Mine to Keep

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by Mine to Keep [Evernight] (mobi)

  “I thought you owned this shop?” Anna said.

  “No. I’ve been running it while Debbie deals with her sister’s wedding. I’ve heard she’s been getting complaints about me.” Amy hated it. She speared some chicken onto her fork and took a bite. The complaints about her were getting tiresome. She was a single mother trying to make ends meet. If she lost this job she wouldn’t be able to make the rent. The problems were piling up, not to mention the sneers had increased with the rumours of her being a slut on the rise. Spending the night with Gabriel had been a big mistake. No one would help her now.

  “If she upsets you send her to me. I’ll give Debbie a bitch-slap. She needs one. How dare she judge anyone? Her husband ran off with the babysitter a few months back.”

  “At least they were the clever ones. They got out of Cape Falls. I’m starting to wonder if I’m sane. I think I should take Mia and Billy and move away from here.”

  Anna took her hand and gave her a squeeze. “Don’t let these people run you out of this town.”

  “Why do we stay here, Anna?”

  “Because leaving would be too easy. The people aside, Cape Falls is a beautiful place to live. Besides, I have a feeling this town is going to be turned upside down, and I wouldn’t miss that for the world.”

  Amy sat with her friend through lunch while the Steer brothers played with her kids. When it was time for them to go she saw Mia and Billy didn’t want to go back into her office. There was no room for them to play. They were nearly six years old, and they didn’t have enough time to play.

  Debbie came in around two in the afternoon. From the look on the woman’s face, Amy knew she was about to be out of a job. By three she’d taken her few belongings and taken her children home. She knew Debbie hadn’t wanted to fire her, but with over two hundred complaints from the locals she’d had no choice. Over two hundred complaints. Amy didn’t serve two hundred clients in a day.

  She shook her head and sat down with the paper at the table. Mia and Billy were colouring in the sitting room. She phoned through ten applications and came up with nothing. Life was about to get difficult.


  Gabriel was filing away some paperwork when he heard the word about Amy. He couldn’t believe she’d been fired. The gossip stopped the moment he entered the main reception area. There were times he really hated living in Cape Falls. The moment his shift ended, he got in his truck and drove to her house. He knocked on her door and noticed her neighbours giving him funny looks. Amy answered, and he saw she’d been crying.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked.

  “I heard.”

  “From the sounds of everything the whole world knows.” She moved aside for him to enter.

  “I want to help.” She put her finger to her lips and pointed in the sitting room. Mia and Billy were fast asleep on the couch.

  “They haven’t been sleeping well. You can’t help. The only job I can get is over fifty miles away. I think it is time for me and my kids to move out of Cape Falls.”

  “No.” He stared at the two children, hoping his raised voice hadn’t woken them. They were both fast asleep. Gabriel followed her down the short hall into her dining room. He saw the papers spread out with red circles and crosses all over.

  “I’ve got no choice, Gabriel. I can’t live here with no job and a town that ridicules me. This has gone too far.”

  Gabriel knew he couldn’t let her go. It was selfish of him, but he refused to live without her. Cape Falls was only his home because of Amy. She was the person who made him get up in a morning and work as hard as he did, which was ridiculous considering he’d only known her for a year and a half. His mind was working quickly, trying to find a reason for her to stay.

  “Do you like Cape Falls?” he asked. He wouldn’t dream of forcing her to stay in a town she didn’t even like.

  “When the people are not being complete bitches to me, yes, I like Cape Falls. It’s a beautiful place to stay.”

  “Then come and stay with me. I’ve got the room, and I’d love for you to keep me company,” he said. His heart was racing at the possibility of her coming to live with him.

  “I can’t do that,” she said.

  “Yes. You can. I want you around, Amy. I like you.” He more than liked her.

  She stared at the floor, her head bowed. In another woman he would have appreciated her submissive gesture. With Amy, Gabriel wanted to see her face and her eyes. She had such expressive eyes. Her pose couldn’t take away the fact he wanted to reach out and run his fingers through her dark black hair. Would the strands be as silky as they looked? He’d touched her days ago, but still he wanted more.

