Dash (Blackwings MC Book 1)

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Dash (Blackwings MC Book 1) Page 3

by Teagan Brooks

  “Sure about that?” the man crushing me snickered.

  I didn’t have time for this. I had to go. I snapped my head back, successfully making contact with Crusher’s head. I rammed my elbow into his side and quickly pushed up and out. I leaped to my feet and took off.

  I made it to the front gate, ready to climb up and over. Pete apparently had decided to do as Phoenix said and was standing by the gate. He stepped in front of me, his gun aimed steadily at my head. I probably could have taken him, even with the gun, but he wasn’t standing close enough. Every time I took a step toward him, he took a step back and ordered me to stay put.

  I didn’t stay put. I had already decided that I would rather die than be sent back to the farm. Pete didn’t know it, but he had two options, let me through that gate or shoot me. I was fine with either. Pete had about three steps left before I had him backed against the gate. It was obvious to me by this point that he wasn’t going to shoot me, so I continued moving forward. If I could get close enough, I could disarm him and run for the hills.

  Hands grabbed my arms from behind and lifted. Crap. It was Dash and Crusher, each man had one of my arms held tightly between both hands. “Pete, get her feet.”

  “No way, man. Phoenix told me not to leave the gate for any reason,” Pete protested.

  “Get her fucking feet or lose that prospect patch, what’s it going to be?” Crusher barked.

  Pete reluctantly stepped forward and wrapped a hand around each of my ankles. Part of me wanted to kick him, but that would just be mean, it wasn’t like I was going to be able to get away from the other two.

  The three of them carried me back inside the clubhouse. I screamed, cried, fought, but nothing helped. As a last ditch effort, I started begging. “Please don’t hurt me. Please! I just came to ask for help. You don’t know what my life has been like. I won’t go back! I won’t!”

  My eyes found Carbon standing in the hallway. “How could you tell your sister to send someone here for help? No wonder you won’t let her come around here. You’re all just like them! All of you!” I screamed at the lot of them standing in the hall staring at the tiny girl being manhandled, not a one trying to intervene.

  Phoenix appeared in my line of site and started barking out orders. “Carbon, get your fucking sister here right now. I want to know what she knows. Dash, lock that bitch in one of the cells. Byte, I got some shit for you to start digging into. The rest of you, do a perimeter check and I want a brother at each corner of the property, two at the gate, and two on the roof. No prospects. We aren’t on lockdown, but we damn well might be depending on what we find out in the next few hours.”

  The men scattered, I assumed to carry out their assigned tasks. It amazed me that grown men would run off to do the bidding of another grown man just because he said so. It made no sense to me. If I ever got out of this mess, I wouldn’t be taking orders from anyone ever again.

  The three men carried me down a long hallway and through a door. When they started walking down a flight of stairs, I started to panic. “Where are you going? Where are you taking me?” I shrieked.

  Dash made a sound low in his throat that sounded very similar to a growl. A chill ran down my spine when he spoke, his voice low and dark, “What did you think was going to happen when you walked into an MC and started causing trouble? Did you really think you could pull one over on us?” He scoffed, “We may look like big, dumb, bikers, but we’re a lot smarter than people think.”

  I continued to thrash around, trying to break their hold on me. “I didn’t do anything. I just came here and asked for help and that psycho in there started yelling at me and throwing things.”

  Dash squeezed the arm he was holding, “It would be wise for you to not disrespect our club’s president, especially given the position you’re in right now.”

  They carried me down another hallway, this one much darker than the first. We went through another door, into what I assumed was a room of some sort, but it was so dark down there I couldn’t see much. I was suddenly dropped onto something that felt like a hard mattress or cushion. Then, I heard it, the click of a lock being closed sounded loud and clear through the blackness.

  Another click and the room was illuminated with bright, artificial light. I gasped. We did enter a room. A room divided by bars. I was locked in a jail cell. The three brutes were on the other side of the bars smirking at me. I took in my surroundings, noticing that I was indeed perched on a disgusting looking mattress. My only other accommodation was a bucket in the corner. “No!” I screamed. “No, no, no! Let me out of here. Please! Please don’t do this!”

