed off her curves, draping enough to hide the roundness of her belly and hips. She had felt ridiculous, dressing up for a guest she barely knew. That old, familiar voice inside her told her that it was no use. That a guy like Desmond would never look at her twice.

  But she felt so happy in his company. So at ease. And then there were those moments when he fell quiet and looked at her, and suddenly it became impossible to breathe because she wanted him that much.

  “Would you mind opening the bottle?” She handed him the wine and a corkscrew, then knelt before the fireplace.

  She didn’t bother with it most evenings, now that spring had arrived and blessed them with weeks of sunshine. But the motions were familiar, and she had a fire started in no time. She looked at it in satisfaction for a moment, then turned to find that Desmond had indeed managed to open the bottle and poured for them both.

  All of a sudden, she felt shy. Was this really happening? Lisa Wilson of the Golden Pony farm, drinking wine in front of the fire with a stranger she’d met mere hours before? It didn’t feel like something she would do.

  What would Grandma say, to see me here like this in her old living room, she wondered as she took the place by his side.

  Desmond was very close. Again their fingers brushed as he handed her a glass, and she had to bite back a gasp as heat rushed through her once more. His touch was electric. It felt like there was a connection between them. And yet, how could that be when she didn’t even know him?

  “So, what do you do that makes you want to escape for a week and hike?” she asked, just to distract herself.

  Desmond hesitated a moment. “My family owns some land,” he said finally. “Forest, mostly. So you could say I’m in the lumber business―though really, mostly it involves traveling a lot and talking to people.”

  “More a salesman than a lumberjack?” She grinned to take the sting out of her words. “Your arms don’t really look like that.”

  He laughed with sudden delight. “I’ll have you know I knew how to wield an axe before―well, not before I could walk. But definitely before the first time I kissed a girl.”

  “Ooh,” she said with delighted interest. “And have there been many of those?”

  He gave her a soft chuckle. “Actually, no. I travel a lot. And it seemed unfair…”

  For a moment, he hesitated, and she wondered if there was something he wasn’t telling her. An old heartbreak, just like Ryan who had left scars on her heart as well?

  But then, perhaps it was too soon to demand his secrets. And she hadn’t wanted to upset him. She didn’t even know what this was, if it was even a something. Could you forget how to flirt?

  You never knew how to flirt, a soft voice whispered in her head with dry amusement, and she determinedly blocked it out.

  Taking flirting advice from a bunny was the last thing she needed. On the other hand, they did call it doing it like bunnies―

  She flushed and nearly choked on her wine at her thoughts. And still she couldn’t keep her eyes from sliding to his thighs.

  He was strong all over, his legs just as well-muscled as his chest and arms. Surely a strong guy like that wouldn’t mind farm life too much? And who knew what else he was hiding beneath those jeans…

  She licked her lips, feeling out of her depth. She had never really learned how to flirt and charm. The men she had dated had been all men from her town, people she had seen around for a long time and already felt comfortable with.

  I know nothing about him, she thought again. I shouldn’t even sit here with him, a complete stranger.

  But thinking those words felt wrong too when he had sat in her kitchen and painted Easter eggs with her and the children. She had felt comfortable around him. It had been just as though they had known each other for ages.

  She raised her eyes to the painting that decorated the wall. It showed a fox and a dog, posing together on a meadow. Her grandparents.

  Was this how grandmother felt when she saw him for the first time? She said it felt as though she had known him her entire life. As though her heart recognized his.

  Her mother’s parents had been the only shifters in her family, until Lisa was born. Lisa had always had a hard time believing in the concept of fated mates. After all, if that was true, why had she never met hers? The men she had dated had been ordinary men, but unlike Ryan, it had never lasted long. And Ryan had been driven away by her werebunny shifting.

  It was difficult to keep believing that somewhere out there, a special man was waiting for her, when everyone she met was decidedly not special.

  I always thought that grandma was the one who was special, to find a mate like that. That it would never happen to someone like me.

  And now here she was, nearly squirming on her sofa because having him so close was unbearable. She couldn’t even talk to him about what she felt. Because then he’d freak out like Ryan. Or no: at first he would laugh and call her insane, because werebunnies didn’t exist. Then she would shift to show him. And then he would scream and run, and she’d never see him again.

  “Thanks again,” he murmured, interrupting her thoughts. “Not just for the room, but for everything. Letting me help this evening. I didn’t even realize how much I missed that.”

  “No siblings?” she asked quietly, wondering if that was why he’d suddenly seemed so distant and sad. Had she woken bad memories?

  Desmond stared into his glass for a moment. “No. And my parents have retired―all the way to Alaska. And they hate traveling, so I don’t see them often.”

  Lisa hesitated for one heartbeat, but then something inside her made her reach out. Her hand touched Desmond’s arm. She could feel the heat of him even through his shirt.

