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by Solomon, Andrew

  Heller, Tamar, Alison B. Miller, and Alan Factor. “Adults with mental retardation as supports to their parents: Effects on parental caregiving appraisal.” Mental Retardation 35, no. 5 (October 1997): 338–46. [PubMed abstract] [Full text by subscription]

  Heller, Tamar, Alison B. Miller, and Kelly Hsieh. “Impact of a consumer directed family support program on adults with developmental disabilities and their family caregivers.” Family Relations 48, no. 4 (October 1999): 419–27. [Full text by subscription]

  Hembree, Wylie C., et al. “Endocrine treatment of transsexual persons: An Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline.” Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 94, no. 9 (September 2009): 3132–54. [PubMed abstract] [Free full text]

  Henderson, Helen. “Earthly injustice of ‘pillow angels.’” Toronto Star, June 27, 2009. [Free full text]

  Henderson, Nick. “Attack on wife: Mental health system blamed; man avoids jail after ‘tragic’ case.” Advertiser, October 13, 2006.

  Henggeler, Scott W., et al. “Family preservation using multisystemic therapy: An effective alternative to incarcerating serious juvenile offenders.” Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology 60, no. 6 (December 1992): 953–61. [PubMed abstract] [Full text by subscription]

  Henry, David B., et al. “Longitudinal family and peer group effects on violence and nonviolent delinquency.” Journal of Clinical Child Psychology 20, no. 1 (June 2001): 172–86. [PubMed abstract] [Full text by subscription]

  Herbert, Martha R., et al. “Localization of white matter volume increase in autism and developmental language disorder.” Annals of Neurology 55, no. 4 (April 2004): 530–40. [PubMed abstract] [Full text by subscription]

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  Hickock, Gregory, Tracy Love-Geffen, and Edward S. Klima. “Role of the left hemisphere in sign language comprehension.” Brain & Language 82, no. 2 (August 2002): 167–78. [PubMed abstract] [Full text by subscription] [Author copy]

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  Hilarski, Carolyn. “Victimization history as a risk factor for conduct disorder behaviors: Exploring connections in a national sample of youth.” Stress, Trauma & Crisis 7 (2004): 47–59. [Full text by subscription]

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  Hintermair, Manfred, and John A. Albertini. “Ethics, deafness, and new medical technologies.” Journal of Deaf Studies & Deaf Education 10, no. 2 (Spring 2005): 184–92. [PubMed abstract] [Free full text]

  Hinton, W. Jeff, Carl Sheperis, and Pat Sims. “Family-based approaches to juvenile delinquency: A review of the literature.” Family Journal: Counseling & Therapy for Couples & Families 11, no. 2 (April 2003): 167–73. [ERIC abstract] [Full text by subscription]

  Ho, Eugenia, et al. “Initial study of rh-IGF1 (Mecasermin [DNA] injection) for treatment of Rett syndrome and development of Rett-specific novel biomarkers of cortical and autonomic function (S28.005).” Neurology 78, meeting abstracts 1 (April 25, 2012). [Free full text]

  Hoare, Peter, et al. “A community survey of children with severe intellectual disability and their families: Psychological adjustment, carer distress and the effect of respite care.” Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 42, no. 3 (June 1998): 218–27. [PubMed abstract] [Full text by subscription]

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  Hoek, Hans W., Alan S. Brown, and Ezra S. Susser. “The Dutch famine and schizophrenia spectrum disorders.” Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology 33, no. 8 (July 1998): 373–79. [PubMed abstract] [Full text by subscription]

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  Hollander, Julia. “‘Why is there no one to help us?’” Guardian, May 28, 2003. [Free full text]

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  Holley, Andrea. Sexual Violence and Its Consequences Among Displaced Persons in Darfur and Chad. New York: Human Rights Watch, 2005. [Free full text]

  Hollingworth, Leta Stetter. Gifted Children: Their Nature and Nurture. New York: Macmillan, 1926. [Google Books] [WorldCat]

  Holmbeck, Grayson N., et al. “Observed and perceived parental overprotection in relation to psychosocial adjustment in preadolescents with a physical disability: The mediational role of behavioral autonomy.” Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology 70, no. 1 (February 2002): 96–110. [PubMed abstract] [Full text by subscription]

  Holmes, Amy S., Mark F. Blaxill, and Boyd E. Haley. “Reduced levels of mercury in first baby haircuts of autistic children.” International Journal of Toxicology 22, no. 4 (July–August 2003): 277–85. [PubMed abstract] [Full text by subscription]

  Holmes, Melissa M., et al. “Rape-related pregnancy: Estimates and descriptive characteristics from a national sample of women.” American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 175, no. 2 (August 1996): 320–25. [PubMed abstract] [Full text by subscription]

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  Holt, Rachael F., and Mario A. Svirsky. “An exploratory look at pediatric cochlear implantation: Is earliest always best?” Ear & Hearing 29, no. 4 (August 2008): 492–511. [PubMed abstract] [Full text by subscription] [Author copy]

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  Hoover-Fong, Julie E., et al. “Weight for age charts for children with achondroplasia.” American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 143A, no. 19 (October 2007): 2227–35. [PubMed abstract] [Free full text] [Author copy]

  Hor, Kahyee, and Mark Taylor. “Suicide and schizophrenia: A systematic review of rates and risk factors.” Journal of Psychopharmacology 24, no. 4 suppl. (November 2010): 81–90. [PubMed abstract] [PMC free full text] [Free full text]

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  Horton, Trudi Venters, and Jan L. Wallander. “Hope and social support as resilience factors against psychological distress of mothers who care for children with chronic physical conditions.” Rehabilitation Psychology 46, no. 4 (November 2001): 382–99. [Full text by subscription]

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  Horwitz, Allan V., Susan C. Reinhard, and Sandra Howell-White. “Caregiving as reciprocal exchange in families with seriously mentally ill members.” Journal of Health & Social Behavior 37, no. 2 (June 1996): 149–62. [PubMed abstract] [Full text by subscription]

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  Houston, Rab A., and Uta Frith. Autism in History: The Case of Hugh Blair of Borgue. Oxford and Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2000. [Google Books] [WorldCat]

  Howe, Michael J. A., Jane W. Davidson, and John A. Sloboda. “Innate talents: Reality or myth?” Behavioural & Brain Sciences 21, no. 3 (June 1998): 399–442. [PubMed abstract] [Full text by subscription]

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