To Woo A Warrior (Southern Sanctuary)

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To Woo A Warrior (Southern Sanctuary) Page 14

by Jane Cousins

  Xander flashed that perfect smile of his again. “Okay, so Hadleigh and I should take the front...”

  But Vaughn was already climbing into the back seat hauling Hadleigh in next to him. Leaving Xander and Bella with no other option than to clamber into the front seat. The car started off along the rails with a jerk. Vaughn’s arm wrapping around Hadleigh’s shoulders. “I’ve got you Darling.”

  She was about to protest but the car bashed open two steel doors and they were plunged into the dimly lit haunted house. Bella gave out another squeal, this time of faux terror.

  Vaughn turned his head murmuring only for Hadleigh to hear. “That’s going to get old real fast.”

  Hadleigh couldn’t help but smile reaching up to pat his chest, his warm, hard … muscular chest. Vaughn captured her hand with his free one and kept it plastered where it was, the rapid beat of his heart pulsing beneath her touch. Turning her head she found him looking at her intently, even in the almost pitch black those gold eyes glowed hot.

  Leaning even closer he settled his lips against her ear. “There’s one more first date rule we need to adhere to.”

  Hadleigh couldn’t keep the smile off her own face, barely even aware of a plastic skeleton lurching out of the darkness at her, all her attention on Vaughn. “And what would that be?”

  “Stealing a proper, real … long kiss in a dark secluded place.”

  Their kiss this time fell somewhere between the raw needy passion they’d shared in the canteen and the light, sweet, gentle kisses he’d stolen throughout the evening. It was perfect first date material, light teasing pressure, he nibbled on her bottom lip for a brief moment before dipping his tongue into taste, in a word, heaven. She tasted like sunshine and joy.

  He could have kissed her like this forever. Despite the fact the tiny back seat was a tight fit for two people of their size. He kind of liked the fact that they were squashed together, her shoulder fitting snuggly under his own, the soft slope of her breast pressing like an inferno against his rib cage. He could kiss her for eternity or at least until the ride ended.

  But as always he was thwarted when it came to his wishes and Hadleigh. It was that silly friend of Xander’s who wouldn’t stop squealing in terror ... Belinda? ... Bella? The problem was this time it sounded like real actual terror. They broke apart immediately. Hadleigh already had a sharp dagger poised ready in her hand. In the dim light, with the music playing loud and the electronically recorded cackles and shrieks howling it was hard at first glance to gauge from who and where the threat was coming from. Hadleigh glanced over at Vaughn, her expression tightening, her face deathly pale. “Don’t move.”

  He froze as instructed whilst she leaned over and brushed something out of his hair with the flick of her dagger.


  “Paralyxis spiders, you don’t want them biting you.”

  With a brief check of her arms and front Hadleigh leaned over using the edge of her dagger to sweep off a handful of spiders climbing over Bella. Thankfully they were easy to spot against the blonde’s light coloured hair and pink dress. That’s when the skeleton shot out of the darkness, not a plastic one this time, aiming right at Bella. Who was so past hysteria over the spiders that she could no longer squeal, resorting instead to mewling whimpers.

  The skeleton had an agenda and it wasn’t a nice one if the way its eyes flickered with hellfire was any indication. Battling a creature already dead can be tricky but lucky for everyone involved this was not Hadleigh’s first time up to bat. Blocking the skeleton’s knife with a sword she magic’d into her right hand she swept the dagger she now held in her left hand with all her strength in a big wide sweep, severing the skeleton’s head from its body. The head sailed away into the darkness, the flames in its eyes extinguished.

  The car took a sharp swing to the left sending Hadleigh almost ass over tea kettle, lucky Vaughn had quick reflexes bringing her safely back into the car. Both remained tense and watchful for the remainder of the ride but no new threats emerged as their car banged open the final exit doors and jerked to a halt at the disembarking station.

  Xander was laughing and smiling, oblivious to any real threat whilst Bella scrambled frantically out of the car, jumping up and down on the spot. “Get them off me, get them off me.”

  Hadleigh clambered out quickly trying to halt the rising hysterics. “Don’t…” She’d noted too slow there was one last spider clinging to Bella’s hair.

