Christmas Proposal

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Christmas Proposal Page 5

by Loraine Mer

  "Yes, I won't allow the kids to sleep in a room which has less than the best conditions longer than is necessary. Besides, a lot of shops would be having special offers at this time of year. There are plenty of special offers to enjoy and you can help me to pick out the furniture.” He stopped at a sudden thought. “Clare, would you like to go to Melanie's house for a sleepover tonight? I think you'll enjoy it there. I know she has some dolls she could lend you to play with, if you promise not to break them."

  Melanie immediately turned to the little girl. “It'll be a pleasure for me to have such a beautiful young woman accompany me home. Will you do me the honor, Clare?"

  Josephine liked the way Melanie treated Clare like a grown-up, able to make her own decisions.

  Clare nodded silently, her big eyes on Melanie as she ate a bite of pie that was too big for her mouth.

  "Would you like a pajama party?” Melanie continued. “That way, you don't need to go to bed early and you can wake up at any time you want. What do you think?"

  Clare's eyes widened at the idea. Josephine could see her strict admonitions about bedtimes whirling in Clare's mind. To the little girl's credit, she restrained herself and swallowed her food before asking, “Can I, Jossie?"

  Josephine smilingly agreed.

  Clare hurried out of her seat and ran upstairs, returning a few minutes later with a bag and a ragged doll.

  Everyone laughed at her flushed face and heavy breathing. “We can go when you say,” she said, taking her place at the table once more and stuffing the rest of her pie in her mouth.

  Chapter Six

  After dinner, Frank left for home with his family. Armand decided to help with the dishes in order to spend more time with Josephine. Oscar's loud cry came from the living room, causing Josephine to hurry out of the kitchen. He rinsed his hands and wiped them on a towel. When he reached the living room, he saw her with the baby in her arms, feeding him from a bottle. The softening of her features gave her a lighter, less stressed image. Though she reflected a frail spirit, he was sure she was anything but.

  Her eyes locked with his, and he felt his throat tighten and close with the intensity of her gaze. “You will really keep them?” she asked with such seriousness that he felt a warmth invade him.

  She really cares for my children, he marveled, surprising himself with the thought of Oscar as his. He sprawled on the sofa. “Yes, I plan on doing so. I don't think it'll be difficult. I have power enough to do so. I don't usually abuse my authority, but this time, if need be, I will.” He swallowed the desire to tell her he was Clare's father and Oscar's uncle. His eyes focused on her long, thin fingers holding the bottle as she fed the baby. He remembered the numerous bags she had with her in the taxi earlier. “How were you able to find so many things today? I would've thought the supermarket would be cleaned out by this time as people prepare for Thanksgiving."

  "There's a big supermarket that's open for twenty-four hours and sells almost everything. It's not inside the city, but it provides for all the basic necessities. I don't think you'd like your bed damp during midnight for lack of diapers.” She laughed at what he assumed to be an expression of shock on his face. This was one aspect of parenting he'd never thought of before.

  Her melodious laughter reached his ears and sent a shiver through his spine. He could barely believe the mix of emotions inside him—love, desire and confusion. He'd fallen in love with Rebecca, but never like, as he suspected, the way he was falling for Josephine.

  His gaze followed her as she went up the stairs, until he couldn't see her anymore. He rose from the sofa and went to do the last of the chores. The maid he'd hired as a part-time cleaner would've been helping out at the dinner tonight, but she'd gone to visit her family in Mexico for a week.

  As he was doing the chores, his mind flashed back to their lovemaking session last night. His cock took life of its own, hardening inside his jeans. The lavender aroma of the dishwashing soap tantalized his nostrils as he made plans for the night.

  * * * *

  Josephine left Oscar sleeping inside his playpen, which Armand had brought up earlier, in the small bedroom. One more thing on the shopping list—a cradle for little Oscar.

  Her back ached from the cooking, she was thankful she didn't need to wash the dishes, as Armand was taking care of them. She wondered how Margaret was able to prepare for the children's three meals everyday in the orphanage. The woman was a veritable goddess! In sudden appreciation, Josephine decided she'd buy the Edgar Allan Poe complete works that Margaret had wanted for years.

