His Virgin Angel

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His Virgin Angel Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “Yes, Mr. Rivers. Do you know who I am?”

  “I’m guessing the parent of one of my students.”

  He saw the answer hurt Jack, which he found interesting.

  “I’m not a parent.”

  “Forgive me, most of my students are really young, children really. What can I help you with?”

  “I’m Jack Sosa.”

  “Marshall Rivers.” He held out his hand.

  Jack gripped his hand, tightening it to the point of pain. It fucking hurt, but Marshall wasn’t about to show it.

  “I still don’t understand the point of your visit.”

  “I wanted to know why you’ve taken an interest in Piper.”

  The way he said her name, he knew there was more going on there than simply a caring guardian, or friend.

  “I can’t divulge my students’ information unless I know your relationship to her, and then it’s only going through the principal.”

  Jack stared at him, and it kind of reminded him of a snake right before it struck at his prey.

  “I don’t know who you are yet, but I know you’re a threat. Piper will no longer be taking any of your classes.”

  “That’s not for you to decide.”

  “Oh, but it is, and it’s already decided. If I find that you in anyway pose a threat to her, I will end you.”

  “Are you threatening me?”

  “Your biggest mistake was pretending you didn’t know me, Mr. Rivers. Everyone knows me, even if they don’t know everything about me.”

  He’d fucked up, but he really hadn’t known what to do.

  “Good day, Mr. Rivers.”

  Jack left his classroom.

  Leaning against the wall, Marshall caught his breath, trying to steady his racing heart. This was why we wanted to become a teacher. He never wanted to battle war between enemies, fighting for land and money.

  “You’ve seen his famous face now,” Ronald said, coming into the classroom.

  “You need to stop coming here,” Marshall said, gathering his things. “This was a big mistake. He knows something.”

  “He doesn’t know my last name. I don’t go by Ronald Rivers. Don’t act all scared. You don’t need to worry. He’ll never know our connection.”

  Marshall had heard many stories about the commanding presence of Jack Sosa. He truly didn’t think it was all true, and yet it had been.

  The man seemed like the grim fucking reaper.

  “You’re going to get us all killed,” Marshall said. “You, me, Louisa, and any number of people you’ve fooled into working for you.”

  Ronald shrugged. “It’s a means to an end. Sometimes you have to take a gamble for it all to work.”

  “This isn’t some money on a number, Ronald. This is people’s lives. My life.”

  “Don’t worry, brother, I’ll handle everything. I’ve not heard from Louisa, so I’m thinking she’s betrayed me. There’s no doubt in my mind. Piper is his girl, and thanks to you, you confirmed it.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Whatever I need to do.”

  Ronald left, and Marshall cursed. His life was well and truly fucked. If Jack ever found out the truth, Marshall wouldn’t last. He’d kill him first.

  Chapter Eight

  “We’re moving in with Jack?” Brian asked.

  Piper nodded as she browned the meatballs that had been resting in the fridge. Instead of going to college, she’d come home so that she could spend time with her brother. She also didn’t have to work that night, so she was using all the spare time with Brian. Jack would be arriving in thirty minutes, just in time for dinner.

  Brian was sat at the kitchen counter doing his homework while she cooked.

  “I would like to. We’re together now, and last night he convinced me it would be good for the three of us to be together.” She quickly turned away so her brother didn’t spot her flushed cheeks at the memory of how well Jack convinced her to move in with him. The guy should be in politics. He’d convince anyone to do whatever he wanted.

  “He’s your boyfriend?”

  “Yes, but not in the way that mom had those. I’m not like her.”

  “I know.” Brian smiled. “If you’re happy, I’m happy.”

  “You really mean that.”

  “Yeah, I like Jack. He’s a good guy.”

  She reached across the counter, cupping Brian’s cheek. “I sometimes forget how young you are.”

  Brian smirked. “That’s because I’m clever. I’m going to be a scientist or a doctor one day. Someone important.”

  “I know you are.” She pulled her hand away and finished browning the latest batch of meatballs. “Finish your homework, so you can play before dinner.”

  She set the meatballs aside, then focused on the sauce. Adding onion, garlic, celery, and carrot to the pot, she gave it a good stir, adding in some butter. When it came to cooking, she always went with what felt right to her.

  Chopping up some fresh herbs, she added them to the pot, along with tomatoes. While the sauce was simmering, after she added the meatballs, her doorbell rang.

  Heading toward the door, she opened it up to find Jack standing with some flowers. “You have a key,” she said.

  “I didn’t know if you’d spoken to Brian yet.”

  “I’ve spoken to him.”


  “He wants me to be happy, and with that, he gave me his blessing.”

  Jack entered her apartment, wrapping his arms around her.

  “He’s a good boy.”

  “If he hadn’t agreed what would you have done?” she asked.

  “I’m not opposed to using toys as bribes. I’d have gotten you both living with me. Now, tell me what that delicious smell is.”

  “That is my meatballs with homemade tomato sauce. I like using jar stuff, but I also love making my own version. What do you think?” she asked.

  “It smells amazing.”

  He followed her into the kitchen, and she saw him looking around.

  “He’s in his room playing.”

