An Act of Salvation (Acts of Honor #2)

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An Act of Salvation (Acts of Honor #2) Page 22

by K. C. Lynn

  All I wanted to do was be there for him as he has been for me. I didn’t mean for a fight to happen, I just wanted him to let me in. I feel horrible for some of the things I said but they needed to be said. I’ve come to realize as much as I love him and want to be there for him, I can’t force him. I have no doubt he loves me too, but I can’t make him see that nor can I force him into a life with me that he’s too scared to have.

  But can I let him walk away? Especially when I know he needs me as much as I need him.

  More tears begin slipping from the corners of my hot eyes. With a frustrated sniffle I swipe my cheeks and sit up. I have to get out of here. I need to clear my head and talk to someone who will understand, and I know Faith will. After throwing on a pair of jean shorts and a tank top I toss back a couple of aspirins to dull my headache.

  If only there was something to ease the pain in my heart.

  Quietly stepping outside, I walk down the hall and see the guest bedroom door halfway open with Nick sleeping on the bed. I quickly look away when I get the urge to crawl in next to him. I hated sleeping without him, missing his arms wrapped around me that I’ve grown accustomed to in such a short time.

  Writing a quick note I let him know I’ll meet him at Faith’s, then grabbing my purse I leave. I head out the back entrance to my parking space; thankful Faith brought my car back for me after I fled Kolan’s.

  As I step outside I see the early morning sun just starting to rise and decide to head to the salon first before Faith’s, giving her more time to wake up. I’m so distracted digging through my purse, looking for my key, that I don’t register the fast, heavy footsteps before it’s too late. A scream rips from me as I’m grabbed from behind.

  “Shut up,” a sinister voice says, sending icy terror through my body. A horrible smelling cloth slams over my mouth and nose, smothering my cry. The pungent smell instantly floods my senses.

  “Quick, grab her legs.”

  A guy in a black hoodie grabs my kicking legs as I fight with everything I have, but suddenly, I have no control over myself. My vision starts to blur and my body grows heavy, weakening my attempts to nothing.

  Oh god, this is not happening.

  That’s my last thought before my world turns black.



  I drive out to the farm furious she left without me. I’m mostly angry with myself, because if I were her I wouldn’t have waited for me either. I have no idea what time she left, and I had no way to call her since I smashed my cell after that fucking phone call. One that I had hoped was a nightmare but when I woke up knew it was reality.

  I try not to think about it because I still don’t know what the fuck to think. Since that call a part of me feels like I don’t even know who I am anymore, and I hate it. Hate feeling unsure and hate thinking about her because it only brings the dark, buried pain to the surface.

  One thing I do know is I didn’t like waking up without Katelyn. I missed the smell of her, the feel of her warm body wrapped around mine, and just…her. This wasn’t supposed to happen, but I knew it was inevitable because it’s Katelyn. The only girl who has ever been able to break through my defenses.

  “You tell me I’m more yet I’m not enough for you. All these years I’ve treasured those words and you, but you don’t mean them. You never did.”

  If she only knew how close I’ve kept her to me.

  “You’re so concerned about protecting yourself that you’re willing to hurt someone who has loved you from the moment they met you.”

  The thought of never feeling her again guts me, but when I think about what could happen if I take that chance with her, and she’s the one to eventually leave me… Just the thought of it destroys me.

  I’m pulled from my turmoil when I arrive at Faith’s and don’t see Katelyn’s car.

  I scowl. What the fuck? Did someone pick her up?

  The feeling I have settling in my gut isn’t a good one. Getting out of my truck, I rush up the front steps and try the door to find it unlocked. I enter without knocking and see Cade, Faith, and Kolan all in the living room to the right but not Katelyn.

  “Where’s Katelyn?”

  Faith frowns. “What do you mean? Isn’t she with you?”

  All the blood drains from me and is replaced with pure, cold fear. I shake my head. “She was gone when I woke up this morning. She left me a note saying she would meet me here.”

  “What do you mean she’s fucking gone?” Kolan bellows, getting to his feet.

