His Virgin Angel

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His Virgin Angel Page 5

by Sam Crescent

“Jack,” she said the moment she opened the door.

  “Surprise. I thought you’d like some company. Drake told me you were alone for the evening. I thought it would be good for us to catch up.”

  “Sure, that would be great.” She stepped away from the door, and he took in her pajama bottoms and thin sleeved shirt. Even though she was in pajamas, she’d put a bra on as well. The black strap taunting him as he closed the door, following her into the kitchen.

  “I’m making green chicken enchiladas. I like them really spicy. Is that okay?” she asked. “I take it you’d like some food?”

  “Yeah, I would.”

  “Excellent. When Brian’s home I leave out the chili and all the spice, and just do a lightly seasoned filling. With him gone, I can splurge. I also don’t add as much cheese. He loves cheese.”

  He saw the love she had for her brother reflected in her eyes.

  “Brian is really spoilt.”

  “Most of the time he does deserve it. It’s only rarely that he’s a pain.”

  Jack stood beside her, watching as she dipped each tortilla into the green sauce, then filled it with chicken and cheese, before wrapping them and laying them out in a dish.

  “I know there’s loads here, but I’ll cook them, divide them, and freeze them.”

  “Do you love being in the kitchen?”

  “It’s fun. I like the homely feeling that a kitchen gives, and I love food. I couldn’t give Brian much before we moved here. We lived on cereal, and now it’s nice to be able to give him everything he needs.”

  “You’re more his mother than your own was.”

  “Yeah, I wanted to ask you about that,” she said. “I was wondering what happened to our mother. She didn’t contest the emancipation order, nor the paperwork for me to take over as full-time guardian to Brian.”

  “It’s because she didn’t want you, Piper. When I spoke to her, trying to get her to see reason, she was happy for you to leave. She told me you were a burden to her, always driving men away.” He hated lying to her. It was better to lie to her than for her to find out the truth.

  “Oh, yeah, I know, she told me all the time.” She let out a breath. “Wow, four years and it still hurts.”

  He placed a hand on her back. “You don’t have to worry about her anymore.”

  “I’m not worried. I’m hurt more than anything. Why do people have to have kids when they clearly can’t do a good job of looking after them?”

  “I can’t answer that one for you, sweetie.”

  He wrapped his arms around her, breathing in her lemony scent. Kissing the top of her head, he offered her comfort.

  “I better get these finished.”

  Reluctantly he released her and watched as she finished the enchiladas. She washed her hands before placing them in the oven.

  He helped her wash the dishes and set the table. Beside the pile of college work, he saw a book that was really popular at the moment, and had even got a movie from it.

  “This is far cry from your British classics,” he said, picking it up.

  She looked at the book, and her cheeks went a delightful shade of red. “Crap, you shouldn’t see that.”

  “Why are you reading that?”

  “Everyone is reading it, and I was curious.” She took the book from him and disappeared into her bedroom, coming back out with nothing in her hands.

  “What were you curious about?”

  “Relationships, being with someone, dating, all that kind of stuff.” She tucked some of her hair behind her ear. “It’s probably stupid.”

  “It’s not stupid. You’ve never been on a date.”

  “Never been asked out. I’ve focused on everything else, and I don’t know—reading stuff like that, it makes me realize everything that I’m missing out on.”

  He’d made sure no one asked her out, or even shown an inkling of desire.

  She locked her hands together. “It’s probably a silly girl thing.”

  “Don’t call it silly.”

  “With how Mom was, I didn’t like to make friends, or even look for potential boyfriends. She always spoiled it, and I didn’t want to deal with the fallout. She was always bringing guys home.”

  Piper turned on her heel and walked back into the kitchen.

  “These guys, did they try anything?”

  Piper pulled the enchiladas out of the oven. She blew a breath. “Er, not always. Some of the guys were nice. I was just a girl, a kid really. Some wanted … stuff. I really don’t feel comfortable talking about this.”

  “Piper, you can tell me.”

  She ran fingers through her hair. “I never did anything with them, even though some tried to use force. Mom was always close by, and she’d unleash hell on me if she thought I was stealing her boyfriend.”

  He didn’t breathe easier at that. “You went through a lot.”

  “Some have gone through worse.”

  “So you want to date.”

  She nodded. “Yeah, I’d like to date. To experience what it would be like to have a kiss. Maybe even hug. It’s stupid.”

  Jack couldn’t tear his eyes away from her. She served them both up two enchiladas, guacamole, and salsa.

  Taking his plate, they sat at the table, and he drank a beer. She kept them on hand for him, while she had a glass of mango juice.

  “How about you? Are you dating any hot sexy women lately?” she asked.

  “No woman in my life apart from you.”

  She raised her glass. “To being single.”

  He clinked his bottle to her glass.

  With the food finished, she put the dishes in the dishwasher, and they walked toward the sitting room. Making a final decision, Jack grabbed her arm, and pulled her against him.

  “What are you doing?”

  “We’re going to dance.” Using the remote he turned up the music, and wrapped his arms around her. She rested her hands around his neck. “Dating can be overrated.”

