Crime Does Pay

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Crime Does Pay Page 9

by Vincent Monaco

  "Yes, I do accept your little wager, because this huge pile of paperwork represents seven mobile homes sold today and to get this huge pile of paperwork organized, I'll be here until 4 o'clock in the Goddamn Morning!" Is my honest and realistic reply.

  As Brother Brent's nerves begin to recover, to my utter surprise he responds with an untrusting answer, "Lets go through those deals one by one, because if you have seven houses sold today with seven down payment checks, I'll go in my office right now and I'll sign the approval to refund the one thousand dollars to Lyle and his refund check will be ready for pick up next Friday. Lets go through it one by one." And another twenty minutes is spent going through each deal to prove that I have seven mobile homes sold today with seven down payment checks and cash and upon proving it to win his little wager, which is only a sly tactic for Brother Brent to save face because the underlying truth of the matter is, Brother Brent is so scared of Lyle that he's shaking in his go-go boots. With careful study of each deal, Brother Brent scrutinizes each of the seven deals three times to then look up to excitedly erupt:

  "Wow! Wow, do you know what these seven deals represent in the historic history of sales? Do you know what you have actually done? Are you aware of what these seven deals truly represents? Well, let me tell you a thing or two. The first thing that I need to tell ya, is that you broke my unbreakable sales record of selling four houses in one day and you have almost doubled my shattered sales record to smash it into smithereens! And you have truly replaced me as the best salesman in this dealership! First you tied my sales record by selling four mobile homes in one day and then, you broke my sales record by selling seven mobile homes in one day and all I have to say is, holy cow! Since you have won the wager, come with me to my office and bring your old 'Check Request For Refund' form that you submitted earlier for the Plummer Deal and this time, I'll be happy to sign it right in front of you to approve the approval of Lyle's refund. I'll even give you a photocopy of it so you can show it to Lyle Plummer, because I do not want that big Nigger to come down to my dealership to instigate big trouble and we all know, that its a proven fact that the Niggers are nothing but big troublemakers who purposely love to cause big troubles for the white man in many different ways, which includes having sex with the naive white woman. In additions, I do not want to see any more Niggers in my dealership because we don't sell mobile homes to Niggers! You can tell that big Nigger that his wife can pick up their refund check next Friday at four o'clock, as long as the girl courier does not drive the new van into another bottomless pit of slushy quicksand."

  We then stand to exit my office to walk the full length of the long hallway to enter Brother Brent's office, of which is an office located on the abutting left side of the back room that is only separated by a common wall, after we sit down I reach over his desk to hand him the "Check Request For Refund" form for the Lyle Plummer Deal and after reading each word, Brother Brent eagerly grabs a pen to cross out the date of when I had originally submitted it over six weeks earlier to bring this old form current by writing the current date as well as to sign his cowardice name to authorize the refund of one thousand dollars to the Plummer family. After yelling to his personal secretary, Lorraine Waldeck, to enter his office to make a readable photocopy of the form that he had just signed so I can fax it to the Plummer family to prevent Lyle from coming down to the dealership to beat the tar out of Brother Brent, Lorraine returns with the photocopy and is then told to "shut the door on your way out" and then, Brother Brent leans back in his large chair to inform me:

  "You know Vince, I need to inform you that there's one other reason why the great me, Brother Brent Wainwright, has leaned to the side of mercy since I have approved the approval of Lyle's refund check and that's because of the fact, when Mrs. Plummer was here in my office, I tried every dirty trick in the book to get that black bitch to say something bad or at least cynical of you and even when I told her that if she does not come up with something negative about you that it will cost her the one thousand dollar refund check and you know what? that Bitch would not say a single thing that is negative, bad or even something that's neutral about you, because she would only say complimentary things that are positive, she only said highly positive things about you and the positive things that she would only say about you, really pissed me off with insane jealousy and anger! So I again drilled her with the third degree and no matter what threat that I threaten the Bitch with and no matter what intimidating thing that I yelled at her with, I could not get her to say one bad thing about you and after ten minutes of applying my hardest pressure on her to force her into saying something negative about you even if it wasn't true, but she still would not budge by saying anything bad about you, so in the eyes of your loyal customers, you're a real great salesman and that turns me green with envy! After my torturous pressure failed to force her to say one bad thing about you and here in my own office, that defiant and insolent Nigger had the nerve to refuse me and would only compliment you with positive compliments that I did not like to hear! I really wanted the Spook to say something real bad about you, because I wanted something to critique you with corrective criticisms, so there's nothing to bitch about."