  “I’m sorry. Holidays without your family have to be difficult. Is that why you decided to just go hiking?” She bit her lip. “And I dragged you into our kitchen like that. I’m sorry if that brought up memories―”

  “No,” he said quickly. His hand came to cover hers. “No, that was really kind. I loved it! It’s been a long time since I got to entertain my little nieces and nephews up in Alaska with the rest of the family.”

  “I’m glad.” She found she was smiling at him again. She just couldn’t stop.

  Everything inside her felt drawn to him. Sitting here with him, talking to him was perfect. And actually touching him…

  Another shiver ran through her. His hand was warm and strong. She imagined it sliding up her thigh. Would he touch with firm certainty, or woul
d he linger and tease until she begged?

  She could barely bite back the moan that rose in her throat at the thought. His hand was still on hers. And then, slowly, she could feel his fingers slide alongside hers, a gentle caress.

  Her breath escaped in a sigh. His eyes were watching her, and she couldn’t look away.

  “Lisa…” he said slowly.

  Was it a question?

  “Yes,” she breathed, not even really understanding what was happening, and then he leaned in, or maybe she was leaning in.

  His lips touched hers. She opened readily for him, and all of a sudden they were kissing hungrily. Sparks ran up her spine, and she arched towards him. His hands were on her arms, pulling her closer, and she moaned breathlessly into his mouth, dizzy with need. It was the most incredible sensation. Her nipples were tight and hard, and when he pulled her against him, she moaned again at the way they dragged across his chest.

  All she could hear was the sound of her own heartbeat in her ears. It was overwhelming. It was like standing in the middle of a storm, only there was no rain or hail pelting her and no wind tearing at her clothes. It was desire that pulled at her and need that drowned out all thought.

  They parted for a moment. Lisa was breathing heavily and still couldn’t believe what was happening, but Desmond looked just as overwhelmed as she felt.

  His hair was a little mussed. His brown eyes seemed nearly black, reflecting the flickering fire, and then he raised a hand and cupped her cheek. He moved slowly, his hand shaking a little. Was he as surprised as Lisa by the suddenness of it all?

  “I don’t usually do this sort of thing,” he said hoarsely.

  Lisa wanted to moan. Heat was gathering deep in her belly. The dark growl in his voice was enough to make her wet with need for him; she could feel how damp her panties already were.

  “It’s OK,” she said and took a deep breath.

  She felt dizzy. She wanted to climb on his lap and rub herself against that strong chest.

  “I don’t usually do this sort of thing either.” She wanted to laugh. She hadn’t even gone on a date in years! “But I’m… I like you.”

  I want you, she added silently. She didn’t quite dare to say it.

  “I like you too,” he murmured in reply. “I want you. You’re so sexy. If this isn’t what you want, tell me.”

  His hand slid slowly down, his fingers touching her throat with such seductive gentleness that she shivered. She could see his chest heaving. Her heart was racing; he had to feel the way her pulse sped up at his touch.

  “I want you too,” she admitted at last. The words escaped her in a sigh.

  What good was waiting? She’d waited for so long, but no one had ever waited for her. Perhaps this was just one night for him, but all of a sudden Lisa wanted to throw all reason aside. She wanted him. She wanted him so much it felt as though her body was on fire, desire for him making her heart pound until she could feel nothing but the throbbing of need between her legs.

  His hands slipped into her hair. He drew her into another kiss, and she moaned at the heat of his mouth.

  One of her hands came to rest on his thigh. Even through the denim, she could feel the strength of his muscles flexing beneath her touch. Her mouth went dry as she imagined what he’d look like without clothes. What he’d feel like on top of her.

  She drew her hand upward. She found him hard and ready; when she teased her fingers along the sizable bulge, he gasped into her mouth.

  His own hands slid lower now, down her shoulders. They cupped her breasts through her shirt, stealing another moan from her when his thumb flicked against a nipple.

  He broke away for a moment. “Can I…?” he asked hoarsely, his hands drawing up the hem of her shirt.

  She nodded quickly. “Yes. Please!” Her own voice was rough with need, but she was past caring what she sounded like. “All of it. Take it all off. Yours too.”

  He exhaled with relief, then slowly pulled off her shirt.

  She wasn’t sure what she’d expected. She knew she didn’t look like the women in magazines. She’d made her peace with that; she didn’t live the life of women in magazines either, and she wouldn’t give up her life and her farm for anything.

  But now Desmond was staring at her with open lust in his eyes, and his hands slid up once more to cup her breasts through the bra.

  “You’re gorgeous,” he murmured. “You drive me crazy. God, I want you so much!”