  “Are you just saying that to make me feel better?”

  “No. Men are not always good, Piper. I want you to be careful.”

  “I always will be.”

  The music went slow, and he pulled her a little closer, aware of her soft curves molding against his. Her ass was nice and ripe. He’d love to spread those cheeks open, and watch as she took him deep into her cunt, then her ass.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked.

  “The first day we met. I never thought I’d be here, four years later, dancing after having a dinner together.”

  “You’re a good cook.”

  “And you’re a nice man.”

  Staring at her lips, he couldn’t resist anymore. She was starting to crave shit that he couldn’t control. Men would use her, and toss her aside, ruining the woman she was. Jack didn’t want to ruin her. He’d treasure her, showing her the good, the bad, and the dirty, but keeping her exactly the same.



  “I’m going to kiss you now.”

  “You are?”

  “And you’re going to let me.”

  Before she could say anything else, he slammed his lips down on hers. The fingers around the back of his neck teased the strands of his hair at the base. Running his hand from her hip around, he gripped her ass and pulled her closer. His cock was rock hard, and he wanted inside her. This was the first time in his life that he’d gone any length without a woman.

  Piper continued to be in his thoughts on an hourly basis. No other woman could compete with that.

  Her kindness had caught his attention, and now he was utterly smitten with her.

  Sliding his tongue across her lip, he loved how she gasped, giving him full access to her mouth.

  Plunging inside, he deepened the kiss. At the same time, he moved her back until she was pressed against the wall.

  She pulled away from him, breaking the kiss. Her lips were red and puffy. Jack was only just getting started.

  “That’s how a
kiss should be.”

  Piper licked her lips, making him moan.

  “You really don’t have a clue what you’re doing to me, do you?”

  “I can’t seem to get my words together. My head is all over the place.”

  “That makes both of us.” He stepped away, giving her some space. Holding her hand, he waited. Every part of him was telling him to take what he wanted, to not care about the consequences. He wanted her, and he was much better for her than half the assholes in the city. Another part cared about what she thought, and he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t bring himself to take her if she didn’t want it.

  He’d never had any scruples before, but when it came to Piper, he finally discovered he did.

  Chapter Five

  “I really don’t know what is happening right now.” Piper’s lips tingled, and her body was on fire. Her tits felt heavy and her pussy slick. Staring at Jack, she’d never thought he’d kiss her like that. There had been a few occasions she’d imagined it. She’d known deep down, he never would though.

  He just did.

  “What do you want to happen?” He stroked her arm, and she simply stared at him.

  There were fleeting moments where she’d wondered what it would be like to have him look at her as if she was more than someone to protect. “Why now?” she asked.

  “You’re ready now.”

  She frowned. “I don’t understand.”

  He stroked her arms, and she enjoyed his touch more than anything else. “You were too young, and with everything that had happened with you because of your mother, I didn’t want to bring back bad memories. I wanted you to find a place where you could be yourself.”

  “I am myself.” She didn’t get it. He could have any woman he ever wanted, and yet he was choosing her. “Is this just about sex?”

  “No. It’s not, and believe me when I say I’m just as confused as you.” She didn’t talk, giving him time to explain what he meant. “Women are all easy for me, Piper. I don’t do this with anyone else.”

  “You don’t do what?”

  “I don’t care, okay? I don’t give a shit if they’re happy, or sad. I only get what I want. There’re no feelings involved. Then you came along, and you make me want to be better for you. I was a complete fucking stranger, and yet you still came toward me, and tried to make me feel better. What kind of person does that? I could have been an axe murderer, rapist, child molester, you name it, but you put your fucking life on the line to offer me some comfort.”

  “I’m sorry,” she said.

  “I didn’t think of you, and that stupid book was packed away for the longest time. It was only when I was looking for some damn cufflinks for a date with another woman that I even found it again. Once I saw it, I knew I had to return it.”

  “I don’t know what you want me to say.”

  “Then don’t say anything you don’t want, or do anything.” He stepped forward, cupping her face.

  She couldn’t look away, nor did she want to.

  “I can’t get you out of my head, and I want to.” He ran his thumb across her bottom lip.

  “You think about me?” she asked.

  “Yes. All the time.”

  “What kind of thoughts do you have?”

  “The wicked kind. The kind that is not supposed to be told to a virgin.”

  The thumb pushed against her lips, and she opened her mouth, taking him inside. She may be a virgin, but she had needs just like everyone else. The books she read, the movies she watched, they were teasers to what she really wanted.

  Sucking on his thumb, she kept her gaze on his finally releasing him. “Tell me what you want, Jack.”

  “More than you can ever imagine.”

  She could imagine a lot, but she’d tamed her desires to be the parent Brian needed. Her brother more than anything needed to be stable.

  “This won’t be a one-time thing, Piper. You give yourself to me, and you’re mine. I’ll own every part of you.”

  His warnings made her pause.

  “Will you stop me going to college?”


  “What about working?”

  “Not if you don’t want to.”