  As I continue to waste my time by sitting in Brother Brent's private office to listen to him drone on in his high-pitched southern drawl, I feel relieved to be the winner of the wager which is the official reason that prompts Brother Brent into approving the refund on the Lyle Plummer Deal, but to be granted with a signed approval to get a rightfully overdue refund check, is only half the battle. When, seven days later on Friday afternoon at one minute past four o'clock, I enter the back room that's at the present moment totally deserted since Lorraine and Lauren have taken another cigarette break in the tall weeds out back, of which gives me that rare and golden opportunity to empty the contents of the Refund Package (that was shipped directly from the Wayne Frier headquarters from a city known as Live Oak) in search of the refund check to the Plummer family, but no check is found because it does not exist. After searching high and low throughout the dealership for the next thirty minutes to locate the whereabouts of Brother Brent, I finally find the thieving bastard sitting alone in his office eating Chinese food and while he attacks it with the voracity of a hungry wolf, since two can play the same game this is the perfect time to enter his office for a little chitchat that'll scare the dickens out of him with a fictitious story:

  "Guess what I just did Brother Brent? I just saved your life! Lyle Plummer just called here mad as Hell, who I just stopped from coming down here to tear your body apart limb from limb, that was to be followed by a week long Jesse Jackson rally in front of the dealership to convince people to boycott the purchase of mobile homes from all of the Wayne Frier dealerships. Since I assumed that it would not be possible that Lyle's refund check did not arrive, I checked into it and Lyle is correct, because his refund check is not in the Refund Package and by reneging on the promise that you made to him last week, you're playing a dangerous game with dynamite and I don't think that I can hold Lyle back for much longer and you will end up dead! With one swipe of his hand, he'll crush you like a squashed ladybug. So why is Lyle's rightfully due refund not here as you have promised? What excuse can I give him this time, that will keep him calm until next Friday?"

  "Oh boy! Oh shit! Oh boy!" Brother Brent nervously stammers, "Oh oh boy! Oh oh shit! I I I, I totally forgot to tell you about what happened to his his refund check yesterday. First of all, he he will be paid in in full on next Friday after 4 o'clock and this is is a promise that I I will will keep keep! What I I forgot to tell you yesterday, is that the personal secretary of Mr. Wayne Frier screwed up again, because during this entire week she had light spotting during her menstrual period, but when her leakage sprung into a big gushing leak that overwhelmed the saturating powers of her little tampon, during this big leakage emergency that sprung up within seconds she had no choice but to use Lyle's 'Check Request For Refund' form to press the poor little piece of paper
against the gushing flow of blood pouring out so she can make a mad dash to the bathroom without dripping gallons of blood onto the white shaggy carpet. And after she was able to clog up her bleeding vagina with a heavy- duty cork and maxipad to put an end to her bloody emergency, the 'Check Request For Refund' form was far too bloody for Mr. Wayne Frier to sign it to give his final approval that would then swing his girls into action and his secretary would then issue the refund check in Lyle's name, but that did not happen because her bloody period turned the whole thing into a big bloody mess with blood squirting out like a shotgun wound! But we are lucky, because next week this secretary will not have a bloody period, so next week everything should proceed normally without it turning into a bloody mess. Since last week's form is unreadable due to the bloodstains on it, we need to fill out a new form so its nice and readable for Wayne Frier to sign it. So tell that Nigger to calm down, because he'll have his refund next Friday; and tell that crazy Nigger not to mess with me, because if I hit him with my judo chops, he'll bruise like a peach! Tell that Nigger that I do not want to see Jesse Jackson with a tribe of loudmouth Niggers outside yelling their racist heads off like African natives on the war path! Jesse Jackson is a racist Nigger who deserves to be lynched from Wayne Frier's Nigger Hangin' Tree and then, I'll feed that Spook to the 'gators and that will cause a big feeding frenzy and normally, I catch about six to seven fishes."