  “Calm down,” Faith says. “She has to be somewhere. Maybe she left just before you and made a quick stop.”

  I shake my head, disregarding the suggestion right away, that feeling of dread getting stronger. “Someone call her. I don’t have my fucking phone.”

  Kolan pulls his out before I can even finish my sentence. My worst fear is confirmed when I see him tense, rage hardening his expression. “Who the fuck is this?”

  “Speaker!” I order with a harsh whisper, moving closer.

  He does and holds the phone in front of him.

  “I’m surprised you don’t recognize my voice, Mr. Slade.”

  “I swear to God, Warren, if you’ve laid one fucking hand on my sister, I will rip you apart.”

  “Ah, so you do know who it is. Excellent. Although, I wouldn’t be tossing out threats like that if I were you. It could end up backfiring and you could lose someone who means a lot to you.”

  “It wasn’t a threat. If you hurt her, I will kill you.”

  “I see,” the bastard says, sounding amused. “You’re not the one who holds the power here, Mr. Slade. I do. And you will do what I say or your sister dies. After I’m done having fun with her of course, because she’s much too pretty not to.”

  A sharp, pained breath leaves Faith before she stifles it against Cade’s chest, her shoulders shaking. My stomach clenches in fury, violence pumping heavily through my blood.

  “What the fuck do you want?”

  “I want the evidence Victor gave you.”

  Kolan’s eyes snap to mine, confusion marring his face. I shake my head, warning him not to tell the truth.

  “What makes you think I have it?”

  “I saw the text message he sent you. After turning Charleston upside down and not finding it, I’ve come to the conclusion there is only one place left for it to be and that’s with you.”

  “What if I told you I didn’t have it?”

  “For your sake I hope you do, because you have one hour to bring it to me or your beautiful sister dies.”

  “Where?” Kolan asks through clenched teeth.

  He rattles off the location of some warehouse located thirty miles away and that’s when Cade walks out of the room, pulling out his phone.

  “You come alone. No cops, including her fed boyfriend, or I will slit her fucking throat. Do you understand?”

  “I want to know she’s still alive.”

  “She is,” he promises.

  “Prove it. Let me talk to her.”

  There’s a moment of silence, one that has dread pounding in my chest. “Of course, one moment please.”

  There’s a rustling sound before I hear a sharp cry escaping Katelyn. It heats my blood past its boiling point.

  “Your brother wants to speak with you, my dear.”

  “Kolan?” Katelyn sobs, the sound of her terrified voice slicing through me.

  “It’s me, Kate. I’ll be there soon. Just hang on.”

  “No, don’t! He’s going to kill us both if you do. Just please, tell Nick how sorry I am, and tell him—”

  She’s cut off by a sudden, loud crack. Her scream of pain shatters my composure. Turning around, I put my fist through the wall next to me, feeling no impact over the rage pummeling through me.

  “I’m going to fucking kill you,” Kolan yells, saying the words that are close to exploding from me.

  “Wrong. You’re going to do what I say or I will make you watch while I
torture every part of her body. Don’t fuck with me, Mr. Slade. You have one hour.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m coming for you, motherfucker!”

  At the sound of the call being ended, Kolan throws his phone with a roar. “I’m going to fucking kill him!”

  Not if I get him first.

  “What are we going to do?” Faith sobs, dropping down on the couch.

  “We’re getting her back,” I say with absolute certainty, a terrifying calmness settling over me.

  “And how the fuck are we going to do that when I have no evidence?”

  “It doesn’t matter. We’re going to take the bastard out before he even has a chance to ask for it.”

  Cade comes walking back in. “Sawyer and Jaxson are on their way.”

  “What about Cooper?” I ask.

  He looks at me in surprise. “Am I calling him?”

  I nod.

  “No!” Kolan interjects. “You heard him. No fucking cops or she’s as good as dead. I’m going in alone.”

  “Not happening. And we’re not going in without backup.”

  “He’s right,” Cade says. “We’ll slip inside before they even know you’re there.”