  Pete and Crusher left without a word. Dash just stood there looking at me. All thoughts of him being the nice one were long gone. He was just like the rest of them. He sneered, “If you stop screaming, I’ll leave the light on for you.”

  I shut my mouth immediately. I didn’t want to be left in the dark. Big tears poured down my face as the severity of my situation hit me. I wrapped my arms around myself and slid to the floor. Bringing my knees up, I buried my head in my arms and rocked back and forth, trying to keep my sobs as quiet as possible.

  I looked up when I heard the door close. Dash was gone. He left me there all alone. My sobs grew louder. Was my life destined to be controlled by a man in a self-appointed position of power? What had I ever done to deserve my life turning out this way?

  I continued to ponder the events of my life, trying desperately to figure out why mine was so messed up. Eventually, my thoughts had provided enough of a distraction for me to physically calm down some. My breathing had returned to an almost normal pattern and my tears had slowed considerably until I realized I had no idea how long I would be locked in the cell or when anybody would come back.



  I secured the door and went back up to Phoenix’s office. Finding no one in there, I headed to the room where we have church. In there, I found Phoenix, Byte, Badger, Duke, Shaker, and Carbon. Carbon looked unsettled, very uncommon for our club’s enforcer. Byte was furiously typing away on his computer. Badger and Duke were sitting on either side of Phoenix who was clearly barely holding his shit together.

  I took my designated seat and addressed the group, “She’s locked in the last cell on the right.” Despite how I acted toward the girl, I hated every second of having to drag her back inside and lock her up. I would never admit it to anyone, but I was damn impressed with the way she knocked me on my ass and then fought off Duke. I wondered where she learned to fight like that. It was obvious that she had been through some kind of training; her skills were far more advanced than mine.

  Phoenix nodded and cruelly smiled, “Good.”

  That pissed me off. He didn’t have to drag her down there kicking and screaming, then lock her away in a nasty cell while she sobbed on the floor.

  I did.

  I saw the fear in her eyes, not him.

  I felt her shaking in my arms, not him.

  Before I could think better of it, I stood from my chair, “You want to tell me why the fuck I had to lock that girl in a cell and leave her on the floor sobbing so hard she could barely breathe?”

  Phoenix jumped to his feet, fists balled, “Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to like that, boy?”

  Oh, he wanted to play the always-respect-the-president card? I stepped closer to Phoenix. “I think I’m talking to a man who isn’t acting like the president I know, brother. You have never treated a woman like that. So tell me, Prez, what did she do to deserve this?”

  Phoenix growled and started to move toward me. I stood my ground, didn’t even flinch. Badger and Duke jumped up quickly and got between us.

  Badger, our club’s VP, took the lead, “Dash, sit the fuck down and show some respect.” He turned to Phoenix, “Phoenix, get your shit under control.” Quietly, he said, “I’m not sure what this is all about, but this ain’t like you. Take a step back and breathe, yeah?” Phoenix glared at him, but finally relen
ted with a nod, and fell back into his chair.

  A knock at the door helped break up some of the tension in the room. One of the prospects poked his head around the corner. “Carbon, your sister is here.”

  Carbon lifted his chin, “Send her in.”

  A beautiful woman with an expressionless face slowly entered the room. She found Carbon immediately and took quick steps toward him. She opened her mouth to speak, but Carbon cut her off, “Sit down, Reese. We need to ask you some questions.”

  She paused and quickly glanced around the room. “Okay...”

  Phoenix started before she ever made it to a chair, “How do you know Ember Blackburn?”

  Something passed over Reese’s face, like something just dawned on her. She promptly answered, “I know her from school. We graduated together last week.”

  Phoenix continued, “Did you ask your brother about help for her, not your friend’s mom?”

  Reese held his gaze, “Yes, sir.”

  “Why did you lie to him about that?”

  I noticed a small tremble in Reese’s hand, but there was a fire in her eyes while she maintained eye contact, “I’m sorry, sir, but I won’t answer that question.”