  But before I have a moment to reply, while Brother Brent resumes the stuffing of his face with the Pu Pu Platter, I'm interrupted as his gift of gab propels food airborne:

  "Oh Vince, I gots to interrupt you cause I gots more wise words to wisely say! Cause the other day, I put on me thinkin' cap to thinks very very hard when 'Presto!' I found something very very bad to critique you with my corrective criticisms and the very very bad thing is, since you Vincent, have the most amount of customers that equals nine to ten dealerships worth of customers and because you have so many customers, its simple statistics that you also have the most troublesome customers who make big trouble as troublesome troublemaking troublemakers. Its an undisputable fact that you have ninety times the amount of customers compared to all other salesmen combined, but for a reason I know not why, your customers are the most rowdy and annoying bunch of troublemakers! I find that your customers are difficult to control because they are all highly disruptive to the smooth operation of this dealership, as well as disruptive to my pleasing and calm temperament because they always argue with me at the drop of a hat! And there are some customers of yours who me, Paul and especially Brother Barry really hates a whole bunch! And what goes without saying, is that we especially hate your Nigger customers; we hate your military veterans and war heroes who are all crazy from the war; we hate your customers who are single women who are without a man; we hate all of your Yanks, Jews, Japs, Chinks, Mulattos, Mexicans, lesbians and again I repeats, that we hate the Niggers the most! Because those unevolved Niggers are the most troublesome troublemakers on the planet Earth! I often ponder, who the heck would invent a Nigger?"

  "Wait a minute, I need to interrupt for a brief moment for a rebuttal that explains the needs of my customers. My customers are not troublemakers, they are only looking for a fair deal, they only want to be treated fairly, because they do not appreciate anyone taking advantage of them, what's so wrong about wanting to be treated fairly with a fair deal and what do you suggest I do about my customers?"

  Unbeknownst to me, my rebuttal has opened the door to what is known throughout the country bumpkin backwaters of Florida simply as, As, AS — The Prejudice List!

  With a big silly grin that reveals the many morsels of food still clinging to his teeth, Brother Brent opens a thick loose-leaf notebook filled with handwritten notes to provide the first of many educational lectures that initially stems from Wayne Frier:

  "I suggest very very strongly that you take notes because these wise words of wisdom are only known but to a few enlightened Rednecks throughout the far-ranging lands of Florida and Georgia. These wise words of wisdom was invented, perfected and taught to me by the extraordinary brilliant mind of the great Mr. Wayne Frier himselves! Every six weeks, every co-owner and manager of Mr. Wayne Frier's dealerships must meet with him at his plush headquarters in Live Oak, Florida, for a four, five or seven day educational seminar that Wayne Frier himself teaches as the teacher of his many great principles, philosophies and a whole system of techniques for stealing which produces the accumulation of immense wealth that's on a grand scale never before known by any other den of thieves throughout the annals of history! All co-owners and managers of his dealerships must attend his seminars to be properly indoctrinated so that Wayne Frier's principles, philosophies and techniques come to mind during each customer deal without having to think about it, it soon becomes a natural reflex to rob every last penny that the customer has without the customer knowing what we're doing, because this training makes us so mentally superior compared to the customer that its like taking candy from a baby. We even outsmart the dumb FBI who can not figure it out because they are unschooled and dumb. That's why we're able to rob from all FHA mortgages without a care in the world, because the FBI is too stupid to figure it out and they are too inflexible to understand the many interweaving principles and methods that we always interweave and overlap and we have been successful at this for over thirty (30) years! In fact, Mr. Wayne Frier has been successful at this for over thirty-nine (39) years and he has stolen many millions of dollars without getting caught not even once, because his methods have been proven to be foolproof! The next thing that is hugely critical to your success in this business, is to totally know and realize that me and Mr. Wayne Frier came up with a long list of peoples to avoid at all cost and this long list of troublemakers is better known by us as, As, AS — The Prejudice List! By avoiding the scum of the earth element listed on The Prejudice List will greatly benefit you by closing easier deals much faster when you dedicate your entire customer base to Rednecks only! Because we all knows that Rednecks are the master race who will rule the world after the nuclear war wipes out all of the Jews, Japs, Spics, Cubans, sand-Niggers, half-breed Mulattos and full-bred Niggers! You need to take this long list very seriously and from now on, work only with the white folk who are not listed on this long list of big troublemakers. It has always been forbidden to sell one of our homes to the lowlife Nigger as well as to all other subhuman creatures listed on The Prejudice List and there is no exceptions! Let me now explain in detail the different groups of people who are listed on The Prejudice List for good reasons. Lets first talk about veterans from the military services of whatever service that they served in. I have never met a veteran who was not crazy, Because They're All Nuts! As the owner of this big dealership, I refuse to allow any salesman in this dealership to process a mortgage through Conseco or elsewhere if the home buyer is a veteran who served in the military because if something goes haywire with the deal, those Crazy Bastards will think nothing of blowing up the dealership with some sort of bomb, hand grenade or the Crazy Bastard will drive his Mack truck through the dealership like Sergeant Parke has threatened to do more times than I can count and that Crazy Bastard is your customer Vince; and its not fair to me because every time that I see a Mack truck, I actually become so deathly afraid that it might be Sergeant Parke, that watery diarrhea tunnels its way past my little cheeks to splash head first into my crotchless panties! Your customers Vince, are the only customers who constantly threaten my life and I never know if I'm going to survive a day at work! Some days it feels like, that your customers have a Hit-man contract to kill me before the close of business and most days, I'm afraid to go into the parking lot! Cause if I ever run into Sergeant Parke without you there to protect me, I know for a fact that Sergeant Parke will run me over with his Mack truck, that nutty war hero is nuts I tell ya! How come your clients are so prone to violence? Your clients are so violent, that they would make a great roller derby team! At bedtime, if I'm not having a bad nightmare about my wife's fish
