We Both Can’t Be Bae 2 (We Both Can't Be Bae)

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We Both Can’t Be Bae 2 (We Both Can't Be Bae) Page 4

by Twyla T

  Sonya: Merry Christmas!!!

  Toya: Merry Christmas heauxs!!!!

  Shay: Y’all still coming to the chocolate party tomorrow?

  Toya: Yep! Unless you done backed out.

  Sonya: Yeah I should still be able to come.

  Shay: I gotta find something to wear

  Toya: Why you always the last one to find something to wear? And you the one who invited us so you’ve known the longest?

  Sonya: Right. She so damn special!

  Cameron: Merry Christmas ladies!!!

  Cameron: I think I’m coming to the party. It’s time for me to get out. I NEED to get out before I lose my fucking mind!!!

  Toya: Malcolm and Keith gonna let you out?

  Shay: What’s been going on lately Cam?

  Cameron: I’m grown and do what I want. Fuck them!

  Cameron: Let’s see… Keith came to see me at my parent’s house and had to hide in the closet because Malcolm popped up. Malcolm still begging for some pussy but I haven’t gave in yet. I don’t even want him like that. I think he got cameras in the house because he done made a few comments about what’s going on when he ain’t even there. I’m gonna get my dad to have someone check it out and he bought me a new car for Christmas. A bright ass yellow car.

  Shay: OMG!!!! NOOOO

  Toya: Lawwwddd!!! I am too through

  Toya: I can’t even process all that shit girl!!

  Shay: What kinda car?

  Sonya: This is just too much. Jesus.

  Cameron: Another Camaro just a different color

  -Toya; He wanna be able to watch your ass lol

  Sonya: Yo ass ain’t learned shit though have you?

  Cameron: I didn’t do nothin

  Cameron: Toya I’m about to come by your house. I need to use your car for a minute

  Toya: You ain’t bout to get my car keyed up and shit.

  Cameron: Ain’t nothing gonna happen to your car. I’m on my way.

  As Cameron was pulling up at Toya’s house, Malcolm called again. “Hello,” Cameron finally answered her phone with much attitude. “Where you at?” Malcolm asked.

  “Not that it’s any of your business, but I’m at Toya’s house. I need some time. I’m tired of all this drama, Malcolm. Really, really tired! You think because you bought me a car, after you made me wreck my other one and almost killed me, everything is just supposed to be all good. This relationship is exhausting, and whether you admit it or not, you know it is too. I think we need some time apart,” Cameron said. Malcolm was checking the tracking device on the car while she was talking, not really paying attention to what she was saying. He relaxed when he realized she was really at Toya’s house. “I think we need to go to counseling again. We can go to a different pastor or whatever you want. I know I mess up sometimes, but you make me do crazy shit,” he said.

  “If I MAKE you do crazy shit, why are we still together? Have you heard a word I have said?” She asked.

  “I love you baby and I don’t want to lose you,” Malcolm said. Cameron sadly realized that she was never gonna get through to him no matter how hard she tried. She shook her head and sighed. “Malcolm, I will talk to you later. I need to chill with Toya for a while and clear my head,” she said.

  “Are you still coming to my mom’s house?” He asked.

  “I’ll try,” she said and hung up not really caring to go to Bertha’s house.

  Cameron called Keith before going into Toya’s house to see if he could get away for a few minutes. He told her yes and to meet him at his cousins house in an hour. They had been to that house a few times before, so she knew where it was. She told him she would be in Toya’s car and hung up.

  Cameron listened to Toya lecture to her for about ten minutes straight before she finally let up. “You sure know how to hurt people’s feelings,” Cameron told her. Toya changed the subject after that comment. “So are you gonna be able to get out tomorrow? You need some girl time. I do too,” Toya said.

  “Yeah, I will make it work,” Cameron told her. They talked for a few more minutes then switched car keys. “I’m pretty sure that bastard has a tracking device on my car, but feel free to go wherever you need to, I won’t be gone too long. We are only gonna exchange gifts. Where did you put the stuff you’re holding for me anyway?” Cameron asked.

  “It’s right there in closet. I’m not driving your car anywhere. I’m not ready to die yet,” Toya said while laughing.

  “I’ll call when I’m on my way back,” Cameron said and left.

