Mine to Keep

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by Mine to Keep [Evernight] (mobi)

  There would have been a time in her life where she would have hated seeing her body in any kind of mirror. She stared at her body and saw a survivor.

  Twirling her hair around a finger she lost herself in her own fantasy of life with Gabriel. He was so masculine. His tone of voice and presence made her aware that he didn’t take any bullshit. He was a man who went after what he wanted. Did he want her? From the kiss she thought he did.

  She pulled on a nightshirt and lay down on her bed. Being Gabriel’s would be a heady experience.

  “Amy is my woman, and I love her with all my heart.” She imagined what he would say. Maybe one day she would hear him say the words.


  The following day Amy went to the store to get some groceries. Gabriel had phoned her after she dropped Billy and Mia at school to warn her that William would be arriving that night and leaving on Friday. She ignored the stares of people and placed the ingredients she needed inside her trolley. No one would force her to go back into her shell any more. When she was at the till paying for her items she noticed the other people had stopped staring and were getting on with their own business. She smiled to herself. If she’d ignored them in the first place maybe she would have been happier a lot earlier. Deciding not to bother, she said goodbye to the woman who served her and made her way out the shop. Gabriel was leaning against his truck. Amy stopped, watching him. He was so tall, and his presence always caught her off guard.

  His arms were folded over his chest. The muscles bulged, making her shiver inside. He would be so strong, and she wondered what he would look like naked. The thought caught her unawares, and she stumbled into his arms.

  “Hey, baby. Are you okay?” he asked.

  “Yes. You know you can startle a woman just standing like that,” she said before she could stop herself. He chuckled, and the sound made her pussy get wetter.

  “You’re blushing, Amy Grant. Why do I get the feeling you’re thinking nasty thoughts?” he said.

  “Maybe because I am.” She lifted her gaze to his. The boldness inside her came out of nowhere.

  The world fell away, and he and she were the only two who existed.

  “I think I like this daring woman before me.” He cupped her cheek tilting her head back. She held the groceries in her hands, and she couldn’t touch him. The intensity of his stare kept her in the same spot waiting for him to make the first move.

  “You know everyone is staring at us. We’ll be the talk at the tea table tonight.”

  Amy smiled. “I’ve been the talk of the tea table for quite some time. You could kiss me and give them something fresh to talk about.”

  Who was this woman?

  “You’re tempting me, Amy. I think I should take you home and spank this hot little ass of yours.” He squeezed her left ass cheek, and she gasped.

  What was happening to them?

  “I think we should give them something to talk about,” Gabriel said. He took her bag of groceries and dumped them in the back of his truck. Next, she was in his arms, and his lips were on hers. She wrapped her arms around him and gave him everything in her kiss. Her heart raced, and the heat spilled from her pussy. All he had to do was kiss her, and she was wet for him. The power he held over her scared her at times, but in this instance she liked being his. The whole town would know she belonged to Gabriel Anderson, and they couldn’t do a thing about it.

  With him at her side, she knew she would be able to achieve everything.

  He pulled away. “I think that’ll keep them talking for the rest of the year.”

  She giggled and kissed him back. “That was for me. I don’t care what the rest of the town think.”

  “You’re going to be the death of me. I didn’t kiss you to put on a show, Amy. I kissed you because I couldn’t not kiss you.”

  He opened the truck door and helped her into the passenger seat. “Shouldn’t you be working?” she asked.

  “I am working. I’m helping my woman home.”

  The thrill went through her at his words. “Am I your woman?”

  “You’re no one else’s.”

  Gabriel pulled away from the path, and they travelled out of the town. For a Wednesday there weren’t many people around. Amy said as much to Gabriel.

  “They’re all in the town hall trying to protest several businesses from being sponsored in the town.”

  “I hadn’t heard of anyone wanting to open up a new shop,” she said.

  “Paul and David Steer are the ones who are sponsoring the new businesses.”

  “Do I even want to know what will be opening up in Cape Falls?” She looked out of the window, and she saw the doors opened to the main town hall doors. She saw how busy it was.

  “What makes you think they’ll succeed in getting them to open?” Gabriel asked.

  “The Steer brothers know what they’re doing. I’m sure they’re only doing this for their own amusement. What’s opening up?”

  “A tattoo parlour and a gentlemen’s club.”

  “That’s it?” Two businesses didn’t sound all that troublesome.

  “For now, but I think they have other plans for this little town. They want to create their own entertainment.” Gabriel pulled out of the town and drove along the road. “William called. He’s going to be in town this afternoon.”

  “Are you bringing him home with you?” she asked.

  “No. He’ll come straight to the house. Don’t be worried about him. I’ll be home at five the latest tonight.” He tapped her knee.

  “Do you want me to leave him alone in your house while I pick up the kids?”

  “Yes. He won’t steal the silver, Amy. He’s a friend.”

  Amy chuckled as he pulled up outside his front door. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. William is a strange man, but you’ll see he’s very charming.” Gabriel got out of his truck and grabbed her groceries for her.