  She reached back to unhook her bra, watching him moan when she allowed it to drop away to the floor. Then he leaned forward and licked a wet path across her breast to her nipple, circling it with his tongue until she arched against him in a silent plea for more.

  His teeth scraped against her; it felt incredible. She was shaking. Her panties were soaked. She could feel wetness pulse between her legs, an empty ache to be filled. She needed him. She needed him now, inside her.

  “Please,” she moaned when he drew back.

  She took hold of his shirt and pulled it off, her breath coming in little gasps by what was revealed beneath.

  His skin gleamed in the light of the fire. His chest was hard with muscles. The shifting six pack drew her eyes and then her fingers, and now it was his turn to groan when she followed the pleasure trail downward.

  Impatiently, she opened the button of his jeans and drew the zipper down. Then he stood, stripping out of his jeans and underwear, and Lisa felt her heart give a painful thud when she saw how hard he was.

  He was large, dark with blood and hard like iron, the tip gleaming wetly. She imagined him inside her, filling her; she wanted him so badly she couldn't wait another moment.

  She pulled off her own jeans to his approving moan. Then he pushed her gently down onto the sofa. With careful hands, he drew down her soaked panties, pressing kisses to her trembling thighs.

  Her need made her squirm at his touch; then, he pressed a kiss right to her clit and she whimpered and arched against him.

  "Do you have...?" she said breathlessly.

  He groaned, his teeth grazing her thigh for a moment before he turned away to pull his jeans closer. She watched as he pulled a wallet out of his back pocket, then opened it to fish out a condom.

  "Never thought I'd actually need this," he said and gave her an overwhelmed smile.

  For a moment, they looked at each other, bodies flushed and chests heaving, desire and need heavy in the air. They both knew what was going to happen. They both knew how much they wanted the other. And neither backed away.

  Desmond took her hand and pulled her down onto the floor to join him. There were sheepskins spread in front of the fire. A ridiculously romantic set up; Lisa had spent winter evenings reading here, and never dreamed that one day, she'd have an irresistible, gorgeous man like Desmond make love to her in front of the flames.

  But now it was happening. Now Desmond rolled the condom onto himself, then leaned over her for another kiss.

  She pushed her hands into his hair, trailed her fingers through the short curls as he nipped at her bottom lip.

  His fingers teased at her folds and she shifted, spreading her thighs wider as she felt everything inside her clench with need and readiness for him.

  And then he pushed inside her. He was huge. It was incredible; she was so wet that he slid all the way inside, filled her completely with one slow, powerful thrust, and then held himself above her while she trembled and clutched at his shoulders.

  "Oh my God. More," she moaned.

  She felt herself throbbing around him, filled and completed, and then he slid out and pushed back inside, a little harder. Lisa gasped, her nails digging into his skin. It was overwhelming. Her entire body ached with how much she needed him, and as his thrusts sped up, she clenched her thighs around his hips, arching against him for more.

  His face was flushed. His body glistened with sweat in the flickering light of the fire. He was moaning every time he filled her, and then he lowered his head to suck one of her nipples into hi
s mouth. He was a little less careful now, but Lisa didn't mind. She didn’t want him to be careful. She needed him to fill her, claim her, possess her with every powerful thrust.

  Breathlessly, she clung to him, waves of pleasure throbbing through her, rising ever higher and higher until she thought she’d drown in need and lust. Then his teeth scraped her nipple, and pleasure exploded through her from the core of her being. She felt her pussy clench around him and throb, one pulse of ecstasy after the other rolling through her as he moaned her name and came inside her.

  They collapsed together. They were both breathing hard, too exhausted to talk for a while.

  Finally, as soon as he had regained his breath, Desmond kissed her again while she drew her hands all over the hard muscles of his back in tired admiration.

  Incredible, she thought drowsily. Impossible that this isn't a dream. Impossible that this isn't it. He's my mate. And I'm his, forever.

  If Desmond would still have her, once he knew her secret...

  Chapter Four


  When Desmond woke in front of the fire, Lisa was still in his arms. She was warm and naked and breathing contentedly against his chest. Apparently they had pulled a blanket over their bodies before they dozed off. Desmond couldn’t even remember that happening; his thoughts were too full with the memory of Lisa, flushed with pleasure, eager and open for him.

  He looked at her now and shook his head, baffled and still smiling. He couldn’t help himself; he always found himself smiling when he looked at her. Something in her seemed to bring out the happiness in him.

  How strange that simply looking at her could make him happy. Talking to her was even better. Painting eggs together and hearing her giggle at his blob of a bear had made him realize how much he’d missed something like that. Someone who would laugh with him. Someone who’d be there in the morning when he woke, or in the evening when he went to bed. Someone who cared about him.

  This is it, his bear grumbled happily. Our mate. Our home.

  Desmond bit back a laugh. If only it were that easy…


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