  She wondered how she could approach Armand and asked for updates on the Children's Heaven's building. She loved the place and would gladly do anything to help him save it. Maybe she could collect some signatures from neighbors who'd care what happened to homeless children. Her mind wandered further and she didn't notice the soft illumination of the room as she entered, nor the sweet odor lingering in the air. She moved to the bathroom and, with a start, noted the candles lighting the small bathroom and the lavender fragrance. The door closed behind her. She turned and saw Armand completely naked, smiling at her. “The baby's room is directly behind this wall. In case he cries, we'll hear him."

  Taking that as an invitation, she moved toward him and smiled, her eyes half-closed. She had every intention of seducing him. “Tea candles, lavender and you completely naked ... Sounds good."

  Her hands roamed his bare chest, feeling the smooth and warm skin against her palms. She licked her lips in expectation of the salty taste in her mouth and kissed him instead. Her mouth explored him gently, nibbling his upper lip while her hand moved upward, from his chest to the nape of his head. She ran her fingers through his hair as his arms circled her waist possessively. Her tongue slipped inside his mouth, tasting his moist cavern. She matched the movement of her tongue with the rhythm of her caress, wringing a pleasured moan from his throat.

  His hands cupped her buttocks, even as her mouth trailed from his chin to his neck and from there to his ear. A shiver ran through his body and he pulled her close toward him. His erection pressed against her belly, but she ignored it, preferring to heighten the anticipation as she enjoyed the salty taste of his skin. The musky scent of his cologne teased her senses, and her nipples tightened in response. She sighed with pleasure as they brush against his chest.

  Holding her shirt by its hem, he removed it inch by inch in an upward direction. He took in her firm and pert breasts, cupped and pushed upward by the black silk bra. Her heart beat in anticipation as she saw the lust that flared in his eyes. He curved one of her breasts with his hand, all the while nibbling at her neck. He directed her to turn around, his lips never leaving her body.

  Once her back was to him, his hand moved to rub and play with her silk-covered nipples as he removed the straps off her shoulders with his mouth. His hands pushed the small scrap of cloth away, and she hissed when his hands covered her bare breasts, his heat searing her skin. Her nipples peaked and pushed against his hands, aching, yearning.

  Shivers invaded her body and she panted for air with the sensual pleasure his kiss produced in her. His hands moved to the buttons of her jeans and snapped them open with skillful fingers. His mouth moved in its downward trail, caressing her smooth back and not stopping until it reached her buttocks, still covered with the silk lace panty.

  His hand caressed her inner leg, sending quivers of longing through her, before moving on to the border of the panty, leaving her wondering when he'd take the plunge. His hands withdrew suddenly, leaving a coldness where previously was such heat that she thought she would combust. Every muscle in her body cried for release, but he kept her waiting ... waiting for his next move. She thought to seduce him and ... and ... her mind still cloudy, she couldn't decide the best way to go about it.

  He removed the rest of her clothing and pressed her back against the closed door. She hissed at the contact of her heated body against the cold wood. He looked intently into her eyes, and she shivered at the lust
and passion in the depths of his. His head lowered and her eyes fluttered close, reaching ... reaching ... and sighing when his lips closed over hers.

  Pressing himself against her, he kissed her passionately, one hand sliding down her arm to reach between them, his fingers insinuating between her folds to test the dampness in her crotch. He passed his palms against her pussy and caressed it, teasing her with his fingers. She cried out, hungering. Her hips circled slowly in a silent plea for more. He inserted a finger inside her, and she tightened around his digit, crying out in pleasure. She arched her back, offering her breasts for him to feed upon them.

  He didn't resist the invitation. His head descended and his mouth took in one of her nipples as his finger thrust in and out of her. He matched the rhythm of his sucking to his plunging finger. A few minutes later, he turned his attention to the other nipple and inserted another finger inside her.