  “Then I’m happy. You’re not going to do anything to Brian, or change that. I want to do this, Jack.” She had feeling for him for so long, which she’d tried to stop because there was no way in hell he was ever going to feel the same for her.

  His hand sank into her hair, tugging out the band that held it all in place. “When you’re with me, your hair will be down. I want to see the whole length of it.”

  “I was going to get it cut.”

  “Get it cut, and I’ll put you over my knee and spank that nice full ass.”

  “You don’t think it’s too big?” At her question, his other hand came down, giving her ass a slap.

  “No, you won’t change anything about you. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, I understand. I’m not like all the other women you’ve been with.”

  “Exactly, and if I wanted those women, we wouldn’t be talking right now.”

  She licked her lips, nodding.

  “I’m not going to fuck you tonight, Piper.”

  “You’re not.”

  “No. Tonight, I’m going to kiss and touch, and you’re going to let me, aren’t you?”


  “Good.” He slammed his lips down on hers, pressing her against the wall. He grabbed her leg, lifting it over his hip. He drove his hips between hers, and she felt the hard ridge of his cock, pressing against her, making her moan. “That’s what you do to me. Every time I’m near you, you drive me fucking crazy.”

  He rubbed his cock against her pussy, the clothes protecting her. She’d never wanted to be naked more than in that moment with him so close. “You smell so sweet, and I want so fucking much,” he said. He broke the kiss, and trailed his lips down her neck to the pulse, and nibbled on it.

  She cried out as he caught her hands, pushing them against the wall, and keeping her in place. “Jack,” she said.

  “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes.” Without a doubt she trusted him. He’d never given her a reason to doubt him.

  “Then let me lead this.” His hands moved from her face down her body, grazing her breasts as he did.

  Piper didn’t fight him as he gripped the bottom of her shirt, nor when he pulled it over her head. She covered her breasts even though the bra she wore did a fantastic job.

  He held his hand up, and proceeded to remove his own shirt.

  The ink that covered his chest captured her attention. Most of the time he kept it covered in his crisp white business suits.

  You want this.

  You can do this.

  Reaching behind her, she unhooked her bra and let it fall to the floor. Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to look into his eyes. There she saw heat, desire, and she reciprocated. She wanted him as much as he seemed to want her.

  Piper also saw he was holding back. There was something dark, sinful, and he was keeping it at bay, trying not to scare her?

  “What are you thinking?” she asked.

  “That right now I want to be everything you’ve ever wanted in life.”

  “I don’t know what I want. I can see you’re holding back.”

  “I’m a man, Piper. Twenty-four years your senior, and what I want will probably scare you.”

  Biting her lip, she stepped forward, running her hands up his chest. “What if I told you that I’m not afraid?” Life had been shit to her for so long, taking care of her brother, trying to create a better life, that she’d pushed all of her own needs and desires to one side. What was wrong with giving in?

  She had been the good girl for so long… She didn’t know if she could be bad, but in that moment, she wanted to be naughty.

  Gripping his belt, she tugged it open. Even as her hands were shaking and she didn’t have a clue what she was doing, she did what felt right.

sp; He covered her hands, stopping her.

  No words were needed. He held her hands as he sank to his knees before her. Releasing her hands, he gripped the edge of her jogging pants. Slowly, he peeled them down her thighs, and she was aware of her thicker, slightly dimpled thighs.

  “I’m not perfect.”

  “I don’t care.”

  Next, her panties followed until she stood before him naked. Within seconds he was on his feet, his own pants gone.

  “To me, you’re perfect.”

  He grabbed her ass, pulling her close. His cock pressed against her stomach, and she knew without a doubt that he was well endowed.

  “We’re not having sex tonight?”

  “No. Not tonight.”

  She tilted her head to the side. Her heart was racing, and she’d never been so excited before in her life. “What can we do?”

  Piper squealed as he lifted her up. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she held onto him. The age difference between them never bothered her. She didn’t care how old he was. Jack Sosa would always be an angel to her. The man who was willing to care for her no matter what.

  He moved her back until he kicked open her bedroom door. Laying her on the bed, she watched him stand up, and stare down at her.

  When she went to move, he stopped her. He gripped her knees. “No, you don’t need to hide with me. When we’re together, I want to see every part of you.”

  There was no fight in her.

  Piper wanted this more than she ever wanted anything else. Was it wrong of her to be just a little bit selfish?


  Jack had never cared about a woman before. He took what he wanted, and she found her pleasure her own way. So many women had come and gone in his life, they’d all blended together.

  Piper wasn’t just any woman. She was his woman, and he intended to be different with her. All he wanted to do was flip her over, and plow deep into her cunt, taking that precious cherry, and owning her forever.

  Instead, he spread her legs, sliding the tips of his fingers down the inside of her thighs. He stopped near her pretty cunt. Her pubic hair was nicely trimmed, and he saw how wet she was. The lips of her pussy were spread open, giving him a delightful view of her clit.

  Never had he gone down on a woman before.

  Piper was untouched, and he didn’t care how much of an asshole that made him, he wanted it with her. He wanted to be the only man to lick, to touch, to own.


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