An Act of Salvation (Acts of Honor #2)

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An Act of Salvation (Acts of Honor #2) Page 19

by K. C. Lynn

  “Oh god!” I breathe, the fit even more snug than I thought it would be.

  “Do you have any idea how good it’s going to feel when my cock takes this pretty ass of yours?”

  I shake my head, unable to imagine it when his thumb fills me as much as it does. He speeds up his pace, his cock hitting that magic spot deep inside of me, winding my body so tight I feel like I’m about to combust. A ragged moan falls from me as he slips another finger inside, stretching me beyond belief.

  “Easy, baby.”

  “Nick, please,” I beg, needing to be put out of this sweet torture. His other hand moves from my hip to between my legs, his finger gliding through my wet slit to the bundle of pulsing nerves. “Oh shit!” A piercing cry slips past me as my body becomes overwhelmed with pleasure.

  His cock and thumb never falter as he rears his hand back and delivers a delectable slap to my pussy, sending me flying.

  A scream rips from my throat as I come hard and fast, soaring to a place so high I’m sure I’ll never come down from it. My body becomes soft and languid, tremors of ecstasy still racking me when he slips his cock from me and begins penetrating my ass.

  “Oh god,” I gasp, trying to find my breath.

  “Easy, Kate, try to keep your body relaxed,” he murmurs, his voice as rough as sandpaper. I try to do as he says; breathing through the fullness as he slowly eases inside, stretching me and filling me in ways I never thought possible.

  An exquisite fire tears through me—like dousing a roaring flame with gasoline. I don’t know if I want to force him out or take more of him.

  “Just feel the burn, baby. Relish in it,” he croons, talking me through the beautiful corruption he’s bestowing upon my body.

  “God, Nick,” I whimper, once he’s seated fully inside of me.

  He stills, giving me time to adjust. “You okay?”

  “Yes,” I murmur, but sound unsure.

  “You want me to pull out?”

  I shake my head. “No, don’t. I like you here. It’s just…different but good.”

  “You feel fucking incredible.” His hand soothingly strokes my back and the curve of my ass. “You ready for more?”

  “Yes,” I whisper.

  He begins moving in and out of me with slow, careful precision. My teeth sink into my bottom lip, nails digging into the mattress. The painful pleasure isn’t like anything I’ve ever felt before. The more he thrusts the better it feels. My muscles release their earlier tension, welcoming him into the most intimate part of my body.

  “There you go, nice and easy.” His strong fingers dig into my hips as he retreats then returns.

  Eventually, I begin pushing back for more, seeking more of the fiery pleasure erupting through my body.

  A sound that can only be described as animalistic rumbles from deep inside his chest. “Look at me, Kate.”

  I twist my head to look over my shoulder, my lungs robbed of precious air at the sight of him. His powerful body is on full display, covered with a sheen of sweat like mine. The way he looks as he takes me with such carnality leaves me absolutely breathless.

  “Mine,” he growls, his possessive words washing over me in surprise. “Tell me this is mine.”

  I have no idea if he’s talking about me or my body, but either way both belong to him, they always have. “Yours.”

  “That’s fucking right, and you better never forget it.”

  Before I can take in those beautiful words he begins pumping harder and faster, making me lose all sense of reality. “Oh god!” I cry, when a delicious vibration begins between my legs. Looking down, I see him stroking me with my vibrator.

  “I’m not going to last much longer, baby, and I want you coming with me.”

  When he begins to circle my engorged clit my arms give out, my chest dropping to the mattress, bringing his cock even deeper inside. The intense pleasure my body receives makes me self-destruct. My mouth falls open on a silent scream, ecstasy robbing me of speech.

  “Jesus, fuck!” The snarl leaves Nick just as he stills, filling me with his release.

  A few seconds pass before he slowly slips out of me. With a groan my legs give out and I drop to my stomach. Nick’s body heat covers mine as he braces himself over me, our sweat-slicked skin melding. I feel him kiss my head before his lips move to my temple, then shoulder, then spine. No words are spoken, but the warmth of his kisses tell me everything I want to hear. They make me feel loved—cherished—something I’ve longed to feel my whole life from this man.

