Lindsay's Turn to Sing

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Lindsay's Turn to Sing Page 8

by Carl Hamlin

  Gerald sat down in the chair again, then leaned forward and kissed Lindsay on the lips. “What I meant was, I just found myself even more turned on by your, uhm, tendency to have these absolutely… wonderful movements when we make love. It makes it a lot of fun. I swear it makes it feel better to me too.”

  “I love hearing you say that, even if it’s difficult for me to relate to from my side of the coupling.”

  “I understand, Babe, you and I experience completely different sensations when we get it on. I appreciate that you never asked me how things were between me and Tessa, and you know about those two other – ”

  Before he could finish, Lindsay had placed her finger over his lips. “You have no obligation to - ”

  “No, I mean it. I can’t say it any other way, Lindsay. Being in the act with you, well, the sensations are just so much more -I don’t know - explosive. Of course I always was driven crazy by climaxing. With you, it’s just at a whole other level.”

  He kissed her again. “I guess that’s why it just made me feel so frustrated when you would make those downer remarks about yourself. Because, Dr. Lindsay Briggs, noted economist and sultry nightclub singer extraordinaire, you are one hot handful in bed. And every time we lay there in bed after making love, I always feel sorry for the rest of the men on this planet.”

  Lindsay began to cry again, but not from the still intense and lingering pain that burned across the surface of her bottom. They kissed again, then Lindsay bit her lip to keep herself from once again losing control. Their eyes seemed transfixed, each on the other. The only sound in the house was the faint flowing sounds of Lindsay’s own voice - “Constant craving… always has been….”

  Lindsay shook her head slowly back and forth. “Wow, I may not be able to sit down for breakfast in the morning, but it was worth getting my fanny roasted just to hear those words.” Her eyebrows arched, and she began to giggle. “Bring me both of those paddles and a permanent marker.”

  Gerald began laughing, and then got up from his chair and walked to the kitchen and opened a drawer. He laid the marker down next to Lindsay, then gathered both paddles and placed them next to the marker. Lindsay took the cap from the marker and picked up the school paddle. Writing around the holes, she wrote in large black letters, “Dr. Lindsay Briggs”. She handed the board to her amused husband, then picked up the small paddle. She hesitated for a moment, then began printing in small letters above the row of holes: “To be used exclusively and often on the fanny of the luckiest woman in the world. May you mainly be used in play, but also for correction if needed.” She then put the marker to the opposite edge of the board, and once again signed with a style that would make John Hancock proud, “Lindsay Briggs”.

  Chapter 7

  Gerald carried the paddles and the marker to a wall cabinet next to a window and put them away. He walked back and resumed his massage of Lindsay’s shoulders, only this time he remained standing. “Are you doing okay, Babe?”

  Lindsay was beginning to moan in satisfaction at his skilled touch as his fingers began working the middle of her upper back. “Yeah, I’m going to be fine….” Gerald could feel that she was laughing. “Maybe by noon tomorrow, as long as I don’t get whacked anymore between now and then.” She purred as Gerald’s attention shifted to her lower back. “I really needed each and every whack you gave me.”

  “So you don’t think that I went too far?”

  Lindsay’s head shook back and forth slowly as Gerald’s hands began moving to the upper portions of her bottom and sides of her hips. “You gave me just what I deserved. You gave me what I agreed to, you gave me just what I asked for if it happened again. Well, it did happen again. If anything, you gave me too many chances.

  “I earned each and every one of those stinging whacks. And, oh, did that paddling ever hurt. And you know, I think that watching that school paddle emerge from that box - seeing those holes, knowing that I was going to be paddled with it…. I don’t think anything else you could have done would have done more to make me regret those words at Patty’s house.” Lindsay began to giggle. “Except, of course, for how it felt when it landed on my bare bottom.”

  Lindsay reached forward and began to stroke Gerald’s thigh. “I guess I should thank you for one more thing.”

  Gerald laughed as he continued the rubdown. “And just what would that be?”

