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An Act of Salvation (Acts of Honor #2)

Page 16

by K. C. Lynn

  “Nothing about what happened was your fault, Katelyn.”

  I stay quiet because I disagree. Yes, he should have never put his hands on me, ever, but I also should have never given him the chance to.

  Nick brings my wrist to his mouth, pressing his lips to the tattoo. “Did it help? Does it remind you every day?” His blue-gray eyes bore into me, waiting for my answer.

  “Yes. After Vince I spent time on myself. I went to therapy, which helped a little, took up yoga and instructing on the side. I found myself again and what was important. But, it still gets lonely,” I admit honestly. “I’ve been on a few dates but no spark. Nobody I care to see again. I’m pretty sure I’m going to die alone and become a cat lady but not actually have any.” I joke, though most of the time I really don’t find it funny. I envy all of my friends for what they have and hope one day I’ll have it too, but I think the only person who could give it to me is the man in front of me. And I know it won’t ever happen.

  “There’s a reason why you haven’t found anyone yet.”

  I glance up at him, surprised by his comment and a little irritated. “Really? Enlighten me, Romeo, why haven’t I found that person?”

  He stares down at me, his expression serious. “Because there’s no one good enough for you.”

  My heart warms yet that ache in my chest grows. I want to tell him there’s no one because it’s always been him, but I know he won’t want to hear that. It’s frustrating. I wish he wouldn’t say these things. It makes it so much harder for when it’s time for him to leave. After what Emily told me it makes me wonder if he doesn’t live with this same ache. Does he love me but is just too scared, and if so, why? What is he so afraid of? I’m still wondering about that damn picture…

  “Okay, your turn,” I say, unable to stop myself from asking.

  His brows furrow in confusion. “My turn what?”

  “To answer a question since I answered yours.”

  “I already did. You asked about my job.”

  “Well now I have another one.”

  “What’s that?” he asks, looking nervous.

  “What picture of me do you have on your desk?”

  His body goes rigid, a heated curse fleeing past his lips. “Emily and her big fucking mouth,” he growls.

  “It wasn’t Emily who told me,” I say, hoping to save the poor girl from his wrath.


  With a smile I turn on my stomach to face him. “Either way, your secret is out. So tell me, which one is it?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He lies, making me laugh.

  “Nice try, buddy. Now spill it.”

  After glaring me down for a solid minute he finally relents. “Remember that afternoon when you, Kolan, Faith, and I went to the lake then you came by the creek afterward, by yourself?”

  I recall that day and instantly know which picture now. “When I stole your phone and took that selfie of us.” He nods. “You kept it?” His silence has my smile spreading. “You’re so busted.”

  “I’m not busted for shit,” he grumbles.

  “Oh yes, you are. You’re secretly in love with me.” I feel him tense but don’t let him interrupt, even though I’m just screwing with him I don’t want to hear him deny it. “You’ve been pining away for me all these years. You missed me so much you probably shed a little tear every time you thought about me. And I’ll bet… Ahhh.” I screech as he flips me to my back, coming over top of me.

  “That mouth of yours, Katelyn, is going to get you into trouble one day.”

  I lift my hips and moan at the feel of his hard cock between my legs. “Oh yeah? Show me.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  I gasp as he enters me in one smooth thrust, my eyes closing at the exquisite pleasure of him completing me.

  “Kate?” he says, stilling deep inside of me. My eyes snap open at the way he says my name. He looks down at me, his face only a breath away. “I did miss you like fucking crazy.”

  My heart stalls in my chest; shocked he just admitted it. He doesn’t give me a chance to respond. Instead he seals his mouth over mine and makes love to me for a second time, cherishing my body like no one ever has but him.

  I might not get this forever but at least I’ve had it once, and for me it’s enough.

  It has to be.



  The next morning I walk down the stairs with my cell phone in hand, sending a text to Faith to check in. My eyes are gritty from crying so much but my heart feels a little warmer, thanks to Nick. I smile as I think about how kind he was to me last night, how gentle he was, and the things he said to me.