  “Excellent.” Jack took the flowers from her hands, and placed them on the counter. Next he had her pressed up against the fridge, and his mouth was on her, biting, sucking, and plundering her mouth with his tongue. His hands were everywhere, all over her body, between her thighs. “I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve spent most of the day with you.” In his bed, learning every part of his body, committing it to her memory.

  “So, we’ve been apart a few hours, and I missed you.” He claimed her lips once again.

  Brian interrupted them by clearing his throat. “I’m only eight.”

  Jack chuckled. “Is that a warning you shouldn’t be seeing all of this?” He released her, and she was reluctant to let him go. Seeing her pot of pasta was boiling, she added in her spaghetti, then stirred the meatball sauce. “You’re staying out of trouble?”

  “Yes. Piper can tell you, I’ve not caused a single fight, and I ignore the name calling.”

  Brian moved around the kitchen and grabbed the grater. Piper smiled at Jack as her brother started to grate cheese.

  In the early days of them moving in here, they would spend all day in the kitchen on a weekend baking cookies. Drake never complained, and even now he asked for them to supply him regularly with cookies.

  “Can Drake come and eat with us when we live with you?” Brian asked.

  “Sure. Why not?”

  “I miss him, and he was nice. He didn’t have to leave.”

  “He had his own life, remember,” Piper said.

  She’d hated to see Drake leave, but she also understood why he had to go. They were not his kids, and he had a life of his own. She knew he drove Jack around, and worked for him, but there were plenty of hours when he wasn’t on the clock. She liked to think he’d found a special someone to share his love of books.

  “Will I still be allowed sleepovers?” Brian asked.

  “Depends on the people
you’re sleeping over with. Boys yes, girls no.”

  Brian tilted his head to the side, studying Jack. She smiled, knowing he was about to get the third degree from her little brother.

  “What about bedtime? Piper allows me to go to bed between nine and ten.”

  “Seven,” Jack said.

  She looked toward him shocked, only to laugh. He was kidding.

  “Not happening.”

  “Nine-thirty, and you don’t come out of your room unless you have a nightmare.”

  “I don’t have nightmares.”

  “Scared of spiders?”

  “I kill them for Piper. She’s scared of them.”

  “Scared of the dark?”

  “That’s also me,” Piper said, holding her hand up.

  “You’ve got no reason to be afraid. I’ll protect you from the boogeyman,” he said. He grabbed her hand.

  There was no way she could have been any happier.

  “What about Halloween?” Brian asked.

  “What about it?”

  “Can we decorate your apartment? We always decorate ours, and we dress up.”

  Jack paused, thinking it over. “Sure. No parties though.”

  “What about Christmas?”

  “I have a tree.”

  “No. We have more than tree, and we buy a huge turkey breast. Can we invite Drake, and get a real turkey?”

  “A turkey breast is a real turkey.”

  “A full one, with potatoes, and sides,” Brian asked.

  “He likes his food,” Piper said, letting Jack go as she finished up the sauce, tasting for seasoning. When she was happy, she drained the pasta, and placed it in a serving pot. Next, she topped it with the sauce and fresh grated parmesan cheese. “Let’s take this to the table.”

  For the rest of dinner, Brian organized the rules for their living arrangements. Throughout his negotiating, she found herself laughing. He even organized a television schedule, and tried to get a horror night every month. He got the cartoon channel for one hour at night, three nights a week, no horror, and if he broke that rule, Jack promised to tie him to a chair, and watch a romantic comedy.

  While Brian got ready for bed, Jack helped her do the dishes.

  They were sat down enjoying a cup of coffee when Brian came out, held his hand out. “I accept, and look forward to moving in with you.”

  “You’re very proper,” Jack said, shaking on it.

  She laughed as Brian hugged her tightly, and then went to bed.

  “What was all that about making him stay in his room?” she asked.

  Jack took her cup from her, and placed it on the coffee table. He moved her so that she was straddling his lap. The hard ridge of his cock pressed against her core.

  “Because I’ve got plans for you, and the last thing I want to worry about is being interrupted.”

  “You don’t.”

  He cupped her ass, squeezing her cheeks, and rubbing her against his cock. “Would you want him to walk in right now, or in a couple of minutes?”

  “You’re right, I don’t.” She pressed her lips against his. Jack ran his tongue across her mouth, and she opened up, deepening the kiss.

  Her whole body was on fire for him, and what he could give her.

  “Fuck, baby, you drive me crazy. I want you so much.”

  “We can’t do this here. We haven’t moved yet, and I don’t want Brian to see.” He tapped her ass and urged her into her bedroom. She left him behind to lock the apartment.

  Staring in her bathroom mirror, she stripped out of her clothes. She was horny, and Jack was finally coming to her bedroom. Tying her hair up, she made her way back toward her bed, and wondered what he’d think when he found her.


  Locking all the doors, Jack made his way toward her room. He’d already told Drake not to wait for him, and that he’d be staying with Piper for the rest of the night. After his meeting with Marshall he wasn’t going to put anything to chance. Something didn’t sit well with him, but he didn’t know why.