y vagina, than I'm having a nightmare about Sergeant Parke driving his Mack truck through the center of my house and I always wake up very perspired, scared and very sweaty, most times I'm sweating like a whore in church! Sergeant Parke even said to me, that if I keep my shredded American flags in the rain one more evening which is very disrespectful to a military man who is a war hero like Sergeant Parke, that he will not hesitate to hang me from my own flag pole! So like I said before, war heroes are all crazy and they must be avoided and that's why those crazy bastards are on The Prejudice List. The next group of people who are listed on The Prejudice List who are the cause of the most amount of pain to mankind since mankind began, is the group of people known as, As —Single Women! Women should be at home and not in the workplace, because women are morally weaker than men. Not only do they not do their job 'cause they are all incompetent, but women are a major distraction to the men who cannot concentrate on their job because the hot flirting girl with the big tits, sexy ass and fuzzy little peach, is wiggling her ass for some bump and grind and if the man looks at her wares for a second too long, the tearful girl will report him to the police and he'll end up in jail! Like my wife who does not work and is only allowed to leave the house to go to the mailbox once a day, all women need to do the same thing 'cause when women enter the business field, their impact on business is a big detriment because women slow businesses down not only because they're incompetent, but because women have too much to say especially when they don't know what the heck they're talking about which is more than 99.9% of the time! When women are in the workplace, I'm always in favor of rape and sodomy and that's why I'm looking forward to the day when Brother Barry Branson rapes Lauren's fuzzy little peach and humps her anus like a wild ape! If the woman is married, then its okay to sell her a mobile home, but if the woman is a single woman without a man, then in that scenario we do not sell her a mobile home until she gets married. Lets skip over the psycho Jews, Japs, Spics, Mexicans, lesbians and Canadians to arrive at the big enchilada who are the most infamous group of subhumans known as — the Jungle Bunnies! First of all, the Niggers have no right to live in this country to start off with, because when our white forefathers brought the Nigger into this country as our slaves, who were sold to our forefathers by other Niggers in Africa and when our forefathers shipped those black Coons to America is as per law an illegal immigration, so all Niggers are illegal immigrants and they all need to be repatriated back to Africa Where The Nigger Belongs! And to repatriate the Nigger back to Africa as Abraham Lincoln had plans to do exactly that, of which is a secret that most Americans don't know about, but months later Abraham Lincoln turned into a big pussy and that gosh darn coward never sent a single Nigger back to Africa like lying Abe promised to do and We the White People are now stuck with millions of useless Niggers who are nothing but a huge drain on society because the Nigger does not carry its own weight and the lazy Nigger is always helped by the white man, but the Nigger never helps the white man in return. Abraham Lincoln even mapped out a city in Africa where the Niggers were going to be repatriated and the official name of that city was to be — Niggerville! What does the white man get in return for helping the crime-ridden Nigger? the Nigger screws the wet vagina of the white woman to impregnate our women with half-breed Niggers and that is what the white man receives as pay back! As a white man I firstly say, send the Niggers back to Africa were the Niggers belong because I no longer wish to help the lazy no-good Nigger on Welfare! I now secondly say, if we do not ship the Niggers back to Africa, then I say that its time for a race war and We the White People need to kill every single Nigger that we see, kill the big fat Nigger wherever you see it, is always the best policy; if you see the Nigger in the grocery store, then kill that Nigger in the produce aisle; if you see the Nigger knocking on your girlfriend's front door, then kill that Nigger on the front steps; if you see a Nigger at the zoo, then feed that Nigger to the lions; if you see a Nigger in a restaurant, then stab the Nigger to death with a fork; if you see a Nigger at Sea World, then throw that Nigger in the shark tank; as a white man I say that we must kill the parasite known as the lazy Nigger before the parasite kills the white race by consuming all resources as well as impregnating white women! Have you noticed that the fussy Nigger can no longer have sex with a black girl because black pussy is not good enough for the fussy Nigger who needs white pussy? Because the Nigger needs to have sex with a hot white woman and the brainwashed, weak-minded and stupid naive white Bitch spreads her legs to have sex with the Nigger who looks like a Black F-u-c-k-e-n Apeman Monkey! As a white man, I can not turn on my television to watch a newly released movie without interracial sex occurring, because the horny Nigger needs to have sex with a white broad and innocent virgin white girls who are watching that movie who are very impressionable because girls are mentally weak and naive when instantly, the juvenile girls become brainwashed and within mere days that virgin white girl is having sex with a drug addict Nigger in the back alley of a Chinese restaurant; and this Interracial Nigger Nightmare only began because the greedy Jews in Hollywood are afraid of getting lawsuits from protesting Niggers for being racist so what do the greedy Jews in Hollywood do? they put Niggers into the movie to have blasphemous sex with white women so the fat greedy Jews cannot be sued for racism since the Nigger has screwed a white