  ”Well, my poor sweet ass is on fire right now, however, now when you are away for a few nights, and I’m upstairs and feeling all lonesome and horny in that big old bed…. I guess that the vivid memories of this paddling you just gave me will give me something to, well, you know, think about and get me feeling all warm and cozy and, you know. It will probably provide some, shall we say, inspiration.” She blew Gerald a kiss, gave her bottom a wiggle and then winked at him.

  Gerald laughed and shook his head. “No wonder you got a paddling tonight. You can be such a bad girl.”

  Lindsay halted for a moment. “I love you, Gerald.”

  Gerald’s hands ceased their movement, then he leaned down and kissed her on the neck. “And I love you too, Babe.”

  Gerald moved his hands down the table and began to massage Lindsay’s calf muscles. He expertly rubbed and plied them, then began working his fingers up the backs of her thighs. In a few moments, he began kneading and caressing the insides of those thighs as he watched Lindsay’s body begin to respond to the mischief she was beginning to anticipate.

  With the lightest touch possible, Gerald began to softly stroke the red and warm flesh that still felt as if it were in contact with stinging nettles. Upon his initial touch, Lindsay clenched her bottom and flinched, then relaxed as she realized how soothing his fingers were proving to be.

  Gerald then surprised her by once again peppering kisses all over the red, sore area, accompanied once again by the fondling that grew more and more intimate. He did not know how Lindsay would respond if he continued, but to his delight, she began to moan and raise her bottom even higher. Slowly, Gerald glided his hands up her back and once again stood in front of her.

  After a few seconds of rubbing the middle of her back, he began to move his hands slowly and deliberately down her sides. He leaned down and began kissing her on the neck and the ears, while at the same time reaching beneath her. As he began to gently caress her nipples Lindsay began to writhe in her arousal, only accentuated as she came to realize that it was Gerald’s intention to devote considerable time to her breasts.

  The pleasure she was feeling at the top of her body was blotting out her awareness of the pain lower down. She was finding herself in ecstasy, then Gerald returned to the gentle stroking of her bottom and the intimate fondling that was sending her to a peak of arousal. A minute later, Lindsay cried out and her toes begin to clench in her throes of climax. And as she moaned and undulated, Gerald once again moved his hands back to her nipples, and Lindsay moaned loudly and enjoyed yet another pulsing orgasm.

  Lindsay’s body finally went limp, and Gerald returned to massaging her back and thighs. Gerald leaned down and kissed her on the back. “Babe, I can’t tell you how much I enjoy doing that to you."

  Lindsay finally rose up so that Gerald could remove the pillows she had been bending over. Once they were gone, she rolled over onto her side and patted the table, indicating that she wanted Gerald to join her. With a pleased expression, Gerald kicked off his shoes, sat down on the table and reclined next to her.

  Lindsay began to pull Gerald’s shirt over his head, and as he finished removing it, Lindsay was busy unbuckling and unfastening his khaki slacks. Lindsay arched her eyebrows and displayed a mischievous grin. “I think, considering the condition of my ass, an essential ingredient in our lovemaking, I need to take a hint from one of my songs.”

  Gerald murmured in his own anticipation. “Yes?”

  Lindsay reached over and helped him finish removing his clothes. “Remember, what they say about a slow hand? On your back, big boy. I know how much you’ve always liked this.”r />
  Lindsay was relieved that it only took a couple of days for the soreness to leave her bottom, as Evening Calm had a rare Tuesday evening booking at a sales convention at a large, luxury hotel in western Connecticut. The room in which they would be performing would result in a more intimate setting, and the audience would be much closer than was typical. In fact, there would not be a stage, just a temporary platform that would be brought in for the four days of the convention.

  Lindsay consulted with her cousin by e-mail planning to make a few changes to her portion of the performance. For one thing, when it came time for her to sing Slow Hand at the conclusion of their act, Lindsay was going to be sitting in a chair. She also asked Lawrence if he had any objections to her making slight adjustments in the delivery of her solos.