  “I’ve got to get back to town. Take care, and I’ll see you later.”

  Amy stood and watching him drive off before going inside. She went straight to the kitchen and put her cheese and milk in the fridge. When the rest of her food was unpacked she grabbed the chicken from the fridge and marinated it in lemon, garlic, chili, and olive oil to give it flavour.

  Next she began making the crème brûlée for desert. She’d enjoyed it once when Laura had made it at one of her dinner parties, and she wanted to give it a try. She was on the final stages of stirring the custard when the doorbell rang.

  “Hold on,” she called.

  A quick beat and she poured the vanilla custard into the cold dish and placed it in the fridge.

  The doorbell kept ringing as the person refused to hold on.

  Red-faced and annoyed she stormed to the door.

  “When I say hold on that means hold on.” She yelled the last part as she flung open the door. A man who was easily six foot six stood on her doorstep. His dark black hair was cut short with a hint of greys. He was large like Gabriel with thick arms, but that was where their likeness ended.

  “Well, hello. You must be Amy.” He leaned against the door frame. His whole body filled the doorway.

  “Does that mean you’re William?” she asked.

  “The one and only.” He bowed down low, and she chuckled. “I take it Gabriel told you about me.”

  “He didn’t have much of a choice. You’ll be staying here, and so am I.”

  “May I come in?” he asked.

  “Of course. Sorry.”

  She moved out of the way giving him plenty of room to enter.

  “That smells heavenly. Is that vanilla?”

  “You know your scents,” she said, leading him to the kitchen. “I was making crème brûlée.”

  “I use vanilla often but not in cooking.” The saucepan was left on the side. She watched him dip his finger inside the pan of custard. He sucked on his custard covered finger with a moan. “Wow, that is tasty. I can’t wait for more.”

got to go and get my children. Can I leave you here, or would you like to come for the walk?” she asked.

  “I think walking would be such fun.”

  Chapter Eight

  Gabriel drove home feeling the weight of the whole town on his shoulders. He’d never heard so many complaints. Nearly every member of the town had stopped by the station to ask him if they could stop the Steers from sponsoring a new business.

  The sun was setting, and when he walked in he heard William straight away. Amy was laughing, and the children were giggling. He moved to the dining room and found William fighting with a meatball and chip.

  “I have to say your fights have gotten rather meaty since the last time,” Gabriel said.

  His friend looked up and gave him a smile. “Well look at you. You’re the small town sheriff through and through.” William ate the meatball and chip. Mia and Billy were talking excitedly.

  “Guys, this is Gabriel’s friend. Let them catch up. William will still be here after dinner.” Amy smiled and gave him a wave.

  He went to the sitting room and closed the door.

  “I have to say, Gabriel, you’re one lucky guy,” William said, taking a seat in front of the open fire.

  “I know.”

  “If you hadn’t claimed her as your own I’d have to make a play for her. Did you see those curves? Man, she’d fill my hands, and she’d take a nice hard fucking as well.”

  Gabriel let him have his fantasy. There was no way he’d be touching Amy.

  “You’re smitten with her.”

  “Why do you ask?”

  “Because she’s moved in with you, which you’ve never let a woman do. And secondly, you look happy and settled, and I’ve never seen you do both. Does she know who you are?”

  Gabriel poured himself a shot of whisky from the bottle and poured another for William.

  “No, she doesn’t know about me.” He knew she would find out about him eventually. Being a dominant wasn’t an easy secret to keep from the woman in your life. Are you really a dominant? Gabriel couldn’t help but feel as if his dominant side was leaving him. His instincts were changing where Amy was concerned. He wanted her for much more than being a submissive.

  “She’s got fire, but she trusts you without completely knowing you. That’s rare. I envy you, Gabriel. I have yet to find a woman for myself who will give me everything I desire.” He heard the sadness in his friend’s voice.

  “I heard you had already requested permission to set up your club in Cape Falls. How you managed to call it a gentlemen’s club baffles me,” Gabriel said.

  “Do you really think I wouldn’t have joined you here eventually? Cape Falls is just the right town to cause a few problems. I think it will do the folk good. I walked ‘round the main town before I got a cab to here. Wow, some men need to loosen up, and the women look like they need a good fucking.”

  Gabriel burst out laughing. William was a breath of fresh air when it came to blunt speech. If anything, his friend would provide enough entertainment, and the Steer brothers would love him.

  They spent the next couple of hours catching up on lost time. William told him he already had a place for the new club to be located. It would be converted so the front was part of the club, while the back would be his own house. Gabriel heard Amy upstairs and couldn’t help but smile. Her presence in his home made him happy. When she came down, he noticed William watching her. She asked Gabriel if he needed anything. Gabriel declined and watched her walk away. Her ass was so tempting to him. The moment he no longer heard her feet on the stairs, he turned to William. His friend was staring at him.

  “You really are living a good life.”


  Amy pulled the chicken out of the oven, tossed the potatoes in butter and chives, and placed them on the table. Gabriel and William were in their seats, talking. She felt Gabriel’s eyes on her all the time. She got a thrill from knowing the power she held as a woman when it came to him.