  “What would the town think?”

  “Who gives a fuck what the town thinks? I don’t. Come and live with me, and I promise you won’t have to worry about a thing.”

  She stared at him, her eyes filled with tears. “Why are you so nice to me?” she asked.

  Because I want you to be mine.

  “Are we going to stay with Gabriel?” Billy asked.

  He turned round and saw her two children in the doorway. Here was his chance to get them on his side. He would do anything to protect Amy and these two angels. In his mind they were already his to love and care for.

  “Would you like to live with me?” he asked. He went to them and knelt down on their level.

  They stared back at him. Their eyes large, their mouths slightly parted.

  “Would you cook pizza?” Billy asked.


  “What about ice-cream?” Mia asked.

  “I can’t cook ice-cream, but I’ll make sure to have a regular supply of chocolate.”

  “What about playing?” Billy asked.

  “I’ve got a yard where I was going to put a slide and doll house. I’ve got my eye on some toys. You could help me pick if you liked.”

  Mia and Billy stared at each other. “You won’t hit mummy?” they asked. Gabriel ground his teeth together at the anger inside him. Steven got off too lightly. He would love to castrate the bastard for the damage he’d done. Gabriel shook off his temper and smiled. He could give them a life they deserved. The money he’d made with William was more than sufficient for them to live a good life.

  “I’d never touch your mummy. She’ll only get love and hugs off me.”

  They both giggled and nodded their heads. “Can we, mummy? It would be fun.”

  He turned back to Amy. She was wiping the tears from her cheeks, her smile wobbly.

  “I promise.” He mouthed the words for her.

  “Are you sure? I don’t want to impose.”

  “I wouldn’t have offered if I didn’t want you to impose,” he said.

  “How can I refuse? There is ice-cream on the menu.” Mia and Billy yelled their excitement. Amy stood, and Gabriel pulled her into his arms. She felt so fragile.

  “You won’t regret it.”

  “I’m more worried that you’ll regret opening up your home for me.”

  That was never going to happen. Gabriel helped them to pack a few things. He wanted to get them settled into his home as soon as possible. Amy phoned Laura and Anna to tell them while he helped the other two pack their clothes. He piled three suitcases and several pillows into his truck.

  This was the start of his new life. With Amy close to him, he could start to work on changing her feelings for him.

  Chapter Five

  Amy grabbed the last of their boxes and took it outside to where Gabriel was stood with her children. Anna and Laura were with her, and they heaved another box onto the truck. She’d sent all of her furniture to the second hand store. She no longer worked there, but other people shopped and would need it.

  “I think the good Sheriff has a thing for you,” Anna said the moment Amy walked back inside.

  “No, he doesn’t. He’s just being nice.”

  “You’re so blind,” Laura said. “That guy has got it bad. If only Peter would find a woman to settle down with. I
hate seeing him on his own.”

  Peter Miller had become Laura’s best friend during the scandal that had broken out with Dean. He lived in town but spent most of his time at Laura and Dean’s house.

  “He’ll find someone.” She stared out the window and saw Gabriel making her two children laugh. Even inside she could see the effect he had on her family. They adored him, and she saw why. There was something about him that called to her. His age didn’t bother her, even if she tried to make an issue about it inside her head.

  “You’re smitten, too,” Anna said.

  “No. I’m not. How can I be smitten? He’s older than me.”

  “Dean has twenty years on me, and boy does it show.” Laura smiled and gave a wiggle which made Amy laugh.

  “Please. Not only do I have an older guy, but I have two older men—and that is what you call a party. I’ve got the best situation in the whole of Cape Falls. Also, my men can shut them down if I want.” The Steer brothers provided plenty of job opportunities, and a couple of businesses had been shut down recently because of their attitude towards Anna.