woman and those greedy Jews could care less of how many virgin white girls got screwed by the apish Nigger all because of that racist movie against white people that only promotes interracial sex to make the Niggers happy, but the Jews don't care because the greedy Jews in Hollywood are at the bank cashing in their royalty checks for many hundreds of millions of dollars! The crazy feminist don't care either, because they have their own agenda which is called — Hate The White Man Agenda And Destroy The Family Structure! That's why the great I, have come to the only conclusion that the sensible white man can make and its a phrase that I invented meself — The Only Good Nigger, Is A Dead Nigger! I gotta kill me a Nigger twice a day every day! Niggers should never be allowed to become Americans to begin with, because Niggers can't even speak English and they is turning our English language into black jive talk, do you know what I'm saying homeboy? I gots to kill me a Nigger and feed him to the 'gators, because the Florida 'gators love to eat Nigger meats! This big Nigger nightmare is the direct fault of that big Nigger Lover who is known as Abraham Lincoln and if that cock sucking Homo was alive today, me and Wayne Frier would lynch Abraham Lincoln from Wayne Frier's Nigger Hangin' Tree where All Nigger Lovers Deserve To Hang From! Did you know that Abraham Lincoln was a big Homo just like J. Edgar Hoover? Since Wayne Frier is an ardent Ku Klux Klan member for forty years, his priceless Nigger Hangin' Tree that he inherited, is only one of fifteen Nigger Hangin' Trees that still exist in existence to this present day and we are very proud to be able to still lynch filthy Niggers from it. Niggers are nothing but criminals anyway! I'm going to explain in detail the real Creation Story to you that you will not read about in any textbook since its secret knowledge that is only known because it was passed down to a few intelligent Rednecks throughout our big confederate State of Florida, so pay close attention to my teachings. This is a true story because my church has taught the teachings of it as well. Once upon a time a long long time ago, humanoid aliens from a planet far far away landed here on earth to mine it for gold that'll be used in the atmosphere of their own home planet to reflect the sun's rays in order to reverse global warming, but the alien astronauts who landed here on Earth, decided that they did not want to do the backbreaking labor that's required to mine gold out of a gold mine and since we white men also need to have slaves picking cotton in the fields, the aliens took an egg and sperm from two different species of monkey on Earth and after some test tube and genetic manipulation of splicing a gene here and a chromosome there to speed up evolution and after months of trial and error when finally on one Saturday afternoon, the alien astronauts invented the slave race known to us white men simply as — The Niggers! And then God said to us white men, th
e black Niggers need to remain as a slave race otherwise We the Gods in heaven will be mad at you white men who shall dominate the Earth and all who inhabit it until We the Gods return. Or, when the day arrives that the slave race of Niggers is no longer needed to be your slaves, then the entire race of Niggers needs to be killed off like a bad yeast infection gone wild! We need to put the Niggers into the ovens like Hitler did to the Jews during World War II. And after we kill every single Nigger that roams free on this small crowded planet, only then will the Gods be happy with us. First of all, the black race is inferior to all other races because the jungle bunnies are not only as dumb as the wall, but its a proven fact that the Niggers are unevolved apemen who are more monkey than humanoid, which means that the apish Niggers have not even evolved into what is classified as, a human being. Second of all, the Niggers are so dumb, that did you know that all tests like the written test to become a policeman is corrupted because of the dumb Niggers, because all Niggers who pencils in the circle that they are a black Nigger taking the test, automatically gets a big gift of forty-five (45) points added to whatever score that the Nigger gets, so if he scores twenty-five (25) points on the entire test, when you add the twenty-five (25) points to the free Nigger gift of forty-five (45) points only because the Nigger is a dumb-ass Nigger, the total score for the dumb-ass Nigger is now seventy (70) points and the dumb-ass Nigger has passed the test by five points above the passing grade of sixty-five (65) points and the Nigger is now eligible to become a policeman and with the Minority Law that forces all police departments to hire more Niggers than white folk to even out the white to black ratio, the dumb-ass Nigger who scored a low twenty-five (25) points is hired and the very smart white intelligent man who truly scored a real sixty-five (65) or seventy (70) points without receiving the big Nigger gift of forty-five (45) points because the intelligent white man is not a dumb Nigger, the dumb Nigger is hired as a policeman and the smart white man is not hired, the Nigger got hired because the Nigger got the gift of forty-five (45) points only because the Nigger is a dumb-ass