  There was one other thing about this performance that was going to be different. For the first time in ten months, Gerald would be in the audience, something he usually would not be able to arrange when working around his book signings and other appearances that often lasted late into Friday and Saturday afternoons. There was one other factor to the arrangement: Lindsay accepted the fact that Gerald was much more productive when he had the house to himself. He was able to work when she was there, but he was always distracted by his desire to be with her instead of at the computer.

  When Wednesday afternoon arrived, Gerald drove Lindsay to the Connecticut venue, allowing her to bypass a ride in one of the crowded vans. It meant that he would have a couple of hours of down time while Lindsay rehearsed with the group and changed clothes.

  In spite of the long ride, neither brought up the subject of the lengthy and trying paddling Lindsay had endured a few evenings before. And although he did not bring up the subject, Gerald was quite aware that there had been no more of Lindsay’s negative comments about her weight.

  Upon their arrival at the hotel Gerald let Lindsay out at the front door, and as he escorted her to the entrance, he kissed her and wished her good luck. He parked the car, then grabbed his laptop computer case and made his way to a comfortable chair in the hotel lobby. He would have nearly two hours to work on his manuscript, until it was time to leave his computer in the safekeeping of the front desk staff and make his way into the hall where Lindsay and Evening Calm would perform.

  As he relaxed in the comfortable chair in a corner of the lobby, his writing was not distracted by voices of those walking through the lobby or sitting in the room and talking. Rather, his mind continued to replay the images and sounds from Saturday evening.

  That was not his only distraction, however. He was also very much looking forward to seeing Lindsay indulging in her pastime, the almost nerdy but impossibly cute stock analyst who transforms into a vampy love ballad singer at a moments’ notice.

  The room was nearly full as he strolled down the center aisle and found the front row chair marked by a sign with his name. Lawrence was as good as his word in their exchanged e-mails, and he trusted that Lindsay had not been tipped off that he would be front and center. Gerald hoped that the circumstances would not be too distracting to his wife.

  The lights in the room went dark, then when ceiling lights were flipped on, and as the first notes of music were heard, Evening Calm was on stage with their opening rendition of the Beatles song, In My Life. Gerald’s eyes were immediately transfixed on the luscious vision of Lindsay as she sang her quiet back- up part while standing a step behind the lead singers, but to the side so that she was quite visible.

  Gerald was mesmerized at her on stage demeanor, more relaxed, but also more sensual than when he had first seen her sing more than two years ago. She was also wearing a dress he had never seen before, a dress in her signature black, but this one was shorter and tighter. Gerald hoped that she knew just how ravishing she looked.

  It made him feel relieved that Lindsay appeared to be free of any concerns other than making the audience feel every beat of her heart. Gerald sat in pride and adulation as song after song, Lindsay seemed to be the very breath of Evening Calm.

  Before the first five bars of the first song, Lindsay had spotted Gerald sitting a mere eight feet from her place on the riser. When he saw the beguiling smile in response, he was happy that he had made that arrangement with Lawrence. As Lindsay stepped forward for her solo performance of Grapefruit Moon, when the first line of lyrics flowed from her lips, she looked down at Gerald and smiled, tilting her head toward him and leaving the audience with no doubt that someone special to her was in the audience.

  Lindsay seemed to make the words melt over the audience as she closed her eyes and turned her hands upward and away from her torso as she sang. Then, as the last stanza approached, she walked slowly to the front edge of the riser. In spite of the rather dramatically short dress she was wearing, she knelt down on one knee in front of the transfixed audience. “And every time I hear that melody, it breaks me up inside.”

  As the audience rewarded Lindsay with a thunderous applause, she gracefully stood and bowed. A transfixed Gerald could only once again shake his head at his good fortune.

  Gerald would have been pleased if the performance could have lasted through the night and into the morning. Still, knowing that the show was winding down for the evening, it meant that Lindsay would be featured in solos in two more songs. He could not help but feel his pulse quicken as a gentle guitar beat brought Lindsay back under the spotlight to sing Constant Craving.