  “I’ll be right back,” he whispers before he leaves.

  I’m left cold without his body heat any longer. I hear the shower turn on in my bathroom before he comes back to scoop me up. I grumble in disapproval, not wanting to move for at least a few days, even though I’m in desperate need of a shower.

  He chuckles. “We’ll be quick, I promise.”

  Walking into the bathroom, he situates us under the hot spray. He places me on my feet but keeps me in his arms. Thank god for that because I don’t have the energy to stand on my own at the moment. I lean into him, resting my head on his chest while he washes me. We remain silent but there’s something in the air between us that wasn’t there before. Like we both know we just crossed something that there’s no coming back from. At least that’s how I feel.

  He keeps his promise, getting the task done quickly, then wraps me in a towel before carrying me back to bed. Once he crawls in next to me I immediately move into him, finding my place in his arms. He stares down at me, the darkness doing nothing to disguise his soft expression, as his hand gently cups the side of my face.

  “You okay?” he asks, seeming concerned.

  “Mmm, yes. More than okay.”

  His eyes flicker with relief. “Good.” He kisses my forehead. “You still hungry?”

  “God, no. I don’t think I even have the energy to lift my hand and feed myself.”

  The sound of his husky chuckle washes over me, warming me from the inside out. It’s always been one of my favorite things about him and I’ve missed it as much as I have him. Reflecting on the past makes me realize how much time we’ve lost.

  As if sensing my thoughts, some of his amusement fades.

  “Can I ask you something?” I whisper, and hate when I feel his muscles tighten with apprehension.


  “What happened between you and Kolan that made you leave without saying good-bye?” The question comes out softer than I intended, an ache gathering in my chest.

  He’s quiet for a long moment but his eyes remain locked with mine. “Did you ever ask Kolan?”

  “Yes, many times, but he’d never answer and told me not to think about it anymore.” I pause, trying to gauge his expression, but deep down I know. “He found out about us, didn’t he?”

  “Yeah. He saw me leaving that night while still getting dressed, not that I would have lied about it anyway.”

  My eyes fall closed as guilt washes over me. “It’s all my fault. Your friendship ended because of me.”

  “That’s not true.”

  I look at him, my gaze blurry with unshed tears. “Yes, it is. If I hadn’t pushed for that night it wouldn’t have ever happened and you guys would still be friends. You would have never left.” The realization strikes my chest painfully.

  Nick swiftly pushes me to my back and comes over me, his expression hard. “It’s not your fault. I was always going to leave, Katelyn. I got the acceptance letter to the academy a week earlier. I just didn’t know how to tell you, that’s why I left you the note. Because out of everyone I had to leave behind you were the hardest.” Warmth blooms inside of me at his words but vanishes quickly when I can tell he regrets the admission. With a harsh breath he rests his forehead on mine, his jaw clenching. “Don’t regret that night, because I don’t.”

  “I don’t regret it, but I hate your friendship ended because of it.”

  “It was more than that. We both said and did things we couldn’t take
back. But don’t think for a second I’d take that back, because I wouldn’t.”

  His lips capture mine in a soul-searing kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck, losing myself in the present, but not the past because it hurts too much. So much pain and time lost.

  How am I going to survive it a second time?

  I can’t, I won’t. I decide I will fight for him. I know he loves me, too. I can feel it by every touch and kiss, just like I do right now.

  I suddenly feel him falter, and quickly wonder if I accidentally said the words out loud. That’s until I feel him remove his hand from under my pillow. He pulls back and looks down at the pink, heart-shaped stone.

  “It’s always been my most cherished gift,” I explain softly. “But since that night with Vince I’ve kept it even closer, replacing the ugly memories with my favorite ones. You and me.” My throat begins burning with emotion. “It reminds me that I’m more than a pretty face.”