  “This smells delightful,” William said, making her smile.

  “I’ll go and get the salad.” She quickly poured on the dressing and carried it out with her. Gabriel was serving her some food when she took the seat next to him. He sat at the head of the table while William took the seat on his right, and she sat on the left.

  She handed William the salad, and he served for all three of them.

  “Amy, your children are wonderful. You’re a brilliant mother,” William said.

  “Thank you.” She felt a blush stain her cheeks.

  “She blushes, Gabriel. She truly is a rare find.”

  “Is there a woman in your life, William?” she asked, trying to distract him from all the questions he’d aimed at her.


  “What do you do with yourself?”

  “She’s a bossy little thing. I hope you can tame her, Gabriel. Well, Ms. Grant, I’m a professional dominant, and I’m the man who will be opening an exclusive gentlemen’s club here in Cape Falls.”

  Amy stared at him before returning her gaze to Gabriel. “Did I hear correctly?” she asked.

  “Yes.” Gabriel forked some of his chicken and pressed it against her lips. “Eat.”

  “How did you two meet?”

  “Through my old job as a cop. We found we had a lot of other stuff in common, and I’ve been friends with him ever since.” Gabriel sent her a smile, and the conversation moved on. William kept staring at her, and she felt like she was being challenged.

  When the dinner was finished, she cleaned away the dishes and went upstairs. Gabriel kissed her goodnight, and she waved at William. Sleep didn’t come to her straight away. She lay in bed thinking about Gabriel. Did his tastes go to the more extreme of the dominance she’d read about? Laura had let her read Dean’s books where BDSM played a huge part in the story. Her breasts tingled as she imagined Gabriel in a commanding role. She knew he would be the one in control. Amy knew he would never hurt her. His commands would come to bring her pleasure. Gabriel would not ridicule her or humiliate her. He would make sure she’d feel nothing but pleasure. She trusted him so completely that she shocked herself.

  She placed her hand over her breasts and felt them in her palm. Her nipples were pointed, and she stifled a moan when she rubbed the pointed tips. Her breasts had always been sensitive. She moved down her body until she cupped her mound. The heat from her pussy went straight through her hand. She wore no panties, and the moisture soaked onto her fingers.

  Masturbating had been the only thing to provide her with any sort of release. Steven in all the years they were together had never brought her to orgasm. She pressed a finger through her slit, feeling the wetness on her fingers. Her clit was swollen, and the smallest touch made her gasp. She coated herself with cum, opened her legs wide, and closed her eyes.

  She imagined Gabriel entering her room. He wore no clothes. His cock was long, hard, and thick. In her mind, he was perfect. She applied more pressure to her clitoris as she imagined Gabriel pulling her to the edge of the bed, his gaze between her thighs. He would push her hand out of the way, sink to his knees, and suck on her pussy. She’d never experienced oral sex, and the fantasy alone was enough to bring her off.

  Amy bit her lip to keep her screams inside. She would be mortified if William or Gabriel could hear her. She rolled over and looked at the alarm clock. Friday night she would be on a date with Gabriel. She was excited about it.

  Smiling, she closed her eyes and fell to sleep, her dreams filled with Gabriel and the pleasure he could give her with so many parts of his anatomy.

  Chapter Nine

  Friday came around quickly. William left for the big city, and she walked her children to school. Laura had phoned to confirm she’d be picking up Mia and Billy from school. Gabriel had told her to be ready by four. She gave Laura all the numbers before she relaxed and started to get ready.

  Besides the first date with Steven this would be the first date she went on where she actually wanted to go. She took
a long bath and made sure to pamper herself. Amy spent the whole day getting ready. Her tummy was in knots when the door went at four. Gabriel said he would change at the station. Her hands were sweaty, but the red dress felt good. The heels made her walk with her ass pushed out.

  She opened the door, and Gabriel stood on the doorstep. He held a bouquet of red roses. His hair was slicked back on his head, and he wore a tux. She stared open-mouthed at the man before her. She’d seen him in his uniform and jeans but never a dashing suit.

  “You look beautiful,” he said.

  “I don’t think it’s fair. You saw me before I got a chance to see you.”

  He moved the flowers away. “What do you think? Do I scrub up nicely?”

  She nodded. “More than nice.”

  “These are for you. I wanted you to have the whole experience. A guy asking you on a date, a dress, and flowers.” He handed the red roses to her.

  “They’re beautiful.”

  “I can wait while you put them in a vase.” Amy laughed and went to put them in a vase before going back to him. He stood at the door with his back to her.

  “You know this is your house?”

  “I know.” He held his arm out to her, and she took it. Gabriel led her to his truck. “In you go, my lady.”

  She relaxed against the seat, putting her seat belt on while he got into the driver’s side.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “This is a surprise. All you need to do is sit back and enjoy.”

  Amy did as he told her. He drove out of Cape Falls. The lights passed, and she looked back to see home disappearing with every mile he drove. They talked about their day. Gabriel told her he was handling the move for William.


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