  “Do you really think he has feelings for me?”

  “I imagine he’d be on all fours howling like a dog and marking his territory if he could. That man has ‘Amy is mine’ written all over him,” Laura said.

  “How can you be sure?” Amy didn’t want to get her hopes up. The last thing she needed was another bad relationship under her belt. Her feelings for Gabriel had been growing since the moment he’d said hello to her. Then for him to help and protect her—she was smitten over him. She spent most of her time in his company trying to fight her feelings for him.

  Anna stood by her left while Laura stood by her right. “Let’s see, one, he was the one who put Steven away. Two, he loves your kids and spends most of his time with you. Three, he’s getting you to live with him ... do you really need me to go on?” Laura asked.

  “Are you sure that isn’t what guys do for a girl in trouble?” she asked. She was starting to show her age with her lack of experience with men.

  “Nope. Guys who care just give you a job and leave you to it. Look at Laura. Peter let her live in his apartment and was even willing to marry her I bet when she discovered she was pregnant.”

  “Leave Peter out of this.”

  “See. Gabriel has the hots for you, and I bet he’s been wanting you to move in with him for a while now. He’s got the hotties for you,” Anna said.

  Amy laughed and grabbed her bag. Anna and Laura walked out, and she took a moment to look around her house. She would be twenty-four in a few months. Her life had turned out different from how she imagined it. In her dream world she hadn’t been married or pregnant with twins. Pulling the strap of her bag on her shoulder, she closed her eyes and sent a little prayer to whoever was listening.

  “Hey, baby. Are you ready to go?” Gabriel asked as he entered the kitchen. Amy opened her eyes. Gabriel, God’s angel. She shook her head at her silly thoughts.

  “I’m ready to go.”

  “You’re not upset to be leaving this behind are you?” he asked.

  “No. I just wanted to take stock of everything. This has been my life for some time. I guess I’m shocked by how quickly life can change.” She smiled at him. Did he have feelings for her? He reached out and took her bag. Whenever guys came close to her, she found herself flinching away. With Gabriel it was different.

  “This change will be for the better.” He tucked her arm through his, and they walked out of the house together. She handed the key over to the landlord. He gave her a frown but nodded.

  “I hope you have a better life, Amy.”

  She smiled. It was the nicest thing one of the townfolk had ever said.

  “Thank you, Doug.” She moved towards Gabriel’s truck.

  “Mummy, we’re going to a grilling,” Billy said from the backseat. She frowned and glanced over at Gabriel.

  “Anna has invited us over for a barbeque before the last of the summer dies away.”


  “Tonight. I was thinking we could go to my house and drop this stuff off and then head over. It would be fun.”

  “I like that.”

  “Great.” Gabriel put the truck into gear and drove along to his house. Amy played with her kids in the mirror to make sure they were okay. They never suffered with car sickness, and she wanted to keep it that way. She saw the excitement inside them. Their eyes were wide, and the smallest thing made them burst into giggles. Their feet were wiggling in the back of the car.

  When they pulled up outside his house, Billy and Mia were already out of their seats and waiting to be let out. Gabriel had a big garden, which would be ideal to let them out and play.

  They jumped out of the backseat and ran towards the rear of the truck. Gabriel unloaded their sacks and told them to go and put it in their room.

  “How come you have a novelty bedroom decorated in your house?” she asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “The room you let Mia and Billy stay in. Do you have children of your own?” She wanted to know more about him.

  “No. I don’t have children, and I decorated it because I thought I might have some one day.”

  “Well, if you ever find the woman for you, let me know. She’ll be one special lady.” Amy grabbed her bag and made her way inside. She felt his stare at her back. The sound of childish laughter filled the house when she walked inside. She went to the kitchen and began to unpack the food she’d had left. Never before in her life had she felt as at home as she did the moment she walked through his door. When the food was unpacked, she went to help Gabriel unpack the truck.