  Cameron made it to Keith’s cousin’s house and noticed that Keith was already there. He came over and opened her door and gave her a hug and a kiss. She grabbed the gifts she had for him and followed him inside. They talked for a few minutes then exchanged gifts. She bought him two polo shirts, some Polo Red cologne, and a Cartier watch that he put on right away. Keith handed her a gift bag and a small box. Cameron pulled out a purple Hermes Birkin bag and laughed because she was looking at that bag on one of their trips. He had told her then that the bag didn’t look like it was worth ten thousand dollars. “Thank you baby!”

  “Oh, I’m baby and not bae today, huh,” he laughed and said. When Cameron opened the small box she knew it was jewelry, but she wasn’t expecting to see a four carat emerald-cut diamond ring. A big smile was plastered on her face when she got up and gave him one of the biggest hugs ever. She slipped the ring onto her ring finger since her original wedding ring had to be cut off of her finger after the accident. Malcolm had been saying he was going to buy her a new one, but she told him don’t even worry about it.

  Cameron started kissing on those sexy lips of Keith’s and he grabbed her ass and squeezed it tight. He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Keith pushed some magazines to the floor that were in his way and eased down onto the love seat. Cameron broke the kiss and started sucking on his neck. While she was teasing him, he pulled her red cashmere sweater up and exposed her black Victoria’s Secret fantasy bra. He pinched her nipples simultaneously and within seconds she succumbed to his pleasure. His mouth then replaced where his fingers had just been and Cameron closed her eyes and moaned. Cameron was yearning to feel his big dick fill her insides, so she hopped up, took off her brown Steve Madden riding boots, pulled her dark blue Miss Me jeans down, and glided down onto his shaft. “Ahhhh,” they both said in unison. “You shoulda left those boots on,” Keith said while Cameron was riding him like a bull. “Next time I will,” she told him. Keith pulled Cameron’s body into his and rubbed her back while she continued to ride him. He wanted to flip her over, but he didn’t want to cause her any pain or discomfort. In his eyes, she was still fragile from the accident. “I’m bout to cum, bae,” Cameron moaned in his ear. “Me too, let it go!” he told her, and she did. Keith couldn’t go a moment longer without taking control. He grabbed Cameron tightly around the waist and flipped her over, never removing himself from inside of her. “Oh my gawd!” she screamed, when he went as deep as he could possibly go. “Damn, I been missing this good pussy,” Keith said.

  “I been missing this good dick too,” Cameron said, as her legs began to shake. Keith grabbed both of her feet and was about to put them behind her head, but decided to just grab one. Cameron pulled his body into hers and leaned up and kissed from his neck to his ear lobes. When Cameron arched her back a little, Keith couldn’t hold out anymore and filled her up with his cum.

  They laid in each other’s arms until Keith’s phone started ringing. Since it was sitting on the end table near them, Cameron glanced at it and saw a picture of Phebe and rolled her eyes. “I gotta answer this, hold up,” Keith told her, but the phone stopped ringing before he could answer it. Cameron heard her phone beeping with a text message from her purse, then Keith’s phone started ringing again. He went down the hall before he answered. Cameron decided to put her clothes and boots back on before checking her phone because she needed to be leaving soon. The time was flying by. When she finally finished and grabbed her p
hone from her purse, a random number was displayed on the screen. When she opened the message there was a picture of a diamond ring. Her phone beeped again while she was looking at the ring.


  It didn’t take long to figure out who that came from. While Keith was still on the phone, Cameron went up to him and snatched it away and ended the call. She wanted to cuss Phebe out, but she didn’t need anything else to get back to Malcolm. “WHAT THE FUCK YOU DO THAT FOR?” He yelled. Cameron held the picture she just received up to his face. He just dropped his head. “Look, shit is just hectic right now. I’m living in hell. I had to give her a ring to shut her up. That promise-ring shit been dead. It ain’t like you making no moves,” he said.