Nigger who needs the helping hand of forty-five (45) points, now is that fair to the white race? To this very day, the Nigger gift of forty-five (45) points that is freely and secretly given to the dumb Nigger, is a big secret that is classified as a Top Secret secret and its a big secret kept secretively secret from the public, because the powers to be do not want the public to know that the big black policeman is as dumb as green snot! The Nigger is always given the free gift of forty-five (45) points only because the dumb Nigger is a big dumb Nigger! Because the powers to be do not want you to know that the Niggers have the brains of a jungle bunny. If a smart Nigger ever emerges, that's only 'cause that Nigger is a Mulatto and he was lucky to inherit his smarts from a white parent who had interracial sex with a dumb-ass slave Nigger with big titties! To prove my philosophy true that the Niggers are unevolved, lets run down the physical attributes of the Nigger; first of all, the mass murderer Charlie Manson also agrees with the great me because he said many times that the Niggers are unevolved and I believe him because its a true fact that I will now prove as a proven fact: All of the unevolved apelike Niggers have a long projected lower jaw and chin just like the prehistoric Homo erectus; the fat Nigger always has a giant pair of gigantic lips that are so gigantic, that their lips are not black because they're pink; the Nigger has a broad flat nose just like a big ugly gorilla; the fat Nigger has big bulging eyeballs like a mosquito that helps the Nigger see during his favorite pastime which is to commit his crimes at night; the Nigger has a bubbled forehead that shoots backwards instead of upwards; the Nigger has black kinky Afro hair like some kind of creature from outer space; the Nigger even walks like a prehistoric chimp; all Niggers have big fat oversized butts that are so gigantic, that its hideous to look at; all Niggers emit the body odor of a rotten eggs stench just like the foul creature known as Big Foot who lives in the everglades; having sex with a Nigger is equal to having sex with a monkey; to look at a Nigger in a movie is an eyesore that's painful to my sensitive eyes who only wish to look upon the beauty of white folk and not upon the eyesore of a big fat apelike Nigger! In every movie lately, my poor little eyeballs have been forced to look upon the hideous sight of an apish gorilla and that's only looking at the black girls who are more ape than human, like that full-bred gorilla Nigger with the big movie star name of Whoopi Goldberg is so very monkey-looking, so hideous, grotesque, repulsive and ugly that when I look at her, the poor little retinas in my poor little eyes begin to burn from the ugliness of her! So the moral of The Creation Story is, the Niggers were invented by the Gods to be slaves in the gold mines and then after that work was done, the slave race of Niggers was destine by the great Gods to be the white man's slaves and if a time ever arose when the white man needs no more ugly black slaves to accomplish the laborious chores of picking cotton, then the filthy Niggers were supposed to be exterminated and not allowed to procreate like a virus that's unstoppable and out of control; but since the Niggers were never killed as the great Gods intended them to be, We the White Folk of this crowded planet is inundated with hundreds of millions of Niggers because they reproduce faster than a wild boar in the jungle! And the more that the Niggers reproduce, the more money that they receive from the Welfare Office and that's unfair to the master race who have been and always will be — The Intelligent Rednecks! Let me explain, that I'm not a regular Redneck, Because I'm An Intelligent Redneck! In additions, every single no-good Nigger that there is, is always involved in criminal activities because that no-good crime-ridden Nigger has crime imprinted on its DNA. That's why the great Mr. Wayne Frier and me never have and never will hire a Nigger as an employee and that's also why we have never and will never provide housing to a family of Niggers who are raising the criminals of the future. There never was a black employee in any of our seventy dealerships. We will never employ Niggers because we would rather lynch them from Wayne Frier's Nigger Hangin' Tree! All Niggers in this country need to be shipped back to Africa or be lynched, or be thrown to the 'gators as tasty dark meats. No spear chucker is ever allowed to be our customer because my dealership does not need to struggle with crimeful Niggers who are dirty rotten criminals to the rotten core! So we do not sell our mobile homes to any member who belongs to the Slave Race of Niggers, Because We Rather Hang 'Em From Wayne Frier's Nigger Hangin' Tree! Then after they rot on the tree for three weeks, I'll feed 'em to the 'gators because the 'gators love to eats decayed Nigger meats! You have been very lucky Vincent, because you have just heard the wise words of me! So the big moral of The Creation Story is — We Don't Sell Mobile Homes To Niggers, Because We Hang 'Em From Wayne Frier's Nigger Hangin' Tree! What a rare mood I'm in, 'cause I feel like lynching a Nigger, Jew, Jap and Chink!"


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