  I still feel sick about the photos, knowing my father still had some, and was blackmailing Kolan. However, I try to push it all aside for now and focus on finding Kolan first. Then I will figure out how to handle my father. I’d like to hope Nick got the rest of them, but who knows. I thought Kolan and I got rid of them all years ago…

  I shove my phone in the pocket of my sweater and walk into the kitchen to see Pop at the table. The newspaper’s spread out before him while he sips a cup of coffee.

  “There’s my girl,” he says, standing with a smile.

  I return his smile with one of my own. “Hey, Pop.”

  He kisses my cheek as I take the seat next to him. “Did you sleep well, darlin’?”

  “Pretty good, considering…” I trail off and clear my throat, not knowing how much Nick told him. “Where’s Nick?”

  “He ran into town quick to pick up some breakfast. Said you like them fancy schmancy coffees.”

  I smile, my heart warming at his thoughtfulness. “He’s right, I do. That was kind of him. I could use one of those this morning.”

  Pop’s expression becomes somber. He reaches over and lays his rough, worn hand over mine. “I’m sorry about whatever happened. Nicky didn’t give me details, but I know it hurt you so that hurts me.”

  My eyes sting as my throat becomes thick again. “Thanks.”

  “I know, whatever it is, my boy will take care of it. He may be stubborn when it comes to his heart but one thing he is, is honorable. He’ll find justice for you and he’ll find your brother. You can trust him on that.”

  “I’m sure I can. I just wish he would trust me, too,” I mumble before I can think better of it.

  “Don’t take it personally, honey. That boy don’t trust no one. Not even me,” he says resolutely. He may accept it but you can tell it hurts him, too.


  “Because when you go through something like he did—doesn’t matter how long ago it was—it messes with your heart bad.”

  “It has something to do with his mom?” I press cautiously.

  He gives a firm nod, pain flashing in his eyes. “Yeah, but I can’t tell you the story, it wouldn’t be fair to Nicky. Heck, I don’t even know the extent of it. However, I will tell you, I wish things turned out differently for Lila and me. I think about her often, and I’ve missed her a lot.”

  “Did she pass away?” I ask softly.

  He shrugs. “I don’t know. No one has seen her since Nicky was six.” I watch him quietly, wondering what happened between them, but don’t have to wonder for long because he decides to share it with me. “Lila had a hard time after my Helen died. No matter how much I tried to help her, I couldn’t. She hooked up with a guy I didn’t like. He wasn’t good to her and he was into some bad stuff. I tried to forbid her from seeing him but she didn’t like that. The next morning I woke up and she was gone. Just like that.” He snaps his fingers, his expression pained. “She was months away from being eighteen so the cops stopped looking for her after that, but I didn’t. I looked for years but never found her. Seven years later I received a call from the LAPD and that’s when I got Nicky.”

  Agony is bright in his eyes and my heart breaks, not only for him but Nick, too. I fear what happened, knowing the police had him. I scoot my cha
ir closer to Pop then lean over and wrap my arms around his neck. “I’m sorry, Pop.”

  “Me too, honey.” His voice is gruff as he hugs me back tightly. “But at least I got Nicky boy,” he says, sitting back and wiping his eyes, which have mine stinging all over again. “He’s the best thing I have.”

  “Well I know he loves you an awful lot, even if he has a hard time showing it.”

  He nods. “I know that, just like I know he loves you, too.”

  I shake my head, immediately rejecting the comment. “I don’t think so.”

  “I know so. I’m tellin’ ya he’s just scared. I worry about him. I’m not going to be alive forever, and although he doesn’t see me much, he still knows I’m always here. When I’m gone I want to know he won’t be alone.”

  “Don’t worry,” I whisper. “No matter what happens I’ll always be there for him. Even if he doesn’t want me. I’ll make sure he knows he isn’t alone.”

  He cups my face, his expression sad. “I think you might be his only saving grace.”