  There must have been something in her tone that spooked the blonde for she instantly whipped around, frantic. “What…”

  The spider took flight, sailing in an almost perfect arc to land on Hadleigh’s bare collarbone, where it promptly sunk it’s fangs in pumping her full of poison. Goddess she loathed spiders.

  Vaughn shouted Hadleigh’s name, by her side in a flash as her legs immediately buckled beneath her and she clung to his arm for support.

  “Damn.” She breathed, staring up at Vaughn dazed. “And I really wanted to see the fireworks.”

  * * *

  “Jeez I’m graceful.” Hadleigh stared up at Vaughn with slightly out of focus eyes.

  “I’m carrying you Sweetheart.” He sent out a silent thanks to Maat who had answered his desperate prayer by delivering them back to the tower, to his bedroom no less. He’d never cared about his own welfare before but he was grateful that Maat realised he wasn’t fucking around when it came to Hadleigh. It would be too much to ask for his Goddess to turn up in person and provide some healing so that only left him with one option.

  “Jeez you’re strong.” Hadleigh continued to stare up at him, her eyelashes fluttering rapidly now.

  “Something wrong with your eyes?” Could the spider venom be affecting more than just her co-ordination?

  “Goddess, I’m batting my eyelashes at you.” Hadleigh attempted to roll her eyes and only succeeded in closing them.

  “Damn.” Vaughn laid her down gently on the bed, anxiety eating away at his gut, she’d passed out. Leaning over her he lightly slapped her cheek. “Hadleigh, Hadleigh you need to wake up.”

  Her eyelids fluttered, then opened, a soft sexy smile curving her lips. “Hi.”

  Vaughn blew out a relieved breath. “Hi back. Hadleigh can you tell me how to get your cousin here?”

  “Which one?” She frowned slightly.

  “Nell, the doctor.”

  “You need a doctor?” She struggled to sit up but failed as he pushed her gently back onto the pillow.

  “You’re the one who needs a doctor. You were bitten. Remember the haunted house, the attack of the orange spotted spiders?”

  “Paralyxis spiders, nasty little buggers. I got bitten you know?” She smiled dreamily.

  “Yes I know. Now about your cousin? The doctor?”

  “Don’t need her unless I was bitten more than once. Was I bitten more than once?”

  Vaughn glared at the small red bite on the side of her throat. “I don’t know I can only see the one.”

  “Okay.” Hadleigh grabbed the bottom of her tank top pulling it off, leaving only her yellow satin bra behind. “You need to check me for bites.”

  “Ummm, okay.” Vaughn swallowed hard. Thankfully his anxiety won out over the wave of lust that coursed through his body as he as clinically as possible studied the smooth unblemished skin of Hadleigh’s stomach, cleavage and throat. Pulling her into an upright sitting position so he could check her back. “All…” he swallowed hard again. “All clear. It looks just like the one. So you won’t need a doctor?”

  “Not for just one bite.” She collapsed back on the bed, unmindful of the gorgeous lush picture she created. Her hair a messy red halo against the pillows, her creamy skin highlighted by the yellow of her bra and those tight jeans of hers hugging illegally long legs.

  “But you collapsed.”

  “My legs gave out, that’s one of the symptoms.” She squirmed on the bed, eyeing him with a knowing smile and a rather wanton look in her eyes.

Aaahh.” He took a quick step back as one of her hands snaked out to grab him somewhere completely inappropriate for a first date. He daren’t get too close until he understood exactly what he was dealing with. “Just what are the other symptoms?”

  Hadleigh smiled and then giggled. Damn he loved that sound.

  “It’s sort of like being drunk. General lack of co-ordination, lowering of inhibitions and everything’s slightly blurry, except for you.” She gave him a coy smile. “You’re gorgeous.”

  Vaughn huffed an exasperated sigh. The girl of his dreams was lying half naked in his bed, looking delicious as hell and coming on to him and what could he do about it? Not a damn thing. She’d hate him in the morning if he took advantage of her. Sighing again, he moved to the end of the bed to pull off her still slightly damp sneakers. She’d have to sleep in her jeans no way was he touching those.