  “You act like every fucking thing is my fault. You gave her a ring because you wanted to” Cameron said, then slapped him as hard as she could. His reflexes kicked in fast and he pushed her down. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to”…before he could finish his sentence, she grabbed a picture off the end table and threw it at his head. He ducked and that pissed her off so she charged at him. Cameron started swinging on him and landed a few punches to his face and arms before he was able to restrain her. She fought to get out of his grip, but she couldn’t, so she bit him and left her teeth marks in his skin. “ARRGGHHH,” he cried out and slapped her. “I can’t believe you just hit me. You motherfucker,” she said while rubbing her face. “It was a reflex. You gotta keep your hands…” before he finished his sentence Cameron had grabbed both of her purses, phone, and was trying to get the gifts she had bought him, but he wrestled with her. She was able to grab the shirts but not the cologne. The watch was already on his wrist so there was no way for her to grab that anyway. Cameron told him fuck you and left. She was starting to think that nothing would ever go right in her life so why even try to do right.

  After she went and got her car back she decided to go on down to Bertha’s house. “I should be used to the drama by now anyway,” she said to herself. It was either that or go back to her parent’s house and look in her sister’s trifling-ass face. She still wanted to kick Charlotte’s ass, but didn’t want to upset her mom anymore, so going back there was out of the question. She decided it wouldn’t hurt to go down to Malcolm’s mom’s house and make him happy since she had plans on going out the next night, so she went ahead and visited. When she made it down there and parked she glanced at her ring finger on her left hand and decided to leave the ring Keith had just given her in the ash tray for now. She would say she bought it when Malcolm went back to work. No need in starting another argument right now, she thought.

  The time Cameron spent at Bertha’s house was actually pretty pleasant. There were only a few slick comments made in which Cameron chose to ignore. She was really quiet because she couldn’t get her mind off of what happened with Keith earlier. He had called her about five or six times but she sent him straight to voicemail. He even tried to face time her, but she still didn’t answer. She hated to be mad at him, but she couldn’t give in that easily. She wanted to send Phebe a picture of her ring too, but she was playing it safe for the time being. Sending pictures before had almost landed her in a casket. Malcolm grabbed a plate to take home with him but Cameron declined. They said their goodbyes and headed on home.

  When they made it home, Cameron decided to give Malcolm the polo shirts she had taken back from Keith. He was excited as Kingston was this morning. Her phone started ringing and she saw that it was her mom so she answered. Her mom told her that she wanted her to sit down and talk to Charlotte tomorrow. Cameron tried to protest, but her mom wasn’t taking no for an answer. She finally told her OK just so she would stop fussing about it. Kingston had fallen asleep on the couch, so she put him in bed once she hung up her phone.

  Just as she was headed back to the living room, Malcolm called her from their bedroom. She sighed, turned around, and headed down the hall. When she walked in, she saw rose petals on the floor and bed, and candles were lit. Soft music was playing in the background. When did this nigga learn how to be romantic? Cameron thought to herself. He walked up to her and pulled her close to him. In her head she was screaming NOOOO, but she knew there would be no escaping him tonight, so she went ahead and reluctantly followed his lead. Thoughts of this morning filled her mind so she told him she needed to use the bathroom real quick. Malcolm seemed agitated, but he obliged. Cameron immediately turned the shower on not caring about having to answer any questions. If he knew what was good for him he would just let me take this shower and shut up, Cameron thought to herself. She heard him calling her name, but she ignored him and hopped in. After taking the quickest shower ever, Cameron walked out with a towel wrapped around her naked body. Malcolm must have wanted some pussy pretty bad because he didn’t even question her. He started kissing her and she noticed that it wasn’t one of those sloppy kisses that she was use to receiving from him. After he laid her down and started sucking on her clit, she was very surprised and pleased. Who been teaching this dog some new tricks, she thought to herself. When he finished and entered her, she was shocked again. It still only lasted a couple of minutes, but that was the best couple of minutes that she had ever had with him. Maybe I can forget about Keith and try to focus on Malcolm again, she thought as she rolled over and went to sleep.

  Chapter 4

  Keith was sitting at the table at Phebe’s parent’s house for Christmas dinner, pissed off that he had retaliated and put his hands on Cameron. He called and texted her several times, but she never replied to his messages or answered his calls. She never called back either. He even took his phone off of vibrate, after sneaking to the bathroom to make a face time call, so he could hear it ring. He wanted to tell her that he had given Phebe a ring before now, but he just couldn’t bring himself to do so. He was caught between a rock and a hard place. Phebe had been pressuring him to get a legit job and leave the streets alone, but he loved the streets and that was all that he knew. She had even taken it upon herself to find him a job and he had an interview scheduled for after the New Year. He was gonna go to the interview, but had no plans on working for The Man anytime soon. He needed to pay for this wedding and get it out of the way, then he would consider working a nine-to-five a little bit more.