  The sound of the front door closing breaks us from our moment. I turn and see Nick standing in the entrance of the kitchen watching us, balancing Starbucks and a brown paper bag in his hand.

  “Hey,” he greets me quietly, looking at me in a way that has my heart skipping beats.


  “Well, I’m gonna head out to the barn,” Pop says, rising.

  “I got some pastries for breakfast,” Nick says to him.

  “I had some oatmeal and fruit earlier but thanks anyway.” He drops a kiss on my head as he passes then claps Nick on the shoulder. “I’ll see you at lunch.”

  “I’ll be out in a bit to help,” Nick tells him.

  Pop gives him a wave behind his head as he walks out the door.

  Standing, I walk over and take one of the to-go cups from him and the brown bag. “Thank you, I could really use one of these this morning,” I say, setting it down by the stove. “When Pop told me that you…” I trail off with a gasp when I suddenly feel Nick right up behind me. Spinning me around, he lifts me by my hips, sitting me on the counter, then steps between my legs and claims my lips in a kiss, caressing my mouth with his own.

  My arms wind around his neck and I moan when his tongue sweeps in, sliding against mine. His fingers dig into my hips while he consumes me. He only pulls away when I’m completely breathless.

  I slowly open my eyes to see him watching me. “Hi,” I croak like an idiot, feeling like I’m in a complete fog.

  He smirks. “Hey, baby.” A shiver runs up my spine at the sound of his deep voice. He cups my cheek, his thumb brushing under my eye. “You feeling better this morning?”

  “I am now.” Covering his hand with mine I lean in, wanting his lips on mine again, but just then my cell rings. I consider ignoring it but then think better of it. “I better answer that, it could be Faith or Chantal.”

  With a nod he steps back, giving me space, and I instantly want to cry from the loss of contact.

  I’m in serious trouble when it comes to him.

  Pulling out my phone, I frown when I look down at the screen. “That’s weird. I don’t know anyone with a private number.”

  Nick puts the coffee cup down he just picked up and comes closer. “Put it on speaker.”

  Pointing the bottom of the phone toward my mouth I hit the speaker button. “Hello?”

  “Kate, it’s me.”

  All the breath leaves my chest in one swoosh when I hear my brother’s voice. “Oh my god, Kolan?” I ask, terrified I’m hearing things.


  I sob in relief. “Oh thank goodness, I’ve been worried sick about you.”

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t call you until now. Tell me…” He pauses, clearing his throat. “Tell me you know what they’re saying about me is bullshit. That you know I wouldn’t do what they’re accusing me of.”

  “Of course I do. I never even questioned it.”

  “Good,” he says, relieved. “I didn’t think you would, but fuck, I know the evidence they have against me is bad. Don’t tell anyone you’ve heard from me. It’s very important, understand?”

  “What’s going on, Kolan?”

  “I’m being set up.”

  “By who?”

  “I can’t tell you yet, not over the phone. I’ll find a way to see you and tell you everything then.”

  “But…I’m not in South Carolina right now.”

  “Where are you?”

  “In Montana,” I tell him slowly, knowing he’s not going to like it.

  “What the fuck are you doing there?” His tone is now lethal and edged with panic.

  “We thought you might be here. We didn’t know—”

  “Whoa. Hold up. Who’s we?”

  My eyes find Nick’s now, for the first time since answering, his expression unreadable as he listens intently.

  “Nick,” I whisper, nervous for his reaction.

  “Nick who?” he asks, confused.


  There’s a long moment of silence, so long that I begin to worry he’s hung up until he releases a heated curse. “Katelyn, tell me you’re fucking joking.”

  Tears form in my eyes, hating that I’ve upset him and feeling bad that Nick is hearing it. “I didn’t know who else to go to. I’ve been worried sick about you, and I needed someone I could trust. A lot has happened and—”

  “You can’t trust him. He’s a fucking fed, which means when he finds me he’ll lock my ass up.”