  “I want you to stay here tonight where I can keep an eye on you. I’ll sleep in the spare room, okay?”

  Hadleigh came up on her elbows, swaying ever so slightly, dropping her bottom lip. “I’ll be lonely.”

  “Hadleigh.” He warned, not daring to get any closer than the end of the bed.

  “What? First dates don’t end like this I’m sure. As I recall it’s traditional to end them with a goodnight kiss.”

  Maat help him she was irresistible. He moved to sit next to her, promising himself that he would only kiss her, nothing more. Of course his plan was sensible but the execution didn’t factor in Hadleigh. She arched into him and rubbed those full satin clad breasts against him. And her hands, one was under his t-shirt and the other was toying with the top button of his jeans. It was the hardest thing he’d ever had to do, stop kissing her and grab those wandering hands of hers.

  “We have to stop.” He commanded both loving and hating the way she snuggled in closer moulding her body to his.

  “No we don’t.” She leaned up to kiss him.

  “Na-huh. First date rules, remember. One goodnight kiss and then you go to sleep.”

  “Not all dates end that way.” She admonished, grey eyes looking up at him with heat and promise.

  Vaughn groaned. She was killing him. “Only skeezy dates end the other way Sweetheart.”

  “Well let’s have one of those dates.” She deliberately arched her shoulders presenting those delicious mouth-watering breasts for his personal viewing.

  “Na … No.” He shook his head trying to regain his self-control. “You don’t go from being a non-date kind of girl to a skeezy date kind of girl in less than three hours.”

  “Sure you do, they’re called one night stands.”

  “Well then I’m not that kind of guy.” He released her abruptly. Grabbing the bedspread and yanking it over her fast, effectively trapping her wandering hands.

  “Hey.” She protested weakly.

  “Don’t hey me you hussy. You would kill me tomorrow if I took advantage of you tonight.” Suddenly he paused, leaned back over her, making sure he kept the covers tightly in place on either side of her shoulders. This close he stared into her grey eyes, noting she was still having trouble bringing him into focus. “Whatever you do Hadleigh, don’t hate me in the morning for this. Don’t punish me for being the good guy when you wake up tomorrow and remember this conversation.” He leaned over and gave her a light quick kiss, sweet and gentle; reminiscent of the kisses he’d given her earlier in the night. “Please.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Hadleigh stood in front of Vaughn’s open closet considering her clothing choices. It’s not like she had any of her own. She remembered waking uncomfortable during the night, stripping off her jeans and flinging them to the floor. This morning they’d been nowhere to be found. And she wasn’t even going to wonder about the whereabouts of her tank top. She vividly recalled in technicolour embarrassment stripping it off for Vaughn the previous evening, sending it flying across the room like a cheap hooker.

  Forcing her mind away from the series of humiliating flashbacks assailing her she grabbed a slate grey t-shirt and some striped blue shorts. It wasn’t until she had them on that she realised the shorts were actually Vaughn’s boxer shorts. She turned to find something else then stopped herself. She was running against a clock here, the sun had just come up and she needed to exit A.SAP. No way did she want to chance running into Vaughn this morning before she was good and ready. Time was of the essence here, she hadn’t even stopped to brush her hair when she used the facilities a short while ago. Pausing in there only long enough to allow herself the luxury of gargling some mouthwash for a few seconds.

  Goddess she prayed she wouldn’t bump into any one she knew in the mad dash to reach the safety of her apartment, she didn’t need to compound her embarrassment. Hadn’t she made enough of a fool of herself last night practically dry humping poor Vaughn?

  Telling herself she wasn’t creeping, only trying to be polite and not wake Vaughn, she eased open the bedroom door a crack, holding her breath, listening for any sound. Nothing, okay, this just might work. She eased the door carefully all the way praying it wouldn’t creak. Now she just had to make it across the living room without tripping over anything, luckily there was plenty of light. Wait! There was plenty of light!

  Her head shot up, her eyes zeroing in on Vaughn, who sat on the far sofa facing her, his hair wet and slicked back, dressed in long cargo pants and a slightly darker olive green top. He was sipping coffee, a tray of fresh fruit and pastries set out on the coffee table in front of him.