  She welcomed his invading digits. Her hips moved, imploring for more. Her nails dug into his back, biting deep with each thrust of his expert fingers. Her womanly scent filled the air, and it was as if something snapped in him.

  His mouth took her lips in a sealing and demanding kiss. Positioning his hard cock near her passage, he removed his fingers and his cock drove fast and he was embedded to the hilt inside her. She gasped, enjoying the sensation of him filling her up. He stilled and groaned, perhaps needing a little bit of time to get used to her tight sheath. After awhile, he started moving in short and hard thrusts inside her. She panted for air and tried to match his rhythm, the tightening coil wounding in a higher and higher spiral inside of her until she broke and spasmed. At her scream, he drove into her with renewed strength. With one long thrust, he came inside her, filling her with his essence. His lips swooped down to capture her lips once more. His hands tightened around her, not letting her go even when his cock had softened and slipped out of her.

  * * * *

  They bathed each other and went to bed sated. Sometime later, the phone rang. Armand hurried to answer it so Josephine had no need to wake. The operator informed him that the security alarm at the house was activated, and that maybe a burglar was in his house. She had also dispatched a police car to his house.

  He hurried toward Oscar's room, snagging his bathrobe up from a nearby chair. Fear was causing his blood to turn to ice. He reached the hall and was throwing the bathrobe on when something hit him hard on the elbow. It clattered to the floor. He bit his bottom lip so as not to cry out in pain, threw his arm backward and grabbed his assailant. A shot of pain went up his arm when the man tried to twist away. Still, Armand held the bulky figure as firmly as he could. He raised his hand and was about to punch the man when the assailant cried, “No, please. Don't! I was only paid to take the baby."

  "Why?” Armand's harsh voice resounded in the hall.

  Footsteps sounded behind him.

  Not letting go of the man, he turned around and saw a sleepy Josephine appearing in the doorway, completely naked.

  The man gulped loudly and let out a profanity referring to Josephine's beauty. With sleep still obviously blurring her senses, she didn't notice anything as she walked past them. Armand was disconcerted for a moment at the flash of possession that went through him, then he grasped her by the arm, causing him to release the man. He removed his robe and covered her with it. “Are you nuts, girl?"

  Josephine blinked, obviously trying to understand what was going on.

  Leaving her in the hallway, he sped after the man who'd run down the stairs. He caught up with the burglar in the living room and threw himself at him. After a few exchanges of punches, Armand heard the sirens of the police car coming their way. He stopped, not wanting the man unconscious so he could hear what he had to say about trespassing on his property. With so many things to rob downstairs, why did he go upstairs in the direction of the baby's room? What had he burst out awhile ago? That he'd been ordered to come take the baby?

  Armand felt Josephine's presence a few feet away and turned. She held up a pair of boxers for him to put on. He checked the burglar, who seemed in no way to get up, as his eyes were closed and he was groaning and moaning, hands clutched to his groin.

  "Thought you might be cold. Also, I don't think you'd want the police to see your naked form,” she joked feebly. “I'll go to Oscar now.” She left.

  At the knock on the door, Armand hurried to disconnect the alarm and let the police in. The man on the floor opened his eyes in horror at seeing them. They took him by the arm and removed him from the house. After investigating how the man broke in and inquiring if there was something missing from the house, they went into the dining room with him where Josephine was preparing coffee while holding Oscar with one hand, the baby balanced on her hip.

  "Do you have any enemies, Mr. Schmitt?” asked Officer Laredo.

  Her thick brows did nothing to soften her hard stare. Her voice was rough and so masculine that Armand wondered if the officer was a man instead. Glancing at her huge breasts, he discarded the idea.

  "Only a week ago, hell, only two days ago, I would be saying no, but now I know I do have.” He massaged his scalp. His mind kept conjuring the image of his brother at yesterday's meeting. The words came back to him with the same clarity as the previous day. He had traitors in his company.

  "Any idea of who it could be?"