  His eyes move to mine, boring into them with an intensity I feel all the way to my soul. Taking the soft stone, he starts dragging it down my chest between my breasts, leaving goose bumps in their wake.

  “There’s no question that you’re beautiful, Katelyn, but never forget you are more. So much fucking more.”

  He looks down at me in a way I’m used to being looked at by men, but it’s always been different with him. When he does it I feel beautiful, not cheap.

  “What’s your favorite thing about me?” I ask softly, then rush to elaborate. “About my appearance, I mean. If you could only choose one physical attribute, what would it be?”

  He doesn’t hesitate with his answer. “Your smile.”

  His response brings one to my face. “Why?” I ask, unable to help myself.

  “Because it means you’re happy and you deserve that. You deserve to smile every second of every day.”

  That’s why he’s different, why he’s always been different. It’s why I will fight for him—for us. I won’t lose him a second time.



  A sound pulls me from sleep, immediately putting me on alert. When I see it’s three in the morning I nudge Katelyn awake and slide out from under her sweet, warm body.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” she asks softly, rubbing sleep from her eyes.

  “Put this on.” I toss my shirt at her before throwing my jeans on. “Wait here. Don’t come out unless I tell you to.” Reaching down, I pull my gun from my bag.

  “Nick, what’s going? Why—” She pauses, hearing the same sound I just did a minute ago.

  “Stay put and keep the phone close.” I toss her my phone then leave the room quickly, closing the door quietly behind me.

  With my gun trained I make my way down the hall, trying to listen where the sound came from. The same time I pass her spare room a tall, dark figure emerges. I don’t hesitate. Smashing my elbow into his face, I knock him back a step. I swiftly dodge the retaliating fist, but not fast enough. It clips the side of my jaw, and I swear the fucking thing shatters.

  We move at the same time, our bodies colliding with brutal force. His impact is harder and it lands us into the hallway. We grapple around, rolling into the kitchen with our fists swinging while trying to pin the other. I clip him with the butt of my gun, stunning him enough to get the upper hand, then press the cold steel in the center of his forehead.

  “Jesus christ, Stone, lay off. It’s me.”

  Recognizing Kolan’s voice, I ease up. “Why the fuck didn’t you say something sooner?”

  “Your elbow crashed into my face before I had the chance, asshole!”

  “Because you broke in. You ever heard of using a goddamn phone?”

  “Fuck you, this is my sister’s place. I don’t have to call first. Now get the hell off me.”

  Before I can anticipate his move he flips me off him, with a force so strong and fast I land on my back with jarring impact. I grunt and wheeze for air, feeling like a lung just collapsed.

  “Asshole,” he grumbles, standing up. Before he can walk away I hook a leg around his ankle and sweep his feet out beneath him. “Shit!” He tries to right himself by using the kitchen table but ends up taking out a few chairs and lands not far from me. He shoves a chair at me, but I send it right back.

  “Fuck you.” I groan and sit up, now that I can finally breathe.

  “Nick! What’s going on? Are you okay?” The fear in Katelyn’s voice has me getting to my feet quickly. Ignoring the subtle pain in my chest, I move down the hall and open the door to her room. She throws herself at me before I even step inside. “Oh god, are you okay? What was all that?”

  I wrap my arms around her trembling body, feeling bad for pissing around with Kolan instead of informing her everything was okay. “Everything’s fine. It’s just your brother.”

  Her body stiffens in my arms. Pushing away from me she looks over to see Kolan at the end of the hall. The kitchen light is now on, shining on him and the destruction we just made.

  “Hey, Kate. Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  A sob explodes from her just before she charges down the hall and into his arms. “I’m so glad you’re okay. I’ve been worried sick about you.”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t contact you sooner. Everything has been a fucking mess, but I’m okay. I can take care of myself, you know that.” He rubs her back, trying to soothe her. “What about you? Are you okay?”

  She steps back, wiping her cheeks. “I am, thanks to Nick.”