  “Morning.” The edges of his mouth twitched as if he were fighting not to smile.

  “Hey.” Goddess her voice sounded like ten miles of bad road. She cleared her throat and tried again. “Sorry, I was trying not to wake you.”

  “Sure.” He said the word with deliberation obviously knowing full well she’d been intent upon making her escape. “How are you feeling this morning? Any better?”

  “Good, um, yeah, good.” She paused wondering if she couldn’t still make a run for it. “The bite’s a bit scabby but that’s a good thing.”

  She took a step towards the door.

  “Sit.” A definite command in his tone though the smile still hinted. “We need to talk.”

  “I should head back to my apartment, get cleaned up, dressed. Maybe we could talk later?”

  “Sit.” He said it again with a slightly harder inflection. “I have coffee if you want it, juice?”

  Biting back a sigh she walked over, picked up a glass of waiting juice and took the seat directly across from him.

  “You hungry?” He nodded towards the tray of waiting food.

  Hadleigh took a sip of cool apple juice, swallowing hard to get it down. “Not just yet.” Damn she supposed she should just bite the bullet and get this over with. “I suppose an apology is called for here…” She hesitated. “Regarding what happened last night.”

  Vaughn tilted his head to the side, looking at her intently. “I’m not sure how much you remember about last night.”

  “Ev…” Hadleigh cleared her throat again, took another sip of juice. “Everything.”

  “Well then you know I have nothing to apologise for. I acted like a perfect gentleman … well okay maybe not perfect but under the trying circumstances I thought I handled the … situation.”

  Hadleigh found it hard to meet his gaze, unable to stop the small wince that ran through her at his choice of words - ‘trying circumstances.’ Wow that kind of hurt.

  “I meant that I owed you an apology actually.” She found her gaze wandering to the window, anywhere was better than looking at Vaughn. The early morning sky was a blaze of reds and purples.

  “You do?”

  Vaughn sounded so surprised she found herself looking at him despite herself.

  “The bite, the venom, the side effects made me say ... do things I wouldn’t normally. I know I put you in a very embarrassing position last night, having to…” Goddess help her. “Fend off my advances. And I want you to know how sorry I am.”r />
  Vaughn put his coffee down and leaned back looking way too relaxed. “You didn’t mean it when you said I was strong?”

  “What? … Well yes you are strong. You didn’t seem to have any problems carrying me.”

  “What about when you said I was gorgeous? You going to hurt my feelings by telling me you didn’t mean that either?”

  “No ... I mean yes.” She gulped down some more apple juice. “Look, I’m just trying to say I’m sorry for trying to…” She could not finish that sentence.

  “Tempt me? Ravish me? Have your wicked way with me?”

  Inwardly Hadleigh cringed but she managed to coolly place her empty glass on the coffee table. “Yes.” She looked at him with a forced bland expression. “So do you accept my apology?”

  Again Vaughn tilted his head, studying her intently as if he were trying to work something out. Finally he released a deep breath, got to his feet, moving to loom over her. Leaning over he placed his hands on the sides of her armchair, effectively trapping her. His face only inches from hers. She thanked the Goddess she’d made the time for mouthwash this morning.

  “Darling, last night…” His warm breath caressed her cheek. “Last night was the best night of my life, bar none.”

  Hadleigh jerked back. Of anything he could have said she hadn’t been expecting that. “You’re insane.” She breathed deeply, shaking her head. She would never, absolutely never understand how the male mind worked.

  “If this is insanity don’t try to fix me.” He grinned.

  Hadleigh reached up trying to push him away. “How can you possibly say it was a good night? We were attacked by a demonically possessed skeleton, swarmed by paralyxis spiders, almost had our ear drums blown out by Bella’s shrieking and Xander witnessed another paranormal event?”

  Vaughn easily withstood her attempt to push him away. Instead shifting his weight to one hand and using the other to reach out, pulling the neck of her t-shirt aside to study the spider bite. Having confirmed with his own eyes the state of the spider bite Vaughn happily returned to his seat on the sofa. “Xander’s oblivious. We never have to see Bella again. We survived the spider and demon attack and best of all we had our first real date. Which means we can now start planning date number two.”


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