  Carbon slammed his fist onto the table and yelled, “Damn it, Reese! She is in a lot of shit and you will be, too, if you don’t tell us what the fuck is going on right the fuck now! I’m talking shit I can’t get you out of; shit I can’t save you from. Talk!!”

  Reese flinched. A look of fear briefly washed over her face. The next second, as if it never happened, all traces of emotion were wiped away, her eyes suddenly looking vacant. Her voice was almost monotone when she spoke, “I don’t care what shit I’m in, Carbon. I won’t betray her trust. I won’t be the one who causes harm to come to her.”

  Carbon got in her face, continuing to yell at her, “What the fuck do you think is coming to her now? It looks like she’s here to cause problems. She's locked in a cell right now. If you care so much about her, start fucking talking.”

  Reese sat silently and stared at Carbon while he laid into her. Shockingly, it was Duke who rose from his chair and stalked toward them. He grabbed Carbon by the shoulder and yanked him back. “Enough, Carbon!”

  Carbon shrugged his hand off and returned, “This is between me and my sister.”

  The muscle in Duke’s jaw flexed, his tell that he was about to erupt. No one wanted to see our enforcer and our SAA go at it. That would be one hell of a fight to break up. Sensing the mounting tension, Badger quickly stepped between the two raging bulls. “Carbon, out. That’s an order.” Carbon huffed and glared at Badger before he obeyed and reluctantly left the room.

  Duke took the opportunity to squat down in front of a seemingly unflappable Reese. Softly, he said, “We can’t help her if we don’t know what is going on. What can you tell us?”

  Reese remained silent for several beats. Finally, she nodded and strongly stated, “She needed help to get away from where she grew up. She said she needed help getting an ID. I told her to come here. I don’t know much more than that.”

  Duke reached out and squeezed her hand. “Thank you.”

  She looked up at Duke, her usually blank face full of trepidation. “Can I see her? Please.”

  He shook his head. “Not just yet, sweetheart…” He was cut off by the sound of Reese’s chair scraping across the floor as she pushed back from him. It must have startled Duke, because he reached out to grab for her, his hand landing hard on her thigh.

  Carbon suddenly burst through the door, “Get your fucking hands off my sister.”

  Phoenix stood and bellowed, “Everybody out!” He heaved in a breath, “Byte, stay. One of you take her to see the girl, but don’t leave them alone.”

  Phoenix dropped back down into his chair, Byte continued his relentless typing, and the rest of us scurried out of the room.

  Carbon, Duke, and myself took Reese down to see Ember.

  Ember was still curled into a ball on the floor crying. I don’t think she heard us come in. She didn’t move in the slightest when I pushed the door open.

  I stepped forward and unlocked the cell. Reese immediately rushed in, pushing me out of her way as she went. She dropped to the floor and wrapped her arms around Ember. “Oh, honey. What did they do to you?”

  Ember’s head shot up. “Reese? What are you doing here?”

  “Carbon told me to come,” she hedged. “Are you okay? What happened?”

  Ember sniffed and seemed to calm some just from Reese’s presence. “I’m not sure. I was talking to that man named Phoenix and all of a sudden he started yelling and flipped his desk over. He told me to get out, so I did. I ran out the door and he grabbed me.” She pointed an accusatory finger at me. “I managed to get away from him and ran outside. Another man tackled me to the ground.” She looked around the room again and pointed out Duke. “That one, but I got away from him, too. I ran as fast as I could to the gate. When I got there, another one of them put a gun in my face! Then, the three of them locked me in here.” Ember started crying in earnest again.

  “Shhh, it’s okay. It’s going to be okay.” Reese rose to her feet and turned to face the three of us. She was furious. If I was a lesser man, the look she fixed us with would have sent me running. She settled her eyes on Carbon and screamed, “What the fuck, Carbon? You said he helped women! Is this how he helps?!?”

  I had been leaning against the wall, carefully observing the scene before me. I stepped forward before things could escalate between Reese and Carbon. “Hold up a sec. I think we are all missing something here.” I pulled my phone out of my pocket, scrolled to the name I wanted, and brought it to my ear. “Brother, can you come down to the cells?”