  Entering her room, he paused when he found her standing by the bed, completely naked. He brown hair was piled on top of her head, and her hands were clasped together in front of her.

  “I was trying to do something seductive, but I ran out of time.”

  “Would you like me to help?”

  “I wouldn’t mind a little direction,” she said.

  “Kneel on the bed with your ass facing me.”

  He removed his jacket, being careful not to alert her to the gun strapped inside. Jack never went anywhere without his gun.

  With her ass in the air, Jack moaned. He saw how wet her pussy was, dripping just for him.

  “Go down so that your head and tits are on the bed, and spread your ass cheeks wide.”

  Taking off his shirt, and pants, he palmed his aching cock, watching as she spread her ass wide. He saw the tight puckered asshole begging for his cock, and her creamy cunt that had only ever had his cock.

  Jack stepped right up behind her and stroked his fingers over her anus. Moving down, he covered his fingers in her cream, and drew them back to her ass.

  “Do you have any idea how beautiful you look right now?”


  “You’re open for me, and I want it, baby. I want to fuck you so much. First, I’m going to have a little taste.” Swiping his tongue through her cream, he tongued her clit, inhaling her sweet scent as he did. He didn’t mind dirty, especially if it was with Piper.

  She still held herself open for him even as he teased her pussy. Plunging his tongue into her cunt, he spilled more of her cream onto his tongue. Drawing his tongue back, he moved over her anus, wetting her tight ring so that she was ready to take his dick.

  Piper moaned but didn’t pull away from him.

  Using his fingers, he teased her pussy as he continued to rim her asshole.

  “So wrong,” she said.

  “It’s so right.”

  Plunging two fingers inside her pussy, he stroked her clit with his thumb.

  Within seconds she was coming, squeezing his fingers as her cunt pulsed around him.

  Pulling his digits from her pussy, he grabbed his cock, and thrust deep inside her.

  “Keep yourself spread open for me.”


  Holding onto her hips, he watched his cock disappear into her wet pussy. Each time he pulled out, he saw the evidence of her orgasm. Driving inside her three more times, he paused, feeling each tug as he held still.

  Stroking over her wet anus, he pushed a finger inside her, moving past those tight muscles.

  She cried out, and when she made to let go of her ass, he spanked her for good measure.

  “Hold yourself open for me. I want to see everything.” Piper held her ass open as he added a second finger. “Bounce on my cock. Go on, baby, take it, show me what you want.”

  She moaned but then started to ride his cock, slowly moving on and off him.

  He watched her take him, and he stroked her ass in time with her thrusts, giving her all the power as she took what she wanted.

  “Please, Jack.”

  “What is it, baby?”

  “Fuck me, please, I need you.”

  Holding onto her hip with one hand, he drove deep inside her, making her take both his cock and his fingers.

  It was awkward, but he was determined. He ordered her to touch herself, and to bring herself to orgasm. Jack wished she had more hands so that he could have her spread open for him at the same time as giving herself pleasure. He had to make do as he drove them both to another orgasm.

  Piper’s screams of pleasure were muffled by the bed, keeping them at bay.

  “Was that what you had in mind?” he asked.

  “I didn’t have a clue what I had in mind, but that was amazing.”

  He chuckled.

  Pulling out of her pussy, he watched as his cum spilled out, dripping down onto the bed.

  Picking her up in his arms, Jack car
ried her through to the bathroom.

  “I love it when you get all manly on me.”

  He turned the water on, and she screamed as the cold spray hit them both. Jack needed the cold to keep him grounded.

  “You better get used to my manly ways. They’re not going to stop.”

  “I don’t mind.” She pressed her lips against his. “So long as all that manliness is just for me.”

  He cupped her chin, tilting her head back so that he could look at her. “There will never be anyone else but you, Piper. I don’t want anyone else.”

  “Have you ever felt this way before?” she asked.


  “You don’t even know what I was going to say.”

  “I know how I feel about you, and I know it’s not going to go away.” He dropped a kiss to her lips.

  “I love it when you kiss me.”

  He stroked her cheek. “Never change.”

  “How do you mean?”

  “Never lose this, this smile, this happiness, always be the same.”

  She placed a hand on his chest, and he couldn’t even begin to describe what she meant to him. This feeling was overriding every other thought. The only thing he could focus on was her.

  “I don’t know if I can promise that. I’m not going to be able to stay the same forever.”

  He would fight that forever.

  Jack wanted her to see the world with light and love. He’d keep everything dark and scary at bay.

  Dropping his lips down to hers, he kissed her, vowing to always keep her safe.

  It’s what he had to do to keep her to himself, and he was more than willing to do it.

  Chapter Nine

  After dropping Brian off at school, she’d watched Jack escort him to the front gates in clear view of everyone. Piper was so proud of Brian, and she saw the happiness on his face at being dropped off at school. Jack had made her brother’s day, and for that she was grateful. Being in school with the name-calling and bullying was never a good thing.

  On the way to college, he got a phone call which demanded his attention. She was okay with that. His work was important to him, and she didn’t want to get in the way. She kissed him goodbye, and wished him a good day at work. He promised to be there with Drake to pick her up that evening. She waved toward them, and turned making her way into the college grounds.


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