  Right away, he could tell that the song was being performed with a mildly quicker tempo than in the past. It was also immediately evident that Lindsay was singing with a rare and raw portrayal of the unspoken yearning conveyed by the song. She was simply more sensual that evening, and she seemed to be portraying a woman with a heart on the verge of breaking. “Constant craving always has been….”

  When it was time for the short instrumental, Lindsay briefly turned her back to the audience and swayed her bottom seductively in the snug black dress. Then, she turned sharply and resumed singing, but this time glided to the front like a cougar ready to pounce and with her left hand low on her hip, she extended her right arm and wiggled her wrist and hand seductively toward Gerald. To finish the number, as the last riffs of the guitar faded, Lindsay again swayed seductively, but this time to the back of the stage as the music died away.

  As the applause continued, including some scattered whistles and catcalls, it was time for Evening Calm to try out the song they had not performed before. Lawrence reached for his electric guitar, then the unmistakable opening notes of Dell Shannon’s classic heartbreaker I Go to Pieces began to reverberate throughout the large room.

  Gerald was pleased and surprised to hear one of his favorites being performed. He knew that it was not the type of faster, higher decibel song that Lindsay preferred, but she was doing quite well in her backup role as Lawrence sang nearly the entire lead part. Then to Gerald’s surprise, when the last verse came, it was Lindsay who strolled to the microphone to belt out the familiar refrain: “I go to pieces and I want to cry... I go to pieces and I almost die….”

  It was time for Lawrence to once again thank the audience and wish them a safe drive home. He varied his closing words from show to show, but perhaps for Gerald’s benefit, he reverted to one of his favorite ways to sign off for the night: “And for those of you who may have some loving on your minds, it’s time to get you in the mood, because, once again, it’s Lindsay’s turn to sing.”

  Through the applause, the lights dimmed again. This time, with the room still dark, sounds emerged of a piano and rhythm guitar playing the opening bars of Slow Hand. Then the single spotlight illuminated Lindsay sitting cross legged in that short black dress on a red velvet chair as the soft song of want, lust and seduction poured from her.

  The other members of Evening Calm knew that her ability to close her eyes, lean forward and sing as if she were confessing her deepest carnal desires to her closest friend had never been so enchanting. In spite of the quick tempo of the song, she managed to sing as though the
spoken desires were to be kept a secret.

  Gerald was so engrossed in her performance, he was startled as she rose from the chair and turned her body back and forth as she sang her way not just to the front of the riser, but down one more step to the floor. As the steamy ballad continued, and the spotlight followed her movements, she leaned down and took Gerald by the hand, and then dramatically led him to the riser and guided him to the chair as the final verse approached. The astonished Gerald then found Lindsay in his lap as she turned toward him and continued singing, her legs crossed in flirting fashion, as she even subtly yanked her hem upward.

  To the delight of the laughing audience, Lindsay caressed Gerald’s red cheeks and ran her fingers through his hair before she finished with her altered last stanza: “This is my man with a slow hand… this is my lover with an easy touch….”

  Carl Hamlin

  What others are saying about Carl Hamlin!

  The Inheritance:

  A Sexy, Romantic DD Story! This is an absolutely adorable little book. The writing and plot were wonderful, the characters were brilliant and believable, and the discipline scenes were very hot. The two main characters, Jed and Bridget, had great chemistry, and the romance between them was very sweet. The plot and discipline scenes were realistic, and the setting was cute. Overall, a great read, and definitely worth the buy! – Taylor Shores

  Sweet and Sexy DD! As a lover of Domestic Discipline books, I found this story to be realistic although short. The love between the couple is very sweet and the wife seems to learn a lesson or two along the way after receiving her spankings. I hope to read more from this author soon. – Firefly


  This story was precious! I loved it! I don't know why identical twins fascinate us so much, but any story involving twins usually hits a home run. This one - it's a grand slam. I loved the characters, the story development, and even the ending. A sweet read - nothing really out there. This is family love, married sex, and great friends. I will definitely read this one again. – Kzoo


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