  His jaw locks down as he stares at her in my shirt. “Yeah, looks like he’s taking really good care of you.” He glares over at me, and I start thinking fists are about to start flying again. “Didn’t take you long, did it?”

  “Kolan, don’t,” Katelyn says, before I can tell him to fuck off. Then she touches the side of his face, grazing the angry red surface. “What the heck happened?”

  “RoboCop over there felt the need to prove himself,” he says, glaring my way again.

  She spins around to face me. “You hit him?”

  “Yep!” Kolan replies before I can respond, looking smug. “Didn’t even give me a chance to explain. Just started beating me then almost blew my head off.”

  Katelyn gasps in horror. “You put your gun to his head?”

  I stare at her incredulously. “He broke into your house. How the fuck was I supposed to know it was him? And for the record, he hit me, too. I thought my fucking lung had collapsed.”

  She turns on him but he doesn’t give her a chance to say anything. “He also broke your chair.” He points down at the floor, showing her the broken pieces of wood.

  “Oh fuck that, asshole, you’re the one who broke the chair.”

  “Okay, okay, both of you, that’s enough,” she scolds. “We’re all going to calm down and have a seat in the living room. There’s going to be no more fighting or name-calling. Got it?”

  “It’s RoboCop you need to be talking to,” he grumbles, trying to blame the whole thing on me.

  Katelyn rolls her eyes. “It’s both of you. Now come on, have a seat and tell us what’s going on.” She ushers him in the living room with a hand on his back, babying the fucker like he’s fragile and not some monster who plows into people, puncturing lungs.

  I rub my chest at the memory and follow in behind them. Kolan cages Katelyn between him and the end of the couch so I can’t sit next to her, so I take a seat in the recliner.


  “Okay, tell us what’s going on,” Katelyn starts. When he glances over at me and hesitates she reaches for his hand. “You can trust him. He’s been helping me with trying to clear your name. We know you didn’t do this, Kolan. Talk to us.”

  “I’m being set up.”

  “By who?” she asks.

  “Well that’s just it, I don’t know for sure. But if I had to take a guess I’d put my money on Bruce Warren.”

  “The manager of your gym?” she gasps.

  I’m, however, not surprised.
I knew something was off about that fucker.


  “But why? How?” she stammers.

  “Because I know shit about him that he doesn’t want getting out. Victor…” he pauses, his jaw clenching. “Victor’s dead.”

  Katelyn puts a hand on his shoulder. “We know. I’m so sorry. I know you two were close.”

  “They killed him. I know they did, and they’re going to fucking pay for it.”

  “Who’s they?” I ask.

  “Bruce and his fucking posse no one knows about.”

  “How can you be sure it was them?” I ask.

  “Because Victor had proof to clear me. He called me the day he died and told me to come over. Said he had evidence and that it was all a setup. He told me to trust no one, especially the people in our house. Meaning the gym,” he explains. “I was staying at a motel on the interstate about an hour away. By the time I got to his place it was too late. He was dead.” He swallows, his jaw ticking with fury. “Whatever he had is now gone, and I have no idea what it was. I’m assuming Warren has it.”

  “I’ll bet he doesn’t,” I say.

  His eyes snap to mine. “Why do you say that?”

  “Because whoever’s doing this is looking for something, and I’m going to guess it’s the same thing you’re trying to find. It’s why they tore your place apart and came for your sister.”

  He turns to Katelyn, his eyes flashing with rage. “They came here?”

  She nods. “Yeah, but I wasn’t here.”

  His body relaxes. “Good.”

  “Well, not really,” she starts quietly, “because I was over at your place when they broke in and killed Vince.”


  She tells him the whole story, from us hiding in the closet and escaping, only to end up in a high-speed chase.

  “Fuck!” He jumps to his feet and starts pacing. “I swear I’m going to fucking kill them.”

  “Did you know about Vince?” Katelyn asks quietly.

  “Yeah, I saw it on the news, and I know they think I did it.”

  “Well, Nick and I can both testify on your behalf because we saw it, we just don’t know who they are.”


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