  As Keith sat there playing over his food, Phebe was becoming more infuriated by the minute. She took notice to his absent-minded behavior and knew that he was thinking about that bitch Cameron. There she was, sitting there with a ring on her finger, ready to be Mrs. Edwards, and he was thinking about his bitch-ass jump off. If she had known that Cameron had a ring, and it was more expensive than hers, she would really flip the fuck out. What the fuck kinda hold does this bitch have on him? I’m getting sick of this bullshit. I’m gonna move the wedding up to this summer instead of the fall so he can be all mine, Phebe sat there thinking.


  When Cameron woke up the next morning it was almost ten o’clock and Malcolm and Kingston were gone. After she washed her face and brushed her teeth, she grabbed her phone and went and fixed herself a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. She sent a text to the group chat asking if everyone was ready for tonight.

  Toya: I am. Is Malcolm letting you out??

  Toya: What about Keith? You listen to him before you listen to Malcolm anyway lol

  Cameron: Letting? I haven’t even told him yet but I finally gave him some last night so he should be happy. And shut up!

  Toya: You act like he ain’t getting none from somewhere else lol….I’m ready though. What you wearing?

  Shay: I still don’t know what I’m wearing. Y’all know all eyes gon be on me since this is Travis party. I gotta upstage these hoes.

  Sonya: Shay yo ass better get it together for this party YOU invited us to.

  Cameron: I got a couple of outfits to choose from. Toya and Sonya y’all can ride with me if y’all want to. All we need is a meet up spot.

  Shay: Yeah all y’all ride together
then y’all can come to my house before the party

  Toya: Yo slow ass better be ready Shay. We ain’t coming to watch you get dressed for two hours.

  Shay: Ima be ready heifer

  Toya: Let’s meet up at Walmart Cam and Sonya…about 8:00

  Cameron: That’s fine

  Sonya: Sounds good to me

  Cameron promised her mom that she would talk to Charlotte today so she decided to hop in the shower and throw on clothes so she could go to her parent’s house and get that shit over with. She called Malcolm on the way to her parent’s house, but he didn’t answer his phone. By time she made it to their house, Charlotte was already gone. “You can’t force it mom, she doesn’t wanna talk to me anyway,” Cameron said. “It’s fine. I’m gonna just pray for her and Malcolm both,” she continued.

  “I know you are secretly glad she that was gone when you got here anyway, but what are you gonna do about your situation? You can’t keep this love triangle escapade going like this,” her mom said, feeling some type of way for letting those words leave her mouth. “I know mom. Keith and I broke up this morning anyway. I really just want to be by myself,” Cameron told her mom.

  “You know I’m not really fond of Malcolm these days, but I don’t want you to do anything that will cause you anymore harm,” her mom told her.

  “I’ve gotta figure this shit, I mean stuff out, mom,” Cameron said. They talked for a few more minutes until the house phone interrupted them. It was Fred on the phone. Cameron was so excited that she grabbed the phone from her mom. “Hey Fred! I miss you, when are you coming back home?” Cameron asked him. He told her that he was hoping to be home in the spring and he was thinking about not re-enlisting. She was excited. It would be just like old times to have him back. Cameron walked down the hall to her old room and started talking to him about some of the things that had been going on. It felt like a burden was lifted off of her to let him know. She even told him everything about Keith and said that they broke up this morning. He was pissed about that altercation, but semi calmed down when she explained how she had provoked him. She couldn’t calm him down when she admitted everything about Malcolm. Fred said that he would take care of Malcolm when he came home and he had already made up his mind to call him without telling Cameron. Cameron walked out to take the phone back to her mom who was right outside of the door ear hustling. Her dad walked in just as she was about to leave so she decided to stay for a few more minutes. “Dad, I need you to check on something for me when Malcolm goes back to work. I think he has installed cameras in the alarm system or something because he knows about things that go on at the house while he’s not even there. For instance, the night he came home I pretended to be asleep and he said he knew I wasn’t sleep yet because I had just sent someone a text and he mentioned it. Thank God I didn’t make the phone call because I’m not sure if the system has audio or not,” Cameron said.


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