  “No, that’s not true,” I rush to explain.

  “Yes, it is! There’s a warrant out for my fucking arrest.”

  Before I can say more Nick jumps in. “Back off. I’m not going to lock your ass up, but if you don’t explain what the hell is going on, and more bullets fly at your sister, I’m going to kick your ass when I do find you.”

  I gape at him, wondering if he’s crazy to poke the beast like that. When the line goes silent once again, I fear this time Kolan is really gone. “Kolan?”

  A rush of relief fills me when he responds. “Kate, what’s going on? What’s he talking about?” he asks in a strained tone, ignoring Nick.

  “I’m okay, but a lot has happened,” I whisper. “Like really crazy shit. We need to know what’s going on.”

  Another bout of silence.

  “I can’t over the phone. Come back, and I’ll tell you everything.”


  “Look. I gotta go. I’ll see you as soon as I can.”

  “Kolan, wait!” I shout before he can hang up.


  “I…I love you, and I’ll always be by your side, no matter what.” I slap a hand over my mouth as the last of my words fall on a sob.

  “I love you too, Kate. I’ll see you soon. I promise.” His gruff voice strikes my tortured heart. “Stone…” I freeze, my finger hovering over the end button. “If anything happens to her I’ll kick your ass.” He doesn’t give Nick a chance to respond before he hangs up.

  “Fucker, just had to get the last word in,” Nick grumbles.

  “He’s alive.” A cry of joy escapes me as I fling myself at him.

  He catches me with a surprised grunt, holding me close. “I told you. If anyone can take care of themself, it’s that testy bastard.”

  I laugh, too happy to even care about the bitter tension between them right now. Knowing Kolan is alive was all that mattered to me. Now it’s time to figure out how to help him get out of whatever mess he found himself in. “We need to go,” I say, pushing out of his arms. “We need to go back so he can find me.”

  He nods. “I’ll get us on the first flight out.”



  It’s been a long-ass day. We were able to find a flight that left only a few hours after Kolan’s phone call but had two layovers. To make matters worse I can’t seem to get rid of the guilt since leaving Pop. It was different for me this time, especially knowing he’s b
een struggling. I decided once I’m done here I’ll head up and see him again before going back to Florida. Spend a little more time with him and help get things in order to hopefully make it easier for him.

  I push away the feeling that comes with the thought of leaving Katelyn. It’s something much stronger than guilt, creating a sharp pain in my chest with just the thought.

  Fuck, I’m in so much trouble.

  “Turn left, then it’s the second driveway on the right,” Katelyn instructs, giving me directions to Faith’s place. She insisted on seeing her before we did anything else. I figure it’s not a bad idea. I’m hoping Faith will know a little of what’s been going on here since we’ve been gone. Until that fucker comes out of hiding to tell us what’s been happening, I need all the information I can get.

  Slowing down, I turn into the dark, hidden driveway as it comes into view and drive up to a big two-story home. A few vehicles are parked outside, one of them being a sheriff’s truck.

  “Shit,” Katelyn curses, looking nervous.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Before she has a chance to explain the porch light flicks on and out comes Faith, running down the steps with a trail of girls behind her. Katelyn’s barely out of the truck before they launch themselves at her.

  “Oh my god, I’m so glad you’re okay.”

  “We’ve been so worried about you.”

  I climb out on my side as a few guys step outside onto the porch. They all size me up, looking good and pissed.

  Well, I can tell this isn’t going to be a pleasant visit.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you guys,” Katelyn apologizes.

  “Could have fooled me,” one of the guys calls out from the porch. He steps in front of the others and comes down the stairs.

  “Cooper,” one of the girls warns nervously.

  “What the hell were you thinking taking off like that without telling a goddamn person?”

  His tone and forceful strides instantly put me on alert. I race around the front of the truck, putting myself in front of him before he can reach Katelyn. “You better back the fuck up.”

  All the other guys come walking down the stairs, looking ready for a fight.


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