  A few moments later, Badger came through the door.

  I spoke to the room, “As I was saying, I think we are all missing something here. I’m hoping Badger can help us put it together since he has known Phoenix longer than any of us. Ember, can you tell us what you and Phoenix were talking about when he flipped his shit?”

  She visibly swallowed, her fear palpable to everyone in the room, “He was asking me why I was here. He wanted to know my name and age. He asked where I grew up, which led to him asking about my parents. He started to get upset when I told him my mother’s first name. He threw the desk when I told him her last name.”

  All eyes went to Badger. “Well,” he drawled, “I might be able to help you if you can tell me how you answered all of those questions.” I got the feeling Badger already knew how she answered those questions. Was he testing her?

  Ember sighed, “My name is Ember and I’m 18. I’m here because I wanted help getting away from the place where I grew up, which is the orphanage across town. My mother died during childbirth and my father was never around. I don’t even know his name. My mother’s name was Annabelle. I never asked her last name, but I assumed it was the same as mine. My full name is Ember Rose Blackburn.”

  Badger’s face paled and he took an unsteady step back, “Oh shit!” Okay, maybe he didn’t know how she answered those questions before. He shook his head in disbelief. “You said you are 18. Uh, when is your birthday?”

  Ember looked just as confused as the rest of us, but readily answered, “It’s actually today.”

  You could see the wheels turning in Badger’s head. He was trying to calculate something, holding out fingers as he silently counted. His eyes widened and he opened his mouth to speak. Before he could utter a word, a frantic Phoenix burst through the door. “Let her out!”

  Ember and Reese looked at each other. Ember seemed to cling even tighter to Reese. They both slowly stood together but neither took a step forward.

  Phoenix was still very tense, but this seemed to be a nervous tension rather than the previous rage that consumed him. What in the hell was going on with everyone around here?

  Phoenix looked directly at Ember. His eyes softened and he lowered his voice, “I’m sorry if I scared you earlier. Please know that no matter how ang
ry I am, I never have and never will lay my hands on a woman in anger.” Ember didn’t say a word, she just watched him curiously. He continued, “I do need to speak with you privately…” Ember was already shaking her head no, but he continued, “I understand if you’re not comfortable being in a room with just me, so how about I let you lock me in that cell and you can stand out here while we talk.” What was he doing? I glanced at Badger who just shrugged.

  Ember hesitantly asked, “Can Reese stay with me?”

  Before he could answer, Reese stated, “Carbon and I will wait right outside the door, Ember. I promise.”

  Ember’s eyes darted between Reese and Phoenix. Her gaze landed on me for a brief moment, surprising the hell out of me, before it settled on Reese. She visibly braced herself and nodded, “Okay.”

  I unlocked the cell. Ember and Reese made their way out keeping as far away from Phoenix as possible.

  Phoenix hung his head. Was that shame? That wasn’t like Prez. He had no problem admitting when he was wrong, but he stood by his actions, never apologizing. He once told me he would always make the best decision he could with what he knew at the time. If he turned out to be wrong, so be it.

  Once the girls were out, Phoenix walked into the cell and sat on the rusty bed. I placed the key in the lock and asked, “You sure about this, Prez?”

  He nodded. His voice was gruff and almost pained when he spoke, “Yeah, I need to talk to her, without an audience. If this will make her feel safe, I have no problem with it.” I don’t think he intended for anyone to hear his next words, but I did. “I deserve it anyway.”



  Everyone left the room. I clung to Reese’s hand until she pulled it from my grasp. “You’ll be just fine. Carbon and I will be right on the other side of this door.” I skeptically looked up at Carbon. “Contrary to his previous actions, my brother will step in and make sure nothing else like this happens to you. Right, brother dearest?”

  “Watch it, Reesie,” he scolded. “But yeah, after all is said and done, if I need to get you out of here, I will.” I’m not sure if I believed him or not, but I had more pressing things to face.


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