  Gabriel took a shower to rid his body of the sweat from moving all the boxes Amy had packed. His arms ached from the workout, but it felt good to see her presence inside his home. The sounds of Mia, Billy, and Amy filled his house and brought him peace where he’d once been filled with nothing but chaos. He grabbed a towel and walked back to his bedroom. He heard Amy getting the kids ready to go out. When she’d asked him why he’d decorated a bedroom for children, he’d felt nervous. How do you tell the woman who has moved in with you that you decorated the house with her in mind? Gabriel knew every time he picked up a paint brush, he’d been thinking of Amy. The way he felt about her was turning into his secret obsession. Never had he thought he’d consider putting pictures of fairies and fire trucks in a room before.

  William was due to visit him in a couple of weeks, and he’d have to warn Amy about his friend. Shaking his head at the image of him in the mirror, he wondered how that conversation would go. “Hi. My best friend from the city is coming to visit. He owns a BDSM club, but don’t worry. You’re mine, and he won’t spank your ass.”

  He pulled a shirt on and then a pair of jeans before looping his belt through the hoops. Running his fingers through his hair, he walked out of his room and down the stairs. Amy was on her knees, brushing Mia’s hair. He liked the way she looked on her knees. In his mind he saw her on her knees pleasing his cock. He shook his head to rid the image from his mind. She looked so damned tempting all the time. He was a man, and he could only resist so much. It had been two years since he’d been with a woman. The only relationship he’d had was with his hand. And his hand was growing less and less desirable with every passing day.

  “Are you guys ready?” he asked.

  “Yes.” They jumped up and down, and he heard Amy laugh, a real, lovely sound. He stopped in his tracks and stared at her. She looked younger from where he stood. Her hair hung in long waves down her back. She wore a yellow summer dress with a white cardigan over her arms. He knew she had burn marks and never wore anything to reveal them.

  “You look pretty,” he said, walking towards her. She turned towards him, her smile lighting up her whole face.

  “Thank you. You look handsome, too.”

  He couldn’t look away from her. She held his attention completely.

  “Come on. I w
ant to go,” Billy said.

  Mia took his hand and pulled while her brother pulled his mother. “I guess we’ve got to go,” he said.

  They settled Mia and Billy into his truck before he helped Amy into her seat. “You look really pretty.” Gabriel said the words again in the hope she would begin to realise her own worth. He placed a hand on her thigh and heard her gasp. The heat of her thigh travelled up his palm and through his body. She was soft, warm, and everything he wanted.

  “Thank you.” He smiled back at her and moved to his side of the truck. “Who’s hungry?”

  “Me,” they both said in unison. Amy laughed, which made his dick hard. He’d need to get used to the sound. He drove to the Steer mansion and saw several cars parked in the main driveway.

  “I thought it was a small gathering?” she said.

  “It could still be a small get-together.” He pulled up at the back so he could leave whenever he wanted.

  They walked round the back. Anna was in a bikini, and Laura was in a full swimsuit. There were several other couples talking.

  “You made it,” Anna said with a squeal. She walked over to them and embraced Amy. “I’m so pleased you could make it. I’m giving David and Paul a heart attack in my bikini, but this is going to be the last of the sunshine. I just know it. Billy and Mia, we’ve got some friends for you to play with.”

  Amy followed Anna. Gabriel went to where most of the men were standing. Dean shook his hand, while David and Paul Steer nodded their heads in his direction. “Gabriel Anderson, I want to introduce you to some Cape Falls residents. These are like us, outcasts because we refuse to conform. That’s Adam and his boyfriend Anthony. Then there is Natalie, who hopes to open up a bar and a tattoo parlour, and did you know a certain Cape Falls resident is providing the funding for all of this?” Paul said with a smirk.

  “You’re going to have all of the Cape Falls residents fainting when they hear the news.” Gabriel smirked.

  “You haven’t heard the best news yet.” David chuckled and handed Gabriel a beer. “There has been an application for a BDSM gentlemen’s club, and we’ve approved it.”


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