  "I ... I don't want to say who I suspect. At the present, it's every damn employee in the whole company. I just learned that some have been conducting business dealings in the company's name without my knowledge.” He stopped, not wanting to throw suspicion on his brother. He didn't want his brother involved in this until Armand learned how right or wrong he was. But no matter what, he would to protect his brother, for he was family.

  To his surprise, Josephine spoke up. “I don't think he knows the extent of the actions done by some of his employees and partners in business. I heard a lot of gossip when I was, uh, cleaning in the building. I think the person who's spreading those gossips may be the one responsible for what's happening here tonight.” She noticed his incredulous stare, and she ignored it. Before he could ask her to explain, the phone rang.

  He shifted in his chair, intending to get up.

  Laredo held up a restraining hand. “Don't answer yet.” She moved toward the phone on the small table beside the sofa and placed a small device in the cable. After a moment, she straightened and gestured to Armand. “Now."

  He went to her and picked up the phone. “Hello."

  "You should check on your son. He may not be in his cradle.” A masked voice sounded through the speaker.

  Glancing over at Josephine, who was listening intently to the conversation, he reassured himself with the sight of his son in her arms. “Who is this? What are you talking about?"

  "And your daughter will run the same luck if you keep interfering in the business of Children's Heaven,” the evil voice continued. “Keep out of that and your newfound happiness will pay out.” The telephone went dead.

  Worried, he started dialing to check on Clare.

  "Who are you calling?” Laredo asked.

  "My daughter,” he answered shortly. He daren't look at Josephine, he didn't know what she'd see in his eyes. At the moment, fury threatened to burst out from him, fury that she could be the one—while she was living here, under his roof, with his babies—

  The dial tone blared in his ears. He looked up to see that Josephine had pressed on the hang-up button. “Let her sleep. She doesn't need to worry.” She bounced the baby in her arms, her forehead crunched into frown lines.

  "How can you be so calm? I've just received a threatening note concerning my children!” He flared up at her. “Or are you the one behind all this? Are you? I want you out of this house at this moment.” Her face flamed and her eyes shone with unshed tears.

  She didn't say anything in her defense. With a wooden face, she handed him the baby and moved toward the exit, leaving everything and everyone with nary a word. She kept her feet moving one in front
of the other with dignity. The cold night air attacked her skin, and goosebumps burst out all over her body. She started shivering. Before she reached the main gates of the residential complex, a police car stopped beside her. She accepted the ride to her home, the Children's Heaven.

  She understood what Armand was feeling. He was the children's real father. How that came to be, or how the children found their way to her, she didn't know. What hurt was his accusation, that she would harm them in order to reach her ultimate goal. Maybe he thought it was a ruse she'd set up from the beginning in order to gain his sympathy. She'd be damned if she'd continue staying there after his outburst. As to the Children's Heaven, she'd find a way to give her orphaned kids a home on Christmas, Armand Schmitt be damned.

  Chapter Seven

  Armand felt his heart constrict at Josephine's reaction. Doubts and reproach assaulted his mind. The sounds of the activities around him were muffled while his mind tried to analyze the whole situation. He felt he missed something important at some point.

  Officer Laredo approached him. “We found a gun on the floor along the hall. It's a toy one but constructed to be like the real ones in material and weight. Is this what hit you?” Extending her arm, she showed him a replica of his father's gun. He had one like it in a safe in his study, and his brother had another one at home, or was supposed to.

  "I don't know, but I have one like that in my study. I'll check it out.” He led the way to his study where he found his replica in the safe. A stone like lead sank in his stomach. Either his brother was involved in this, or someone wanted to incriminate Frank. Armand still couldn't believe that Frank had anything to do with this situation. “I need to check on my daughter.” He took out his cell phone and dialed Frank's number.

  After talking with Melanie and Clare, he relaxed and started thinking. He went over in his mind the faces of the people present at the meeting the previous morning. Still, none of them seemed to have the capability to be the mastermind. He was sure there was one more person behind everything. He told the police all he knew but left out the personal problems with his brother and his dealings with Josephine.


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