  Kolan stares at him like he’s crazy. “And how the fuck do you plan on pulling that off?”

  “You leave that part to me,” Cade says. “That’s what I’m trained to be…a ghost.”

  Ghost or not. We’re going in guns blazing, and god help anyone who’s laid a hand on her.



  After blacking out I woke up here in this cold, abandoned warehouse, gagged and tied to a chair by none other than Bruce Warren and four men who obey his every command.

  My head throbs violently, my eye feeling like it’s about to explode out of my face from the blows I’ve been dealt because of my refusal to tell them where Kolan is. But no amount of pain can compare to the fear I have coursing through me as I tightly grip the bomb my hands are bound to.

  A blanket covers my lap, hiding the square metal device that has every colored wire protruding out of it, the red digital numbers frozen at the five-minute mark. My thumb’s taped over top of a lever it’s been forced down on. One that will ignite the explosion if released, ending my life and anyone else around me.

  And it’s all my fault.

  I shouldn’t have left without Nick this morning. I didn’t think I’d be in danger by going out to Faith’s alone, especially with Cooper having those two guys in custody. Now the chances of me getting out of this alive are slim. I have no doubt my brother will come for me even though I warned him not to, and I know Nick will be with him. The thought has a fresh wave of hot tears tracking down my cheeks.

  I know Nick was listening in on the phone when Kolan called, which is why I apologized. I hope he knows it’s not only for leaving this morning but also for our fight last night. Knowing those will be the last words we say to each other absolutely shatters me. I just wish I could have told him I loved him one more time before I was silenced with a powerful backhand.

  An unexpected touch to my face hurtles me out of my tormented thoughts and makes me flinch. My eyes snap open to see Bruce Warren running his slimy finger down my cheek, a malicious smile curling his lips. “It’s almost show time, sweetheart. Are you ready?”

  I jerk my head away from his touch, my eyes narrowing with hatred. How deceiving looks can be. The man who’s dressed in a gray suit that’s worth more than my entire wardrobe looks nothing more than your typical businessman. However, I’ve come to learn he’s much more dangerous than he looks.

  “Now don’t be like that. I told you I’m sorry you had to be caught up in this, but your brother left me no choice. It is very crucial I get that flash drive back. A lot of people’s reputations depend on it, including mine.”

  If I wasn’t gagged I’d tell him to shove his reputation up his ass.

  “Believe me when I say you’re lucky it’s me you’re dealing with. The other people you could be with right now are far more dangerous than I am.” He drops a hand to my shoulder, his finger trailing down the exposed skin of my chest, making my stomach rebel. “The things they would do to your pretty body would have you begging for them to end your life. If your brother comes through then I promise you will die quickly. If not…well let’s not go there quite yet, shall we,” he adds with a wink.

  “I just got word that he’s pulling in, boss, and he’s alone,” one of the men says, making my throat close up in fear.

  No way. There’s no way Nick isn’t with him.

  “Ah perfect, and with twenty minutes to spare. Very impressive,” he says, as if Kolan is showing up to nothing more than a casual meeting and not our impending death. “Mann and Yates, go greet our guest please, and make sure you search him thoroughly.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “What’s the ETA on my chopper, Graham?”

  “Five minutes, sir.”

  “Fantastic,” he says gleefully, rubbing his hands together.

  The side door at the far end of the warehouse opens, revealing Kolan being escorted in by the two men who were ordered to retrieve him. Both of them have their guns drawn and trained on him, the vicious sight has me sobbing behind the gag.

  Kolan’s hard gaze focuses only on me, carefully taking in my appearance. “You okay, Kate?”

  Bruce is the one to respond. “She’s fine…for the moment.”

  Kolan’s eyes shoot to him, his jaw flexing prominently. “Lucky for your sake.”

  Bruce chuckles, unafraid, when most people shit their pants over Kolan. However, my brother has no idea just how screwed we are.

  “Glad you could join us, Mr. Slade, and with impeccable timing.”

  “Cut the bullshit, Warren, and let her go.”

  “Well, I’m afraid I can’t do that. But hand over the evidence peacefully and I promise to make this as painless as possible for you both.”

  “No evidence until you let her go.”

  I glance up at Bruce, seeing his earlier amusement gone. “Perhaps you’re not comprehending the severity of the situation.” He leans down and whips the blanket off me, unveiling the bomb strapped between my hands.

  “Jesus,” Kolan breathes, his hands fisting in his disheveled hair. The look of utter dejection on his face rips through my already tortured heart. He knows there’s no getting out of this, just like I do.

  Grabbing my hair, Bruce yanks my head back painfully, tearing a cry from me.

  He brings his disgusting face near mine. “Isn’t it beautiful?” he says, before reaching down and hitting a button that sends the digital time to a ticking countdown.

  A muffled wail of despair leaves me, the fear that gripped me turning to icy terror.

  “You have less than five minutes, Mr. Slade, before we shoot you and leave you here to die with her.”

  “That was a big fucking mistake,” Kolan says, appearing a hell of a lot calmer than I feel.

  “Yes, it is yours,” Bruce shoots back. “Now hand over the flash drive!”

  “Actually, it’s yours.” Before I can register Kolan’s response, I watch him swiftly take out the guy to his left the same time gunshots explode through the room.

  I attempt to scream through my gag while the scene unfolds, confused as to what’s happening. My blood roars when I feel a bullet whiz past my ear. I squeeze my eyes shut as I wait for pain to strike me.

  “Shit, he’s headed up top,” yells someone who sounds an awful lot like Jaxson.

  “I’m on him,” another person calls out, this one sounding like Sawyer. “Cooper, watch my back, we got a chopper coming in.”


  “Go ahead and help the others. We got this.”


  “Kate, you with me? Come on, baby, look at me.” Registering the warmth on my cheeks, I open my eyes to see Nick on his knees in front of me. A sob of relief escapes me at the sight of him but it’s short-lived when I see the time on the bomb is two minutes a
nd forty five seconds.

  “It’s okay, I got you,” he says, slicing my gag.

  Kolan drops down on the ground next to him, cutting through the ropes at my ankles. “Jesus, Stone, please fucking tell me you know how to diffuse this thing.”

  “There’s not enough time,” he grinds out dejectedly, staring at the device I hold.

  “What do you mean there’s not enough fucking time? You make time, goddamn it.” Kolan starts untying my hands when Nick pushes him away.

  “No! Not yet. Don’t fucking touch anything.”

  “What the hell are you doing? Let’s just rip it off of her and get the hell out of here before it detonates.”

  That was my thought, too.

  “If her thumb leaves that lever we have fifteen seconds to clear this place before it explodes. There’s fucking barrels of gas all over the place, we’ll never get far enough away.”

  “Oh god,” I cry as utter despair washes over me.

  Nick cups my face again. “Stay calm, Kate. I promise I’m going to get you out of here. Trust me.”

  The determination in his hard gaze has me nodding, even though I have no idea how he’s going to pull it off. When I feel his hand move over mine, I look down to see him pushing against the lever before he slowly removes the piece of tape from my thumb.

  My gaze snaps to him. “What are you doing?”

  He doesn’t answer me and keeps his head down. “Cut her free, Kolan, fast.”

  Kolan goes to work, quickly slicing me from the thick tape that binds my hands to the bomb.

  The entire time I keep focused on Nick. “Nick, answer me! What are you doing?”

  His head remains down. I’m uncertain if he’s purposely ignoring me or just focused on the bomb.

  Kolan finally frees me from the deadly device.

  “Now get her out of here,” Nick says, sending pure terror through me as he stands.

  “What?” Kolan asks before I can, his eyes snapping to Nick.

  “Go, hurry! I’ll meet up with you.”

  I slap Kolan away as he grabs for me. “No! Nick, what the hell are you doing?” I begin to go after him when he runs out of the warehouse but Kolan grabs me around the waist and charges in the other direction. “No! Let go of me! We can’t leave him.” I struggle against his hold, tears flooding my face.


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